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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Free by birth. Libertarian by choice. SMS goes AFH (Dems lose another one)!


It's been long overdue. Though I was born into a Democratic family, I was a Reagan Democrat and a Clinton Centrist. I was the one at family dinners that used to debate my step-siblings' old-generation Republican grandparents to revel in their glee and excitement as they watched me give the family know-it-alls a taste of their own medicine. It was fun being a Democrat in those days. The social tolerance, the youthful, energetic nature of the campaigns. I will look back on them with a fond nostalgia, for if they had never occurred I would never be where I am today - running OC's most popular political blog as well as a solid campaign for City Council.

After speaking to Wayne Allyn Root and experiencing his 'social tolerance' and 'youthful, energetic nature,' as well as that of the 'Alive, Free, and Happy' audience, I began to feel a tingling sensation. I wasn't quite able to identify it at first, but after a few minutes I came to a realization: life was finally returning to me; I had fallen in love with politics all over again!

In fact, W.A.R., as he is sometimes referred, seems to have a bit of a messianic vibe about him, but his halo is held up by his horns, and it's deliciously refreshing! He's like a used car salesman who seems a little too flashy at first but actually has a heart of gold, finding your perfect vehicle, on-time and under budget... right before he gives the kids Tootsie Roll pops and a ride in a fun, but safe sports car!

Now I must admit, there is no such thing as a perfect political party and I don't agree with the Libertarian platform 100% of the time, but why would I (this is me we're talking about here; I live to argue)? Like every political party, even those in the so-called 'middle' have their share of extremists and like always I think a lack of compromise is bad for society. A Libertarian extremist is called an anarchist. I'm not sure what anarchists think will replace government, but I'm not sure I want to find out.

The truth though is that most Libertarians are nothing like the stereotypes. What really won me over about the San Bernadino group that hosted Mr. Root was the camaraderie, the generosity, the friendship, and the fairness of mind. They're sort of like stereotypical Mormons, but without the creepy aftertaste. As I left their event, I was asked a few times if I was going to write nice things about them. True to my nature, I told them point-blank that I would write the truth. Everyone had the same response: 'that's all we ask.'

Now they're speaking my language. I'm proud to officially be able to call myself a Libertarian!


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