Sunland-Tujunga Town Hall Meeting
The community of Sunland-Tujunga is absolutely outraged that the City Attorney made a questionable backroom deal with Home Depot. Since when can a developer get pre-conditions,
such as a time limit on the process, before undergoing a Project Permit Compliance Review?
This condition of a 5 month time limit was made without anyone even seeing what Home Depot's plans were!
The very community that this proposed Project affects was completely excluded from this deal, we were not allowed to input and we were not even given a heads-up that something was in the works.
The City Attorney actually actually called Sunland-Tujunga a "Special Interest Group" and stated that we were irrelevant in this matter.
If this is how Home Depot "works" with a community, by making backroom deals, labeling opponents as "racists", busing in paid supporters to hearings, and sending an army of lobbyists to City Council hearings, then every community should be outraged. Your town is next.
If excluding communities from the process is the policy of the City Attorney's office, then exactly who are they representing?
Come vent and find out more tomorrow!
Mayor Sam and KNBC (the only station to give extensive coverage to this) are scheduled to be there as well.
Sunland-Tujunga Alliance/
The No Home Depot Campaign
An Emergency Town Hall Meeting
Saturday, March 15, 2008
North Valley City Hall
7747 Foothill Blvd
10 am till noonish
such as a time limit on the process, before undergoing a Project Permit Compliance Review?
This condition of a 5 month time limit was made without anyone even seeing what Home Depot's plans were!
The very community that this proposed Project affects was completely excluded from this deal, we were not allowed to input and we were not even given a heads-up that something was in the works.
The City Attorney actually actually called Sunland-Tujunga a "Special Interest Group" and stated that we were irrelevant in this matter.
If this is how Home Depot "works" with a community, by making backroom deals, labeling opponents as "racists", busing in paid supporters to hearings, and sending an army of lobbyists to City Council hearings, then every community should be outraged. Your town is next.
If excluding communities from the process is the policy of the City Attorney's office, then exactly who are they representing?
Come vent and find out more tomorrow!
Mayor Sam and KNBC (the only station to give extensive coverage to this) are scheduled to be there as well.
Sunland-Tujunga Alliance/
The No Home Depot Campaign
An Emergency Town Hall Meeting
Saturday, March 15, 2008
North Valley City Hall
7747 Foothill Blvd
10 am till noonish
Labels: home depot, rocky delgadillo, sunland-tujunga
BTW, if anyone is left standing after the meeting, we will travel up the street to Joselito's for a drink with
Mayor Sam.
BTW, The STNC voted during our General Meeting on Wednesday, to to support our community by co-hosting this event and we are providing refreshments. We also will be available to participate and answer questions as needed. We are looking forward to seeing you there! Bring you friends and neighbors! This is a chance for you to voice your opinion loud and clear! We will not only listen, but we will hear you.
Nina Royal
Corresponding Secretary
Good luck S-T, and make sure that the crap that Ed Reyes pulled on the people of Lincoln Hts doesn't work on S-T, namely dragging there ass's, sorry so and so who's the chief engineer will be late, Oh shit we forgot to bring someone to keep the minutes, OMG one of Rocky's family members took sick, he won't be able to make it, lets all pray for him! OK if we can't have a civilized meeting here we will have to come back another time with more security, and on and on and on.
good luck
Can someone please go thru the Emperor's Club list - the employees, that is, not the clients. Rocky's name should be in there somewhere. He should be warned that what Home Depot wants to do with him, is "like, not safe"
The "SPOT" stands by his friends in S.T. See ya tomorrow.
We want to thank everyone for your support. Go L.A. neighborhoods!!
We will not fall, we will all stand united! You all have S-T for a friend. Just call and we pledge be there in your time of need too. One for all and all for one!!! Yea!!!!
Red Spot I hope you'll be able to join us at Joselito's after the meeting. See you tomorrow, thanks so much for your support.
Mayor Sam, you should be ashamed to call yourself a Republican. Since when do the rights of property owners become beholden to stupid NIMBYs who don't want anything new built in their precious hellhole they call ST.
The reason that Delgadillo is agreeing to this is that if he doesn't Home Depot will continue with their lawsuit and get millions from the City for disparate treatment of their project. Their have been plenty of projects that didn't have to do EIRS when they opened. Such as Living Spaces in Van Nuys even though they knocked down a building and built a new one.
The City issued a ruling early on that gave Home Depot a building permit and the Planning Commission (not really all that developer friendly) said it was within protocol.
I don't know about you but are you and the ST NIMBYS going to pay 5 to 10 Million dollars to Home Depot when they win their lawsuit.
The City is in a mess and this money will be taken from Libraries and Rec and Parks. Some library is going to be closed because the ST idiots want to be involved in the negotiations.
The city can't dictate what specific businesses go into a location. Face it if there was a market for a Target in the area someone would of opened one.
Thats not a typical story.
What is this city coming to? A huge corporation can dangle a lawsuit in front of it and implement it if a very questionable decision is not made in their favor? There was a time in the history of this once great nation that these actions alone would have sparked up a huge opposition. "We The People" are getting jacked around by HD and the very people that are supposed to protect us from this are working on the wrong side of the fence. If the sham of having to buss in paid supporters for this project isn't enough to make you open your eyes and see what the hell is going on here, then WHAT? Come on people, it's time to start getting pissed off!
If Rocky Delgadillo's office had any huevos he would let it be known that HD will have to bite the bullet a bit and figure out some other location to locate they're store that is more amenable to the community's wishes, that's all. There are a number of locations in that area that would be better suited for a HD.
If the HD people would want to play hardball then Delgadillo and the City of LA should make it known that any future HD's anywhere in the city will be met with opposition in the form of very strictly enforced regulations, permit availability ect, any other city co operation with HD would be as rare as hens teeth.
In fact LA City should use the threat of a Lowes or other like retail business's as leverage in any negotiations.
Course this would mean that Delgadillo and the other glad handers would probably have to give back the dinero they have no doubt already spent.
Let the peoples voices be heard!
Joe, it's been my experience that you'll already have had a few drinks, so hopefully you'll be able to drive to Joselito's afterward! And as far as STNC voting to support this, when did that happen? After the meeting? I t sure didn't happen while we were there. This appears to be nothing more than another rally against Home Depot. How can this be considered a Town Hall meeting when you'll tar and feather anyone who does support the store?
It is fortunate for "Anonymous 12:50" to post as such since it would identify it as the MORON that it is. Home Depot has nothing but handwaving to win that lawsuit. It is a sham. And the City Attorney is a lapdog for giving HD special considerations. The City Attorney has no ethical right to give HD a 5 month project permit timeframe. Does he think he controls the Department of Planning? Maybe HD should build the City Attorney a backyard garage for his efforts.
Only the MORON anti-NIMBY squids wouldn't know that the subject property has qualified restriction zoning and therefore it's usage is subject to City Council approval. MORON anti-NIMBY persons shouldn't attempt a reasoned response when reason is beyond it's ability. It's not a property rights issue, MORON.
12:50 AM
You are crazy. First of all, I think the people of that community have made it clear. They don't want the neighborhood hardware stores to go out of business and they want a place to buy freaking underwear. If the neighbors wanted to go looking, they may very well be able to find a store on a Target, Kohl's, Kmart level to fulfill their needs. So stop saying they don't want anything at all and are NIMBY'S.
Second of all, I think it is awfully pretty over there in that neighborhood. Your calling it a hellhole is your own (more than likely paid) opinion and is irrelevant.
Third, I think everyone should sue the freaking city of Los Angeles. If our elected officials can ignore us the way they do, then sue or threaten. The city lies down and rolls over and settles and it's pathetic. They need to be sued in order to get some things done right. So if they're going to give in to the developers, the public should do the same. You want an EIR for Providence Holy Cross? Sue. I heard the residents who appealed just won their appeal and the hospital is going to have to do an EIR. That is FOR the residents, not for developers and too bad the residents had to sue for that. In that same neighborhood, the developer of Las Lomas is threatening to sue the city if they don't get the right to pay for their own fees to process paperwork on a proposed project that isn't even in the city of LA! I say he should sue and the city shouldn't be afraid of him. Like the hospital, it's better than having the job done wrong or a bad project approved. Sue away..
Fourth, I think you meant to say if there were a market they would "have" opened a Target rather than saying they would "of".
Anonymous 12:50am...Sounds like you've never visited the old K-Mart location. Comparing this situation to Living Spaces on Van Nuys Blvd. isn't in the same ball park. The San Fernando Valley is one mammoth grid of main boulevards, like Van Nuys, smaller arteries like Oxnard Street or Vanowen, as well as neighborhood residential streets.
That's not the lay of the land in Sunland-Tujunga. Running parallel to two mountain ranges, S-T is about 14 miles east to west. S-T is only 2 miles north to south. Running the length of S-T is Foothill Blvd., the one and only main boulevard in the area. That's it. You won't find an Oxnard Street or a Sherman Way, or a Victory Blvd. in S-T. No alternates.
The old K-Mart property does not have easy freeway access. It's over a mile from one freeway on/off ramp, and probably two miles from the other nearest freeway access.
That means big rigs and other large delivery vehicles competing for space with the usual on the way to school, residents driving to work or the grocery store, day-to-day traffic, as well as other S-T motorists who want to access the 210 freeway.
Changing the sequence of light signals won't eliminate the added risks caused by Home Depot big rigs or contractor vehicles jockeying for lane changes and street access with SUVs, compact cars, and motorcycles, let alone pedestrians and bicyclists.
It was great to see Mayor Sam at the meeting. I wanted to say, "Hi," but didn't get a chance. I've enjoyed the blogs!!!!
Regarding political status, I'm a Libertarian and typically support businesses - regardless of size. Home Depot isn't following the rules, as businesses should. They've behaved as runny-nosed, whiney two year olds.... who happen to have a LOT of money. Too bad, though, for the stockholders, that they're spending all this money on twisting the City's arm, trying to break the rules to open up a store that is NOT needed in a neighborhood that doesn't want them. If I'm a Home Depot stockholder, is that how I want my investment managed? I think not.
To a Libertarian, Republican or any other business-minded individual, it is clear that the only business HD wants to bring to our city is bad business. They want to use their stockholder's money to bully their way around rules that the good people of Los Angeles set forth. They don't care about Los Angeles.
Who, in their right mind, would support this? Please....
Who would support a business that doesn't support your City?
Karma, or whatever you want to call it - you behave badly and it will come back to you in the end. Home Depot won't succeed. Their poor business practices, their mishandling of the shareholders and their disregard for the cities and towns they 'invade' will come back to hurt them - and it already has. Checked out their stock value, lately?
Bad business, all around.
8:10, I would like to educate you regarding the STNC. FYI:
Contrary to what you appear to believe,
the STNC started the No Home Depot in Sunland-Tujunga and voted to oppose Home Depot over three years ago, during both our land use and general meeting.
As a result, we also voted to support the birth of the "No to Home Depot in Sunland-Tujunga Campaign" and the formation of their parent organization, the Sunland-Tujunga Alliance, a 501C4 also made up of community members, which was formed in order to raise funds needed to oppose Home Depot.
The STNC has made many donations to the campaign, as voted on by our Board members and supported by STNC members at our meetings, in the form of outreach materials and refreshments for the Town Hall Meetings regarding Home Depot. We also voted to provide buses at the request of community members who needed transportation in order for them to attend the hearings in Van Nuys and L.A.
All STNC meetings regarding any subject are open and transparent and we encourage EVERYONE to participate and voice their opinion on any subject. EVERYONE is treated equally and with respect, regardless of their opinions.
Visit: for more information
Nina Royal
Corresponding Secretary
Sunland Tujunga has 8000 registered voters and only 1% belong to the this Home depot opposing group, and 50% of them do not live in Sunland Tujunga. they live in Glendale and that is where thier kids go to school. So why is any body listening to this small but vocal group?. If you are a registerd voter in LA. you have a voice in this. If not then mind your own bussiness. If you have to use outside agitaters to make your point you are the same as Home Depot. I think you should be investigated for the misuse of STNC funds. as you are not representing the majority in our towns as you are the minorty!!!!.
I have lived in Sunland 72 years
Now,now 3:03, let's not change reality to make a point. All of the active members of the NHDC live in Sunland-Tujunga. This is a homegrown grassroots movement.
Like Erin Farrell (say hi next time Erin) Mayor Sam (well really Michael Higby) is a pro-business Republi-tarian.
I tried for the longest time to find something wrong with the No to Home Depot Campaign and to find something right about the particular Home Depot store in ST.
But after a long time trying, and heading out with an open mind and actually checking things out, I could not.
I am sure that there has to be some folks somewhere in ST that either want the Home Depot or at the least don't care either way. I have yet to find any.
I also have noticed that Joe Barrett and Abby Diamond have been very fair trying to identify and engage local citizens in support of Home Depot. But few if any have come forward.
You might say that the number of citizens who have come out and are active in this campaign are a small percentage of the community as a whole. Fair enough. But despite that its a far greater percentage than I have seen anywhere in the City. I am remarkably impressed by the involvement of folks in this issue.
Oh by the way for the Home Depot spinner on the blog please stop stealing my old pro-Home Depot material or I'll have to invoice Kathryn.
Dear 3:03:
Good point. I'm not sure how many are truly "stakeholders" in this community either. There may be 8000 registered voters in S-T, but the last census there's some 46,000 residents and 16,000 households in Sunland-Tujunga. What are the headcounts at the town halls; 200; 300? Seems like a long way away from representing the majority.
Dear 3:26:
If all you NHDC folks really live in this area, does that also include your fearless leader, Mayor Sam? Is Mayor Sam an “active member”? After viewing “the Mayor” on one of his youtube cameo appearances taping himself at Joelitos after drinking a jumbo size margarita (gee I hope it was non alcoholic), I believe he mumbled something about the drinks are better in NOHO. Sounds like Mayor Sam is from North Hollywood eh? Are NOHO residents considered "stakeholders" in this community?
Dear Nina (thanks for not being anonymous):
Thanks for the education on STNC. I had no idea STNC budgets were used to support the NHDC. Being that STINC’s $50,000 budget comes from the City of LA, does this mean our taxpayer dollars are funding this campaign? I hope this is not the case, and you will correct me. Since you are on the STNC board and are very familiar with STNC bylaws, maybe you can help Anonymous 3:26 above … Is someone from North Hollywood considered a “stake holder” in Sunland-Tujunga?
Dear 3:45
You seem offended by the 12:50’s “hell-hole” remark. When was the last time you drove down Foothill Blvd and took a close look at this beautiful part of the city? Is it all the used car lots, auto parts/repair shops, fast-food, DVD, recycling centers, casino looking halls, that choice former Security Pacific Bank building and block of blue boarded up buildings, or maybe that Adult porn shop that opened up a few months ago that strike you as "awfully pretty", city beauty and/or family oriented.
Dear Mayor Sam:
You might want to start looking outside NHDC and STNC committees for folks that are objective. It will be tough to find anyone in these groups that are anything but no Home Depot types. I’m not sure about the other “spinner” you are talking about, but I would sure love to see some of your eloquent “pro spin” you are so proud of. And maybe you can help Anonymous 3:26 too … are you an active S-T NHDC member and live in North Hollywood?
Mayor Sam is not a member of the NHDC. He runs this blog.
Getting 100 or 200 people to a Town Hall is considered a great turnout. Our highest was almost 500. By comparison, look at the voter turnouts in the current primaries versus the total population of each state.
I would suggest that since you are a Home Depot supporter, you hold a Town Hall on their behalf. Really.
Get out there and round up all those local residents that agree with you.
Then we'll see how strong your support is.
Hey Joe,
I don't think you need to answer for Mayor Sam every time, he should be able to do that on his own - but thanks. I guess it's safe to assume he's a NOHO and not a Sunland-Tujunga resident or "stakeholder". Not sure how Mayor Sam got such a big voice in this community. I would be careful who you, NHDC, and STNC hitch their wagons to, especially from those that think they know what's best for someone else's community.
I'm not a "Pro Home Depot Supporter" as you noted, but definitely pro business. Actually I prefer Lowe's or maybe a Costco or Wallmart here ... but most anything to fill the barn (the parking lot) at that old Kmart location bringing folks from outside S-T to spend money in our town. Not just at Home Depot, but folks coming through would patronize other local business, one's they probably didn't know existed. Although the Do-It-Center and Councilwoman Greuel's Frontier Building Supply may need to polish their act up a bit to compete, which in my opinion is a good thing. It appears Home Depot acquired the lease legally and fairly, and other household like stores (Target, Wallmart, etc) had an opportunity, but chose not to. So I have no problem with Home Depot coming into S-T and that list of STNC concerns are easily resolved and mitigated. But that mitigation would have to come from a crew that does not have "No" in the name of its campaign.
As for me rallying support for my opinion and building some kind of cause and base to bring in Home Depot to S-T, I would only be creating another neighborhood gang sharing a single view. I would rather have a mix of several views opposing and otherwise which is good for any group seeking fairness, objectivity, and community's best interest, which also keeps group's and its individual's views in check and not get out of control. I don't see this happening at all with NHDC and STNC, at least not currently. I do hope this will change.
I really do like you Joe despite what you may think of me or my opinions. You are a Sunland-Tujunga resident for over 10 years and that's great - you are a "stakeholder". I know your heart is in the right place, but I believe the NHDC is on the wrong side of this issue and the approach is mean spirited and aggressive; again my opinion. I will look forward to the day, if there ever is one, when you and I could be on the same crew or committee - but you would need to remove the "No" with a "What if"
Well that's not going to happen.
The negative impacts are to great, the stakes too high.
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