"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross."
Prof. Luccock Warns That It Will Bear the Misleading Label ‘Americanism’
When and if fascism comes to America it will not be labeled “made in Germany”; it will not be marked with a swastika; it will not even be called fascism; it will be called, of course, “Americanism,” Professor Halford E. Luccock of the Divinity School of Yale University said yesterday morning in a sermon at the Riverside Church, Riverside Drive and 122d Street.
“The high-sounding phrase ‘the American way’ will be used by interested groups, intent on profit, to cover a multitude of sins against the American and Christian traditions, such sins as lawless violence, tear gas and shotguns, denial of civil liberties,” he said. “There is an obligation resting on us all to dedicate our minds to the hard task of thinking in terms of Christian objectives and values, so that we may be saved from moral confusion.
“For never, probably, has there been a time when there was a more vigorous effort to surround social and international questions with such a fog of distortion and prejudice and hysterical appeal to fear. We have touched a new low in a Congressional investigation this Summer, used by some participating in it to whip up fear and prejudice against many causes of human welfare, such as common concern for peace and the rights of labor to bargain collectively.”
Professor Luccock, who preached on the theme “Keeping Life Out of Confusion,” continued:
“The old prayer in the Psalms, ‘Let me never be put to confusion,’ seems a strange one in a day when there seems to be little else but confusion in a puzzled world. We ought to recognize that uncertainty of mind is not all a bad thing. It is a sign that your mind is still alive, still sensitive. If you are not at all confused in this day you are dead mentally and spiritually.
“There is, of course, the peace of the cemetery. If you want that you can have it. But you will pay for such complacent serenity with blind eyes which do not see the world’s fear and agony; with deaf ears, into which the still sad music of humanity never comes; with deadened nerves and unsensitized conscience.
“We will never be brought to confusion, even in such a baffling and muddled world as ours, if we have a faith in a God of love as the ultimate power in the universe. The words ‘God is love’ have this deep meaning: that everything that is against love is ultimately doomed and damned.”
Labels: fascism, mooselini, sarah palin
Back for another dose of attention?
Valley Dope,I thought you said you were leaving after you had your little meltdown?
On that note, don't you have some original thoughts of your own? Or must you always just post things from other people that we could find on our own?
By comparing a law abiding, American citizen to Hitler, you offend every Jew and other victim of hatred in the world by demeaning what happened to them.
You are watering down the Holocaust and, by extension, slavery, and hate.
Please read some history books so you can understand the difference between what Hitler did and the need to have tolerance of people whose lawful views differ from yours.
I usually like your contributions to Mayor Sam, even if I disagree with some. But your post, and the photo, are highly offensive.
Higby, how long are you going to let the train wreck known as Valley Dolt continue?
I know you want ratings, I know you want hits.
But have some compassion. I guess since you let Zuma Dogg go as your trained seal you know have a new village idiot.
And hell I'm voting for Obama too!
Seriously Higby do you get your jollies watching people make fools of themselves on your blog? She's only hurting herself!
12 SEPTEMBER 2008: This report may be be breaking news of immense national political importance as a direct result of what the NEIN Blog has previously described as “The Palin Effect.”
According to a an exclusive source close to the Northeast Intelligence Network, the possibility exists for a major change to the Democrat presidential campaign of Barack Obama. Our source, citing other highly reliable sources, states that Senator Joe Biden will withdraw as the Democrat Vice-Presidential candidate, possibly due to some imminent medical emergency. These sources go on to state that negotiations have occured between Barack Obama and Bill Clinton to replace Senator Biden on the ticket with Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton.
With time drawing short to election day and given the tremendous impact to the presidential race by Republican Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, a potential political paradigm shift of this magnitude is not out of the question. Recent commentary by Senator Biden suggesting that Hillary should have been Obama’s VEEP nominee might actually betray a Democrat strategy which has been forming within the DNC in recent days to preclude what appears at this point to be a potential electoral defeat at the polls on November 4, 2008.
THIS is political news of any kind?? PHLeeeeze..
MS, what the H** is this???
This might help produce more hits.
The Huffington Post is running this piece entitled "Two Top McCain Officials Lobbied For Oil-For-Sex Scandal Companies."
It states that McCain's national finance co-chair, Wayne Berman, is a paid lobbyist for two of the oil companies being implicated in the sex, drugs, and oil scandal within the Interior Department.
This post if fucking hilarious.
Talk about your insane liberal meltdowns. The entertainment value alone is worth a half-dozen links. This broad actually makes Keith Olbermann appear lucid.
Thanks for the laughs.
No it will be wrapped in political correctness and pressure to vote for someone because of his racial identity.
Hardly anything that could be described as a "liberal meltdown." Remember, it's just a posting by Valley Doll with the main purpose of increasing hits, which you and I are doing right now.
Valley Doll does not speak for any liberal, and certainly not all liberals.
Haikula said: By comparing a law abiding, American citizen to Hitler, you offend every Jew and other victim of hatred in the world by demeaning what happened to them.
The photo was not a comparison of Sarah Palin to Hitler.
It was in reference to the article I posted which specifically stated that fascism in America would look NOTHING like the picture used.
It would NOT look like Hitler. It would NOT be exhibiting swastikas. It could also look like a sweet, non-threatening Hockey Mom. The topic is fascism, and the subtle insinuation of it, and not Sarah Palin = Hitler. There is a difference.
What about the great expose the L.A. Weekly
is doing on our MecHa midget mayor? That
coverage shows the legal citizens of
L.A. why the terrible LAT no longer matters
to informed readers in this city !!!
Hard to argue with dirty white trash who haven't seen enough of Sarah Palin yet to make up their mind about her being unfit to lead. Truth is, never mind Moosilini, as long as any old fascist or moron was a baby Jesus lovin' Republican, the fundie hillbillies and their white trash descendents in the 'burbs would vote right along.
Who controls Sarah Palin? She obviously doesn't do her own talking---she's barely holding on to the memes her bosses hand her, in fact. The people who control her could do it with anyone. An unrepentant pathological liar, she'll read anything, remorselessly. Not exactly a leader.
Good observation and post Valley Doll. I think that we already have been living in a semi fascist state for almost the last 8 years. And with another right winger in the White House it will be the last nail in the coffin of the USA as we have known it.
After the appointment of at least three new right wing, religious oriented, Supreme Court Justice's, the Bill of Rights will be a hollow document and the continuation of Govt Big Brother spying on it's citizens, Censorship and Manipulation of information, including "Orwellian Big Lie" tactics, Darwinian social economics, freedom of religion but not freedom "from" religion, and Corporate Monopoly Robber Barons even more powerful and disdainful of any regulations and laws.
A very scary scenario.
Fascism is defined as "a rigid one party dictatorship, forcible suppression of opposition, private economic enterprise under centralized governmental control, belligerent nationalism, racism, and militarism ect; ect;
And I like your description of Sarah Palin "Mooselini"
Do people really think that Republicans McCain and Palin are any different than fellow Republicans Bush/Cheney?
Puh-lease. She is in front of the nazi flag and it has a hitler moustache on her.
99 out of 100 people would agree that you're comparing her to hitler.
And the zig heil hand salute cements that. It is plain and simple an offense to anyone who suffered at the hands of the nazis, or comparable suffering.
You're entitled to your opinion, though.
Again, keep in mind that I was a Hillary supporter. Pro Choice. Anti-cruelty. Not sure on guns. So I have nothing in common policy-wise with Sarah Palin, but I think the smearing of her because of the law abiding way she lives her life is going to backfire on the Dems.
I also think that if Clinton had the nomination, she would've chosen Obama in the blink of an eye. It's really a shame for the Dems that he didn't think the same.
I've heard lawyers comparing individuals to Hitler in their closing statements and I thought that was unbelievable.
In your attempt to be provocative you used a ridiculous and inflamatory picture, Congratulations, you provoked a response.
You failed making your point though, because you had to further explain yourself.
What an offensive, garbage laced article. The poster of this drivel clearly possesses a mean spirited, evil purpose in posting such an awful comparison between Sarah Palin and one of the worst demented monsters history has ever known.
Regardles of your political affiliation or presidential choice, every reader of this post should be offended by this garbage. While I support the 1st amendment right to express ones self there are limits of decency and this poster has clearly crossed the line. I am amazed that the operator of this blog allowed the post.
I believe that the poster is a mentally unbalanced and disturbed person. While I feel sorry for her affliction we should not tolerate such evil comparisons.
But the important thing is that the hits just keep on coming. Put me down for one.
I got to go with VD on this one. I can see her premise, and read her metaphors from the gate. Actually its refreshing to see her push the envelope and ply our surrealist receptors.
Mayor sam has learned that hate makes more $$ than truth.
How else do you explain valley doll and her posts.
It's unfortunate that the left doesn't understand their hate for those that don't share their opinion is driving people away from Obama and into supporting mcsame.
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