DWP Rate Hike On Council Agenda for Wednesday 2/20 & Boyle Heights Illegal Vending Crackdown
The DWP rate increases are on the LA City Council agenda for Wednesday 2/20/08. Tune in for the Councilmember debate, with enough opposition to force "no decision" and Nahai and Villaragosa will be bitch slapped back to committee. (Oh no...think of all the services they will threaten to interrupt while it sits in committee? Won't be able to buy any cases of glass Windex bottles from the 70's at double the price.)
But DWP has a little "rate increase campaign" targeting councilmembers. And ZD says this shiznit is always inevitable. Get ready for a lot of back and forth debate, with a couple CMs taking a stand, only for all to "reluctantly vote yes, this one last time, only because it means the little old ladies won't have their air conditioners brown out.) Read this and see video, and tell me if you think DWP needs a rate hike? Alert the community. Copy and paste this link and send it to others via email.
ILLEGAL VENDING CRACKDOWN?: Oh no...now what am I going to complain about? After endless rants by Zuma Dogg, but mainly because Father Marrietta of Resurrection Church, illegal vending in Boyle Heights (and parts of El Sereno) is on the LA City agenda today.
Although I would like to think it was because of my huffing and puffing, here's what most likely happened. Father Marietta held a meeting with about 300 people from the community regarding the Vernon power plant. And while he had a captive audience, he got them activated on the illegal vending issue in BH/ES, and they put the pressure on CM Jose Weaselar. Hence the agenda item. Here's the item.
ZD on Illegal Vending And Economic Repercussions
(Originally posted September '07)
Labels: abuse, corruption, dwp rate hike, fraud, help, Los Angeles City Council, villaraigosa, wasteful spending
Nicely done, and yes, you were likely a catalyst. It's a way bigger issue than people want to admit to themselves.
Nobody who hears it can understand how some street vendors are punished but others are tolerated. It's a policy that's unfair to both the punished and the unpunished; and what's more, it's very economically significant when you start to look at the tacitly tolerated cheap labor market, that among other things drives the spec real estate market.
JM can you expound on the spec real estate market vis a vis the street vendors? I can't seem to connect the dots but as far as street vendors my philosophy has always been that I'd rather see someone hustling a buck selling oranges on the frwy offramp than hitting me over the head for my dinero.
don quixote subscribes to the Michael Hunt theory. its better to be 'working' than robbing, stealing or killing.
but the worst thing of all, me and Mike Hunt were legal vendors with permits, but then they 'deemed' us illegal with another ordinance.
hence the federal case. and the 'you turned me into a n.....' theory.
about time they went after the real illegal vendors, geeeze.....
"Nobody who hears it can understand how some street vendors are punished but others are tolerated"
Some pay and some dont!
"start to look at the tacitly tolerated cheap labor market, that among other things drives the spec real estate market."
Non union laborers!
"I'd rather see someone hustling a buck selling oranges on the frwy offramp than hitting me over the head for my dinero."
When did the 'provider of the produce" have a Health Department check up for TB? The produce may be "cheaper" but it may not be.
So it's either let them break the law and do what they want, or get bopped on the head for your dinero? Is that the American way to these people?
CD14 Watch is a faker. RedSpot should whoop his ass.
I am glad they are clamping on these illegal venders. I have seen those that sell the hot dogs contaminate their food. Observe them, with the same tongs that they use to turn the hot dogs, they touch the uncooked bacon and then the bread, all this is done in and open area where cars go by, the dusts etc. fall on them. Yes they might smell very good, but I won’t eat them, neither my family, after I explain to them what is happening. Many people get sick and they don’t even know how. Remember they are not trained on how to handle food.
I love to see illegal street vendors on the streets, I also love to see cholos collecting street taxes from the illegal street vendors. All I need is now, is to have army troops doing battle with mexican drug cartels on the streets. It reminds me of my beloved homeland of Tijuana, Mexico.
Yo amo a mi tierra de Tijuana, Mexico !!!!!
Sr. Don Besaculos
I am glad they are clamping on these illegal venders. I have seen those that sell the hot dogs contaminate their food. Observe them, with the same tongs that they use to turn the hot dogs, they touch the uncooked bacon and then the bread, all this is done in and open area where cars go by, the dusts etc. fall on them. Yes they might smell very good, but I won’t eat them, neither my family, after I explain to them what is happening. Many people get sick and they don’t even know how. Remember they are not trained on how to handle food.
February 19, 2008 2:08 PM
""When did the 'provider of the produce" have a Health Department check up for TB? The produce may be "cheaper" but it may not be.""
I don't know about this argument against selling oranges, shit you peel the oranges before you eat them don't you?
Hey there are legitimate questions and plenty of room for debate on this issue but if one goes to the negative hysterics it doesn't help you get your point across.
ZDogg has some legitimate and well founded concerns and questions concerning street vendors and the "underground" economy, that is so prevalent nowadays, and he states his concerns from a sympathetic and it seems an "I been there" point of view.
This is how to get things done not with insulting, offensive, diatribes about immigrants and poor people trying to scratch out an existence.
Shit we probably have all been part of the underground economy at one time or another and trying to scuffle up a buck without paying taxes and or getting the proper permits.
And this raises an important question about street vendors or other hustles going on "illegally", and that would be why is it that the govt and other bureaucracy's make it so difficult for people to get permits and insurance and licences and all the other shit that keeps free enterprise from working class or poor people.
These points should be discussed in rational and non emotional dialogue on the why, who, where, and possible remedy's concerning this important issue.
In my neighborhood every sundown it’s a Taco truck bonanza and that’s what I
Enjoy when I am not enjoying a hot corn on a stick with sun curried mayo
DQ, standing in front of Home Depot or U-Haul is a stripe of street vending. You aren't selling goods, though, you're selling services.
It was easy dinero for home flippers in the real estate bubble to hire some laborers, load up on drywall at Home Depot, give an Echo Park pad a $50K face lift, and make off with $100K in profit.
Free enterprise? It's not free when some of us are paying taxes and others aren't, and you're in a biz that the government permits to operate without paying SSI, Disability, 1099s, etc.
People wonder how you can be a liberal and be tax averse. But it's not a matter of being tax averse, it's a matter of making sure every industry group contributes. Look at who owns your Councilpeople, and mostly its people who pay the least in taxes.
According to Don Quackers we should welcome illegal alien street vendors on the steeets,otherwise they will rob us. And we should allow illegal alien street vendors to make money without paying taxes. And the American taxpayer should pay for schools and other social services for the illegal aliens.
Don Quackers is just brilliant, just brialliant.
He must be the genius telling us asian gangs are the real problem in L.A.
What people should be questioning is why in a city where everyone pays the same taxes do council members allow their districts like Huizar and Reyes to look like 3rd world countries for ages? They also have to go after the people who put clothes all over their front yards. These illegals need to understand this isn't Mexico and we don't like crap all over our neighborhoods. They live like pigs. Those illegals vendors go to the bathroom in the alleys then go touch the food and sell it. Its a Public Health issue cause during the summer that shit sits and get bacteria all over it and idiot people still buy it.
Monsignor Morretta coming out again and helping out us poor little mexicans. What would we do without the white man to show us the way.
Huizar, does it take this priest to yank your chain - what a pussy you are. This is the priest - arch enenmey to Father Greg Boyle - who won't bury anyone he suspects of being a victim of gang violence - despite the deceased being a lifelong catholic. Yet he married a very pregnant Gloria Molina - hypocrisy reigns in Boyle Heights.
Moretta is a former seminary roomate of Mahoney and the pro-life guru in the catholic church. The only reason he's going after the vendors is because they are cutting into his profits at the church run businesses that do the same thing.
The mexicans love the bacon-wrapped hot dog served by the guy who pissed in the alley and has not washed his hands all day.
It reminds them of the beautiful and lovely tijuana, the smell of a dead animal and rotting food on the streets only adds the the total mexico street ambiance.
Everyone should vist the Alameda swap meet and eat there, and smell the "ambiance" of that place, it puts boyle heights to shame.
There is something to the "flea market"/"underground economy" market.
ZD is of the belief that inflation is going to be a big factor in the near future and the economy will be tightening, and there will be a need for this type of service.
Thinking aloud here, what about taking a lot of parking lots and areas that are vacant on the weekend, and turn them into slightly more regulated "flea market zones".
They do it for fruit and vegetables (farmers markets)...and has anyone been to the FOX stores. (ZD's fave!) Not like Venice, where it's a bunch of art and tourist kinda stuff.
But take a parking lot, sell shirts, socks, school supplies, electronics, food, generic stuff.
And maybe people will even come from outlying areas.
There's got to be a way to make it work...cause all the companies want the cheap labor, but there's no way you can pay them enough to eat in your restaurants and brand name retail stores.
And if you make it a notch more legit, (licensed and taxed) -- like a farmers market, I think it would be filling a niche.
And I'm sure all the people selling illegally would be the first ones to get they hustle on and make real money.
Good idea Z Dogg, and it does work, in most countries of the world there are "unregulated" flea market type areas where people can sell everything from heads of lettuce to clothing to the moving head picture of Christ.
Listen people...I just had a flashback to when I was researching my SCAG article -- and here's the problem:
We have had a much bigger fundamental shift in the global economy than anyone has realized yet.
U.S. LOST MANUFACTURING!!! That was our big industry.
Now I agree with talk of new industries like "green" jobs and future things like that. But that's still very, very niche -- and very, very speculative.
Just because Presidential candidates (from both parties) will show up in Michigan and Ohio and say, "I'll bring the jobs back..."
Hate to cast a cloud over your "optimist parade", but do you really think you are going to reverse the global trend and start producing things cheaper than China who pays their workers two cents an hour. (All the cheap laborers from Mexico can't compete with those wages.)
So right now, the U.S. is doing a lot of building/construction, that now seems to be slowing. And the cheap labor will be used to build the infrastructure that is needed to accommodate all the density LA City Council has approved ("Dumb" Smart Growth).
Whether it's the magic bullet train, mag train, subway to the sea, light rail, 405 expansion...whatever. LA City is a city under construction.
But if manufacturing going overseas is the problem...
Well that's gone. And although there are a lot of new and innovative ideas to stimulate new and future industries that the U.S. can export to the rest of the world...
There will be a painful, painful lag time between when this recession hits -- and an actual turnaround.
In other words, I think you have to measure the time frame of this adjustment to a fundamental shift in a global economy in much more than "months"...or what part of this year things will turn around.
The U.S. economy and industry IS about to become the global underdog...no longer what it used to be...never will...electronic technology and computers have leveled the playing field...
And places like China that have not been playing by the rules all these years, have now put the U.S. at a tremendous disadvantage, because we played by the rules.
Reality, y'all!!!
SUMMARY: Our economy ran out of steam a long time ago, and has been propped up by smoke and mirrors. (Subprime, credit derivatives, overconsumption of needless consumer goods) -- but it's caught up with the U.S. because the base that has kept it propped up (manufacturing) has left -- and all the political optimism is not going to jump start the situation for a very, very long time -- no matter HOW GOOD the idea.
So it's gonna get worse before it gets better, and it's gonna be more like a decade or two, rather than a month or two.
""DQ, standing in front of Home Depot or U-Haul is a stripe of street vending. You aren't selling goods, though, you're selling services"”
I hear you JM, but it seems to be a dog eat dog world we live in at present. You think those guys standing out in the street, running and fighting and clawing their way on to the back of a truck
for a chance at a shit day of work, treated like subhuman's and getting ripped off by unscrupulous contractors are somehow getting over like the proverbial "fat rat"?
Do you really believe that it's these Darwinian, survivors of the fittest, that are the culprits that we as a society ought to focus our frustration and anger on?
Are these day laborers really the cause of the collapse of the spec real estate market and co conspirators in the sub prime mortgage debacle?
Could it possibly be that these Mexicans and Central Americans who stand out like a sore thumb are the cause of all our economic ills.
Is the old grandma with her granddaughter, selling tamales from her grocery cart the reason we in the USA have become almost a third world country in living standards and economic terms?
Is the little Mexicano ringing his bells and pushing around his cart selling helados the evil antichrist that has brought us to our knees in the world, economically speaking?
Is the fat Mexican selling flowers or Elotes on par and in collusion with the two or three thousand US Corporations who pay no taxes due to their Georgetown, Cayman Islands or Bahamian Corporate Headquarters, even though it's 200 sq ft empty room?
Is the young Mexican kid selling his labor for $10.00 an hour in front of the Home Depot on par with a Wal Mart, and equally guilty of taking jobs from Americans and exporting industry with good union scale paying jobs, to places like China, Philippines, India, or wherever a co operative Govt will supply labor at 50 cents an hour, with no labor problems or unions?
And then sell the stuff back to working class people, who have lost thier good paying jobs or never had one other than the $8.00 and hour Wal Mart job with no benefits or job security.
Is the old Mexican in his fucked up old pickup, collecting beer cans, or cardboard, or anything else he can find in the shit filled dumpster to sell at the Swap Meet, as problematic, frustrating, mind numbing, and ambition killing, as our own overweight, job security conscious, over zealous, suspicious, lazy ass, pedantic, form freaks, and stand in line all day, number calling, petty bureaucrats, aka glorified clerks?
Deregulation has worked really well hasn't it? At least for the Free Enterprise crushing Monopoly Capitalists and Masters of the Universe that have been crowned as our new age oracles and keepers of the flame.
Yea we are in a real mess nowadays and a hard rains a gonna fall before it all plays out.
But we shouldn't expend our energy on calling a spade a spade or a Robber Baron a Robber Baron, oh no, lets attack an easy problem and we'll all feel better. Yea
lets go after the illegal street vendors and raggedy assed Mexicans who are the real evil in the world HUh?
Just my take, can I get a witness?( Marvin Gay )
Leviticus 16:8, when God orders the high priest Aaron to "place lots upon the 2 goats, one marked for the Lord and the other marked for Azazel" on the Jewish Day of Atonement. The goat designated by lot for the Lord is to be used as a sin offering, while the goat designated for Azazel "shall be left standing alive before the Lord, to make expiation with it and to send it off to the wilderness to Azazel" (Lev. 16:10). Aaron was to "lay both his hands upon the head of the live goat and confess over it all the iniquities and transgressions of the Israelites, whatever their sins, putting them on the head of the goat; and it shall be sent off to the wilderness by someone designated for the task. Thus the goat shall carry on it all their iniquities to an inaccessible region; and the goat shall be set free in the wilderness"
Here is my economic proposal in case Barack or Mccain want to add me to the ticket as VP:
#1: Pull the plug on ethynol. First of all, it's corn based -- so it is drving up the price of corn, which is used in many food products and sweetners. (Like almost all of them!) And ethynol ends up costing more than it saves. And it's all a great idea, but never going to become a long term reality.
#2: Take the fields being used to grow all this added corn for ethynol, and use it to grow wheat which will be a much more profitable crop for U.S. farmers as the global population continues to boom. And as more and more people in global markets like China become wealthier, and start buying meat and chicken based protein, you will need more wheat to feed the animals, as well. (Even though ZD doesn't eat anything that walks, y'all!)
#3. Solar panels and all that stuff. Hell yeah, there's a growth industry. But the material for the panels are made overseas, but the installations and money saved by the energy conservation is a step in the right direction.
4#: Look for the trend to go "generic" and "basic" again. People will not want to be paying higher prices for brand name lables. When you have the generic product, next to the brand name on the shelf, people will be grabbing the lowest price "off brand".
5#:: Auto industry in big trouble. Next big shoe to drop like the housing market. In tight economic times, people will be able to wait another six months or a year to buy an new car, as opposed to "bling" upgrades.
If it don't go through your mouth, or used to keep your electric devices on (utilities), you're gonna feel like the Maytag repairman for a long, long time.
#6: Besides green energy industry (a long term, slow growth possibility), what could be the industry U.S. can export to the global economy since it isn't autos and widget manufacturing anymore?
Besides real estate agents to sell all this devalued housing and commercial property that will be snapped up by oversea millionaires and corporations: Corporate infrastructure is the only answer. In other words, health care systems, computer networks and infrastructure for financial institutions, insurance companies, banking institutions; the U.S. has to become the provider/consultants/trainers to show the rest of the world how you build everything AFTER you build the concerete infrastructure. (Corporate infrastructure.) Take Dubai for example. They are building some $500 billion dollar SuperCity, that will be like a "green" resort mega town (better than Vegas). Who's the first architect they hire to build their museum? Frank Gehrey.
It ain't gonna be easy, and please be ready for a longer lag time as the world adjusts to the global shifts that have occured as the U.S. lost the manufacturing industry since Japan started taking over in the 50's and 60's, and then China...and now the whole damn planet. We haven't even figured out the next step yet, let alone take the first step; and political optimism and minor stimulus packages are not going to fix it.
When you turn the wheel of a ship, there is always a lag time between the time you turn the wheel, until the ship starts to turn. And the U.S. hasn't even come out of the spin yet, let alone turn the wheel.
See you at the taco truck at the flea market!
^ Hence the term, "scapegoat."
Don Quackers ....
Yes of course you're right.
Let's not blame the millions of illegal aliens who are here struggling for a job and not paying taxes for the cost of schools and hospital care for their kids. American taxpayers all happily pay for education and health care for all illegal aliens, especially your beloved Mexicans.
Let’s not blame the illegal aliens for their kids who are in gangs and costing us billions in law enforcement, gang prevention and criminal prosecution. And we will gladly pay the cost of those 25% of jail inmates who are illegal aliens.
Let's not blame the millions of illegal aliens for taking the last few remaining construction jobs, which poor Americans need and want.
Let's all the American taxpayers pay for every social programs for the millions of illegal aliens, and the anchor babies they have and can't afford on their home-depot acquired construction job.
Don Q. your idiotic pandering for illegal aliens and obvious apology for every illegal alien is as ridiculous as your quirky aliases and attempt at humor. Next you will be telling us asian gangs are L.A. biggest problem.
We know Don Quackers won't be happy until every mexican crosses the border illegally and bankrupts the state of California.
^ That was addressing 5:19. I apologise for the mixup mister dogg.
I can't win! Every time I make a comment, someone sandwiches their comment between my feeble attempts to qualify my previous comment... oh, never mind!
actually, we think Joe Mailander got the closest to the mark with the house flipping. That very activity, coupled with nefarious lending practices (and greedy speculation)[Ed.]has led us to the much bigger picture economic crisis, the sub-prime mortgage disaster.
but we said it before on this blog, hiring people outside the Home Depot makes you complicit with illegals, if you don't check their SSN's. However, since fake ID's abound, and you have no way of checking a document's validity, since you're not a federal agency, then you're not to know.
so it all comes back to the federal government tightening immigration policy, and the border.
we suggest that both parties have relatively ugly immigration bills coming, will tear families apart, but they don't want to talk about it till after the elections.....
and that;s why they don;t want to talk about it.
(but its only ugly depending on which side of the fence you sit).
you want to make any pres. candidate squirm? ask them to outline their immigration agenda if they're elected.
hey Mr mayor's office antonio villaraigosa, or spinners, care to take that one on behalf of the readers of this blog? what's Hillary's plan? she's not even giving driver licenses. (and we'll go into that on a subsequent post)
mayor's people, what say you about Hillary? its a major major issue in this City, in this County, region and state- immigration enforcement.
I have to give Zuma a lesson on manufacturing.
The U.S. could easily ramp up and re-conquer our lost manufacturing industry.
Let’s start with the manufacturing of consumer electronics good. We just need to build modern automated factories with less manual labor involved in the manufacturing process. Don’t forget that this country was the leader in the development high tech electronics. We may not be able to manufacture as cheap as China, but if the U.S. consumer were educated as to why we should buy our own products and have jobs, we can sell U.S. manufactured electronics. Americans did not go broke buying American made T.V.s back in the 70’s, at a higher price.
The U.S. can not sell many items over-seas, such as farm equipment because of the high-tariffs imposed by other countries on our products. Our government has negotiated lousy trade agreements thorough out the world. We also need to quit buying cheap trinkets from China and invest in our country.
We need to protect our jobs just like the Japanese do; we should also get rid of H-1B visas, which are used to bring in cheap foreign skilled labor. We also need to strengthen our borders and actually enforce immigration laws. Just look at what happened to Colorado when they got tough on immigrants, the unemployment rate dropped and more American citizens were working. All the supposed labor shortage horror stories about Colorado proved to be wrong.
"Let’s start with the manufacturing of consumer electronics good. We just need to build modern automated factories with less manual labor involved in the manufacturing process. Don’t forget that this country was the leader in the development high tech electronics."
[Can't argue with that. I don't hear the politicians pushing this, though...is it a reality in the works. GE will have success building these gigantic turbine engines oversea nations need to further kick out ass. So maybe more factories like these, indeed.]
"We may not be able to manufacture as cheap as China, but if the U.S. consumer were educated as to why we should buy our own products and have jobs, we can sell U.S. manufactured electronics. Americans did not go broke buying American made T.V.s back in the 70’s, at a higher price."
[Hmmmm...not sure it's realistic to think that we can turn the clock back to those times, because the public will always chase a lower price, so unless you restrict imports and turn the U.S. into a bubble, it'll never fly. PLUS, if we become too protectionist, China will dump massive amounts of dollars and sink us. (We are definitely at their economic mercy more than most people would be comfortable in knowing.)]
I don't wanna disagree with your comments, because in theory it would solve much of the problem...but I'm a little more pragmatic in feeling we can't put the toothpaste back in the tube.
Dave, you are an insecure loser who tries to act big. It is the usual cover for inadequacy. And boy, are you inadequate.
Your senseless replies and insistence on continuing to post a reply to every other post is disgusting.
I hope the guy posts all over the Internet. I am going to help and to encourage him, because we are all sick of you and your ADD hyper sensitivity. You caused nothing but chaos at City Hall and now it is your turn to reap the whirlwind.
Put up your post and go do something else; take a shower, shave, wash your hair, your clothes, or (heaven forbid) go get a job!! Or, go crawl back in your hole that looks like a van.
made in america, you make us laugh....
"but if the U.S. consumer were educated as to why we should buy our own products ..."
U.S. consumers ....never to be 'educated', ever.
we already accept that here.
sad truth.
And another long term problem we face is with a 50% drop out rate in many major U.S. school systems (and not all the ones graduating are setting the academic world on fire, either), Asia will be producing more scientists and math geeks needed to invent all these new innovative "robotic" automatic factories you suggest.
And bro, don't think you are gonna school me on this topic in the combative way you suggest. For your bigshot, "Have to give ZD a lesson", the only thing you really gave me a lesson on is Archie Bunker, good old days non-reality.
YOU LOSE, CARL MILLER! (as usualoser.)
I'm on a roll, y'all...Prop 215 on the realest, dough:
#6: Good-bye mom and pop shops. Clothing, hardware, general retail, restaurants, small businesses will all be suffering hard times as the mega-stores continue to consolidate the retail market. (See Target, Best Buy, Wal*Mart, Home Depot, Costco.)
And with banks tightening down on who they loan money to (unless you are Bill Gates or Warren Buffett, you got no shot), don't expect small business to jump start the economy. All of these people who used to own or manage the hardware store, will now be working as a clerk at Home Depot, instead. And the big stores mentioned above will be in trouble, because everyone is getting bumped down a notch, socio-economically.
#7: Middle Class will continue to get squeezed. And those barely hanging on to middle class status will be bumped down to lower-income/class. (In Cleveland, there are now more and more vacant homes; and more and more homeless now on the streets as the homes sit vacant. L.A. is going to find this to be the case, as well.) We are moving to more of a two-class system. Where the rich will be fine, and everyone else will be worse off. And the mom and pop middle class will be squeezed downward.
from: full article
ICE needs to invade downtown LA with all the garment district companies making millions and paying slave wages, unfit working conditions yet as long as the illegals want the jobs it will not end. Thanks Zuma for another great post. But what needs to be investigated is how can these catholic priests, Boyle, Morrietta, Mahoney all own real estate. The other question is why all of a sudden does Huizar after two years want the illegal vendors gone. Could it be that Boyle Heights now with all its prime real estate has developers scoping out all the land and the illegal vendors make it look like TJ instead of the prime area it really is next to downtown LA where billions are being spent to rennovate the area.
"Could it be that Boyle Heights now with all its prime real estate has developers scoping out all the land and the illegal vendors make it look like TJ instead of the prime area it really is next to downtown LA where billions are being spent to rennovate the area."
OH HELL YEAH! That's a great reason! Maybe that's why Weaselar "seemingly" caved in.
Meanwhile, in the long run, I do think all my friends in the East Adelante "Eminent Domain/CRA" target zone are going to have to end up moving elsewhere.
All the activism can only prevent so much when the steamrollers are ready to roll.
But the dumb ass politicians are gonna mess it all up, because they go "all luxury" every time they build something; and don't remember to build moderate and low income companion housing.
So I hate to say it, but I think a lot of these communities targeted for gentrification as East LA becomes an annex for the Grand Ave/LA Live jet setters are going to get screwed by either moving so far out, that the city won't have the work force it needs -- and the rest will be like the Doobie Brothers in the 70's..."Takin' it to the Streets"...as in living in them.
Either way...everyone loses except the politicians and their construction cronies making all the money in the process. (And they'll be flying fresh squeezed orange juice with Eli and Riorend on a yacht.)
How about the Mexican hot dog vendors that AV has the cops roust in the Garment District? So much for el sueno Americano. Or is Antonio suggesting those vendors all start toilet cleaning services?
But if you're Eli Broad - well you get free hot dogs in AV's box at Staples.
Did you just see Obama deliver his speech from Houston, TX? It was practically a nomination acceptance speech. I never would have thought the mighty Clinton campaign would be so down and out and against the ropes. Where are the Clinton concession speeches? Maybe she's a sore loser.
"Made in America said...
I have to give Zuma a lesson'
You sound as if you were educated by Dr. Deming.
"We also need to strengthen our borders and actually enforce immigration laws. Just look at what happened to Colorado when they got tough on immigrants, the unemployment rate dropped and more American citizens were working. All the supposed labor shortage horror stories about Colorado proved to be wrong."
In the 70"s, was a brain drag of many in my family who were the best educated in this country. They were taken by Motorola, the fish companies and others. They were sent to Mexico to train the Mexican companies to provide products to us. Later my relatives were sent to Taiwan and now to China.
Its time we take back to this country the skills of education that we have worked so many years to achieve. The people from India are not better in Computer Sciences than we; nor are the Chinese better at product development.
Zuma writes ....
"And another long term problem we face is with a 50% drop out rate in many major U.S. school systems (and not all the ones graduating are setting the academic world on fire, either), Asia will be producing more scientists and math geeks needed to invent all these new innovative "robotic" automatic factories you suggest."
Zuma don't you read and learn from this blog? The asians are now becoming vicious gang members. I read on this blog that Asian gangs are the real problem here in Los Angeles.
It is not true that asians are better math and science students. The asians are producing the most dangerous gangs around !!!!!!
: Good-bye mom and pop shops. Clothing, hardware, general retail, restaurants, small businesses will all be suffering hard times as the mega-stores continue to consolidate the retail market. (See Target, Best Buy, Wal*Mart, Home Depot, Costco.)"
How many "Rent Party" events are we going to have to save the small business person who opened a new business in the communities that the City administration has identified for "gentification" since 2000?
Areas that were identified as "Bedroom communities"
have been "gentified" to develop new businesses which the original bedroom communities can support.
The result is the new businesses in Boyle Heights, Highland Park , Glassel Park and Eagle Rock are closing businesses that can no longer be supported by the income of the residents.
"The result is the new businesses in Boyle Heights, Highland Park , Glassel Park and Eagle Rock are closing businesses that can no longer be supported by the income of the residents."
So I think you are saying that we are in agreement, right? Cause that's what I think regarding your last paragraph. Not sure if you were agreeing or disagreeing in the first part.
8:01pm, whether that is the case, or not, there are still more students over there, outperforming U.S. students in math and science in addition to the ones you mention.
"8:01pm, whether that is the case, or not, there are still more students over there, outperforming U.S. students in math and science in addition to the ones you mention.
February 19, 2008 8:15 PM"
Yes Zuma, they are better educated than we, but not because of the training but because they understand that the road to success is being educated and applying the things they learn.
The children we are training now are not going through the acceptance of the training that we and thousand of other Americans learned (like the founders of this country who could speak Latin, Greek, French and English} that we MUST BE EDUCATED TO SUCCEED.
""Its time we take back to this country the skills of education that we have worked so many years to achieve. The people from India are not better in Computer Sciences than we; nor are the Chinese better at product development.""
"I respect the Asian peoples, they can take a TV and make it into a watch."
Reggie White
Say What!!!
Jim Healy
8:45 pm,
Oh hell yeah...Asian culture and other cultures are much more long-term/goal oriented than the "instant gratification" U.S. culture.
(NOTE TO HATERS: ZD suffers from all the short-sighted, negative A.D.D. oriented U.S. culture trappings, too...I'm not saying I'm better...Science and Math were my two worse classes in school...just making an observation.)
Same thing happening in music...now people will play guitar hero instead of learning to play guitar.
Boy bands were bad enough. Now you won't even have the background musicians anymore.
And all the myspace, youtube, playstation/xbox/wii whatnot will be shortening attention spans and taking more time away from learning.
However, many of these overseas college grads will be moving to the U.S. anyway, so that will help balance it out.
And maybe a lot people from the U.S. will start moving to Dubai and other emerging markets, to take advantage economic opportunities in these cities.
(I know, I know...why don't YOU move to Dubai, ZD!)
Tonights winner in the Democratic poll said.( The problem is )
"It's that Washington has become a place where good ideas go to die," he said. '
We are all trained to have good ideas if we follow THE education..WE can reclaim having the best skilled people in the work..IF WE WANT TO DO IT1
Yea lets go after the illegal street vendors and raggedy assed Mexicans who are the real evil in the world HUh?
DQ, the real evil of the world are the raggedy-assed Councilpeople who pander to voters but reall work for out of town developers and contractors and land use attorneys. Let's go after them, not the undocumented.
the "undocumented," Joe? You mean, they had papers and just lost them, so they're just without documents?
Give us a freakin break, these people are illegals. They broke the law. If someone from China or Russia or Kenya comes and overstays a tourist visa, they're deported for breaking the law.
The twelve million Hispanic illegals have crashed our school system, the worst even among big city systems, now the health care clinics, already trauma centers and ER's, and that's not even getting into the gangs and crime. You're losing all credibility with this.
The developers are putting taxes into the city coffers. Not that I don't want to slow them down and keep them out of residential neighborhoods -- but if you look at who's putting them there, to house the illegals, look at your Reyes/ Alarcon/ Cardenas's, wanting room for their illegals in cheap housing in pricy areas with no parking.
Pandering like Obama now. Are you peddling for illegal votes, too?
We are in total agreement JM!
We the people have to demand that our representatives (not leaders, we the people should lead them!) represent our best interest's 24 7 or we should be able to throw there ass's out with a very easy recall method.
Let's go after the real villains and not get sidetracked or confused and end up eating our own young and shitting in our own nest's.
here's the truth.
some 800,000 illegals, or overstayers or whatever it was, who HAVE BEEN ORDERED TO LEAVE by a judge (the only way you can be deported), have defied those orders and are on the 'run', if you will.
That's 800,000 individuals on the ICE list that they have THE POWER to deport. overstaying a tourist visa by itself DOES NOT make you eligible for deportation as you seem to imply. first of all, a case has to be brought, a judge has to determine with evidence that you indeed overstayed. then the order has to be made. and then, if you wish, you could tack yourself to the bottom of that list of 800,000, lay low, don't attract attention, and STILL STAY HERE.
so, ur info is wrong, people from China Kenya and Russia go into the same queue as Mexicans and all other proven 'illegals', that is, the 'ordered to leave' queue. point being, the process is content neutral as far as race or country of origin.
and the term 'undocumented' to us means, you jumped the fence and don't have a passport or photo ID.
people who 'arrive legally' with a visa and a passport (have documents)and who overstay here are far less of a threat than the undocumented.
I think that's just obvious.
and individuals without any documents on request need to be arrested and examined.
that's fairly obvious too.
until its time to decide who's paying for all these 'actions'. that's why theres no 'action' against illegals until they bring the attention onto themselves (car accidents, crime etc)
An argument can me made that Mr. Dowd is off topic as this thread is about illegal vending, not illegal immigration and if you don't stop Eric might burst out into sissy tears.
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