Recap of New Hampshire Republican Debate
The Republicans called. They were jealous that I didn't do a recap of their debate, the way I did the Democrats. So here are my notes from the debate.
New Hampshire Republican Presidential Forum Jan 5, 2008
Overall, not at all as interesting as it's Democratic counterpart. Not a lot of inspiration. No one stole the show. No YouTube moments. The only thing I got out of it, is that Mitt Romney is becoming more and more unlikable by the minute. He better stop showing up to these debates before the whole country sees through him.
Mccain accused Romney of being a liar, basically, for misrepresenting Mccain's position on Amnesty. MCCAIN SCORED HUGE WITH HIS COMMENT, "You can spend all your fortune on attack ads, but that doesn't make it true."
Romney is so defensive. When you are forced to use words like, "technically" in your response, it doesn't sound good.
And after watching the debate, I can see why nothing ever gets done in Washington. These guys can't even agree on what is in the Amnesty Bill and what each other said on the issue. (No one seems to even know what they are voting on.) They cannot even agree on the meaning of the term "amnesty".
No one really wanted to touch Charlie Gibson's aggressive question wondering if the demand in China and India would keep the price of oil high, except Ron Paul. Then Mccain followed up, by weighing in with a response that,"the U.S. needs nuclear, wind, solar, tides...any alternative energy, it's become a national security issue. And we must reduce greenhouse gas emissions or we are going to destroy this planet." (But that's just fluff-talk. Who wouldn't agree with that. But by what method?)
Huckabee seems to think we can reduce dependency on foreign oil in a decade...and that raised some eyebrows from others, but Huck maintained it could be done, if we made the decision to do so as an "urgent matter of utmost priority."
Romney feels the move to alternative energy sources that will reduce our foreign oil dependency will take longer than ten years.
Either way, with a ten year minimum outlook, looks like those alternative energy solutions that reduce our dependence and get us all 100 miles per gallon won't be here in time for the recession or stagflation.
WINNER: Hard to say. No one had a clear focused message. I think Mccain probably came off as the winner. Although if you are a Giuliani fan, they guy delivered for you.
LOSER: Clearly Romney. He's the one guy all the other candidates could agree on. (They all piled on Mitt. It was like when Dorothy and her friends from Oz dumped water on the Wicked Witch of the West and she melted. It's over for Mitt. I mean nationally.)
FRED THOMPSON: The guy may, or may not, have great things to say -- but no one wants to look at Young Frankenstein as President. Plus, he's too logical and intellectual. If it were a team effort, like on a reality show like the Apprentice, Fred would be a great guy to have on the team for advice and strategy. (Polling 1% in N.H., why was he allowed in, but not Kuchinich?)
RON PAUL: Who let him into the debate. Just kidding! Don't wanna piss off the Ron Paul fans! He's the people's champ, saying the things of the people. (All that government waste and shady-injustice stuff.) A real spoiler. I bet the Republican party wishes he wasn't there. Don't be fooled by his conservative look, he's the candidate saying the things most in line with what ZD and the activist crowd is saying. Too bad there's no chance. It would be nice to see "one of the people's people" in the White House, but it ain't gonna happen. Paul would make a great commentator on news shows. So at least he's getting the message out, as a candidate.
MITT ROMNEY: This guy is the popular high school jock everyone YOU KNEW hated, but all the cheerleaders and everyone else in the community sucked up to, and somehow he always seemed to make YOUR life miserable. When Charlie Gibson asked Romney to speak on "principals," his response was, "Keeping America the strongest nation on earth." That was an odd reply to a question on principals!?!? Mitt appeared as though he was reading a canned speech. Perhaps, he had a brain freeze and pulled out the best canned answer he could remember. Back to the jock analogy: The guy tried to dominate. He wouldn't shut up. He was combative with all the candidates. What a smug, pompous, a-hole! Gibson just handed him a fastball down the middle, asking him why NOT to vote for Obama, and he fumbled again with his answer saying that his win in Iowa meant people wanted change, and Mitt Romney has delivered change. Hmmm...that was pretty thin. Especially since it took you two minutes to say it.
MIKE HUCKABEE: If he serves any purpose, at this point/beyond the Iowa win, it is to hack away at Mitt Romney. I like Mike. I think he's the best communicator I have seen on the Republican campaign trail. (Obama being the other one on the democratic side, although completely different style.) When you watch all the candidates, I think he always steals the show with his answer. If you went off what you saw on the TV screen, I think he wins. But that's not to say everyone will vote for a guy named Huckabee who seems too faith-based for some. (Personally, I think he can govern fairly, but it's a big nix for many.) The more people see of this guy, the better it will be for him.
JOHN MCCAIN: Nice guy. Bored me to tears with his response to the question Charlie Gibson asked him about "principals". I'm sure in Mccain's own mind, the choice is so f-ing obvious, he shouldn't even have to dignify any questions with responses. But the strength is his weakness during debates. He's confident, but in too low-key of a way. He's not at all inspiring in his speaking. He raises great questions. He would make a great Vice President. A good "Dick Cheney" if you will. (Real adviser calling the shots.) He does come off as "authoritative" and "knowledgeable". Almost condescending for even asking the question. He DOES sell me that he has the answers, I just don't think he has the charm or charisma it takes to win the Presidency. Oh no...Mccain is very incongruent in his health care message if you believe in non-verbal communications. His eyes started blinking like S.O.S. signals when he started pitching his solution on how to cut health care costs. (Blinking eyes is NOT a good sign.) For some reason, Mccain thought it was a slam to say, "Mr. Romney, I are the candidate of change." (Laughter). So maybe he was laughing as in "bad" change.
RUDY GIULIANI: If you like this guy, you couldn't be happier he is running. He seems to have prepared answers, but they are good prepared answers, on the topic, that answers the question, articulated very well. Yeah, he's a little goofy, but his constituents are anything but undecided. I'm surprised they are not lined up at the polls already, waiting to vote. How many of these people there actually are, is the question. I guess we'll find out in Florida and beyond. Rudy gave the best answer as to why you shouldn't vote for Obama, saying, "He's never run a city, never run a business. And in times of war, I don't think he's qualified. Changing, toward socialized medicine won't be good. Giving a timetable for withdraw in Iraq is unheard of in times of war." So while Romney fumbled on the question, "Why vote NO on Obama", Rudy articulated the best answer.
SUNDAY NIGHT UPDATE: Mitt Romney did a much better job on the Fox N.H. debate on Sunday evening. He gave the perfect answer to the "no foreign policy experience". It's the answer Barack needed to give in response to "not enough experience" argument. Romney said we need a President with the right judgment, who makes the right decisions, with the right temperment and wisdom...blah, blah, blah. Not that he would bring any of this to the Oval Office, but it was the slam dunk answer. Huckabee is simply unflappable and unshakable and always spits out the perfect teflon deflection. This guy is a "people's champ" response robot. With the people...he does compute! Can he rise above the religious niche -- where they will try to keep him pigeonholed? (But they don't want to do it yet, cause they don't want to piss off those same religious people. So they will have to wait until Huckabee is the leader, then they have no choice.) ZD's market research says Huckabee's numbers are rising by the second. And Hillary may as well go back to New York and get back to being a Senator.
zuma times blog
New Hampshire Republican Presidential Forum Jan 5, 2008
Overall, not at all as interesting as it's Democratic counterpart. Not a lot of inspiration. No one stole the show. No YouTube moments. The only thing I got out of it, is that Mitt Romney is becoming more and more unlikable by the minute. He better stop showing up to these debates before the whole country sees through him.
Mccain accused Romney of being a liar, basically, for misrepresenting Mccain's position on Amnesty. MCCAIN SCORED HUGE WITH HIS COMMENT, "You can spend all your fortune on attack ads, but that doesn't make it true."
Romney is so defensive. When you are forced to use words like, "technically" in your response, it doesn't sound good.
And after watching the debate, I can see why nothing ever gets done in Washington. These guys can't even agree on what is in the Amnesty Bill and what each other said on the issue. (No one seems to even know what they are voting on.) They cannot even agree on the meaning of the term "amnesty".
No one really wanted to touch Charlie Gibson's aggressive question wondering if the demand in China and India would keep the price of oil high, except Ron Paul. Then Mccain followed up, by weighing in with a response that,"the U.S. needs nuclear, wind, solar, tides...any alternative energy, it's become a national security issue. And we must reduce greenhouse gas emissions or we are going to destroy this planet." (But that's just fluff-talk. Who wouldn't agree with that. But by what method?)
Huckabee seems to think we can reduce dependency on foreign oil in a decade...and that raised some eyebrows from others, but Huck maintained it could be done, if we made the decision to do so as an "urgent matter of utmost priority."
Romney feels the move to alternative energy sources that will reduce our foreign oil dependency will take longer than ten years.
Either way, with a ten year minimum outlook, looks like those alternative energy solutions that reduce our dependence and get us all 100 miles per gallon won't be here in time for the recession or stagflation.
WINNER: Hard to say. No one had a clear focused message. I think Mccain probably came off as the winner. Although if you are a Giuliani fan, they guy delivered for you.
LOSER: Clearly Romney. He's the one guy all the other candidates could agree on. (They all piled on Mitt. It was like when Dorothy and her friends from Oz dumped water on the Wicked Witch of the West and she melted. It's over for Mitt. I mean nationally.)
FRED THOMPSON: The guy may, or may not, have great things to say -- but no one wants to look at Young Frankenstein as President. Plus, he's too logical and intellectual. If it were a team effort, like on a reality show like the Apprentice, Fred would be a great guy to have on the team for advice and strategy. (Polling 1% in N.H., why was he allowed in, but not Kuchinich?)
RON PAUL: Who let him into the debate. Just kidding! Don't wanna piss off the Ron Paul fans! He's the people's champ, saying the things of the people. (All that government waste and shady-injustice stuff.) A real spoiler. I bet the Republican party wishes he wasn't there. Don't be fooled by his conservative look, he's the candidate saying the things most in line with what ZD and the activist crowd is saying. Too bad there's no chance. It would be nice to see "one of the people's people" in the White House, but it ain't gonna happen. Paul would make a great commentator on news shows. So at least he's getting the message out, as a candidate.
MITT ROMNEY: This guy is the popular high school jock everyone YOU KNEW hated, but all the cheerleaders and everyone else in the community sucked up to, and somehow he always seemed to make YOUR life miserable. When Charlie Gibson asked Romney to speak on "principals," his response was, "Keeping America the strongest nation on earth." That was an odd reply to a question on principals!?!? Mitt appeared as though he was reading a canned speech. Perhaps, he had a brain freeze and pulled out the best canned answer he could remember. Back to the jock analogy: The guy tried to dominate. He wouldn't shut up. He was combative with all the candidates. What a smug, pompous, a-hole! Gibson just handed him a fastball down the middle, asking him why NOT to vote for Obama, and he fumbled again with his answer saying that his win in Iowa meant people wanted change, and Mitt Romney has delivered change. Hmmm...that was pretty thin. Especially since it took you two minutes to say it.
MIKE HUCKABEE: If he serves any purpose, at this point/beyond the Iowa win, it is to hack away at Mitt Romney. I like Mike. I think he's the best communicator I have seen on the Republican campaign trail. (Obama being the other one on the democratic side, although completely different style.) When you watch all the candidates, I think he always steals the show with his answer. If you went off what you saw on the TV screen, I think he wins. But that's not to say everyone will vote for a guy named Huckabee who seems too faith-based for some. (Personally, I think he can govern fairly, but it's a big nix for many.) The more people see of this guy, the better it will be for him.
JOHN MCCAIN: Nice guy. Bored me to tears with his response to the question Charlie Gibson asked him about "principals". I'm sure in Mccain's own mind, the choice is so f-ing obvious, he shouldn't even have to dignify any questions with responses. But the strength is his weakness during debates. He's confident, but in too low-key of a way. He's not at all inspiring in his speaking. He raises great questions. He would make a great Vice President. A good "Dick Cheney" if you will. (Real adviser calling the shots.) He does come off as "authoritative" and "knowledgeable". Almost condescending for even asking the question. He DOES sell me that he has the answers, I just don't think he has the charm or charisma it takes to win the Presidency. Oh no...Mccain is very incongruent in his health care message if you believe in non-verbal communications. His eyes started blinking like S.O.S. signals when he started pitching his solution on how to cut health care costs. (Blinking eyes is NOT a good sign.) For some reason, Mccain thought it was a slam to say, "Mr. Romney, I are the candidate of change." (Laughter). So maybe he was laughing as in "bad" change.
RUDY GIULIANI: If you like this guy, you couldn't be happier he is running. He seems to have prepared answers, but they are good prepared answers, on the topic, that answers the question, articulated very well. Yeah, he's a little goofy, but his constituents are anything but undecided. I'm surprised they are not lined up at the polls already, waiting to vote. How many of these people there actually are, is the question. I guess we'll find out in Florida and beyond. Rudy gave the best answer as to why you shouldn't vote for Obama, saying, "He's never run a city, never run a business. And in times of war, I don't think he's qualified. Changing, toward socialized medicine won't be good. Giving a timetable for withdraw in Iraq is unheard of in times of war." So while Romney fumbled on the question, "Why vote NO on Obama", Rudy articulated the best answer.
SUNDAY NIGHT UPDATE: Mitt Romney did a much better job on the Fox N.H. debate on Sunday evening. He gave the perfect answer to the "no foreign policy experience". It's the answer Barack needed to give in response to "not enough experience" argument. Romney said we need a President with the right judgment, who makes the right decisions, with the right temperment and wisdom...blah, blah, blah. Not that he would bring any of this to the Oval Office, but it was the slam dunk answer. Huckabee is simply unflappable and unshakable and always spits out the perfect teflon deflection. This guy is a "people's champ" response robot. With the people...he does compute! Can he rise above the religious niche -- where they will try to keep him pigeonholed? (But they don't want to do it yet, cause they don't want to piss off those same religious people. So they will have to wait until Huckabee is the leader, then they have no choice.) ZD's market research says Huckabee's numbers are rising by the second. And Hillary may as well go back to New York and get back to being a Senator.
zuma times blog
Labels: los angeles politics
MITT ROMNEY is the NEW George Hamilton sans the Hollywood tan.
"Up his nose wit' a rubber hose!"
Huckabee comes across to me as a "deep cover" Pat Robertson.
We'll all be in mandatory bible classes if he's elected.
Isn't it pretty obvious that from time to time, such as with this posting, that ZD uses a ghost writer. The style, grammar, and spelling are dramatically different from his other postings.
If you look at the comments he wrote on the Zuma Times Blog about the presidential campaigns, you see what I mean. In the blog he wrote about Mitt "Romey."
Yeah, I hired a ghost writer out of my private budget I raised by promising airport concessions at a later date. (LOL!)
But simply on the realest, can you say it is obvious when you are completely wrong. (So it must not be THAT obvious?)
But you know what...I ain't mad at ya. I'll take it as a sign that there are moments when I can rise to the occasion, so I should strive to rise to those occasions, on more occasions. (But I guess this isn't one of them.)
In other Caspers writing for the "undisputed master". I'm the only fool who would spend all that time for no reason and no paycheck.
(Obsessive compulsion...ain't it a bitch!)
The Freemasonic Skull and Bones secret society member, George Bush Sr., received eight personal energy-work or qigong treatments by China’s “National Treasure” of qigong, the very powerful yoga master Dr. Yan Xin. George Bush declared Dr. Yan Xin to be today’s world’s greatest spiritual leader. In a western scientific published study (the journal Material Innovations Dr. Yan Xin has slowed down the decay rates of nuclear particles—technically impossible, unless the superstring theory is true.
So what, he wrote "principal" instead of "principle" but I guess you didn't catch that, wise guy.
Who gives a shit what Zuma haters think anyway. If he, like a politician already has to use ghost writers, it's no freaking wonder the politicians are afraid of him.
Zuma, I thought it was a great recap whether you got grammar help or not. But I don't believe you did.
My comments aren't the same as yours, so I won't bother since I'm a Democrat anyway, but Huckabee's name is too stupid and he's too religious and I know a lot of teflon preacher types and they are snakes underneath, so I would allow religion to be a basis for a NO vote even if I were a Republican..god forbid. I despise Rudy. I think he's a snake too. For the Villaraigosa haters here, you would feel way worse if you were from NY and he were your mayor. Horrid. I thought Thompson was a joke. He should go back to TV or wherever he's from. I didn't read the intellectual guy you did. I agree with everything you say about Romney. I thought they treated Ron Paul badly. He they interrupted his every word and that was just rude. Gibson shouldn't have allowed that. McCain is a yawner. I'll never be able to accept his, "Oh look, I'm on both sides - Reps and Dems!" I don't buy it. I don't like him.
I believe you wrote your own recap though.
Thanks for your take, What's The Plan?. On both issues.
Are you even listening? Rudy Guliani far from goofy. The other candidates are trying to get close to him, looking to Rudy for the daddy approval. That is how in control Guliani is. He may not get there because he's too liberal for the republicans but he's the smart one.
You think Rudy is brilliant. Okay, good for you. Everybody is entitled to their own opinions. I don't think so.
So I hope you are NEVER one who says one word about Antonio cheating on Corina if the brilliant Rudy can announce his divorce with his girlfriend by his side and his wife watching the news conference on television, in shock.
That has nothing to do with why I don't think Rudy is that bright. I just don't.
Watch the Clinton campaign start to really get dirty. That's how Ace Smith works. He can't run a campaign on a candidates record cause HIllary is getting slammed. Ace will turn to dirty politics and it will backfire.
...The mayor's campaign manager is Ace Smith, the opposition research guru who is helping run Clinton's campaign in California.
Okay...are these ZD's words or not? It's okay, ZD stil...we still love you even if you didn't write it!
Anyway...back to the debate on the debate...
I'm a lifelong Rep. turned Independent last year....and I have to tell 'ya....ALL of the Rep. contenders just stink! Huckabee is a flash in the pan and won't get the nomination, despite the fact that the Clinton machine is praying for him to get the nomination. Funnily enough, Huckabee really believes all the hype he's getting! He doesn't realize he's the insurance policy for the Dems taking the WH!
McCain is just a mean, dirty, old man and he CO-AUTHORED THE AMNESTY BILL WITH TEDDY KENNEDY! All of this b.s. over SEMANTICS...the bottom line is that the Z Visa they tried to shove in our faces...gave every single illegal INSTANT PERMANENT LEGAL RESIDENCY FOREVER!!!! NO EXPIRATION DATE!!! Wake up people...illegals don't care about citizenship...they just want to live here forever and suck our resources dry!!!
The Huckster is just that...a snake oil salesman. He used to be the 'barker' for the evangelical church before he became the preacher. It was his job to stand outside and get the crowds to attend the goings on. He's also a liar...a real smooth talking liar!
Thompson is a somnambulist and I marvel at the fact that he stays awake (sorta) for more than an hour at a time. I really think he is seriously ill...coughing and clearing his throat all the time.
Guiliani is another dirty old man!
That leaves Romney...honorable, good family man, clean cut, no skeletons in the closet, good manners, well bred, and totally untainted by dirty politics. He's too polite and well mannered to really let it fly with the seasoned old street fighters.
Romney is my only choice...maybe it's a choice between leprosy and cancer...but I'm going with Romney!
If you are serious about wondering if I wrote it. Hell yeah. Absolutely, 100% -- I wrote every word. Here's what I did. I watched the forums/debates on TV and simply typed real time notes and my thoughts as it all went down. Then I hit a spell check. So I didn't write it shorthand, just typed it right in. So I guess I should try more of that style since people seem to feel it is different, in an improved way. I really don't know what to say.
6:19 You are so right! With all
of the open borders fools wanting
to reward illegal aliens with a
"Z Visa" to stay for the rest of
their lives and their relatives as
well, we know McCain(T.KENNEDY IN DRAG) can not be trusted.
MITT ROMNEY is the only real
choice for President of the USA!
PS. The LAT goes to a new low
by attacking Ted Hayes!
Ted,you will have the last
laugh when Sam Zell cleans
house at our once great LAT
and makes it an American
newspaper once again!
Well, well lookie here, Zuma Mutt writes another pretty good comment. I will give Zuma his chocolate chip cookie, for being objective, intelligent and articulate with his comments.
Too bad the fat Blogging Burro (Mayor Sam) does not, or can not do the same.
Now Zuma Mutt is coming across as the best and brightest of the Blogging Burros. Who would have "thunk it"?
If Zuma Mutt keeps this up someone might just offer him a job.
11:18 am,
Thanks! I really appreciate that coming from you! Distinctions, y'all...thanks for helping me make them.
First of all, I AM your Daddy, you insecure little mutt.
But once again, I have to say that you are clearly capable of writing something intelligent and expressing your thoughts in a cogent manner.
If you wold try this in public hearings and stop acting like a buffoon, you would have a halfway chance of actually convincing folks of the correctness of your position.
Instead, they shoot the messenger every time and you end up the loser that you are today.
Even a balding, high school dropout can be a success if you dress and look the part. People might actually pay good money to hire you to advocate their positions.
Turn it around loser and try to visualize life as a winner. It could be, you know.
1:24 pm,
Good advice. Can't argue. (Even though you always have to throw in a little a-holiness on top.)
But, If I was gettin' paid, hell yeah...I'd wear a suit and nice shoes in a second, just like everyone else, I guess! (I'm not TRYING to stay broke.) I actually used to be known for fancy threads back in the day.
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