LA City Council Approves "Density Bonus" After Vigorous Debate And Against Janice Hahn's Wishes
LA City Council approves new "density bonus" bonanza
by Zuma Dogg (because I didn't see any coverage in LA Times today)
I didn't see anything about this in the LA Times, but it kinda hit ZD as the biggest thing to hit the City of Los Angeles in years when it comes to traffic, density (and lack of infrastructure to accommodate the density) that will be created by the new "density bonus" that Los Angeles City Council is now offering to developers after yesterday's approval. (Since it wasn't passed unanimously, it will come back for one more vote/second reading, next Wednesday, but expect a final approval. )
Click here for Item 45 from the LA City Council Agenda from 2/13/08 to see the heated debate between Janice Hahn, CM Tom LaBonge and CM Bill Rosendahl vs Eric Garshady and the rest of his developer puppet-masters. In all my time following the council meetings, this was about the most lively debate, yet -- as opposed to the usual dog and pony show, non-debate. (It actually didn't pass unanimously. Hahn, LaBonge and Rosendahl voted "no".) You have to make it past CM Reyes who opens the debate, and will put you to sleep, but it picks up into a great reality show-style actual debate.
CM Wendy Greuel informed the public that, "I feel the reason we have the traffic today is because there is not enough affordable housing near where people work." (Near transit hubs.)
Labels: affordable housing corruption, hope you are connected to LAANE, Los Angeles City Council, shady density bonus, villaraigosa
"Puppets"? Don't you mean "puppet-masters"?
Good catch. I said, "puppet", but I DID mean "puppet-master". I made the change, thanks!
Janice Hahn is Cardenas' sidekick and puppet when it comes to the gang issue.
They're on the Ad Hoc Committee on Youth and Gangs, and if you really want to see drama, watch Cardenas crying and banging the table about how his teenaged son can't go outside on the street because of danger. So what's the solution? Of course, to get the Council to approve his demand for a blank check for anti-gang intervention, without so much as a plan.
This was to pre-empt Laura Chick's previously announced press conference to today, to say she's urging a hold on new funds for this because many millions are being wasted across many competiting programs, some of which haven't had a review in a decade and just keep demanding money as an entitlement.
She wants these efforts consolidated under one umbrella.
Cardenas denounced her as playing politics -- pot calling the kettle black, Tony? -- but clearly he was upset that the limelight may be taken off him as the head of that Committee, and "Chief of Gangs."
Tony, how about you and your leftie Mexican colleagues Alarcon and Reyes do this logical thing and get rid of SP40 so the cops can report and deport illegal criminals LIKE THE RANK AND FILE WANT TO DO.
Janice Hahn of course figures that this real estate crisis is still the perfect time to shove a parcel/ property tax down voter's throats, for "her" anti-gang programs.
Then like Laura Chick says, Janice Hahn would take that money and put it into HER neighborhood to make HERSELF look good to her district, and of course Tony would put money on HIS street so his son could go outside.
It was disgraceful the way Cardenas attacked Chick for doing her job.
Sure a lot of drama for one day.
What a cop out statement from Greuesome. That and the "we need more mass transit" excuses are worn out.
We need less people.
11:02 writes ...
"Tony, how about you and your leftie Mexican colleagues Alarcon and Reyes do this logical thing and get rid of SP40 so the cops can report and deport illegal criminals LIKE THE RANK AND FILE WANT TO DO."
Don't forget the other illegal alien mexican menso, Huizar. All of these clowns pander to the illegal mexicans and all their cholo kids. What a bunch of idiots, anybody can see that we have mexican cholos all over Los Angeles and allowing more illegal mexicans is only making the problem worse.
Maybe if Cardenas kid gets shot by a mexican gang member, he might "see the light". It's laughable when all these mexican pandering politicos talk about gang problems and LAUSD drop-out rates. Who do they think is a major cause of these problems, crickets from Mars?
I agree repeal special 40, ask the Feds for more INS/ICE agents to process illegal alien at county jails.
We need more INS/ICE raids all over the city of Los Angeles, to send a clear message. It is a very simple and inexpensive to save billions of tax dollars wasted on illegal aliens by just not making Cailf. an illegal alien sanctuary.
There is an item about this in today's L.A. Times. It is one of the group included under "California in Brief."
Janice is sure the opportunist.
Her big bushy head was nodding right behind the Mayor when he announced his office would follow Chick's advice and fold the anti-gang efforts under his office, and when he said that too much effort and money is not being best accounted for right now.
Cardenas of course wasn't there, must have been off fuming somewhere that he got ouplayed by the Mayor, and his buddy Janice Hahn jumped ship.
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