This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Are these legitimate?
How do we get the actual bumper sticker?
So tell us Higby and stop beating around the bush, how do you REALLY feel about Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa?
Where's the REAL one:
How about:
(*When hell freezes over)
And now, with "global warming" that's even going to take even LONGER than when people used to say it.
Walter Moore '09
"Ship out the brown ones"
Garcetti - Your partner in making a better LA.
Where are the ones that say
Seems as if Higby isn't the only one not pleased with the Mayor. Do you guys really think with a straight face he's universally loved?
Eric Garshady for Mayor! Because Antonio hasn't fucked us enough.
I heard Zuma Dogg will be announcing his endorsement of Garcetti on Malibu Pier on July 4th.
If Eric is elected Mayor will Amy be first partner?
^^^ LOL
Council President Eric Garcetti has been in a long term relationship for over a decade with his partner, Amy Wakeland.
Recently, on one of the comment sections of one of our posts, someone alluded to the fact that Eric hasn't married Amy yet because marriage doesn't work in politics (as evident in the recent turmoil in the Mayor's office here in LA, as well as San Fransisco).
To their defense came strong words by someone close to them:
"The comment about why Eric Garcetti still hasn't tied the knot with Amy Wakeland? I know Eric and Amy very well. Eric and Amy always spend their lives in finding and supporting services that will help the better community of LA California. They are each others' support in doing what they truly believe in. Amy and Eric will get married when the right time comes along, but they are more feel in their hearts to help those around them. How do I know these things. I will tell you, I am David Wakeland, Amy's little brother and I am very supportive and proud of Eric and Amy in what they are doing for the people of LA, California."
Here we have a defense of a non-political sibling who happens to be personally connected to a public official. Is such a defense necessary? Furthermore, should people take offense to comments on a blog? We've made it a policy here not to have completely anonymous commenters, whereas Mayor Sam let's anyone comment without an identity. Kevin Roderick removed comments from the LAObserved site long ago, and LAist just started to require registration to comment.
Should commenters be more effectively screened? Should people take offense to another person's opinions or personal, yet public, reactions? Public discourse is good; even online. Better, though, is to take the debates - the comments - to the street. Perhaps an LA City Nerd meet-up is needed to have a public conversation about the hottest LA City topics (like gangs, traffic, and personal lives!)?
Visit for more.
Looks like Zuma Dogg fucked up the design on his site.
Amy and Eric will get married when the right time comes along, but they are more feel in their hearts to help those around them.
That is some lame ass shit right there. It takes an hour to drive to Norwalk and tie the knot.
Eric doesn't like the term Councilmember because it could be confused as a reference to the male anatomy. He and his partner prefer Councilhuman.
Whenever the sentence starts with "Zuma Dogg" the next two words prety have to be "fucked up" don't they?
"Sentence" - look that word up, um I mean, ask someone what it means, Red Snot.
1:50 looks like you fucked up your own post.
First of all, you DID forget the most important bumper sticker, y'all!!!
When the cops at the City Hall front-door check point are asked by constituents attending the Council meeting, "Is Zuma Dogg going to be here today?", certain mayoral hopefuls have a real problem on their ballots!
To be honest...the dichotomy of walking around broke, no gas, hungry, burnt-out from my living conditions -- contrasted with the level of recognition, and the intense degree of "props" from strangers on the street -- it does cause a lot of bitnerness. But the good spirit carries me through the tough times.
NOT TO BE DISRESPECTFUL TO THE READERS, but I don't think there is anyone reading this that is fully aware of the level of "ZD" recognition and intense degree of "favorable" response...
BECAUSE THESE PAST COUPLE WEEKS AND PAST COUPLE OF DAYS EVEN, has really surprised, overwhelmed and shocked me. (It's like the Truman show...Is this all some plan the whole county is on to make me delusional?)
Nobody is aksing the cops at City Hall, "Is Eric Garcetti or Zev Yaraslobsky going to be here today?"
AND YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN Y. Burke have to announce to the crowd after my public comment at the BOS meeting, "No cheering allowed. There will be no cheering."
Sorry to mess up the plans, y'all. (Whoever you support.)
I'm not saying that I am as "shoe-in" to win, at all...but I think if you are doing polls or bumper stickers you gotta included "The Realest, Dough" (AKA: MC ZUMA DOGG)
[i LOVE that this kind of talk makes people NUTZ. but one thing...due to humbleness...I couldn't really fully describe just how overwhelming and the degree of "ZD recognition and favorability" is out there.]
(What a shame.)
Your just like a freak in the circus. You will get @1,000 votes and then claim some conspiracy.
Much like that cactus that grows for 30-odd years and finally blooms, Zuma has reached his natural maturity (and unfortuantely for all mankind may be ready to procreate)..
God help us all! Where can I get one of those t-shirts?
4:41 a.m. perhaps Matt and Zuma could sell them on the pier. Then you could visit and ask for the Mayor Sam discount.
I actually like the designs of the bumper stickers, however, that one would never read "Johnson 09", it would be "Magic 09". When you say, "Magic", everyone knows who you're talking about.
I don't know why you weren't that popular in high school, you had 7 years to make friends.
Good point 4:28. Besides, "Johnson 09" is already reserved as Villaraigosa's official campaign slogan.
The Johnson 4 Mayor people are using the moniker "Mayor Magic".
The only one who has the fortitude to run for mayor is Zuma Dogg. I can’t say the same for “Zev, Magic, or Garshady.”
When will the Zuma Beyotch be fined by Ethics for creating the fake polling site and not putting his own name on it.
Election fraud!
You can't even file the papers now, loser, because they'll seize all your remaining personal property to cover the fines.
Of course you're recognized, ZD. Paraphrasing what president Johnson said to Daniel Inouye when he got elected to senate.
"I KNOW who you are. We only got ONE ignorant, loud-mouthed, smelly, bad-rappin' whigger in a fle-infested knit cap running around City Hall!"
10-36 = Zuma Dogg
Non-residents of the City of Los Angeles may not run for Mayor or any other office. In fact, they may not even be Commissioners.
I'm not sure aoout residency requirements for gadflies, but they should probably consider an ordinance banning non-residents as well. Image how much shorter our Council meetings would be.
Good call, 1:35: Why is a Malibu vagrant - can't say resident, since he just has a PO Box there -- allowed to clog up LA Council public comment time every single day? Same with matt and hunt, who are suing us no less. He's also inspired those other babbling women to show up daily, though I think they live in L A.
Eric Garcetti needs to grow some cajones and stop this waste of our taxpayer time. Those yoyos complain that presentations waste time (sometimes they do), but they take up over half-hour/day themselves with the same drivel and attacks on Councilmembers, which no one listens to any way, knowing by now they're all nutcases.
Garcetti says Council is required to hold public comment and public meetings ONLY 15 TIMES IN 2 YEARS.
Why not limit public comment that amount, especially by these yoyos who waste max. time daily? Like the Supervisors have done -- putting an end to crazy zuma's plans to daily show up there and "advise" Zev.
“Eric Garcetti needs to grow some cajones and stop this waste of our taxpayer time. Garcetti says Council is required to hold public comment and public meetings ONLY 15 TIMES IN 2 YEARS.”
If that is true, then Council President Garcetti should consider having 7 or 8 Council meetings a year. The remainder Council meetings should be dedicated for presentations and proclamations, in an attempt to garner a voting base of constituents. It appears this is what the Council is most concern with. It would also avoid concerned constituents from wasting their valuable time traveling to City Hall and Not allowed the opportunity to speak during public comment because a lack of quorum.
I encourage everyone to watch the Council video from Friday, June 20 and see firsthand how comical chambers became after they lost a quorum.
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