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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

City adopts Gang Model without Fiscal Impact Statement

JM, Atwater Bridge Stairway, 2.13.08

City Council today passed Councilman Tony Cardenas's motion to adopt a Gang Intervention Model as presented to the City in a Human Relations Committee Report of February 6, 2008.

You get the feeling someone is about to be fleeced again when you read the motion's bottom line:

Fiscal Impact Statement: None Submitted by the Human Relations Commission. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.

So what was the hurry, absent fiscal impact? NBC quotes Cardenas:

"The item before us today is about the city of Los Angeles having the will and the ability to look in the mirror and say, `What do we need to do to do it right?"' Cardenas said.

Evidently, we need to take Council's word for it that Council can tell what we need to do it right, even without a budget before it. Cardenas's Council office says the motion is simply all about defining prevention and intervention.

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Anonymous Anonymous said:

Just trying to get out ahead of Laura Chick's grandstanding on the same issue at her event later this week.

Can't let the Controller have a plan before the City Council does. Just wouldn't appear right. Right?

February 13, 2008 4:14 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I have a couple of ideas which would reduce gang violence dramtically and immediately. We need to repeal Special Order 40, and increase work place raids. The illegal mexicans will soon learn they need to go home.

We don't need to waste nore money on another social program for illegal aliens.

We already waste billions of dollars on illegal aliens for, schools, welfare, criminal prosecution and etc.

February 13, 2008 4:28 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

In fact, Cardenas launched a mean attack on Laura Chick for wanting to complete an audit on where money for past and present anti-gang intervention programs has gone before the Council spends more money.

He was really harsh and claimed she was politicizing the situation, then worked himself into such B-actor emotional fury, he should audition for roles on telenovelas instead of spending time figuring out ways to fleece L A taxpayers.

Whenever he cries about "our kids" and "our streets" and how his kid can't go out alone in his own area, I have to agree with the points of 4:28. They're not racist, just logical.

But of course the lefties blow them off as racist so we go on as we have... they'll need more taxes and Janice Hahn is yammering louder than ever about having to levy a property tax also for these gang programs of theirs. All while prop values are down so low people are at risk of losing their homes or walking away from their mortgages.

But note they even got the fiscal conservatives like Smith and Zine on board, since this was pushed by the Latino and black members, and they're all trying to prove they're backing the "right" Dem candidate. (Well, Smith and Zine, that they're not uncompassionate racists. How can you resist Cardenas' tears?)

Laura Chick got the short end of the stick for doing her job.

February 13, 2008 5:12 PM  

Blogger Joseph F. Mailander said:

...then worked himself into such B-actor emotional fury, he should audition for roles on telenovelas instead of spending time figuring out ways to fleece L A taxpayers.

So I too heard. Wasn't there, though, and was sorry I missed it.

Cracks me up. We used to have Councilpeople who got indignant at the way General Managers were spending money. Now we have Councilpeople who get indignant at not being handed blank checks.

February 13, 2008 5:26 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

From the looks of Mr. M's photo, it appears L.A. should tax cans of spray paint to the tune of about $20 a pop.

February 13, 2008 10:26 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Why don't they call Hector Marroquin for advice? His program was sooo successful.


February 13, 2008 10:45 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Didn't Laura Chick prove that the gang programs now in place are ineffective. Why are we throwing good money after bad? Who is benefiting. We need to get that financial impact statement before they put those programs into the system or we will probably be making somebody richer at our expense!I don't care if it's politically correct or not, I agree that Special Op 40 needs to be repealed. That will probably take care of much of L.A.'s gang problem.

Laura Chick for Mayor!

February 14, 2008 1:38 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

The question everyone should be asking is why council gave Laura CHick $500,000 to AUDIT the gang programs and she failed to. Could it be everyone would find out how much campaign donations to various council members and the Mayor they've given to? LA Bridges gave money to 6 council members. 3 Intervention guys the city gave millions to were arrested last year on felonies yet Cardenas and the idiot council people keep talking about gang programs. AUDIT Homeboy who don't have any intervention/prevention people who go out into the community yet Antonio's people gave him $600,000. Where are the reporters with the balls to investigate the "real" story. Very disappointed in DAvid Z's piece of shit article in today's paper.

February 14, 2008 6:31 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

...The controller urges the city to place everything under a single entity in the office of Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who would have the authority and visibility to bring about change while bearing direct responsibility for progress.

This is BULLSHIT, yeah give all the money to the biggest crook in city hall the mayor. The cholo gang banger mayor has no business overseeing gang programs especially cause a lot of his hommies want that money. Shame on Laura

February 14, 2008 6:55 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Boy is that the truth, the cholo mayor was againist gang injunctions and tougher gang sentencing. The mayor is a "hug-a-thug" tonto and "adopt an alien" ass-hole.

Sheriff Baca for years has asked for ICE/INS agents to work at his jails so they could process all the illegal alien criminals. 25% of the jail inmates are illegal aliens. It stands to reason an equally large percentage of the gang-members are illegal aliens.

Just another example of our tax dollars being wasted on illegal aliens. We need to build a big-ass fence and have 1000s of national guards keeping the mexicans out of our country.

February 14, 2008 7:49 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

For the sake of clarification: Sheriff Lee Baca works withing the County of L.A. system, headed by the Board of Supervisors.
Mayor Villaraigosa works within the City of L.A. system, as does the weasley Council. They are separate systems.

Special Order 40 applies to the LAPD.

I don't know what the LASD does about inquiring about legal status of inmates in the jails or about the contacts made in the field. I doubt that Baca really would want to have deputies do work that thinks the Feds should be doing. And so, nothing gets done about this.

Enforcing the existing ban on employing persons not lawfully in this country would remove the main reason people are coming here illegally. But then, there goes the cheap labor and NO ONE wants to be responsible for that. We have become dependent on this cheap labor, even though it undermines the economy as a whole.

Spending money on that enforcement is one solution that is politically and socially unacceptable, so it won't happen. If it did, you would have a manageable situation for the Border Patrol. That's just the way it is.

In particular, our elected city weasels do a lot for themselves, first and always. They fail to address the impact that illegal immigration has had on the city. Too sensitive. But they have been allowing and even advocating more city services for illegals. These are not actions that are free, either. More spending, more taxes.

Instead of facing this truth, they pander to the voters in public and to the campaign funders in private. They make those choices that create more population density, and that bring along a disproportionate increase in crime. If something goes wrong, they disclaim responsibility. If something happens to go right, there is a race to claim credit for it.

In CD-14, where the less Huizar (ex-LAUSD Board President)says on ANYTHING is usually better for him.

February 14, 2008 11:01 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

point of clarification
it was not the human relations committee report but a report by the ad hoc committee on gang violence and youth development

February 15, 2008 1:01 AM  

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