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Sunday, July 13, 2008

"Viva La Raza!!" Comments of Mayor Villaraigosa at the National Council of La Raza Convention...and some unfinished personal business??

Mother Nature put on a great light show last evening and down south in San Diego Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa was in his own element, speaking from the core of his political soul at the National Council of La Raza Convention.

With both Presidential Candidates in town to "pander the vote", Villaraigosa was front and center in espousing the virtues of Senator Barack Obama commitment to immigration reforms.

But while Villaraigosa piles up the carbon balance of pandering mileage, there is some personal unfinished business that needs attention, more on that later.
Here are some "Villarisms" from his speech as excerpted from the LA Times.
Villaraigosa invoked the imagery of the Statue of Liberty, welcoming all (legal) immigrants, to counter the anti-immigrant rhetoric he said is pervasive on talk radio and cable television. He touched on the ethnic undertones of the federal barrier being constructed along the Mexican border, saying he was thankful that the U.S. never built a wall to keep out Irish immigrants or considered erecting a massive fence along the Canadian border. (Where does one start?? It is anti-illegal immigrant stupid).
Villaraigosa criticized the Bush administration for what he called its "selective enforcement" of immigration laws. He said that the federal government should focus its efforts on "criminals instead of working people," and that current enforcement practices unfairly tear families apart and punish small businesses. Instead, he said, authorities should be going after illegal immigrants who commit crimes.(I think anybody who is in this country illegally is violating federal law, thus is a criminal).
He derided McCain's recent trip to Mexico as a "campaign ploy" to appeal to Latinos and said Obama is the only candidate who has committed to adopting balanced and humane immigration reform.(Do I recall a certain Mayor who supported the "Kennedy/McCain Immigration Reform Bill"??).
He said 12 million illegal immigrants can be brought "out of the shadows and into the light, and onto the tax rolls by electing Barack Obama." (and on to the voter rolls as Democrats, more bodies to fill up those van and bus seats on election day.).
......and the "Lie of the Day".
Before introducing Villaraigosa to the thousands attending the conference Saturday, La Raza President Janet Murguia urged members to be respectful of both candidates, reminding them that La Raza is a nonpartisan organization. (Read this about La Raza from Michelle Malkin and decide who La Raza is partisan to.)
And on the topic of the Mayor's "Unfinished Personal Business"??
A "rumor" is circulating that the Mayor has twice delay responding to the Divorce Petition filed by Corina Villaraigosa. He cites not having time to retain legal representation. If he were not to respond to a third request, then Corina would be granted all that she is seeking by default. Thus in response to this possible ruling, the Mayor has thought about representing himself in the upcoming Divorce Trial.
One would have thought that the Mayor would of wanted to finalize his divorce before the upcoming campaign for a second term as Mayor. Stay tune...........

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Anonymous Anonymous said:

Tony the Liar has had trouble retaining representation because Corina has all the evidence she needs - Christie Brinkley would be very proud of her. He doesn't want to go to court because the lost Villar child would become an issue - pointing to the veracity of Tony's commitment to Corinna. The staff person that attacked him at the State Capitol would also come forth. But the main reason Tony isn't getting any representation is because he would leave the lawyers stuck with the bill. Tony wouldn't be able to use campaign funds or Skelton to slime his way out of this one so no one will take up his case. As for custody of his children - he never exercised any custody when he did have the right to "parent" them.

July 13, 2008 9:59 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Fill us in please - who is the lost Villar child and why did a staff person attack him at the State Capitol?

July 13, 2008 11:11 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

If he "gives up" in default, its a lot cheaper.No lawyer fees. If he "has nothing" she cant get anything. Bet you a dollar that he has been liquidating his assets in the last year.

July 13, 2008 11:12 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I don't know about you, but I'm inching toward retirement and I don't mind throwing all those new taxpayers onto the rolls. The baby boomers as a whole are going to be paying far fewer taxes in retirement and it's time for others to carry the weight. Gnash your teeth and hate them all you want, the undocumented immigrants aren't going anywhere. They may as well be PAYING TAXES. And by the way, I don't want their uneducated offspring running around society so they should be getting a quality education which requires TAXES. If you can find a country where the quality of life is high, the military is strong, the populace is well-educated and the taxes are low, pack up and let's go there.

July 13, 2008 11:20 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

"Escondido tries to rid itself of Undocumented Immigrants," by Anna Gorman, today's L A Times.

Anna Gorman is the times' Rachel Uranga (the Daily News' MEChA writer, who seems to speak for editor Carolina Garcia and writes non-stop pro-illegal, even pro-illegal gangbangers who are "really nice kids" stories).

She quotes "undocumented" Mexicans who insist "this is our city" and the usual b.s. of "you're all immigrants too" (legal ones!), and they lament "breaking up families."

Already 12+ pages of comments, 95% "Escondido Rulez!" we all have to do the same -- if these people want to raise their families together, go HOME to Mexica or Honduras. Just because some cheap big business employers want cheap labor doesn't mean they can stick us with burdens of educating their kids and their ruinous healthcare and welfare costs. So Cal is conservatively $1 Billion in red from them.

That's not counting the extra rates we pay to make up for unlicensed, uninsured illegal drivers -- that Escondido is stopping. From now on driving without a license or insurance or registration means you are charged for a crime, like ANY OF THE REST OF US WOULD BE. We get our licenses revoked for one serious infraction, they just run away and we can't find them. In SoCal, illegals= 95% of outstanding warrants for hit and run.

Karen Bass was on tv this a.m. saying that all but 3 states incl. California can balance their budgets, so the Dems naturally are going to tax the "rich" and issue bonds for infrastructure, hospitals and schools. THEN WE NEED $7 BILLION FOR JAILS IF WE DON'T WANT A CONSENT DECREE TO FORCE US.

HEY, KAREN, ALL THOSE COUNTY SERVICES ARE USED AT LEAST 3/4 by illegal immigrants and their kids. Send them home and we'll balance our budget.

Before illegals came here by the millions, and workers just came to pick crops and went home, our teens had summer jobs at McDonald's, now they can't get work. The middle class was paid a decent wage for construction work, and did fine. When I grew up, white and black women worked as domestics, made some money, often got free room and board if they wanted, were treated like family and saved up money.

They or we raised our kids just fine -- I see the "nannies" who are just maids, sitting in the parks talking while their charges play. And these kids are unsocialized as a result, often spoiled and rude, and if they hit your kid or take their stuff and you complain, these "nannies" come and scream at you now, they're really aggressive and "entitled." Same with rude people on the Red Line when I tried to do my part and go to Universal that way. No more.

July 13, 2008 12:02 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


Just take a brief tour through Mayorsam archives. There is plenty of information there - key words Fresno, adoption, State Police record, Sacred Heart High School, Israel trip (as Speaker of the Assembly), etc.,.

July 13, 2008 12:09 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

11:20: National studies show that the Anchor Babies do NOT make up for the declining "anglo" birth rate in terms of providing the taxes and doing the jobs needed to be done, because as in L A, they're much less educated and capable and can't do the high-tech and professional jobs we need to compete.

Just building them schools isn't enough when they don't learn the material and aren't qualified to go further, and upto half drop out of public high school. Instead, studies show that they make things worse: forcing the aging population to divert money from their own needs as senior citizens, in retirement homes, hospitals, home care, senior centers, etc., because they have to open schools, hire teachers, offer programs for at-risk youth, all the rest.

The only kind of immigration which would help us is what our country is actively discouraging by making it so bloody hard: immigrants who come with educations, a work and education ethic similar to ours, and the ability to do our high-tech and healthcare jobs almost as soon as they hit the ground. Most non= Mexicans assimilate linguistically within a year or two, and within 5, their kids are just like Americans.

These more qualified immigrants also have a much more positive and grateful attitude, while we see the increasing hostility and sense of entitlement from younger Latino "anchor babies." (The older gen of Latino immigrants were different.) These students are often radicalized on our dollar at charter schools like Semillas del Pueblo, and through groups like "Mexicans Without Borders."

Since each country must abide by a strict quota, Mexico and Central American countries have exceeded theirs for at least 30 years.

Here in LA, the Alarcons want us to pump tons of money into trying to pull up an underclass that just doesn't have the capacity -- it's like trying to build solid housing out of plywood. Sorry, but it's true.

July 13, 2008 1:30 PM  

Blogger Nancy said:

I'm hoping one of Corina's demands is to take her name back and prevent Tony from using the Raigosa part. Or maybe the failed bar exam flunky should represent himself. What a hoot that would be. The more sob stories that are written about the
'undocumented', the 'migrants' and the 'immigrants' the better. Citizens are so mad at these damned illegals that we import and support that all hell is going to break loose and very soon. Kick out all of the City Council and the absentee Mayor. We need someone to represent citizens. How about Walter Moore? Let'
s make sure Jamiel's Law gets on the ballot too. If the City government will not defend and protect citizens and if they neuter our police force, then it's time for a major overhaul. I've had enough of the reconquistas and the people who lick their boots.

July 13, 2008 1:33 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I think the liar is the person who started that rumor.

July 13, 2008 4:09 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Anyone who knows any kind of CA laws or has been divorced knows that the first poster is full of b.s.

California is a community property state. Every single dollar or asset is half Antonio's and half Corina's.

Never, ever, ever would going to court have anything to do with "issues". Never would a "lost" child, an affair or any other circumstance become evidence of anything.

Christie Brinkley got married and divorced in New York.

Big difference and you should learn it before you spout off and sound and look stupid. Like you do.

July 13, 2008 4:15 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

And to the poster at 11:12, there is no way that he can liquidate his assets after a divorce has been filed. He would have to have been doing that long before she filed for divorce.

One needn't be a lawyer to know this simple stuff.

July 13, 2008 4:17 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Who here voted for this SOB?

Who here didn't tell a friend about this SOB?

Look at him!
Look at that photo!

He's gonna get away with it again if you don't tell tell neighbors and tell them to tell ten neighbors.

July 13, 2008 4:52 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

It's inconceivable that he doesn't have a lawyer (or lawyers?) representing him in the divorce!? This isn't just a matter of Corina taking back her name or of being awarded custody of Natalia, but there are some big $$$$issues to deal with: child support, spousal support, division of community property, etc....

July 13, 2008 5:56 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Am I understanding this correctly: Did Antonio say that Obama would give amnesty to 12-30 million illegal aliens if elected? That sure sounds like what he was saying...is he stupid or what!

July 13, 2008 7:04 PM  

Blogger Michael Higby said:

Tony Villar might as well forget about running for governor.

Gavin Newsom is going to take all the gay money and the liberals who live along the coast from LA to Humboldt.

Jerry Brown will pick up Democrats in the southern and central parts of the state as well as LA and the Bay Area.

The only natural constituency for Antonio is Latinos however Brown is going to strip votes away there especially among older Latinos who remember him as Governor, his association with Cesar Chavez, etc.

And before any of it Antonio has to get re-elected Mayor. Even IF that's a cakewalk for him as the spinners Antonio's need to focus on the Mayoral election gives a head start to Newsom and Brown.

Still want to run Tony?

July 13, 2008 7:52 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Higby, you're dreaming if you think Newsom has a chance for Gov, after San Fran being caught aiding and abetting illegal gangbanger felons and dumping them in San Bernardino - both the S B Supes and the feds are investigating, there's more to come.

Tony's lucky he was in Israel and couldn't officiate at the first gay weddings, too -- even gays admit that's a mixed blessing for a pol.

So it's Gov Moonbeam and Tony. Moonbeam will probably take it this time, but he'll be 70, as old as McCain, and it'll be his last term. Tony will run IF he accomplishes something big... no one but you and some reactionary Catholic Latinas care about the divorce.

Obama's saying all the same stuff Tony is now about illegals, incl. how ICE shouldn't be breaking up families -- he panders more than Hillary ever did, and swings like a pendulum.

July 13, 2008 8:27 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


It is not a rumor and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

If Tony wasn't the liar, Corinna would still be around.

July 13, 2008 8:35 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

You are so wrong. Corina knew long before this mayoral election what AV's shortcomings were.

They'll be just fine. Keep dreaming.

Spell her name right, gossip monger.

July 13, 2008 9:45 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Antonio has a lot to fault regarding the issues, pandering to illegals, comparing them to Irish Canadians -- but other than this blog, no one cares about the divorce anymore, it's just weirdly obsessive. It makes the Latinas and Eastside Latinos look so backward and reactionary no one sympathizes and turns against them.

This isn't Mexico, where every divorce is contested -- a community state means it's just routine, as long as neither is trying to hide assets. Maybe it's an accounting delay.

Eastsiders are also ripping apart everyone's wife and girlfriend and clothes and boobs -- NC's exist just for social posturing and bickering, and they think city politics do, too. This isn't Juarez or Zacatecas.

July 13, 2008 11:23 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Even if he has been liquidating assets, that can be proven and he'll be screwed for the re-election.

But since they've been married longer than 10 years, she is due half of his salary for the rest of his life, or until she remarries.


July 14, 2008 12:57 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


Little known secret about the race for Governor.

All the money Villaraigosa raises for Mayor can be used to run for Governor.


His fundraisers in san francisco that reportedly raised 250k and everywhere else can be used in 2010 to run for Governor.

So while the Mayor may not declare any intention to run for Guv, all the money he raises for Mayor can simply be rolled over -- especially if he gets no competition.

tsk tsk tsk.

Perhaps the money you speak of that Newsom will tap will be gone and raised before Newsom even has his first fundraiser.

July 14, 2008 1:19 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

11:23pm Wake the hell up. All you need to do is watch the local media and you will see everyone is intrigued by scandal. Why do you think Christie Brinkley's divorce was all over the national media. Why hasn't a local reporter done some investigating and reported this story? I hope David Z isn't being bought off. His last couple of stories sure sounded like spinning for that imbicile Janice Hahn on gang tax. Its racist to say Latinos on Eastside only care about this stuff. We all care cause this dumb ass Mayor has used this city. Another story would be for David Z to investigate how much money on gas all those 26 city cars for Antonio's staff is costing? We're suppose to be in a budget crisis and he's jetting down to San Diego.

July 14, 2008 6:48 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


July 14, 2008 7:28 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Gee could it be all the illegal sentiment has hurt Obama aligning himself with the gang banger Mayor?

(July 14) -- A new Newsweek poll shows that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama leads Republican rival John McCain by just 3 percentage points, a statistical dead heat -- and a sharp drop from the 15-point lead Obama held in June.

July 14, 2008 10:27 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Corina filed for divorce in June of 2007. The court docket shows that the Mayor didn't respond until May 18, 2008; a respondent is given 30 days to respond before a default is given. Twice the respondent (the Mayor) cites "unavailabilty of counsel" before the extremely tardy answer of May 18, 2008. What took him so long? Everybody else has 30 days to respond to a divorce petition. Also, who is representing him? There is nobody listed on the court docket so the Mayor must be doing his divorce pro per. Let's hope the two women representing Corina pounce on the Mayor for being a slacker.

July 14, 2008 11:25 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

"And to the poster at 11:12, there is no ..."

This the second time Antonio's wife left him. She filed and dropped it the first time...it was between the first and second filing that he got rid of his assets. They both knew she was quiet only as long as he was not obvious. He had to be proud having a "Star". It became too much for his wife. She filed again.

July 14, 2008 1:06 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

1:06, you are so wrong because there were no assets to get from him. What are you thinking? That assembly job was that high-paying? He got rich from the commission seat that all termed out polls get? Yeah, right. Maybe the Council job was an overpaid job, but I don't remember Corina filing after that.

Wishing things were true won't make them happen.

July 14, 2008 5:01 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

You can't dispute a court docket that is public record. The information is all there and as the case progresses, the information will be put there for all to see. Wait until the interrogatories get served and take a look at his answers. And yes, it will be public record because wishing something won't happen won't make it not happen.

July 14, 2008 5:17 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I'm sure Thomas Sanez is helping him thanks to our tax dollars. You know the in house sleaze bag attorney in city hall. Shameful but I always say "KARMA" its coming close to getting Antonio

July 14, 2008 5:36 PM  

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