Jamiel's Law Petitions Stored in Warehouse!
We're mad about this and we're going to keep fighting!
According to Jenny at the City Elections Office, there were only 480 Petition Packets turned in and they didn't even count them. "Even if all of the Petition Packets were completed, it would not be enough signatures", said Jenny.
First of all, I know we turned in over 760 Petition Packets.
Then Jenny tells me that there were only 18,559 Signatures. Well, if you didn't count the signatures and you only counted the Petition Packets, where did this number come from?
We turned the signatures in on December 5, 2008. We were told that the Election Office would be working on them during the weekend and we should know the outcome in about two days. Six days later, December 11, 2008, we are told that only 480 Petitions Packets were turned in? How long did it take to count the petition packets? The Elections Office told the Media before us, so we know this is very political.
Furthermore, when I told Jenny that this is absolutely impossible, she told me,
"You can come and pick-up the Petitions and continue getting signatures for the next City Election". Which according to her is not until 2011. We are not waiting that long. The LA County Election is November, 2009.
Jenny also told me to come to the place where we turned the Petitions in at the Elections Office on the 3rd floor and they will be ready for us to pick-up at the front counter. Myself and a volunteer went to pick them up, but they weren't there.
The volunteer was told they were in the basement and we need to wait 20 minutes, call the number they gave us and then we can go to the basement and pick them up. After waiting 30 minutes, I called the number given and I was told the Petitions are in the basement warehouse and we should drive to the side entrance. We drove to the side entrance and the Petitions were not there. After waiting 45 minutes, they finally gave the Petitions to us.
We turned in five boxes of Petitions. Three boxes were full and two boxes were almost full. We get back five boxes and not one box is full! I don't believe the warehouse was even secure.
Needless to say we have questions, but one thing I know is, "This is NOT over"! We are not about to stop. We're going to be more organized as we go forward. We're going to make copies of everything and video everything. Hopefully we will have someone that is not connected to the City of Los Angeles overseeing the counting.
I also don't understand why a major supporter of Jamiel's Law would send out an email blast of defeat before speaking to us. We need to be fighting together! Don't just assume the City is right, especially when they store the petitions in some warehouse. Even the Media called us and asked us our side before they ran with the story. The City knows that Jamiel's Law is very controversial. Why would they not secure the petitions and or seal them while they are stored in the basement warehouse.
We will gather signatures to get Jamiel's Law on the November, 2009, LA County Election.
This is NOT over!!
According to Jenny at the City Elections Office, there were only 480 Petition Packets turned in and they didn't even count them. "Even if all of the Petition Packets were completed, it would not be enough signatures", said Jenny.
First of all, I know we turned in over 760 Petition Packets.
Then Jenny tells me that there were only 18,559 Signatures. Well, if you didn't count the signatures and you only counted the Petition Packets, where did this number come from?
We turned the signatures in on December 5, 2008. We were told that the Election Office would be working on them during the weekend and we should know the outcome in about two days. Six days later, December 11, 2008, we are told that only 480 Petitions Packets were turned in? How long did it take to count the petition packets? The Elections Office told the Media before us, so we know this is very political.
Furthermore, when I told Jenny that this is absolutely impossible, she told me,
"You can come and pick-up the Petitions and continue getting signatures for the next City Election". Which according to her is not until 2011. We are not waiting that long. The LA County Election is November, 2009.
Jenny also told me to come to the place where we turned the Petitions in at the Elections Office on the 3rd floor and they will be ready for us to pick-up at the front counter. Myself and a volunteer went to pick them up, but they weren't there.
The volunteer was told they were in the basement and we need to wait 20 minutes, call the number they gave us and then we can go to the basement and pick them up. After waiting 30 minutes, I called the number given and I was told the Petitions are in the basement warehouse and we should drive to the side entrance. We drove to the side entrance and the Petitions were not there. After waiting 45 minutes, they finally gave the Petitions to us.
We turned in five boxes of Petitions. Three boxes were full and two boxes were almost full. We get back five boxes and not one box is full! I don't believe the warehouse was even secure.
Needless to say we have questions, but one thing I know is, "This is NOT over"! We are not about to stop. We're going to be more organized as we go forward. We're going to make copies of everything and video everything. Hopefully we will have someone that is not connected to the City of Los Angeles overseeing the counting.
I also don't understand why a major supporter of Jamiel's Law would send out an email blast of defeat before speaking to us. We need to be fighting together! Don't just assume the City is right, especially when they store the petitions in some warehouse. Even the Media called us and asked us our side before they ran with the story. The City knows that Jamiel's Law is very controversial. Why would they not secure the petitions and or seal them while they are stored in the basement warehouse.
We will gather signatures to get Jamiel's Law on the November, 2009, LA County Election.
This is NOT over!!
Althea, let us know how many petitions you did get back after you count them....
Did you photograph or scan any of the petitions as proof?
For all we know Don Quixote could have gotten to those petitions and destroyed them.
Every time I've turned in petitions, the City Clerk's staff counts th number of petition sheets while I'm standing there. This didn't happen?
Walter Moore Fails to Deliver on Jamiel's Law
Walter Moore was quick to wrap himself around the Jamiel Shaw killing, letting everyone know that he "authored" Jamiel's Law in radio commercials touting his campaign for mayor.
But when it came time for the actual grassroots work of making sure the job got done he was suddenly a little too busy.
We should have known that if the administration is not below stealing, petty theft, lying, which are all part and parcel of taking the rights from our citizens. There must have been receipts or photo copies or something? It is hard to beilieve that neither you nor the adminstation do not have the same receipts?
Where is Walter when you need some legal advice? Has he used your name and cause and taken only what he could get in advertising and radio time just for his name recognition and to his benefit?
Why would Walter Moore release something like this?
Was this about Jamiel's Law, or his campaign for mayor?
Very Bad News Re Jamiel's Law: Short On Signatures
By Walter Moore, Candidate for Mayor of Los Angeles, WalterMooreForMayor.com
December 11, 2008
I just received very bad news from the City Clerk's office. Although the Shaw Family estimated they had gathered over 76,000 signatures for Jamiel's Law, the City Clerk's staff count showed just 18,559 signatures.
However, all this means is that Jamiel's Law will not make it onto the May 2009 ballot. With enough signatures, it can still make it onto the next ballot after that.
If you want to help the Shaws get enough signatures to put it on the ballot, you can contribute to their committee so they can hire signature-gatherers and buy advertising to spread the word. Here's the link to the page to do that: Committee to Pass Jamiel's Law.
So let's get up, dust ourselves off, and get back in the battle to save this city.
I know he probably meant well, but it's not to nice the way he says the Shaw Family "estimated" wrong. Why does he have to mention it that way? Then he gives them the big kiss-off by saying help them get paid gatherers for next time, and it's adios amigos.
But, of course he links the whole story to his WalterMooreForMayor.com site where he begs for money for his own campaign. So dust yourself off, and get back in the battle to take back the city.
See WalterMooreForMayor.com for more on that. And don't forget to contribute to his campaign.
Wow. Walter Moore sure gets a lot of the heat here and I don't really think it's deserved. I don't agree with all that he says, but don't see that the present condition are due to his actions.
I saw his part here as coordinating a lot of information for others to join in the petition effort and making understood just what needed to be done, from assembling the petition package to getting them back by the extended deadline.
I am a Zuma Dogg supporter so this view is not from Moore's own campaign people. I just don't see there is the nexus present where Moore gets the blame and with the attributes of greed or selfishness being his motivation as accused in the posts.
Aside from the basis for criticism among bloggers here, you know that Antonio has to relish moments where any of his challengers faces a tough time. And remember that Tony said on video that he sees no reason to change Special Order 40.
There's your real enemy. He can but won't change Special Order 40. The current drive for signatures should only serve to motivate us to get even more of them for a county measure, which would requirea a higher minimum number on the petitions, but there would be a wider base from which to gather signatures as well as a greater pool from which the signature-gatherers will be able to be found.
We're all frustrated that it didn't make it onto the ballot.
So what do we do now? Far more people support Jamiel's Law than can sign it. If we contribute to the Committee to Pass Jamiel's Law, which the Shaws set up, they can run ads, hire signature-gatherers, and be in a better position to do whatever it takes to get it on the ballot.
Let us not forget, however, three important facts:
1. Villaraigosa could adopt Jamiel's Law with the stroke of a pen. Special Order 40 is a memo, not a law. The Mayor can deny "sanctuary city" protection gang members right now, without delay.
2. The City Council could adopt Jamiel's Law right now, with just eight votes.
3. The City Council could put Jamiel's Law on the May 2009 ballot. That way, even if they don't want Jamiel's Law, they can let the people decide.
Moore didn't really lift a finger to help the Shaws. I went to several of their events and no Walter Moore there.
So when the chips are down for the Shaws and Walter can no longer use them as props for his campaign he throws them under the bus.
Classy Walter. You lost my vote.
Three important facts? You forgot one. Santa Claus is going to deliver presents to all who are nice. I say get started on the county petition drive. The Easter Bunny ain't coming, either.
7:03 have you ever met Walter in person?
He's a pompous ass with the voice of Mr. Rogers.
This is fraud, pure and simple. I was there in the elections office when the petition packets were turned in. If we only had 18,000 signatures, we wouldn't have bothered turning them in.
Welcome to Third World America.
Even though it didn't make it on the ballot, this whole process has been a HUGE awareness raising campaign. It's only been a few months since we first met the Shaws. Look how the issue has become top of mind awareness with the whole city and county. AND, look at all the local and even NATIONAL attention on the issue, now. And even though some people don't trust it...look at how Jackass Weiss and the Public Safety Committee were forced to have a big meeting where they CLAIM they have changed the procedures. When I was helping to get signatures, EVERYONE was aware of Jamiel Shaw, II at some level.
And when they go for the county signatures, they already have much more awareness, support and have the whole process down (not just learning from scratch).
Not to sound cold, but I don't think the media and public would have felt this much compassion for this issue if it weren't for the way the Shaws reach people when they speak.
Seems kinda shady. For all the people who were out at all of those signature gathering events over the months; to only claim 18,000 were turned in? I saw the boxes of petitions at 4:00pm on Friday, less than an hour before they turned them in. It was a lot of boxes for that few signatures. How many boxes are there?
Look how LA Times describes Jamiel's Law. "Measure would allow police to arrest immigrants just for being in the country illegally." "Just for being in the country illegally?" I thought you had to do more than that.
Walter Moore is a fucking idiot. He wants to engorge his penis by becoming Mayor. He has used everyone and everything in his way to do just that and most shamefully he has exploited the Shaw Family.
If Walter weren't running a fake grandstanding campaign for Mayor, would he be doing this? Of course not (notice the "candidate for Mayor" on his press release.
The fact that he is using this family's grief for his personal gain is shameful.
As for it being "shady"; some people find a complicated conspiracy involving multiple people in various levels of government in the sequencing of traffic lights. They'd be better off spending their time crafting a new tin-foil hat to protect themselves from the super secret Masonic moon beams. These civil servants are doing their jobs. There wasn't enough interest because there was no real support.
Hey Walter, if you support the cause, pony up some cash and get together a signature drive. Or is it only important to you as long as you can get your name in the paper for free?
Don't bother, we already know the answer.
Zuma Dogg says "I saw the boxes of petitions at 4:00pm on Friday, less than an hour before they turned them in. It was a lot of boxes for that few signatures. How many boxes are there?"
Wow. Is anyone still wondering why they failed???
Everyone needs to call the city clerk's office and ask to inspect and count those signatures.
don quixote said...
50,000 short? How the hell can you claim victory and the gleaning of 70,000 petitions and then in the final tally end up 50,000 short?
Oh yeah now we can be sure to hear the plaintive wails of foul by the nativist anti Mexican, anti Bill Of Rights, pro racial profiling, Walter Moore for Mayor crowd.
"The Mexicans are Winning the Secret War Against America"
Valganse Dios!
11:08pm- You are right and amazingly enough, the TIMES has something wrong.
AND the critical part that should be here is "illegal alien gang members"; but if there is any critical item missing from an LA TIMES' story on anti-illegal immigration (as opposed to simply anti-immigration), just be glad to see they noticed, for a change, that there WAS a story there.
in LA
Enough of all the Walter Moore bashing.
So who's better to continue ruining (running) our Lost City, Antonio Viva La Raza?
All you idiots claiming Moore has lost your faith, votes, and support are either plants from the opposition or just too damn stupid for your own good. Either one is "shameful".
If I were Mr, Moore, I'd also have a link to my efforts to rid the city of the Lost Angels of Viva La Raza and his ilk.
Go go Zuma Dogg, go on with your bad self Brotha!
Peace out peeps.
The Rock of South Central
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