BREAKING NEWS: Bye bye Biden, Hello Hillary?
FLASH: We're hearing chatter attributed to high placed Democratic sources that a move is underway to replace Democratic Vice-Presidential nominee Joe Biden with Hillary Clinton.
Following a double dose of gaffes by the Delaware Senator over Wednesday and Thursday, one in which Biden stated that Clinton would have been a better choice for Barack Obama's VP and at a campaign stop where he asked a disable individual in a wheelchair to stand up, sources are saying that the Obama campaign is "in crisis."
Biden's mis-statements are on top of the mega-popularity of Republican nominee Senator John McCain's pick of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate and a seeming difficult for Obama and his campaign to find the most effective ways to respond to Palin. Liberal bloggers and pundits did Obama no favor by advancing goofy conspiracy theories about Palin in the first few days following her selection. The Obama campaign is followed by an avalanche of press coverage of Governor Palin, most notably a high profile interview on ABC which ocurred during a 9/11 campaign "truce" agreed to by both campaigns, leaving Obama with little room to criticize Palin's answers during the interview.
Following a double dose of gaffes by the Delaware Senator over Wednesday and Thursday, one in which Biden stated that Clinton would have been a better choice for Barack Obama's VP and at a campaign stop where he asked a disable individual in a wheelchair to stand up, sources are saying that the Obama campaign is "in crisis."
Biden's mis-statements are on top of the mega-popularity of Republican nominee Senator John McCain's pick of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate and a seeming difficult for Obama and his campaign to find the most effective ways to respond to Palin. Liberal bloggers and pundits did Obama no favor by advancing goofy conspiracy theories about Palin in the first few days following her selection. The Obama campaign is followed by an avalanche of press coverage of Governor Palin, most notably a high profile interview on ABC which ocurred during a 9/11 campaign "truce" agreed to by both campaigns, leaving Obama with little room to criticize Palin's answers during the interview.
Labels: ABC, Barack Obama, hillary clinton, joe biden, john mccain, obama bin biden, sarah palin
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1) That will look like an huge act of desperation;
2) It will hang like a rotting corpse over Obama's campaign, signalling that he is just NOT ready to make the big decisions and has incredibly poor judgement in selecting key people;
3) Conservatives will have an even bigger target (and rallying point) -- dragging up ALL the old Clinton baggage from Bill's two terms, and saying, ironically: "are you really ready for a third term of THAT old embarrassing mess?"
(Not to mention that the last guy who swapped VPs mid-campaign -- McGovern -- lost 49 states in the Electoral College... to NIXON, fer cryin' out loud).
That is true and McCain isn't scary like Nixon was.
Whatever. Just because you print BREAKING NEWS in capital letters doesn't make it true. That's a Karl Rove trick.
Let's be honest, most Americans will take a gaffe over an outright, intential repeated lie any day:
"I told Washington, thanks but no thanks to the Bridge to Nowhere."
"I oppose earmarks."
This campaign is not changing VPs. The candidates picked 'em and have to live with the consequences . . . as McCain will sadly learn.
Check mate. If Obama switches, or if Biden quits, their campaign is over. And if Obama sticks with Biden, they're going to lose any way.
I see no way for the Dems to get out of this mess, get on track, and win.
4:25 p.m.
You make it sound as if Biden's SH*T don't stink. Like he just "makes mistakes" and doesn't lie.
PUH-Leeze. Joe Biden is one of the sleaziest, smarmiest, used car salesman in the federal government. He makes Bill Clinton look SOphistiated.
When he isn't saying really STOOPID things, he's lying, and when he's not lying, he's EXAGGERATING to beat the band. (I won't even mention the plagiarism).
Oops, I just did. Funny how the media so seldom does. Palin's husband's 20 year old DUI has more to do with being "vetted" for high office than Joe Biden's unethical behavior in office.
Biden's the far-left's version of Old Joe McCarthy, telling tall tales about who and what he isn't and hasn't done. Same first name, too. "Joe" -- funny that!
A half-century ago, we had "Tail-gunner Joe" and now we've got "Foot-in-mouth Joe". This guy can talk for 40 minutes and say nothing.
And, OOOOH, OOH, OH, Sen. O. you picked the chair of the HIGH and MIGHTY Senate Foreign Relations committee so boost your lack of any real experience in that area.
And how LONG exactly HAS Joe Biden been chair of that committee?
About a year and a half. Just about as long as Obama's been ON the committee, and (oddly enough), the same amount of time Sarah Palin has been Governor of a state. A CEO, versus a bill-writer, and hearing moderator (which basically means he sits and pretends to listen to other blowhards talk, when he's not bloviating, himelf.
I can't wait until the Palin cascade effect is over and people start digging deeper into other backgrounds -- like the Biden-controlled "high tech lynching" of an African American supreme court candidate, who WAS confirmed, by the way (after the circus).
Man, can you imagine a State of the Union address by Biden if something happened to Obama in office?
Not only would they be once a year; They'd LAST a year.
Hey didn't Biden also once profess that Obama wasn't qualified to be president? Just an observation, mind you.
Was he right then or is he right now?
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