Larry Elder: Major Announcement
KABC talkradio host Larry Elder teases a major announcement at 5:00 p.m. this evening. Is he leaving the station after years on the air? I sure hope not. Larry is a breath of fresh air and an informative/entertaining host in a sea of syndicated crap. With Larry off the air in drive time it leaves us only the Heckle and Jeckle of LA radio, John and Ken, as the only live and local programming. Stay tuned.
Yup: he's leaving- check out his website
Yup: he's leaving- check out his website
Labels: kabc, larry elder
Very sad news. Larry is great. Should be troubling to liberals that there will be no Black talkradio hosts in Los Angeles.
That's weird, I'm not upset at all.
Larry is the best. I hope he gets picked up soon by another station.
There is no one quite as smart, informed, and correct.
Joe - that's one less local voice and he's going to be replaced by a network show, Mark Levin who is a far more conservative (Larry is really a libertarian) from New York.
That's one less person on air taking Villaraigosa or the Clowncil to task. All they're going to do is talk All Obama, All The Time.
That won't help get the word out about how shady LA is.
Oh! Good point. I recant. This is terrible, but maybe you should have left the liberal, black radio host comment out.
I will bet a dollars worth of donuts that the "Marx Brothers" - often lefty and moody psycho McIytred and swisher/official KABC Hypochondriac Rantel - went crying like babies to management to get Larry fired after he rightfully berated them for changing dresses in mid dance voting for Obummer after claiming to be Conservatives all year long! These two are phonies.
Obviously the connection and timing is too apparent, especially since Larry repeatedly stated his leaving was a joint decision of KABC's Mgmt and himself.
Everyone should boycott moody bipolar McIntyred and snake oil peddler Rantel.
BREAKING NEWS!! Red spot is taking his place.
Maybe. But liberals who call for diversity might not care because he's conservative (not really he's libertarian). It doesn't bode well for LA!
Good riddance. I stopped listening to Elder after he supported Bush's flawed illegal alien amnesty scheme. And truth be told, J & K do a better job covering LA issues, and for national news -- Roger Hedgecock is much better. Even the name-dropping blowhard Hugh Hewitt has a much more interesting show than elder.
Doesn't matter to me. I listen to NPR because I want to know what's going on. Warren Olney runs circles around all those ratings clowns.
"I will bet a dollars worth of donuts . . ."
At some point, "MacCash" you may just have to come to grips with the fact that the 20th century ended almost a decade ago.
The last time I checked, most individual donuts cost at least a buck, and if you go to "trendy" cruller stomps, like Stans in Westwood, you couldn't buy a donut HOLE for $1.
Not yet! If you go to Bob Hertzberg's favorite donut shop on Hazeltine and Burbank Blvd. in Sherman Oaks I think the donuts are still around 75 cents.
Michael Higby should take over Larry's spot!
Hertzberg likes it becuase he can bulk up a little. He's been losing a lot of height and needs to compensate for his loss by widening himslef.
HUggy eats donuts while Antonio waltzes in for a second term.
There is justice, isn't there?
I think the big thing here is - Hertzberg eats donuts while Villaraigosa waltzes.
Donuts = fat. Waltzing = exercise.
Isn't the phrase, "I bet you dollars to donuts"?
I don't know what it means but I've heard it throughout my life.
Stand by for afternoon drive time with Curtis Sliwa
Origin of "dollars to doughnuts":
Dollars to doughnuts means 'most certain' or 'most assuredly'. It comes from the idea of betting. Betting a dollar to a half-dollar, for instance, means that you're giving 2 to 1 odds--you're willing to risk a dollar to win only a half-dollar. Being willing to bet dollars against doughnuts (viewed as worthless) means that you're totally confident that you're right, so confident that you'll bet money against nothing.
The expression is also found in a number of variants, including dollars to buttons, dollars to dumplings, and dollars to cobwebs, each of these objects being considered worthless.
Dollars to doughnuts as an adjectival or adverbial phrase is first found in the late nineteenth century in America. The first explicit reference to betting is not found until the 1920s, in a story by "Ellery Queen"--"I'll bet dollars to doughnuts Field played the stock market or the horses"--but betting is unquestionably the origin of the expression.
I did not agree with Larry much in the beginning but he made me think.
As a black man, I appreciate his point of view and have come to agree over the years. Larry stood for what he believed, even though it was not always popular. I hope he comes back on the air. We need to show that not everyone has the same views.
Maybe this blog can help get him on KRLA.
Michael Higby,
Please help him get hired on KRLA. What can we do to get this talented host back on the air?
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