Mayor Sam's Hotsheet for Friday
Everyone is hot for solar energy and it makes sense. That being said now the politicians are looking to use the issue to generate yet another bond on the March election.
If John McCain doesn't win next month will it be a Jindal-Palin or Palin-Jindal ticket in 2012? I don't know but no matter what Bobby Jindal is the Republican Obama of the future. If the Republicans do a train-wreck this November the upside will be the opportunity to once and for al clean house and get rid of the old White guys from the party.
The No on Proposition 8 is lagging behind in fundraising and needs to raise $1 million a day between now and election day to be succesful. Pony up folks, some people in love with each other are counting on you.
Speaking of same-sex marriage, many of the arguments against it are similar to those that were leveled against interracial marriage a half century ago. Today more Black women are marrying White men and most folks don't care. I have this in my own family; my brother is married to a wonderful woman who happens to be Black and has two great kids.
Labels: bobby jindal, interracial marriage, proposition 8, rick caruso, same-sex marriage, sarah palin, solar energy
Who would have thought LaBonge had it in him to go against the gang banger cholo Mayor. Good for TOM
The $800 million project, in the planning stage for more than two years, calls for the construction of twin 24-story towers, a five-story studio complex and a 34-story high-rise to be built over the next eight years.
The project will serve as the new home for NBC, which is leaving its Burbank headquarters. It is proposed for Metropolitan Transportation Authority land.
LaBonge sent a letter to Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who chairs the MTA board, asking that the plan be scaled back or moved to the Universal Studios lot, which has more than 400 acres of land available.
Villaraigosa, however, is standing by the project.
I thought the decision that Caruso was running had already been made. At least that's what I heard. I just assumed it was a given. Sources, y'all! All about the sources. So please gear the conversation away from, "if."
MESSAGE TO LA CITY COUNCIL: Just Say "NO" To Your Automatic Raises
To: Los Angeles City Council
Fr: Zuma Dogg/Z.A.P. (Zuma's Action Plan)
Re: Your Raises
Dt: October 17, 2008
Dear Los Angeles City Councilmembers,
In case you forgot, you have automatic raises that kick in soon.
With the City facing such a massive financial crisis, where basic city services will be forced to be cut back, and fear that the city won't be able to pay it's bills or employee payroll, and the fact that you are going to your constituents for approval of new taxes and bonds to help pay for your big mess --
I don't see how you can sit there and take an automatic pay hike. You're already making $171,000 (or whatever). In Japan, based on Deming's 14 Points, when times are tough, the FIRST people who take pay cuts are those at the top. The workers are the LAST to take a cut. YOU HAVE IT ASS-BACKWARDS. Because everything you do is ass-backwards, you selfish/greedy dummies.
Now THERE is an issue worth flooding public comment with activists for.
And remember get a million dollars worth of benefits anyway for all the region-recking you get away with, each meeting. REJECT AND RENOUNCE THE RAISES!
Zuma Dogg
Zuma's Action Plan
Right!!! You crybaby losers at City Hall, Hall of Administration, LAUSD and everywhere else in America, stop what you are doing and change your stupid ways. Repent.
Don't you guys have enough sense to see genius in your midst? Does it have to hit you over the head for you to know that you have the opportunity of a lifetime?
Here you have a financial genius, a certified expert vagrant, one who has conserved tremendous amounts of resources by never wasting water on a shower, a razor blade or a place to live, never graduated any university, never held a real job in the last decade, and he is offering you his best advice!! For FREE!!!
Why don't you take it?
Let me count the ways....
Oh, did I mention he once read a book by a guy named Deming?
Shut Up, we had to endure your and Matt's comments and annoying, distruptive, obnoxious, loud, and childish presence in our once and peaceful and quiet council chambers, this alone is more than enough justification for our meager pay raises.
What is it with Zoomie and this Deming book?
Who believes that he was running around the downtown library on 5th Street using the free internet, and decided to find some sort of self-help book, and just wrote down the name without ever reading it?
Let us have a show of hands.
If the book was so good, and Zoomie applied it to his own life, putting the practices into play, he wouldn't still be living in his van.
If you have never met the guy, you can smell him from 20 feet away. It is unbearable. Deming would never approve of that.
The method through which the City Council gets its automatic pay raises, tieing it to the salaries of the Superior Court judges, was approved by the voters as part of the package that created the ethics commission, and cannot be changed by ordinance.
Every time the pay increase issue comes around, some council members say that they will refuse it or give it to charity.
But because we and the media have such short attention spans, nobody ever checks to make sure that it happened and that it is still happening.
What the council members do, as soon as the heat dies down, is to quietly tell the Controller to resume the regular payments.
So a good starting point would be to go back and see who promised what, and who broke those promises.
The Associated Press has requested copies of all the emails between Sarah Palin and government officials and Todd Palin government computers.
Palin has said she'll comply ...... but the cost will be $15 million.
It's an old tactic that is practiced here in California too. It work very effectively when there is a deadline such as the election. By announcing an absurdly high cost to comply with the law, it forces the media to the courts, and that guarantees that it won't be settled until after the election.
Republican sources believe that Colin Powell may endorse Obama.
Powell's people are remaining silent. He is scheduled to appear on "Meet the Press" on Sunday.
Higby, the use of the term "happens to be Black" betrays a huge disconnect with the realities of life and racial relations today in America.
You need to hang up the keyboard and go spend some time with real people, in the real world, before you start telling people she's "a credit to her race" and "some of your best friends are . . ."
Just like the Democrats are doing in Ohio with the Acorn-originate, Obama-paid-for voter fraud, and their (DEM) secretary of state saying "we can't do that, it's too costly".
We'll just let Mickey Mouse and the Dallas Cowboys team roster vote in Ohio, for president.
Funny how both sides use the same shitty tricks to defraud the people of their rights to information and fair elections.
Although, what's worse -- trying to get a corrupt state trooper fired, or trying to steal a national election?
Mayor Sam and friends haven't accepted the challenge to design a scenario in which McCain can win. That says quite a bit about McCain's chances.
Here are some ideas, in part excerpted from's arena of commentators:
1. Obama goes crazy and promises to invade Canada.
2. McCain announces that Joe the Plumber will be his treasury secretary and Larry the Cable Guy will be the attorney general.
3. Stock market goes to 14,000.
4. Palin is replaced.
5. Republicans convince bin Laden to produce another threatening video tape.
6. The Russians invade Alaska.
7. God endorses McCain.
8. McCain captures bin Laden.
9. Cold fusion becomes a viable energy source.
10. Terrorists attack the U.S.
11. McCain and Palin get their big oil buddies to give all Americans free gas until the election.
Once again, you just GOTTA give Bong Water Kim of DONE an ASS CLOWN of the month award.
On the heels of hosting the most poorly attended NC Congress at City Hall last weekend, NOW, he's trying to survey NC board members about the years-long debate over which financial disclosure form they should now have to fill out.
No problem, right? Only THREE "tiny" ones:
1) The survey was set up wrong (of course), but didn't anyone TEST it? So early responders won't even have their's tallied.
2) After discovering his staff is incompetent (in addition to, they hate his guts), he sends out the message that follows letting people know that the time they took to answer the online survey was A COMPLETE WASTE (like all input given to DONE).
3) His message telling people there's a problem, and they MIGHT want to redo the survey has the EXACT SAME SUBJECT LINE AS THE ORIGINAL SURVEY.
SO, if you're anyone who gets more than FIVE E-MAILS A MONTH, and you want to wade through the spam and duplications QUICKLY, what do you do when you see TWO from the SAME sender with the SAME heading. You delete the second one (OF COURSE), assuming you've already handled it by filling out the survey earlier, when the DONE idiots COULD NOT REGISTER IT.
Subject: Financial Disclosure Survey
Date: October 15, 2008
To: Neighborhood Council Friends and Colleagues
From: BongHwan (BH) Kim, General Manager, Department of Neighborhood Empowerment
If you took our Financial Disclosure Survey before 12:00 noon, your survey results may have been incorrectly tabulated. Please return to the following link and retake the survey...the error has been corrected. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
11:06, typical race baiter
You don't know who I know, where I grew up, where I've been, who I work with, who I associate with.
When it comes to Karen, I don't see her as black. I see her as Karen.
If you think that's racist, you're a sad fool.
Can't help but be amazed how far Bush and the Republicans have fallen. Here's a two-term president whose favorable rating is at historic lows, and even the presidential candiate from his own party, who said he voted with Bush at least 90% of time, is distancing himself from him.
The Chicago Tribune has never endorsed a Democrat for president. That ended today when it endorsed Barak Obama.
When Obama collects endorsements from traditional Democratic sources, it just doesn't make news because it's hard enough to keep up with the number of traditional Republican endorsers that are going with Obama.
The closet the Trib came to supporting a Democrat was in 1872 when it supported the Independent Horace Greeley over the corrupt administration of Republican President Ulysses S. Grant.
The Trib said its decisions were driven by outrage at inept and corrupt business and political leaders, and added, "We see parallels today.",0,1371034.story?track=email-alert-breakingnews
The Tribune also said the McCain's biggest mistake was his executive decision to select Sarah Palin as his running mate.
The paper said it was clear to them that Palin is not ready to lead the country.
Greatest vid cap ever. From the last debate. No caption needed.
How do you steal a national election by registering Mickey Mouse?
Not to be outdone by the Chicago Tribune, the Los Angeles Times endorses Obama, and it too cites the seletion of Sarah Palin as one of his biggest mistakes, calling her the most unqualified VP candidate in memory.
The only requirements for VP or President:
These requirements are that they must be a natural born citizen of the United States, that they be no less than thirty five years old, and that they have been a resident of the United States for at least fourteen years.
That means even Zuma Dogg is qualified to be VP.
Zuma was obviously "born" but there was nothing "natural" about it.
Just look at him -- GEEZ!
11:06 Not to mention Higby's Fraudian slip about her having "two great kids."
As opposed to what, Higby?
The kind of kids couple of the of same race (Black) have??
How many "great kids" are supposed to come from Black couples - 50 percent.
Or, are kids from mixed race families less inclined to be "great kids" - so much so that you needed to clarify that these two (whew!) passed through unscathed??
It's pure ignorance to be that "innocently" racist, Higby. Not even knowing you are -- and defending your bigotted gaffes is 10 times worse.
You'd have benn a whole lot better off just talking about "Gay" stuff, and not trying to make comparisons to situations in your (er, um) "trouble" areas, like race.
Michelle Bacchman: Hott...but OH SO STUPID
Check around the 6:30 remark...looks like we've got a red scare!
"Today more Black women are marrying White men and most folks don't care."
Michael, you've fallen for the same flawed logic native to "SP's" (Secular-Progressives). This is a case of comparing apples and almonds (fruits and nuts). For homosexuals to compare themselves to any ethnic American group's civil rights struggle is an insult to that group.
The homosexual movement is fueled in large part by "ASh'es" (Anglo-Saxon homosexuals), who can pass for being mainstream Americans. Our fellow Americans who have more of a certain chemical in their skin can't pass for anything else except for "LWB" (Living While Black), "LWH" (Living While Hispanic), or "LWO" (Living While Other [my own phraseology]).
This is not a question of ethnic rights, it's an attempt by the homosexual-rights groups to throw away more than 6,000 years of wisdom which holds that marriage is sacrosanct between a man and a woman ONLY!
Currently, there is a movement among the more radical Islamic fundamentalist groups to take over the government of the United States. If that happens, we can all be assured of one thing: the groups who will be immediately targeted by these Islamic groups will be homosexuals and those who tolerate that behavior.
After the ACORN PARTY steals the elction and Obama becomes the first Black President, we are going to have to suffer through the miserable, horrid 50's again...we going to have to re-live the god damned Civil Rights Movement all over againcomplete with Jesse Jackson,Sharpton, Rev Wright and all the new converts! It's already started.
Louis Farrakhan is already squealing with euphoria about the Nation of Islam RISING AGAIN!
Things are different now, folks...we now have millons of Muslims colonizing in the Northeast. Keith Ellison is the first Black Muslim Congressman.
Hang on to your hats...get ready for rioting, poverty, and uncontrolled racism.
If you like soft Socialism...take a look at France! They regret their choices, and they will repent forever. There is no turning back in France and other Socialist/Communist countries. The dye is cast!
Mohammed/Comrade Obama is the beginning of the end...if you can't see through's your problem. He's aloof (arrogant) and dispassionate (doesn't give a shit about America)!
He chose Chicago as his home base because he was a man on a mission! He wanted to CHANGE democracy into socialism/communism. He is the supreme BLACK POWER LEADER...the "Dear Leader" the world has been waiting for!
Where's my popcorn...the show is about to begin! We have a first row seat!
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