This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Where's Ron Kaye?
What, no pastrami dip sandwich with "CHUBBY HUGGY 2009"?
I'm so disappointed. It could work for both Mayor or City Attorney, for neither of which he has a chance.
Truly enjoyable...all of them . All good candiates..... How about
"Anyone can do it better..... than Antonio in 2009"
Again, these designs are very well done. Even the ZD sticker is designed to project his clownish, childlike image.
Who deserves the credit?
What about Walter??
Ron Kaye has already said he has no intention of running. Janice Hahn has already said there is no way she will be running against Antonio.
Everyone will have to hope he gets reelected as mayor so he will run for governor a year later in 2010. And that's when Hahn, Garcetti, Wesson and anyone else can run.
8:20 = Jimmy Blackman
Janice Hahn the Hack for Mayor? Out of your freakin' mind? That wacko who spends money on gang programs to pay bangers to look out for other bangers, per Fox News, deny it all she wants. The idiot who's intent on raising homeowners' taxes to pay for HER stupid gang programs in HER areas at a time when people are furious at paying more taxes on homes that are worth 27% Less than a year ago? That socialist bitch, who stacked Council Public Comment last Wed. with the "Entitlement people" begging her to do this, because they were mostly benefiting from our taxes for gang programs, or were parents of gangbangers, or had kids affected by gangs?
That socialist bitch who wants the little old lady in Westwood, where they're getting mugged through open windows because they can't afford to turn on the AC, or the ladies and retired people and new owners in Reseda, who have to pay that leftist Wacko's taxes for HER gang areas, while they get nothing back?
Just like she and that other leftie Rosendahl have spent hundreds of thousands of OUR tax dollars fighting LAX-area hotel owners over their "living wage" ordinance for mostly illegal housekeepers, which is none of their damn business and has hurt business and tax revenues.
Someone called that stupid woman a
"Kenny Hahn cumshot that hit its mark, a prime example of why people need condoms," and they're right.
Jimmy Blackman = A penis-in-hand, jerkoff-in-love with Villar.
Jimmy Blackman = Brushing up his resume.
Joe Mailander's blog is delaying comments by hours or even a day, might even be censoring those who disagree with him. What a shame, the blog's been ruined since that wacko Don Q and his multiple personalities blew it up. Especially on some animal blog, which always happens, leading to accusations that DonQ is really that animal nutcase. Good thing Mayor Sam finally cut them out, without censoring everyone else.
Ron kaye never said never. Now, that would really be interesting.
You left "election cheat" off Zuma dogg's bumper sticker.
As long as you're fishing for candidates, how about Hillary?
She's out of work, won't be a VP candidate for Obama by an stretch, and didn't have any problem carpet-bagging her spreadout DC-based backside into the NY senate election years ago.
Yea, she owes Obama some capmpaigning time, but that perfect. Mayoral candidates here (and mayors) have a recent tradition of spending more time campaigning for presidential candidates than doing their own work here in L.A.
204 you mean HER nutty animal commentaries.
Joe's blog is doing great. UR think his comments are delayed? How much content has been on Mayor Sam since Friday? Almost none. At least Joe has fresh content this morning, not this mindless bumper sticker junk.
I like Mary Cummins comments. Theyre good when she doesnt go Waco Texas on us. I like that! Going Waco Texas on us.
4:03: about Joe, I KNOW his comments are on delay or censor: I posted one this morning 10 am and it's not 6 pm. It was critical of his comment but not at all offensive or anything to censor unless he's gone paranoid.
Speaking of paranoid, Alan Mittelstaedt at Witness L A is on the attack against "Water King," the "Mayor," and is pushing the envelope on religion with his "Lesbian's son Jesus" posting this a.m. He's getting no comments because of comments, but that blog NEVER censors, it posts instantly. Alan's just having a meltdown since he got fired from CityBeat.
"Villaraigosa...the Great Pretender"
"Villaraigosa for Swindler-in-Chief"
Walter Moore...TEAM USA
Antonio Villaraigosa...TEAM Mexico
The Choice is Up to YOU!!!
Richard Alarcon's joking nickname "the Zorro Marxist" that Red Spot gave him is no joke, it seems. His sister Evelina, with whom he's very close, is member of the Communist Party USA and former Chair of the So Cal Division of the CPUSA.
Richard has been upto these socialist redistribution schemes for decades: during his stint on Council in 93, he passed a motion to legalize illegal street vendors and, in fact, give them each $5000 in unsecured loans to "legitimize them." (Sound familiar? Now he's moved up to handing them money to turn them into "middle class homeowners," taking the money from the REAL middle class who worked for what they've got.)
This was designated in 8 zones in the city. Rita Walters wanted to link it with tougher penalties for illegal vendors outside those zones, but with the help of leftist Jackie Goldberg, Alarcon got the Council to vote against Walters and not link this legalization to any penalties. Sound familiar again?
That article on Alarcon and illegal vending support can be found in Daily News archives, 10/27/93
Mailander and Higby both sometimes delay posting comments because they actually have lives, unlike the posters who expect them to be sitting by their computers all day breathlessly awaiting new posts to moderate.
Get over it. The world can wait a few hours for your "pearls of wisdom."
Alarcon is a disgusting. The most deplorable scumbag in City Council.
Can anybody add any info to the rumor that Villaraigosa's Chief of Staff, Robin Kramer, is going to leave after Mayor's re-election campaign is over???
6:43 a.m.: If YOU had a life, you wouldn't be sitting here making up dumb excuses for Mailander and Higby, about why they don't post comments for a whole day. No blog can be remotely successful that way. So YOU must be Higby or Joe, on the defensive. Take the criticism like a man and get over it.
^ Does this mean that she and Villar...? Nah-h-h, the thought is too horrible to contemplate!
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