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Friday, August 15, 2008

NOBAMA!! Kerry for Vice-President??

Did Antonio recommend this to the "Presumptive Teleprompter President"??
Don't dismiss the notion just yet.
Some political insiders are telling WBZ it could happen.
So why would Obama reach out to Kerry as his choice?
Kerry brings more money and name recognition to the table than any other name on the Obama list so far. Americans do tend to love a comeback kid and this would be the most amazing political comeback since Richard Nixon came back from the dead forty years ago.
First reaction is to say no flippant way!!
But then these two have many things in common, caustic, opinionated wifes, inflated self-importance, far left liberal credentials and the ability to flip-flop on the issues.
Obama, like Kerry is the subject of a book by Swift Boat author Jerome Corsi, which will open number one on the New York Times Bestsellers List this Sunday.
And maybe like Kerry, Obama's reaction in being the latest to be "Swift-Boated" will raise more questions about Obama's fitness to be President??

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Anonymous Anonymous said:

Obama can't respond without a speech prepared for him. Hillary was right about that 3 a.m. phonecall -- maybe Obot will ask Michelle what to do.

He's realizing that he can't just pull the troops out of Iraq, and if some leave, they'll have to deply to Afghanistan. Can't do it without Iran overrunning the whole country -- Iran already controls the south of Iraq, where the oil is, and trained the insurgents who are holding against the government back in 82 and fund them ever since.

When the Dems took control of the congress a few years ago they swore they'd pull out of Iraq, then reality set in. It was a disaster to go in -- we've spent trillions, indebted ourselves to China and Middle Eastern dictatorships, our dollar's worth nothing, but we're cheap for the foreigners. Yet we can't travel anywhere without crazy sticker shock. The supposed huge benefit of the cheap dollar in selling items abroad still rsults in a huge deficit.

so Obot's claims he'll fund all that crazy social spending he's promised, including to illegals, by "saving" money in Iraq are already going up in smoke. He's now asking us to inflate our tires to save.

Exactly what anyone with sense knew all along, but a lot of Obots preferred his empty speeches. Worse, idiots like Janice Hahn say that choosing Obot shows the public is ready for more taxes as long as pols babble about "change and hope," so she and Cardenas are shoving those lies down our butts to try to wring a property tax out of people whose home values are down and they're losing their homes.

Then when they do, Alarcon and Reyes want to tax them more to create a fund to give the homes to illegals who can't afford a bank loan. That's "hopeful change."

None of the clowns who post here talk about those big issues, or even mentioned the Housing Element on the agenda the same day as the city sending artists to Mexico with an NEA loan. This blog is a joke, just nasty barbs, same cheap shots.

August 16, 2008 11:30 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Vote for "McBush" and we taxpayers will continue to fork over $14 BILLION a month to Iraq.
McBush himself said the war could last "100 years."

August 17, 2008 1:05 PM  

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