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Friday, August 15, 2008

Proof that City Council doesn't Care

City Council didn't get to public comment until 4 1/2 hours into today's City Council meeting.

They are trying to suffocate people from getting a lousy two minutes to comment, even on important issues like Jamiel's Law. But they'll pat each other on the back for hours, bring in mariachi bands, and fawn over the criminal, cheating mayor and Fabien Nunez as they pick-pocket-the-public.

Raise fees, reduce rates, and thicken density, but God help you if you want to have your say for a few minutes.

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Anonymous Anonymous said:

Yeah..I've been there a few times just to observe. It's like the Roman magistrates giving the plebians the privilege of uttering a few words with the clock ticking. They pay absolutely no attention to them while their shuffle their papers, talk to the aides, run around from person to person, laugh, and act like supercilious, pompous ASSES!

I'm telling you...the Mexicans are the worst!!! Pigs with earrings...all of them!

I remember the days when anyone with a Mexican accent was considered a peon...what in the hell has happened to this city??? It's an EMBARRASSMENT!!!

I don't even want them to clean my toilets!!!

August 15, 2008 3:30 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Zine told Althea Shaw that the matter of illegal gangmembers (not Jamiel's Law per se) was agendized for October as she and everyone on this blog knew already. Going in and bugging the council about it again and again, especially the day before recess when nothing can be done now, is pointless and makes speakers look foolish. Prepare and present your case in October.

(In my humble opinion, as every lawyer has commented except arrogant rube Walter Moore, Jamiel's Law is likely unconstitutional as it would require cops to question suspected gang members about legal status out of the blue -- recipe for profiling lawsuits, with the ACLU and Mexican immigration activists salivating at the money they could make suing the LAPD and city.

They can tell cops to be more active in checking status of and turning over to the feds gangmembers who commit crimes. Like they can search your car if they stop you for driving erratically, but they can't just stop and search your car for no reason. That protects all our civil rights, folks.)

Many of the speakers today were rude and offensive on purpose. I'd like to see any other legislative body, starting with the Supes or other city councils, put up with this day after this as politely.

When people speak respectfully and cogently they were listened to in kind. One thing that is true: by the time a matter gets to council, if it's had committee hearing, it's too late to change their minds in most cases -- unless something new comes to light. You have to start your lobbying earlier -- you can't expect to change the course of events in 2 mins. after a lot of prep has been done. That's just my perception as the general public.

(Cardenas and Perry did seem to have the council stacked, just like Hahn's done more than once for her property tax for gangs, like Reyes/ Alarcon/ Cardenas and several of them do for affordable housing, while the NC's which are more likely homeowners aren't notified in advance with active outreach. But as long as they agendize the items as required, that's not against the rules. You have to be proactive as soon as you hear about something in the news.)

From my point of view, all those rude gadgnats with rants make it worse for the rest of us when we show up -- they wear out the council's patience and naturally force them to try to multitask to actually work for constituents.

August 15, 2008 3:32 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

332 - Basically Councilman Zine told the Aunt of Jamiel Shaw Jr. to, "shut up"?

"Going in and bugging the Council about it again and again..."

Are you kidding me? She's bugging the Council?

did you hear that Althea Shaw, "you are bugging the Council, again and again".

man oh man

August 15, 2008 4:51 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Incredible seeming off-the-cuff post, Haikula. Your candor speaks volumes. Hopefully the rest of the gallery sees, retains, and eventually responds to these pompous bastiches in spades..........

And YOU did it all without counting syllables. That's progress.

Stay on those meds now
The sounds in your head will fade
You can smile like me. :.)

August 15, 2008 5:00 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

A shame 3:30 elevated the clowncils proceedings to that of the Roman Court. I would equate it more to some ante room shenanigans out of oh say Robert Mugabe's puppet regime. These Hispanic reps KNOW they are temporary, and use the brief elevated state to exercise all their emotional quirks. What salamanders be these empty suits! Their gyrations rankle of the frog pond. You can hear the mariachis croaking in the background.

August 15, 2008 5:07 PM  

Blogger Shelby York said:


Listen idiot, I will write in whatever style that suits my fancy. It could be a haiku. It could be an entry like today's. It could be a rhyme.

What you failed to mention is that my entry is 100% accurate.

Council preened for hours with pomp and let people like ME and Ms. Shaw, and the regulars, and not so regulars, wait for four hours. I left after two hours.

It's purely unacceptable for them to fail to notify us that there'd be a change.

So if you don't like my using this platform to write about it, then tough coffee cake for you.

Write to Higby and complain.

Dum Dum.

August 15, 2008 6:40 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

It didn't used to be this way.

Before Higby's good buddy, Dave Elliott (aka Zuma Pussy) started driving everyone crazy with his off key singsong unintelligible three minute assaults, they actually used to listen and interact with the public.

But excess crap has steeled them all to legitimate public comment.

Thanks, Dave, for all you do for yourself. Go beg for some coffee money now.

August 15, 2008 7:29 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

It didn't used to be this way.

Before Higby's good buddy, Dave Elliott (aka Zuma Pussy) started driving everyone crazy with his off key singsong unintelligible three minute assaults, they actually used to listen and interact with the public.

But excess crap has steeled them all to legitimate public comment.

Thanks, Dave, for all you do for yourself. Go beg for some coffee money now.

August 15, 2008 7:30 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

It didn't used to be this way.

Before Higby's good buddy, Dave Elliott (aka Zuma Pussy) started driving everyone crazy with his off key singsong unintelligible three minute assaults, they actually used to listen and interact with the public.

But excess crap has steeled them all to legitimate public comment.

Thanks, Dave, for all you do for yourself. Go beg for some coffee money now.

August 15, 2008 7:30 PM  

Blogger Shelby York said:

Are you saying that City Council's only solution to Zooma Dog is to shove ALL of us back 4+ hours?

The only thing that reflects poorly on is City Council's inability to deal with the solution.

Zooma Dog has a right to speak, and it's just for two minutes. All the Council is doing is ruining the democratic process by making us all pay because he's eccentric.

And that's all Zooma Dog is: Eccentric. Don't make him out to be some evil character.

August 15, 2008 9:28 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

7:30 (and...) is right. Zuma doesn't "just speak for 2 minutes," but uses up ALL his time every day, which is 5-6 minutes. Often abusively. He's brought in sidekicks Matt, who uses up his whole time, 12 minutes; they've had hunt, the both of them in KKK outfits and the whole motly crew in masks. Then zuma's attracted that obese woman who is really rude now, too, and always says the same things and threatens council with the wrath of god. Plus another one and now, a couple of other regulars who also copied zuma mutt and are very, very rude and a couple sound like they belong in an institution of a different sorts.

Collectively that's a lot of time per day, of idiots ranting -- upto 45-60 minutes and ALL came because they've seen that nutcase dogg use our taxpayer channel for self-promo and obnoxious behavior, and all of YOU egg him on there and elsewhere. Before the nasty loony bin arrived on the dogg's tail, council used to listen attentively and interact with public. So yeah, it's a rational response to the madd dogg and all of you nutcases, like HaikuLA, Higby, Valley Dope, who think he's so cuuuuute.

August 16, 2008 11:21 AM  

Blogger Shelby York said:


Here's something for you to put in your pipe and smoke:

Zooma Dog doesn't speak for a SECOND more than HE or ANYONE is entitled to.

It just SEEMS that way to you because you are uncomfortable with the fact that he has the goods on some of your bosses.

If I'm wrong about his having more time than the others, you should prove it right here.

August 16, 2008 11:37 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Um, is Zuma Dogg responsible for all of them?

Is he responsible for:

Arnold Sacks, who was there long before him?

Ed Walsh, who was there DECADES before him?

What about Sharon Brewer, who quit because council ignored her research on fee waivers?

Is Zuma Dogg responsible for Donna Pearman, who's not rude?

And what about Miriam Fogler? Since you seem intent on MOCKING her weight, I'll let you know that she has ben at Council WAY before Zuma Dogg ever showed up.

Get your facts straight.

I can't imagine you're stupid enough to suggest that Zuma came there before Melrose Larry Green. You couldn't possibly be that stupid.

Or can you?

You say Zuma has no leadership skills, yet you claim he's responsible for leading all of these people.

You can't have it both ways.

August 16, 2008 11:42 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

11:42, you're right that dogg has leadership skills -- to lead those already on the edge into the sewer. and to turn the whole place into one. like the ADD nasty brat in first grade who gets away with being disruptive and obnoxious because the teacher is too nice or her hands are tied by some PC dogma, and then all the misfits in class copy first one.

I won't bother responding to HaikuLA, who's a bitter, bitchy person or to anyone who thinks rude and obnoxious is acceptable. Some people eat with their mouths wide open, blow their noses into their hands, and pass gas at the same time.

August 16, 2008 12:47 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Melrose Larry Green isn't there that often, and isn't rude. The rest, including two regular newcomers you don't mention...

August 16, 2008 12:59 PM  

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