Jamiel's Law has 76,000 signatures
Walter Moore emails me:
KNBC reports:
Other media continue to report that the signature drive fell short. In order to qualify for the March ballot, 73,963 of the 76,000 signatories must be registered voters in the city of Los Angeles, which leaves little room for error—3% to be exact. Needless to say, today was an incredible finish, but the nail-biting will continue well into next week.
I just got off the phone with Althea Shaw, who told me that, shortly before 5:00 p.m. today, she and her family filed over 76,000 signatures to put Jamiel's Law on the petition!
KNBC reports:
A last-minute push Friday from supporters of "Jamiel's Law" resulted in more than 76,000 signed petitions that could get the initiative on the city ballot next spring. The family of Jamiel Shaw, a 17-year-old high school football player who was killed in March, gave the signed petitions to the City Clerk's Office just before the 5 p.m. deadline.
Other media continue to report that the signature drive fell short. In order to qualify for the March ballot, 73,963 of the 76,000 signatories must be registered voters in the city of Los Angeles, which leaves little room for error—3% to be exact. Needless to say, today was an incredible finish, but the nail-biting will continue well into next week.
Labels: Jamiel's Law, walter moore
Thanks to the Shaw Family and their volunteers for all of your hard work.
This is outstanding news.
Fingers are crossed.
That's cutting it too close.
Just wondering how many of the supporters on this blog, including Higby, took blank petitions and went out and collected signatures.
Also....a big note of thanks to mayoral candidate Walter Moore for steadfast commitment on this issue.
We couldn't have done it without you.
Higby like Walter Moore or Joe B don't give a shit about the movement. The Shaws and No To Home Depot are solely props in their puppet theater.
10:10 p.m. what are you talking about?
10:10 = smoking something
10:10 = Puppet
Or drinking.
10:10 - who do you work for?
I didn't get more signatures, but I signed, and I sent $. Is that enough support for you, 9:37 or doesn't that count in your mind?
Althea, I am SO happy for you!!
Why does Walter Moore rub so many people the wrong way?
I told you bunch of racist!
Is it racist to want to prevent people from being shot in front of their homes for no reason other than they happened to be standing there? Take your crap eleswhere. You have no legs to stand on with this one. However, you are revealing you illogical thinking.
Walter doesn't rub ME the wrong way. This proves he is effective and a leader.
With all due props to Zuma Dogg, authoring this proposed law, and aiding this good family to better our world, is a sign that Walter has the chops to be Mayor.
Like Walter Moore or not, he showed more leadership, committment and fortitude on this issue than Mayor Villar has shown in his entire time as Mayor. Name one (even slightly) controversial issue that the Mayor has taken a stand on. And I'm talking about issues that are for the average tax-paying citizen of the city and not one of his groups of specials interests. I can't think of one.
The commenter at 9:10 is making his (her) contribution towards making the term "racist" a socially acceptable position.
If the lawful iquiry into one's citizenship status equates the inquiring entity as "racist", then sign me up.
Although its pretty much a given who 9:10AM is its always nice to hear his tempered response.
Congrats to the Shaw Family. May your efforts bear fruit, and may we still have people to pick that fruit.
Walter Moore rubs me the wrong way. I find him to be.. not stupid, yet ignorant or uninformed in the areas he tries to discuss.
He should have gotten more involved in daily city operations at City Hall so that he knew how to get things done.
I wouldn't even sign Jamiel's Law because of Walter's involvement and as bad as I feel for the Shaw's, I hate that they took a District Attorney issue and tried to turn it into an LA City issue.
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