Antonio's Faustian Transit Deal
So what kind of faustian deal is Mayor Villaraigosa doing to get LA County residents to pass a new sales tax for transportation boondoggles? Well the Feds are requiring that LA County implement toll roads in order to get transit funding. The original plan was to place those toll roads on the 210 freeway through cities in the San Gabriel Valley.
Antonio wants pols in San Gabriel Valley to support the sales tax scam. Electeds in the Foothills don't want the toll roads so Villar is pushing to have the toll roads moved to the 110 Freeway in Los Angeles to placate folks in Azusa, Monorovia, Pasadena, etc.
So not only will you be taxed more for transit you won't use, you'll have to pay to use the freeways you do.
Labels: mass transit, mayor antonio villaraigosa, toll roads, transit tax
I love it!!! Toll roads keep the illegals off the freeways and make them usable again. Charge as much as you want; I'll pay it for clear roads.
For those of us who live in West Los Angeles, we welcome this!!
We cannot get from West LA to downtown in less than 90 minutes after 4:00 P.M. in the afternoon until after 8:00 P.M. because all the workers who live in the East part of the city are returning home from here.
They are for the most part illegals.
Charge them or let them use the surface streets or public transportation.
We are sick of them using our infrastructure and paying no taxes; clean our toilets, indeed.
I'll clean my own for clear roads.
P.S. It'll also keep Z-Pussy off the roads due to his begging money being low these days.
Who is going to pay for all this crap? Why would any middle class person move to LA? It's becoming NYC with high taxes and lots of political control over your life, but it has none of the advantages.
Mayor, you're making the city into a city of slums.
(It's fitting that the gangbangers will now have to pay to do their drive-by shootings on the 110. How long before the activists protest?)
The toll road issue disappears after the November elections.
Rosendahl objects to the 1/2 c sales tax for mass transit because == he wants a full 1 c hike. Then what happens if the state raises sales tax if voters don't approve Arnold's alternate schemes? Apparently then the city can't also raise the sales tax, so we give the money toward the state's mismanaged budget instead of towards locally needed mass transit.
Nice mess.
Yeah, all of this outrage to get federal money the locals can't access unless they knuckle under to ideological nonsense promulgated by Higby's beloved Republicans in DeeCee.
Don't waste our time complaining about where the toll lanes will go when it's your peeps who are selling the jive in the first place, Mayor Sam...
Oh Oh, more consulting fees for Parke, Barkin, Trujillo, Hacopian and Ace.
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