Record numbers for PALIN-biden Debate
NBC 12,820,000
CBS 11,100,000
FOXNEWS 11,098,000
CNN 10,685,000
FOX 4,500,000
MSNBC 4,412,000
70,000,000+ viewers
Comments from around the country.
Hillary Clinton's Reaction
"It's amazing, you know, she's been thrust into the national spotlight with very little preparation and I think that, all things considered, you saw a very composed and effective debater last night."
Debate reaction and analysis:
"The most compelling 90 minutes of TV on a Thursday night in quite some time," writes Paul Gough ..."So how surprising was it, really, that neither candidate devolved into a Jerry Springer screaming fit or fell into a state of catatonia?" asked LA Times ... Debate quotes from the AP ... "Palin changed her image overnight," says Weekly Standard ... "Palin scored points but didn't win," says Newsweek and Salon ... "Attitude and image vs. facts and focus," says Baltimore Sun ... "Rivals shine, Palin a bit more brightly," says Boston Globe ... Joe Klein weighs in ... "Nothing will have a substantive effect on the presidential race," says US News and World Report ... HuffPo's collection of reactions and live blog ... CBS poll results ... CNN poll and analysis ... CNN's video highlights.
"The most compelling 90 minutes of TV on a Thursday night in quite some time," writes Paul Gough ..."So how surprising was it, really, that neither candidate devolved into a Jerry Springer screaming fit or fell into a state of catatonia?" asked LA Times ... Debate quotes from the AP ... "Palin changed her image overnight," says Weekly Standard ... "Palin scored points but didn't win," says Newsweek and Salon ... "Attitude and image vs. facts and focus," says Baltimore Sun ... "Rivals shine, Palin a bit more brightly," says Boston Globe ... Joe Klein weighs in ... "Nothing will have a substantive effect on the presidential race," says US News and World Report ... HuffPo's collection of reactions and live blog ... CBS poll results ... CNN poll and analysis ... CNN's video highlights.
Labels: sarah palin, zuma dogg
Is this supposed to make sense?
Joe Biden is a Cheap Bastard !!!
Mike Highby is a a fat Bastard !!!
Palin hates creppy horny fat bastards !!!
Joe Biden is a Cheap Bastard !!!
Mike Highby is a a fat Bastard !!!
Palin hates creppy horny fat bastards !!!
I really didn't follow most of that, but it's to understand that ZD will show up whenever there are people and a chance for attention. Quite childlike actually.
These gaffes that the candidates are making aren't all that important, but they are kind of entertaining. Giggle makers.
Here's a short one of Sarah Palin saying that "John McCain is the man we need to LEAVE ... I mean LEAD ...."
Here are Newt Gingrich and George Will discussing Sarah Palin.
Newt says she shouldn't do interviews.
George says the Palin mistake was avoidable.
Given an opportunity to check with her handlers regarding which newspapers she reads to help her understand world issues, she said that she reads the New York Times and the Economist.
Still, wouldn't you think that if she just read these two papers she'd remember after being asked twice on camera? Or if she knew the answer, why wouldn't a member of the Straight Talk team be willing to tell the truth and admit that she reads these two publications?
Perhaps the main reason that so many people viewed the debate is the same reason that so many people watch NASCAR races .... they wanted to see carnage.
McCain surrenders in Michigan and pulls out. Palin disagrees with the decision.
Obama forces support Palin's appeal so that the McCain campaign will continue to waste money in a losing effort.
Pennsylvania could be next. It's 3rd and long for McCain deep into the 4the quarter.
The core issue, of course, is the contrast between how Obama and McCain chose their running mates. Say what you will about Joe Biden -- and last night, he was far from being either the gaffe machine or the windbag so many predicted would appear on stage -- no one loses sleep at the idea of his being in the Oval Office. Obama picked a vice president more likely to help him govern the country than win the chance to do so.
As for McCain, he found himself in a political hole and threw the dice with Palin. At the time of her selection, voters were often compared with "American Idol" watchers who put personality and stage presence above everything else. But it turns out that Americans take the presidency very seriously. And surviving 90 minutes on a stage with Biden did not transform Palin into a plausible president.
O.J. guilty on ALL counts!!!!
Wait a second, are we criticizing a free and open market here? Why should you complain about the market price? The invisible hand has spoken. Or have some of you realized that there are limitations to markets?! (gasp!)
I propose the Mike Higby System of voting: your vote is directly proportional to the amount of income tax you paid over the last four years. This way the bottom 50% of the population basically won't count and be able to implement their wealth redistribution communism schemes. After all, those welfare trash don't deserve a vote, and neither does anyone who got a 'negative tax'; ie net payment.
Finally we can implement some control over the dregs lest their populist rhetoric and mob mentality get out of hand. Its essential that we continue to cut taxes to eventually 0% on the top income bracket because this is proven by trickle-down economics to promote the most growth. What would the middle class do with a tax cut, spend it on beer? What a waste.
Clearly the tax cuts are needed on those who have condensed the most amount of wealth in this country, the top 1% and 5%, so that they can confidently deploy that wealth again in ways that expand our economy dramatically. This will help promote more wealth condensation to this class, which will ultimately stabilize the economy, as the middle classes simply have no clue how to use capital wisely; they just park it.
As Mike Higby as continually pointed out, we must also reduce the tax rate on corporations to 0% as well, as well as removing all regulations on corporations. The cost of complying with these regulations to too burdensome! Corporations should take personal responsibility for their books and balance sheets to ensure that they are accurate and correct and that their account practices are sound. OSHA and the EPA can also be removed here as well; if you're too stupid to wear a hard hat or get your hand chopped off, its your own fault for not having the personal responsibility to be aware and to be safe, regardless of what equipment your employer has provided you.
Continuing, as Mike Higby has advocated, we simply must abolish the minimum wage so that we can begin to hire workers at much lower wages finally and let corporations begin to recover. However in order for this to be effective, unions must also be made illegal at the same time so that they cannot fight this. Pension agreements should be scrapped and rewritten, and employer-provided health insurance is of course a thing of the past. Health care can be provided much more cheaply by the buses that Mike Higby has shown that the free market can provide us with.
But all of this can only happen if we prevent the majority of Americans who are in these lower classes, not shouldering their tax burden because of their natural genetic inability (and also pure laziness) to rise to the top of the Pareto distribution, from gaining control politically. If they are not stopped, wealth redistribution will occur and the condensation phenomena will be reverse, thus undermining the stability of the economy that has been the linchpin of the last 8 years.
OBAMA OVE 50 PERCENT IN FLORIDA, OHIO, PENN, Quinnipiac Swing State Poll Finds
OBAMA'S NUMBERS ARE GOING UP AND IN NEW HAMPSHIRE DOUBLE DIGITS. MCCAIN SHOULD HAVE PULLED OUT OF NH AND MICHIGAN. The debate showed us what a complete moron Palin is. The Katie Couric interviews proved she is not experienced enough to lead the country. When they ask men about her all they say is she's attractive. Go figure!!!
Quote whatever you want.
The woman's appeal is going to be the winning part of the McCain campaign.
The fatal flaw for O'bama will be his associations with vicious terrorists like William Ayers, and America haters like Rev. Wright.
Watch, you'll see. That stuff does not fly in the middle of the country.
Quote away and keep the focus on Sarah. That way, you won't be able to focus on McCain.
This woman is so gorgeous. I can't wait for her to be on TV every day.
It's about time that we have a regular person in the White House.
Continue the negativity. I fous on the positive, and this is a good person, and a gorgeous woman.
All you perro's are waiting for a strip show,
Just because she has that innocent stripper-teacher look.
She must be driving all you horndoggs crazy!
Nope! I like her because she is a regular person. Even though I am Pro Choice, not every one is and I am willing to give her a chance.
She is a regular person with executive experience.
Even if she and McCain lose, I am comfortable voting for them. I think they would do a great job. God bless them and their beautiful families.
Now go and quote some polls.
You want an ordinary person in the White House! What in the world have we had for last 8 years?
The last person I want in the White House solving the most difficult problems in the world is someone who is like the folks at the trailer park.
And what kind of logic says that anyone with any executive experience, such as having been the mayor of a hick town or the governor of a very small state trumps anyone who has worked in Washington, knows how to get things done, and understands the issues?
As I remember it Gerald Ford, Nixon, LBJ, JKF, and McCain had no executive experience.
Sad or disgusting?:
Bush has abandoned plans to establish a diplomatic outpost in Iran because it might hurt McCain's campaign.
And also from MSNBC, with McCain's campaign tanking we find out, to no one's real surprise, except those who expected real change from a real reformer, the McCain campaign will now go negative by focusing their ads on attacking Obama's character. Screw the issues!
The Bush administration can't seem to find enough things to mess up.
Citicorp offers to buy Wachovia for $2 billion with help from the taxpayers.
Then Wells Fargo offers to buy it for $15 billion with NO help from taxpayers.
Guess which one the feds want?
Priceless photo of Palin's kids gone wild. Oh, the things these kids learn at the trailer park.
Doesn't matter to me.
She is smart.
She is gorgeous.
She has good beliefs.
She doesn't hang out with TERRORISTS.
She has more executive experience than O'bama.
All along, you've been crying that she's inexperienced. Well, she's got more experience than O'Bama.
McCain will be fine as President, so relax. And stop being intimidated by a gorgeous, experienced, and thoughtful woman who is much more connected to small town America than any of the others.
There's nothing to fear. Come on aboard.
Or you can continue to deride her simply because her belief system is different.
Welcome aboard!
She is, indeed, a stunning woman whose intelligence and experience is the envy of the people who try their junior high school name-calling. You can have Tina Fey if you want. Those skits are funny. But you look childish and it takes your eyes off of the prize.
I look forward to her being president in 4 or 8 years. Go ahead and make fun of McCain's old skin cancer success. That's why we expect from children like you.
And I like the fact that Palin has strong religious beliefs and morals. All Obama did was attend services of an America-hater for TWENTY years and later claim to "not notice" his vile hatred for the best country in the world.
She is everything a modern woman, executive, and President should be.
Usually when comedians do impersonations of public figures like politicians, they take one characterist and exagerate it.
In the case of Sarah Palin, she is writing the material for the comedians.
Tina Fey could walk the streets, show up a community events, do a TV interview, and many people would believe that she is Palin. All she has to do is read Palin's transcripts.
Can you think of any other time when this was possible?
Why do you think that McCain's campaign has taken such a beating after Palin was added?
Why do those polled after the debate believe, by a wide margin, that she isn't qualified to be president?
Why do so many party insiders, and conservative columnists and leaders wish she wasn't the VP candidate?
Stop thinking with your little head.
Actually, I heard that Palin not only likes fat creppies, but she actually fishes for them.
Yer darn tootin' that Painlin loves creppy.
It's called acting. That's why tons of stars go to ribbon-cutting events. Now give them a mic at a large, people-filled room with a mic and yeah - guess what - quite normal for their passions really.
Quite childlike actually, to sit around and post dislike for ZD.
Not so different from politicians, eh?
Right 8 PM
I watched just hoping that Palin would say something incredibly stupid. But she trained well and all we got was darn right and you betchas. Bad enough yes, but nothing to get excited about. Unless you're a hard core Republican who is completely orgasmic that she didn't fuck up.
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