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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Pitchforks and Torches

My older and newer "bloggin' mentors" are hot on the trail of this but without saying "neener neener" the old dead, republican Mayor was on this months ago.

The revolution is brewing and City government is about to get slapped.

The perfect storm of anger, frustration and momentum is about to roll into LA.

In other words, the shit is about to hit the fan.

The people are pissed and that oozing hate will activate the mayoral campaign of Zev Yaroslavsky. Hell, even the elites are pissed enough that Rick Caruso or Magic Johnson will jump in. And Walter Moore has been a dutiful revolutionary whose movement is growing by leaps and bounds day by day, so much so that the elites are getting nervous.

Whether its Home Depot, Las Lomas, Southwest Museum, trash taxes, gang taxes, phone taxes, transit taxes, gas prices, Special Order 40, rising crime - it doesn't matter. The sum total is the people are revolting (well yes that way too but you know what I mean).

Get ready for the Summer of Hate!

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Anonymous Anonymous said:

Mayor Sam do you notice that Eric Garcetti refers to his woman as "his partner?"

What the hell is that?

I thought only gay people used that term? If a guy tells you he leaves with his partner that means another dude.

But Garcetti's "partner" is a woman.

Am I missing something? Shouldn't it be his "wife" or "girlfriend?"

June 19, 2008 4:23 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Life partner. Significant other. People can choose to call each other and their relationship whatever they want. Fortunately, this is something that government doesn't regulate. You might want to find something else to worry about.

June 19, 2008 4:37 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Saying that Walter Moore's campaign is growning by leaps and bounds doesn't make it so. A better description is probably that it has peaked, or to be more generous, that it is creeping along.

June 19, 2008 4:39 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

"Parcel Tax Urged for Gang Programs," Daily News on Janice Hahn's property tax on homeowners.

Note how she doesn't come out and say "property tax," and how she stacked Council chambers a couple days ago with "the entitlement people," parents of gangbangers and victims of gangbangers and those who work with gangbangers (some of whom still ARE gangbangers), and a few bleeding heart clerics.

NO ONE from the homeowner associations was alerted or came.

She's hoping that these gimme-gimmes will outnumber the few remaining homeowners who have to pay for OTHER areas like hers to get more cops, while they go unprotected.

Little old ladies in West L A are getting robbed from open windows because they can't afford to turn on their OC, but they're going to be hit with Hahn's tax. AND she's lying about the amount -- it will be a LOT more for these little old ladies. On top of $500/month trash fees for cops, that they're not likely to see either. Weiss and Rosendahl have been on tv about this, and I hope they fight for more cops for their districts. Enough of the anti-"anglos" on the Eastside and South L A just taxing them and blowing them off as "rich people who must pay more." Same for the little old ladies in Reseda and Van Nuys.

June 19, 2008 5:27 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

You're delusional, Higby.

June 19, 2008 5:47 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Since when did this blog begin trading in science fiction.

(Oh, yeah. I remember, when you predicted the masses were going to follow the lead of 5 dried up neighborhood council leaders and Greg Nelson, and spit Prop R. back in City Council's face.)

How'd that fake "storm" (Peter) Pan out? Archive back, it was in the newspapers.

There's NO revolution.

No one's going to get slapped (except anyone who believes this fairy tale), slapped with reality.

There's no perfect storm, in fact there's barely a squall and it's the same tiny squall you've seen as a HUGE force of change many times before. How many ways can you cry "wolf?"

There's no momentum.

A "Mayor" Zev would hardly do anything different from Villaraigosa, who led your last "revolution" and is hardly doing anything different than Hahn.

And the only thing about to hit the fan is hot air - like your rant.

Get out a bit. Talk to more people than Wacko Walter, election-cheat Zuma, and your five old high school buddies from the Valley.

It's going to be a long hot summer, all right. And all that's going to mean for this brewing cauldron of public apathy is more high electricity bills.

There just isn't any revolucion to "viva" - dude!

June 19, 2008 6:00 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

If a guy raises $100,000 from out of nowhere getting $25 and $50 donations that's a small movement. I am not saying Moore can win but it tells you something is going on.

June 19, 2008 6:10 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Except that you ARE doing it in a neener neener way.

Saying that you're not doing it this way, and then doing it that way, shows that you have some emotional growth to do.

That having been said, you're right, Mayor Sam. I believe a newcomer is heading our way. Some say that huggy boy is really a part of this same inner city circle, but I hope it's untrue.

Go Walter! (sitting here quietly waiting for a Villaraigosa blogger to say what fools we are)

June 19, 2008 6:25 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

4:23 is right.

Be a man, Garcetti. Your WOMAN will appreciate it.

June 19, 2008 6:27 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Great point 5:27.

I wish to heck we'd stop voting for people based solely on whose private parts they came out of.

Ken Hahn: Bonafide somenthing-or-other.

Jim Hahn: At least he got through law school.

Janice Hahn: What the f_ck is she doing in office? Where are her quals?

For Chrissake, she is there because of her being a Ken Hahn cumshot that hit its target!

If we keep voting such fools in there, Tom Le Bong included, shame on us, as el Alcalde would say.

June 19, 2008 6:29 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

absolutely on the Garcetti thing.

i just figured he was gay when he said this. talk about emasculating! would you ever vote for someone with so little backbone?

June 19, 2008 6:30 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

You should also be fair and mention that this is exactly what Ron Kaye is writing about today.

Let's assume you know that he's been writing about this for years, let alone months.

June 19, 2008 6:41 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

4:23 is right. "Life partner. Significant other. People can choose to call each other and their relationship whatever they want. Fortunately, this is something that government doesn't regulate."

"Yah. Damn right."
"Hey Bitch. Get me a beer"

June 19, 2008 6:50 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Guess this "partner" stuff is Garcetti trying to make himself sound like the gays.

He already panders to the MEChA Mexicans on the anti-illegal issue.

He's planning to use his mother's being Jewish to hit Jews for money, when he runs for Mayor. (Playing on his being "interim Mayor" when Tony's gone, not that he ever does much to pitch in.)

He's the ultimate Zelig. Except he looks more like Clark Kent without the Superman alter ego. HE just IS Clark Kent playing Zelig.

June 19, 2008 6:59 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

6:50 was obviously written by a man who doesn't know how to treat a woman.

June 19, 2008 7:13 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

there is something odd about a woman who prefers to be called a "partner"

heck even my gay male friends say "my man"

no one says "partner"

"partner" is so... what's the word...

June 19, 2008 7:16 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


Eric is about as straight as Coldwater Canyon. On the Studio City side.

June 19, 2008 7:21 PM  

Blogger Unknown said:

Oh The Naysayers! They just go on and on. Why, if I had a dollar for every time someone told me we had no chance of stopping Home Depot, I'd be waist deep in cash. The same naysayers are the ones that will sit out any efforts to change things, just so they can say that "I told you it wouldn't work". Their voices should
be heard, if only for the amusement it provides. Kabash away, those of us actually trying to do something to improve this city need a good laugh now and then.

June 19, 2008 7:40 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Hertzberg again? Who gives a rats ass?

But, since you are smoking your own dope, yuo might as well include him and Stuart Waldman, another Mayor Sam fav.

Some of us like to confine our masturbation to private places, not perform it mentally out here in the blogsphere.

To quote Joseph Welch, a well known lawyer from many years ago "At long last, Sir, have you no shame?"

Let's move on to some subject upon which you can see more clearly, since your "summer of hate" will be more like a "ete de la Villaraigosa redux".

Face it Higby, Antonio wins in a walk and all the others go on with their lives (except you, Moore, the Mutt and your five high school buddies who live in the Val) who all seemingly need to get one)

( I know, Welch actually used the term "decency" rather than "shame", but he used "shame" later in the dialogue, and the quote has taken on a life of its own)

June 19, 2008 7:44 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

744 = Jimmy Blackman

June 19, 2008 7:49 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I wrote :744 and I am not Jimmy Blackman or anyone else who is paid by or works for the Mayor, except as an occasional supporter who volunteers a little.

I did support him taking our "Poor Jimmy" becuae I oculdn't stand the corruption of Stein, Wong, Edwards and a host of other violators.

Those chickens are coming home to roost; Leland's trial is around the corner, and when he is convicted and about to be sentenced to lots of time in prison, he'll squeal just like a baby pig on your farm in Iowa.

June 19, 2008 9:11 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

744 = Melrose Larry Greene ready to make a comeback.

June 19, 2008 9:37 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

744 = Joan Milke Flores ready to fight the good fight.

June 19, 2008 9:38 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Time to follow our fearless leader Zuma. Who is mooching off whom?

He always has the same general topic that Mayor Sam covers.

Look at his site, it's the same thing.

June 19, 2008 10:00 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Off topic, but I'm still rolling on the floor with uncontrollable laughter..

Did 'ya notice how fast Villar came up with $500,000 to investigate and clean up the piles of trash in the alleys of South Central...you know, the dead animals, dirty diapers, feces, boats, old sofas and mattresses...the usual crap....

The little shit was in Israel when the story hit the NATIONAL NEWS, and he couldn't wait 5 minutes before issuing a statement and throwing out 500K to fix the problem!

Villar is ONLY concerned about his so-called "NATIONAL REPUTATION" now; so...let's start airing the dirty laundry of this city in the NATIONAL NEWS from now on....and watch that little pipsqueak squirm!

June 19, 2008 10:14 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Mailander noted in his blog a few days ago that Eric's home will be featured in Dwell Mag next month -- HIM, not "his partner," Amy. Can anything be more gay than a guy doing interior design?

His partner exchanges veggies for eggs with Bill Rosendahl.

Look, this doesn't mean he's gay, but it sure seems they have more in common with gays than the married parents their age who've had to give up obsessing about matching colors and going to clubs and the latest sushi restaurant every night, to deal with the shit schools and private schools they have to pay for while they have neither time nor money left to go out every night. The hedonistic gay lifestyle.

June 19, 2008 10:30 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

"What we have to do is make our case to the voters," Hahn said. "We finally have our house in order when it comes to gang programs and we have to have the money to pay for it."

I think this statement is further from the TRUTH! The City Council “house” is not in order. The Ad Hoc Committee on Gang Violence and Youth Development objective is to vet out which gang prevention and intervention programs work or don’t work. Councilmember Cardenas is the Chair and Councilmembers Wesson, Hahn, Huizar, and Reyes are part of this historical event.

However, this Committee has been a lone councilmember’s domain where Cardenas is the only member present. Cardenas would start these Committee meetings stating there was not a quorum, now he proceeds without making the statement. Just take a look at the following Committee dates: April 24, May 1, May 22, June 5, June 12, and June 19, 2008, and the list goes on. The Council will then approve the lone Committee’s recommendations. Is this what one would call house in order?

Angelenos need to vote against the proposed property tax increase until the Council, including Janice Hahn and Mayor Villaraigosa, are able to show ALL ANGELENOS a matrix supporting that the current programs are working because as of June 16 Council “house” has NOT made their case.

June 19, 2008 11:10 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Can there possibly be a more stupid and counter-productive bunch on Cardenas' Ad Hoc Gang Committee, than that bunch? Reyes, Huizar, Hahn, ay-yah! The only one missing is Zorro Marxist AlarCON himself.

Remember Cardenas' crocodile tears as he banged on the table, crying about how he, as a Councilman, couldn't make his own street safe enough for his teenage son to go outside? (The very date BEFORE his nemesis Chick was planning to announce support for putting gang programs under the Mayor's office.)

Doesn't he realize he's telling us how USELESS he's been, and we need a change, not more money for this gang of fools?

Barbara Yaroslavsky showing up to ask support for placing all programs under the Mayor's office instead, was a slap in the face to Hahn the Hack, and she never acts without Zev's support. Seems though he disagrees with Antonio on a lot, he thinks Hahn and that band of fools are worse. He's right.

June 20, 2008 12:08 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Shucks, where'd the fun bedtime music go? Can it be it's just Higby licking his wounds because his "hero" went down in a blaze of gang glory in court today. When are you going to post your apology to the DA you slandered so mercilessly? But that's okay...the longer you drag your fee, the more malicous you look.

June 20, 2008 12:44 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

"Time to follow our fearless leader Zuma. Who is mooching off whom?

He always has the same general topic that Mayor Sam covers.

Look at his site, it's the same thing."

Zuma posts the his stuff earlier or he hints at it. He has beaten both LATIMES and the Daily News and will probably continue to do so. Remember, he has a lot of "unpaid" supporters who feed him stuff, probably more than he can handle.

How do you know he doesnt feed stuff to Mayor Sam and Street Hassle?

June 20, 2008 9:15 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I for one know everything I know about local politics from zuma dogg. That is why I am so smart. That is why I know all about Deming and lemmings and machete jugglers on the boardwalk in Venice who could slice your head off with one false move, but gets to oust zuma from his spot. That is why I know life is not fair, that hysterical homeless guys with ADD who sell t-shirts of themselves and CDs on the beach do not always have it easy in life, but they're always right and respected by heads of state and visiting potentates.

June 20, 2008 10:04 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Forget about Garcetti,the
Gang of Three Illegal Alien
advocate Mayors demand that
the U.S. Government not enforce
immigration law in their cities
has provoked a storm in a
current USA Today article with
over 600 comments all asking
why the Mayor of L.A. is not
arrested or deported! The rest
of the country has realised that
L.A. the illegal alien and gang capital is controlled by Mexico!!
The open borders LAT is
supressing this while the rest
of the country vilifies rightly
our outlaw city!!

June 20, 2008 1:38 PM  

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