BREAKING NEWS: Zuma Dogg Thrown out of LA City Hall
I spoke earlier this morning with Zuma Dogg who told me that LA City Council President Eric Garcetti ordered Zuma Dogg forcibly removed from Council Chambers when Zuma Dogg spoke "off topic" during public comment period and was allegedly "boisterous."
Stay tuned for more details!
Stay tuned for more details!
Labels: eric garcetti, Los Angeles City Council, public comment, zuma dogg
He was a screaming, abusive low-life, as usual, refusing to follow the rules that apply to everyone.
Finally, indeed.
Birds of a feather, so we can see just what makes his groupies Higby, Valley Doll, Haikula, even Ron Kaye, tick.
Zuma will win. Eric didnt like Zuma attacking him this past week. Stay tuned,
Alarcon is sucking upto Zuma again so he must have something to hide. Even invited him to his karaoke something last week by name.
Actually Eric was very measured, didn't respond to Dion Connell's warnings about the dogg until he kept violating them. That crazy mutt ought to be fined and forced to reimburse the city for all the city time he's wasted promoting himself, plus using Channel 35 explicitly to promote himself and his blog.
Now that zuma dog has privatized his blog, and been tossed on his ass out of city hall, let us hope that he will be banned permanently.
the only thing newsworthy about this is that it wasn't done a hundred times before.
Zuma is an extortionist: trying to be as abusive as possible to force the city to finally throw him out, so he can sue the city. He's worse than the agitators at the May Day Melee, who provoked lawsuits to sue as well.
Because Crazy Dogg pretends he's trying to ferret out waste while he's really manipulating our freedoms of speech and expression to sue us the taxpayers. He's even worse than Matted Hair Matt suing over not following vending rules and police orders in Venice.
About time.
There's freedom OF speech, and then there's this other perversion of it that the pissy little bitch hides behind -- something just short of screaming "fire" in a crowded building EVERY DAMN SESSION.
The First Amendment doesn't mean WE should have to pay for his HOURS and HOURS each month of screw-loose, uninformed, counter-productive ranting at the elected officials that real taxpayers employ.
Zuma Beeyotch is a untaxable low-life who pays for nothing, but wants everything.
Send him the bill.
Let's use this as an opportunity for "reverse" dumping. We'll take a (different) homeless wretch from some other community in trade and ZD can get his "act" together and take it on the road.
I hear Barstow is nice this time of year.
Zuma has some stuff he's been sitting on for a long time that I bet if they piss him off too much he'll sing.
Better give him some PayPal love Eric.
Why did the City Council forget LA's birthday this year?
I don't thing Zuma Dogg should be thrown out for free speech but for Christ sake at least this is something other than Palin or Obama!
2:01 confirms that zuma is just an extortionist hiding behind free speech.
He's trying to shake down the whole city -- why hasn't it been promoted that zuma has sued the city and allegedly been paid already, encouraging him to provoke the council so he can sue again?
He's also trying to shake down each individual councilmember by blackmail, though he has nothing. He's already spewed some of his crazy stuff on his blog, fed to him by political enemies of those he's slandering, and he's just shown he's a loser who will sunk to anything for attention.
I do not know this Zuma Dog. However it is a sad day in America when free speech is met by police force. Perhaps this gentleman should contact the ACLU.
How/why was Alarcon sucking up?
I would think more of Zumma Dog if we were doing this as a means toward getting the rules changed and not so he could sue and enrich himself.
We have enough people in City Hall already who are there for the money.
Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen (removes hat and bows low with flourish):
'Looks like the real mutiny has begun. (Speaks confidentially to Madame Wu) Dearest Madame, thank you indeed for a copy of that filched memo from a certain Deputy Mayor's aide who had, if you will, a bad weekend. We owe you one, we do, savvy?
Zuma is an idiot!!! There's a way to speak out with dignity and respect but this fool is an extreme immature, crybaby. This is a man who has no respect for himself, no dignity or ethics. Why doesn't he work for a living? Doesn't he know that people will criticize a man who behaves like a baby and shouts at people? Its about time they try and get rid of him and that other fool Matt Dowd. They have ruined public comment for hard working people. No ones goes to city council anymore and these fools think they're some type of rock star. What have they accomplished in two years??? NOTHING BUT WASTE OUR TAX DOLLARS. NO ONE TAKES THEM SERIOUSLY.
What a faker and a phoney!
As soon as the cop asked him to leave, Dave turned off the hysterics and smiled & chatted with the cop as they walked out.
Zuma Dogg is just a showman. Wait until he finds out that three people subscribe to his blog. How many hours will it take before he continues to solicit for readers & donations here?
2:24 - you surely don't know Zuma Dogg. I support his free speech, especially when I may disagree. But his demonstrations are not about speech but hysteria.
How does Zuma Dogg waste tax money? And even if he has, does he really come anywhere close to the Council, Controller, City Attorney or Mayor?
Because it takes longer for the day's business to get done, thus causing overtime, and overtime in a domino-effect type of way. And the needless litigation.
I agree with 3:19, the honorable Clowncil Members just should be allowed to reward their campaign contributors with our money, and get to the strip clubs as quickly as possible.
If Zuma has cards to play (and you better believe he does) now is the time to lay 'em on the table.
Let's see, 3:19 -- more time than Friday's regular Clowncil Circus wastes? I seriously doubt it.
Capt. Sparrow, you are always intriguing. I wish I knew how to follow up on your teasers.
I didn't say that Friday's aren't a waste. They are as much of a waste as anything.
But that's not the issue being asked.
What was asked is whether Zuma wastes the city's time, and he does. Your response, "well, such and such wastes more time" isn't the point.
It's all a waste of time. And I think that Zuma Dogg definitely improves the discussion in a weird way. But it also wastes time sometimes.
Nothing about it is black & white so don't reply with an OH YEAH and a rambling reply.
Zuma Dogg is a totally unbelievable guy because he was joking & kidding around with everyone once he was taken away.
Like it was a performance. It was a good performance. But the hypocracy is evident.
is this really news, let alone breaking news?
news implies that there is a story to go with the incident. this was a nothing incident.
Have you clocked Zuma's "timewasting?" Does it really outpace the Friday singing, glad-handing and goofiness? Does it match the time wasted when Clowncil members are late to every meeting, or for example, Jack Weiss not showing up, leaving early, etc.
Let alone the time spent on goofy resolutions against the war in Iraq, supporting/opposing ballot propositions, voting to endorse Obama, etc.?
As usual, nice to see that the city hall workers are able to find time to post on the blog and keep informed.
Comment on 2:55pm posting, "They have ruined public comment for hard working people. No ones goes to city council anymore and these fools think they're some type of rock star. What have they accomplished in two years??? NOTHING BUT WASTE OUR TAX DOLLARS"
Some strange criticism of ZD: Just WHO went to city council meetings before? In fact, WHO really paid attention to what went on in city hall at all? Certainly not by way of the L.A. Times- which helped keep things private.
The real waste of tax dollars, as we get to the "forest for the trees" condition afflicting bloggers, is committed by the people known as "council members."
These include even the ones who don't show up regularly for meetings, or the ones who are always late to the meeting, holding up making a quorum. And any waste of tax dollars might more appropriately be seen as regularly committed by the council-because, WHILE PEOPLE SPEAK, they leave, they do other things, and they talk to others, ALL without paying any attention to what is going on at the podium.
And when speakers request attention of the CMs, Dion the dep. city attorney chastises them to not direct comments to "any particular council member." Well that's just fine, isn't it.
If you go the the meetings, you will see all the ills, but it is something not picked up easily on the video coverage.
Finally, no one needs to bow and scrape for anyone at City Hall. The council members are just people who finagled there way into office with the few votes needed in the usually-low municipal election turnout. They are not gods. The are not statesmen. And they are not even honest with much of what they do (see recent props for a few samples on one level). They too often take the general public for chumps and any intrusions in their city hall chambers is tolerated only grudgingly, but barely that.
For the most part, they call the shots in the council meetings, and they put off the attendees who are there to comment on Friday to the END of the meeting, while kissing butt and making awards gratuitously (a few ARE deserving- but more coincidentally than anything else) before any real business gets done. And what's the budget figure hitting now for the calligraphy they absolutely HAVE to produce?
Sometimes these elected representatives don't even give the public the precious little time to speak, cutting time to 1 minute from the 2 minute alloted time- So then they have spent all the time to get to city hall, park, and wait... and the time is cut AND THE CMs DON'T EVEN LISTEN. THAT may be a big reason for people being discouraged from attending meeting to speak.
And at the end of it all, what happens with the VOTE? Please notice the consistentcy of unanimous votes.
There's a lot to complain about and Zuma usually brings up a lot of what they don't want to hear- as reflected by many posts here.
We need a completely new council, but only half the council seats at a time come up for election at a time. The staff members have some job security issues when their CM is replaced, so their zeal in the blogs is understandable, not excusable, but understandable.
The disturbances Zuma Dogg may have caused are miniscule in comparison to the crap the CM generate individually and collectively as part of their everyday conduct. And this is not even getting to the topic of Mayor Tony's operation of his Kingdom.
Go Zuma.
Zuma Dog may be a waste of a human life, but I don't see how he is wasting taxpayers' money. His 2 minutes cannot translate into extra money spent. Even if he spoke for an hour, there wouldn't be a dollar cost involved. Nobody is getting paid OT to be in the Council meetings.
Where the hell is Zuma?? I want to hear his side, not you whining anonymous losers.
Michael Higby proves by his comments that he's as delusional as crazy dogg.
The nerve to compare the abusive rantings, taking up the max. time every single day/ 3 days a week (that's 18 mins./week, plus equal time for the other weirdos he's attracted there to copy him) to giving maybe 6 mins. on a Friday to some citizen(s) who've done something exceptional for the city.
Maybe sometimes they have too many of these at once, but for you loser nobodies to resent that someone who works for their community is given a one-time recognition of a few minutes, is sick.
All crazy dogg does is waste that time. Since no one who writes on this asinine rumor-mongering blog of wanna-be losers runs a business, you and they, Higby, can't comprehend the fact that people's time is money: all those staffers, security, janitors on top of the Council people (who need to be listening to REAL people, not crazy self-promoting psychos playacting), attorney, clerks, etc. must be PAID by our taxdollars. To sit there and take abuse from crazies instead of doing their jobs.
It's pathetic to watch all those councilpeople listening to those crazies. The city has lost respect for them for letting things get this far. When the "old school" members were there, this wouldn't have happened. (Not counting a bad bump in the late 80's when Alarcon, Jackie Goldberg and some wacko lefties were handing out money to illegal taco vendors and such. Maybe it's no coincidence that things are in the toilet now that Alarcon, Cardenas, Hahn, Rosendahl (yes, he's a jerk with his rantings about Iraq, gays and 60's social causes) are trying to recreate those times. But wasting time on crazies at public comment distracts from decent people who might have real bones to pick on the issues.
If crazy dogg, obese Higby and those other fruitcakes oppose something now, it's an endorsement.
This low-life, suit-happy dogg who has never made an honest living and is like a cancer in the Council for his own promotions and money-making scams has tuned everyone out of public comment. It's a freak show.
Zuma has made his loyalty to OPS very clear before, so I'm sure he was very polite to the OPS officers who escorted him out of chambers today.
And that explains that.
3:19 -- OH YEAH.... (just kidding.)
Amazing how much attention Joe Blow gets on this blog.
Dawg-man For Mayor.
One must be seriously offensive to get tossed out of City council.
Dear Petrafried (tips hat):
We, if you will, are very proud of having been tossed out of some of the finer places on our arses, although it takes a special sort of person to be tossed out of the McDonald's eating establishment in Fresno for telling a joke about why nuns don't slide down banisters, savvy? (Winks at one of the Five who is turning several shades of red) Come now, your political career is over, savvy? Give over nicely and we'll give you some assistance this weekend when you need it. (One of the Five opens mouth to speak and then thinking wisely shuts it)
(Turns back to Petrafried) As I was saying, being tossed out of an establishment has its benefits. For one, the tosser runs the risk of drawing criticism for tossing the tossee when it is opined that tosser tossed for strategic gain and not for self preservation, savvy?
On the other hand, the tossee also runs the risk of being out of the room when the inevitable faux pas is committed and we all know that the Clowncil and their ilk are, if you will, famous for their faux pas especially when pas are smacked. (Smacks sots paws) Mind the paws, savvy?
In the case of Mr. Dogg (rolls eyes) it should be noted that each and every member of the Clowncil wears a bulllesye 'round their neck and makes themselves fair game by virtue of their office. There is no "off topic" as everything is a valid topic in and of itself for if it involves a civil wrong, a crime, a torrid romance or a scandal of some sort, the Clowncil is sure to have been involved at some level, savvy?
You Yanks are not familiar with what is required to be a tosser. Out of the whole bloody lot of 'em, there is only one who is a tosser in the true sense of the word and that would be........(Petrafried whispers in Captain Jack's ear) exactly! And as some poor suffering sot pointed out in an earlier response birds of a feather do stick together, savvy?
4:15 posting, just too much. Was that satire or do you really drink the Kool-Aid?
Nice to see your tolerance of "gays" and "fruitcakes" and memories of the "60s social causes".
Just one question for you, "Who do you appoint to determine which people are the 'crazies' as you call them?"
Sooo sorry, one more question: What station do you watch to see the miracle that you imply occurs when you say,
"It's pathetic to watch all those councilpeople listening to those crazies."
Your statement just went over the edge and down the drain- council members never ALL have LISTENED to ANYTHING at one time, especially if it's something coming from a member of the public. And "crazies"? If the people are "crazies", what does that make the councilmembers?
And your arguments are made so much more compelling by the personal attacks and derision, a course followed usually by people who can't argue facts or issues. I know.... I attached "crazies" to the qualities of the councilmembers- but that's not personal.
In L.A.
I wish Joe Mailander would stop using pseudonyms and just speak his piece. Stop with the other blogs and pen names. Just get the point out, Joe. SAVVY?????????
415 cracks me up. And knowing who he works for makes me smile more when he says that none of us have ever run a business.
WHO on the LA City Council has run a business? I don't think a single one.
Has Laura Chick, Rocky Delgadillo or Antonio Villaraigosa run a business? No.
Many of the writers on this blog run or have run businesses.
And Zuma Dogg himself has run a number of businesses himself. How do you think he ever came to public comment? Because the City hassled his business.
And none of that has anything to do with the waste of time that is the Friday proclamation time. Sure, some of those folks really do deserve it. But it's not the purpose of the City Council. And most of it is glad-handing and meritless anyway.
If the Council wants to give out awards, have a special event every month, don't waste our Council meeting time when working people INCLUDING THOSE WHO OWN BUSINESSES have to take time off from work and wait two hours for Janice Hahn to stop stroking gang members or Mickey Mouse or a campaign contributor until they can address the Council with their concern, issue, need, etc. and then be ignored by the Council.
Don't start with me dum dum.
The point about Rosendahl was that he goes on about things outside the jurisdiction of the city, imposing his leftie 60's views into today's LA which is a totally different world. In case you haven't noticed, whites are a small minority and so is the middle class. They're the ones that need protecting but are being driven down and out. If the council doesn't want the gadgnats to ramble on about things not in jurisdiction of the city, he shouldn't either. Nor should Reyes, Alarcon and the rest keep shoving their crazy socialist agendas on the city. Apart from being ruinous, that's not their job.
Still, however much I dislike many of these people, they WERE elected while the rude gadnats weren't -- fantasies and self-delusions aside, no one annointed them to speak "for the people."
I agree with poster: zuma dogg should reimburse city for all that wasted time promoting his blog and "public appearances" plus pushing the limits of free speech to try to swindle money out of decent taxpayers with bogus lawsuits.
He and matt dowd are already trying to do that at Venice Beach. I couldn't care less about them except that they've ruined public comment for everyone, turned it into a farce that anyone sane tunes out. HOW do you define crazy vs. sane? Clearly you don't know how and can't tell the difference. But zuma seems to be crazy like a fox -- turning it on and off to get attention, then when it goes sour, plays "nice."
Once in a while he has a valid point, like why should homeowners subsidize unproven gang programs just because Janice Hahn and Tony Cardenas want to control new programs in their districts. But him saying it makes it seem like a good idea.
The really dumb ones are YOU who fall for his act, while paying PayPal expenses and expecting us to keep paying for his mooching lifestyle, while he's turned public comment into a farce.
Garcetti fucked up, this time. Thanks to those who realize, and i have a host of offenses and i DO need to sue the shit of garcetti and dion oCONnell so i can give one damn two minute speech.
i'll pull audio and blog about next, but to this dumb-ass:
"why hasn't it been promoted that zuma has sued the city and allegedly been paid already."
Maybe no one has promoted that because they would be sue for libel since that is a 100% complete falsehood.
For all the injustices, I have never sued the city...BUT I DO THINK WHAT HAPPENED TODAY WAS A VERY SCARY DAY FOR THE UNITED STATES.
In my mind, it was FLAT OUT CENSORSHIP...
And my phone has been ringing, and my email inbox has more comments than usual.
If you check my blog right now, you'll see Zuma Dogg ain't playing with that sissy-bitch Eric Garcetti.
The goal: Get the mayor to get crybaby garcetti and dummy o'connell to keep their mouth SHUT unless the law is being violated, AND NOT JUST BECAUSE THEY DON'T LIKE THE DIRECTION OF THE COMMENT!
Here's a question for everyone that gets to the heart of this issue:
If Councilmember Parks is running for Board of Supervisors, and Los Angeles is in the district, and Councilmembers use their titles to ENDORSE candidates (some of whom are endorsing Parks publicly as Councilmembers) --
AND, if each of 15 Councilmembers have a vote in this upcoming Board of Supervisors election:
Then do you consider it off topic if Zuma Dogg wants to urge all councilmembers to vote for Bernard Parks for County Supervisor?
As much as I would like to claim that Alarcon is "sucking up" to Zuma Dogg, he does what many of the Councilmembers do...he'll try and present his side of the issue (what people would call, "try to 'spin'" me, but I don't call it spinning if he wants to try and tell me something he doesn't think I know; or wants to defend his side of the issue.
Greig Smith did a great job adding some really good info regarding the new speed limit changes, that totally made me see it from a different angle. And although the "ZD" in me would always prefer a speed limit to be upped; CM Smith at least made the "pragmatic, totally neutral" side of ZD have to see Smith's side a relevant.
So maybe I don't harp on it.
Now the thing with Alarcon, although I really DO appreciate and admire Councilmembers when they take the time to try and make sure the "bull in a China shop" ZD doesn't charge out of control over some little mis-understanding...
I usually still am not persuaded by Richard, because we just fundamentally disagree many of the issues.
Some of the Councilmembers ZD has ZERO relationship with, for the most part (aside from occasional questions ZD will aks a staff member, only if absolutely necessary.)
For example, if ZD has a question about something, he isn't running over to Jan Perry (but she looked cute as hell today with her makeup and hair, so she must be doing o.k.)
Anyway, it is really, really fun and interesting to see some of the spin going on here.
So, no, I have never sued the City and the City has never settled with me on anything, because I never presented them with anything to settle.
But seriously, I DO think it's necessary at this point.
I've always figured, yeah, they step on my toes here and there - and it all just has built up my image with the public and has been good for that, and i show up the next day, get in my hits, and just keep plowing through. At the end of the day, the people hear ZD...
BUT of today, ZD feels a different thing is going on, besides "decorum" bullsh*t.
And here's something to check into about Eric Garcetti: If you look into the City's sub-contract with the company who does "deadbeat dad" collections and welfare benefits...ZUMA DOGG FEELS YOU WILL FIND THE BIGGEST RACKET OF ALL TIME!!!!
The company that does the collections, is tacking on all kinds of illegal "fees", and I don't mean legal "trash collection" type.
I'm talking about the type that would win a massive class action lawsuit, over HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS...
AND, if you check the campaign contributions of the company that got the contract...
Captain Jack...that's a massive one for you savvy, from Zuma Dogg's unpublished archives.
And it was nice meeting you in the halls of city hall a couple weeks ago my man, Mr. 1:43 pm. You always reveal yourself with your cleverness! I LOVE YOU, BRO!!! When I'm know who my legislative guy is!!!
Police Update: The police are not the problem inside chambers when it comes to ZD, ever since Landry left. (He was the problem all along, he is gone.) And, this ain't a cop's a Garcetti/o'CONnell problem, and someone is making them behave this way. So it's up to Eric to start acting like the small "d" democrat he likes to claim he is.
We'll see how the Obama camp feels about all this publicity that is yet to come. But the starter is already on my blog.
public comment was a farce already...before us.
if you go once, you're a flash in the pan, and ignored. if you persist ur just a gadfly or they switch off.
wrecked public comment, hahahahaha
we wrecked it, what a fuckin joke.
we MADE JACK WEISS GET THE FEE WAIVER thing out of committee.
now those fees are reimbursed by the commercial events.
what did you haters do, besides hate on your computer.
we perform on Ch 35, because performers were exempt from the vending ban at Venice.
yet we were banned.
now its just a big ole show on Ch 35, thank you and I bow to all the fans
xxx to Wendy Greuel for breaking the ice with me, today.
Gee wiz they violated your first admendment rights, Zuma Dogg. You need to file a violation in civil court.
"The disturbances Zuma Dogg may have caused are miniscule in comparison to the crap the CM generate individually and collectively as part of their everyday conduct. And this is not even getting to the topic of Mayor Tony's operation of his Kingdom.
Go Zuma."
If we had the time, where we didnt have to go to work every day, many of us would be as vocal as Zuma. I cant be there but I know that if he agrees with my cause he can usually get someone to listen to him. If nothing else he is the most effective unpaid lobbyist in the City.
Keep it up Zuma. I'm one of the hard cash supporters. I get more from you than my Councilman.
The City Council are a bunch of ignorant elites. It's about time someone like Zuma took them down.
I am sorry that Mr.Garcetti took away your free speech. You were speaking on topic.
I wish I had money to give you, but I don't.
Thank you for your work for the city.
Kudos to Higby who finally stops his McCain YouTube campaign, and gets back to local L.A. "chisme".
I see six (6) negative comments about Zuma from time 1:39PM to 1:43PM. We can all see that all six comments are by the same ranting fool who is paranoid about Zuma Dogg.
If Zuma is upsettig the "great" council members of Los Angeles, oh hell yes the corrupt clowncil members deserve it.
Zuma is a community activist and has the right to his time, two whole minutes. The clowncil members waste 10000x more tax payer money than Zuma could ever dream about.
Do you think this F.B.I. investigation into City Hall will end up with a follow-up chapter for LA Weekly's original "Numero Uno" story?
Are the Feds already onto this? Will it all end in the floors being dug up under the frozen foods department?
I think you can talk about this during the Council meetings because it's within City jurisdiction.
On reflection of some the council’s past actions, I remember such times that the Council spent more than two minutes at a time on items outside of their jurisdiction. That is, outside of the realm of things that the city or its council could legally control. All those “resolutions” were not clear-cut matters squarely within the city’s jurisdiction. Some were, of course, but they get carried away with personal causes and, SOMETIMES, matters of applied public pressure- IF they agree with the subject.
That was time that they spent creating resolutions that had absolutely no force of law but were akin to foreign policy statements. They opposed the Iraq War by resolution under Hahn’s administration, but aside from merit concerns, it was OUTSIDE what they could affect officially. That’s only one of several examples, a few more being mentioned here.
And what about the "Declaration of Los Angeles" that represented defiance of the federal law and just reinforced the idea that this is a sanctuary city?
They also issued a resolution in June to oppose the state acquisition of funds as reflected in a “First 5 LA" statement, “ 'We are so thankful to Council members José Huizar and Wendy Greuel for being champions of children and families by introducing this resolution to council,' said Evelyn V. Martinez, First 5 LA's executive director." They operated in the city and the county, but not operated BY the city. That might have been within the scope of the bans that the council would have imposed on a public commenter- BUT IT'S ALL ABOUT WHAT THE COUNCIL AGREES WITH AND WHAT IT DOES NOT AGREE WITH. Not a complicated concept.
Their resolution on the car wash employee protests might not be within what the city council can affect, but that judgment aside, they agreed with the advocates and produced another resolution.
The AFL-CIO Blog Now, July 31, 2008, demonstrates what it was about:
"Councilman Ed Reyes, who introduced the resolution, says car wash workers are some of L.A.’s most exploited workers, but they are organizing to change that."
"Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa praised the resolution for supporting the workers’ right to have a voice in the workplace:
'Supporting this right is the first step to assuring that all Angelenos have access to decent wages and fair working conditions.'"
Without going deeper into that motivation, it again is NOT something exclusively within the city's jurisdiction, but it's about what happens affecting life in L.A. If the Council could have done more than make a resolution, maybe it should have done that instead of just making a resolution.
Zuma Dogg was talking about an upcoming election for the County Board of Supervisors and the candidates running, one being council member Bernard Parks. THAT seemed at least more strongly connected to what affects city hall than so many things that they choose to spend hours “discussing”- (and I don't say "debating" since that might be mistaken for a “activity done by knowledgeable persons”- so it wouldn’t be undertaken by someone in the council)- and they don't even give those matters a second thought when it comes to being outside the area that they affect.
Maybe they should make up a committee to handle it- but a caution: don't call it "Public Safety" or it will take another 7 months to get heard.
Maybe they could hire a "consultant" since many CMs have friends and acquaintances that they could give that business for a "reasonable fee"- but don't let C.A. Rocky Delgadillo negotiate it or we'll need another tax initiative to pay the bill.
The Council does what it wants to do.
It has a sanctuary city policy that it holds onto with literally a death grip. It has no ability to police itself in ethics, in spending, or in prioritization of needed actions.
They each have a cushy political job, a stepping stone to more offices, and a way to have influence-peddlers woo them, and nothing that could compare to private-sector accountability. What more could they want?
Oh, just more power- it's addictive, and they are the junkies.
Observations from Eagle Rock
It's all on tape, so the court will have an easy time of it for decision.
The question is: Who will the vagrant get to represent him?
No self-respecting lawyer I kow would want to spend five minutes in a room with him.
12:14 You must be from city hall.
Main Entry: dis·cre·tion
Pronunciation: \dis-ˈkre-shən\
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1: the quality of being discreet : circumspection; especially : cautious reserve in speech
2: ability to make responsible decisions
3 a: individual choice or judgment left the decision to his discretion b: power of free decision or latitude of choice within certain legal bounds 4: the result of separating or distinguishing
3.b is somewhat legal. however, Roberts Rules and the Brown Act take presidence. You just cant shut him up because you want to...especially if he stays within the rules..
Good for Zuma Dog. These idiots do not listen to anyone anyways. It doesn't matter if it is during public comment or any other time.
The public is just ignored while councilmembers read the paper, stand around and talk or just do not show up.
Thank God someone stands up for us and makes these idiots listen.
Zuma, thank you for your hard work for the people of Los Angeles.
Keep it up and remember there are a lot of people that support you.
By the way, Crazy Dog, if you do sue, plan on spending all your gas money, coffee money and alms and otherwise free time in a courtroom waiting to be heard.
That is, the extra time you have when you are not with your lawyer going over pleadings, strategy, answering interrogatories, producing documents, and various other time intensive chores that accompany litigation.
Once a decision is reached by a judge or jury, then plan on an equal or greater expenditure of time in preparing the necessary appeal documents and waiting for the appeal courts to hear the matter.
You'll finally get to the end of the legal time expenditures about the time Garcetti is termed out of office and you no longer have a van to drive because it will have grown so old. You, too.
But, don't despair, this may be your life's crowning achievment.
Go grow up and get a life.
3:28 a.m.- so what you really are saying is that the civil court process is about as useful to obtain any justice as the city council is to provide any benefit to its citizens.
Yesterday was an extremely noteworthy day- billboard rights sold in the pimping of blight-free lines of sight and calorie menus
to further anti-business city crusade for a nanny-state, anti-free market, and installation of the adult equivalent of "in loco parentis" that my council rep. Huizar continues to support. What Huizar chooses supports his mayor's (who passed the CD-14 baton over to Jose to perpetuate Tony V's reign of fast-growth high density development projects/low-service/high fees city life instead of fighting a crime-saturated city, illegal immigration offenders, and any USEFUL application the power of his position.
Zuma's case is not that intricate and involved, which minimizes most of the gamesmenship the procedures mentioned usually employ. The other side of the coin is that BOTH side usually get mired in the process and the paper trails will usually be longer on the City Hall side and lead to others who will be sucked into the process.
Most cases settle while a few do require trial to reach a conclusion. Protracted litigation is not a goal, but some lawyers thrive on that (in terms of fees, of course).
Still in CD-14 Eagle Rock
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