Congratulations Mayor Sam...Barack Obama's Campaign Takes Out Paid Ads on The Blog
Hey Mayor Sam, look how good those Barack Obama banner ads look on your site! Looks like there is a demand for Presidential Election coverage. So here are some notes I took during this evening's Democratic debate in New Hampshire:
New Hampshire Democratic Debate: Hillary must, must, must work on her tonality when she speaks. When she gives a defensive answer to another candidate attack, her voice raises to an annoying and angry sounding register -- and she launches into some diversionary talking point about her achievement and experience. She could be so smooth as the female candidate, but she just can't keep it together under pressure. She should watch some tape on Mike Huckabee, O-ba-ma! or Edwards. She always comes off defensive and whiny.
PEOPLE VOTE ON FEELINGS NOT LOGIC: Every candidate knows what to say about each issue, because they have polled and tested what to say on each issue. But beyond some basic policy, like, "I'll cut taxes, bring the troops home, and end government corruption", people can't make heads or tails out of much more than that. It is a mistake for politicians to try and convince people, or win an argument by using a lot of logic and statistics proving the point.
It comes down to likability. People vote for who they like. And this has much more to do with likability. And I swear as I am typing this, the moderator just asked Hillary why people don't think she is as "likable" as Obama.
SHE FINALLY GAVE A GREAT ANSWER: She said humorously, but sympathetically, "First of all, that hurts my feelings." (Crowd laughed.) Even Barack jumped in and said, "Don't worry Hillary, you're likable enough."
Why can't she just be likable? LA City Councilmembers are MUCH smoother and more likable. (Even though they are just as shady.) I don't think Hillary could beat any of them except Ed Reyes if she didn't have the name recognition as former first lady.
ZD REMINDS YOU OF ADDED COST OF WAR: Goes beyond the financial drain on the U.S. economy (now in the trillions). When you hear police departments and school districts saying they can't find enough qualified candidates, I am told a big drain on recruitment is due to all the top candidates who are fighting the war. So beyond the financial drain, the ripping of families apart and the physical and psychological after effects these soldiers suffer from, there is not enough talk of the pool of candidates not available at home for the the school, police, fire, utility and other departments.
JOHN EDWARDS: I like his no special interest/no lobbyist angle. He should make sure that's his big selling point to distinguish him from all others. I just wonder how important the message is to your average Joe.
I think Edwards' big problem is that Barack is just so smooth, likable and represents the "change" and "freshness" that people are looking for. Whether Obama can deliver that, or will make the correct decisions...who knows. But he's coming off as the poster boy for the direction that "the people" want to take.
CLINTON ACCUSED OBAMA OF HIS STAFFER BEING A LOBBYIST: He was seen on camera shaking his head and said, "No he's not."
EDWARDS ON LOBBYISTS: He said he wouldn't take a penny from lobbyists and no lobbyists would be in his White House.
But, Obama's response stole the show and responded to Clinton's claim that words don't create change. Obama went into a, "Words DO create change. They inspire people to create change." And basically said, yeah...we need to improve the system, but you can't eliminate it entirely. But we need to strive to do better. So not only did Barack turn Clinton's words against her, he gave a more realistic answer to Edwards.
I just don't think Clinton can score a point against Obama in a debate setting. And not so sure about Edwards, either.
THE PROBLEM WITH HILLARY ACCUSING BARACK OF NOT HAVING ENOUGH EXPERIENCE: He sure does seem to be able to articulate the problems and give his answer to the problem, and it all sounds pretty good, and I don't think people are getting a feeling that he is inexperienced. And if he is, it seems like he at least seems to be knowledgeable.
EDWARDS SCORED WITH HIS ANTI-CORPORATE TALK: Noting that while Exxon Mobile (XOM) reported skyrocketing, record profits -- millions of Americans didn't have health care and war veterans are sleeping under bridges on milk crates. And we are going to lose 30-40 million jobs, and those aren't blue collar workers, but college students.
So whether that will kill his chances when unions and corporations make sure they support anyone but Edwards, the message was killer if you are "one of the people".
RICHARDSON ON EDUCATION: Noted that no one has said a thing about education and China is graduating more scientists and engineers than the U.S.
ZUMA DOGG NOTICED: Not much talk of the economy, besides Clinton mentioning the possible recession. No one mentioned the stock market had the worst three day decline since the Great Depression of the '30's. The price of oil being around $100, gold skyrocketing on inflation and dollar volatility concerns, the housing market, subprime. (I didn't hear the entire debate, but I haven't heard much talk of this during the campaign. That's kryptonite-speak for politicians!)
AND THANKS: To everyone who I heard from (some whom it's been a while) regarding the LA Times coverage of Public Comment at City Hall featuring a lot of "Zuma Dogg". WE HAD LICENSES THOUGH, Y'ALL!!! THAT WAS KINDA THE POINT. But I loved the article, and make sure you read the sub-headline and final two paragraphs so you don't get the message twisted. Click for article. (They called me "the undisputed master"!!! Looks like it went straight to my head, y'all.)
SUNDAY MORNING UPDATE: CNN will replay the forum style debate Sunday January 6th at 7pm (East Coast Time, I guess.)
C-Span "Campaign Network": Website with all the campaign videos and election coverage.
New Hampshire Democratic Debate: Hillary must, must, must work on her tonality when she speaks. When she gives a defensive answer to another candidate attack, her voice raises to an annoying and angry sounding register -- and she launches into some diversionary talking point about her achievement and experience. She could be so smooth as the female candidate, but she just can't keep it together under pressure. She should watch some tape on Mike Huckabee, O-ba-ma! or Edwards. She always comes off defensive and whiny.
PEOPLE VOTE ON FEELINGS NOT LOGIC: Every candidate knows what to say about each issue, because they have polled and tested what to say on each issue. But beyond some basic policy, like, "I'll cut taxes, bring the troops home, and end government corruption", people can't make heads or tails out of much more than that. It is a mistake for politicians to try and convince people, or win an argument by using a lot of logic and statistics proving the point.
It comes down to likability. People vote for who they like. And this has much more to do with likability. And I swear as I am typing this, the moderator just asked Hillary why people don't think she is as "likable" as Obama.
SHE FINALLY GAVE A GREAT ANSWER: She said humorously, but sympathetically, "First of all, that hurts my feelings." (Crowd laughed.) Even Barack jumped in and said, "Don't worry Hillary, you're likable enough."
Why can't she just be likable? LA City Councilmembers are MUCH smoother and more likable. (Even though they are just as shady.) I don't think Hillary could beat any of them except Ed Reyes if she didn't have the name recognition as former first lady.
ZD REMINDS YOU OF ADDED COST OF WAR: Goes beyond the financial drain on the U.S. economy (now in the trillions). When you hear police departments and school districts saying they can't find enough qualified candidates, I am told a big drain on recruitment is due to all the top candidates who are fighting the war. So beyond the financial drain, the ripping of families apart and the physical and psychological after effects these soldiers suffer from, there is not enough talk of the pool of candidates not available at home for the the school, police, fire, utility and other departments.
JOHN EDWARDS: I like his no special interest/no lobbyist angle. He should make sure that's his big selling point to distinguish him from all others. I just wonder how important the message is to your average Joe.
I think Edwards' big problem is that Barack is just so smooth, likable and represents the "change" and "freshness" that people are looking for. Whether Obama can deliver that, or will make the correct decisions...who knows. But he's coming off as the poster boy for the direction that "the people" want to take.
CLINTON ACCUSED OBAMA OF HIS STAFFER BEING A LOBBYIST: He was seen on camera shaking his head and said, "No he's not."
EDWARDS ON LOBBYISTS: He said he wouldn't take a penny from lobbyists and no lobbyists would be in his White House.
But, Obama's response stole the show and responded to Clinton's claim that words don't create change. Obama went into a, "Words DO create change. They inspire people to create change." And basically said, yeah...we need to improve the system, but you can't eliminate it entirely. But we need to strive to do better. So not only did Barack turn Clinton's words against her, he gave a more realistic answer to Edwards.
I just don't think Clinton can score a point against Obama in a debate setting. And not so sure about Edwards, either.
THE PROBLEM WITH HILLARY ACCUSING BARACK OF NOT HAVING ENOUGH EXPERIENCE: He sure does seem to be able to articulate the problems and give his answer to the problem, and it all sounds pretty good, and I don't think people are getting a feeling that he is inexperienced. And if he is, it seems like he at least seems to be knowledgeable.
EDWARDS SCORED WITH HIS ANTI-CORPORATE TALK: Noting that while Exxon Mobile (XOM) reported skyrocketing, record profits -- millions of Americans didn't have health care and war veterans are sleeping under bridges on milk crates. And we are going to lose 30-40 million jobs, and those aren't blue collar workers, but college students.
So whether that will kill his chances when unions and corporations make sure they support anyone but Edwards, the message was killer if you are "one of the people".
RICHARDSON ON EDUCATION: Noted that no one has said a thing about education and China is graduating more scientists and engineers than the U.S.
ZUMA DOGG NOTICED: Not much talk of the economy, besides Clinton mentioning the possible recession. No one mentioned the stock market had the worst three day decline since the Great Depression of the '30's. The price of oil being around $100, gold skyrocketing on inflation and dollar volatility concerns, the housing market, subprime. (I didn't hear the entire debate, but I haven't heard much talk of this during the campaign. That's kryptonite-speak for politicians!)
AND THANKS: To everyone who I heard from (some whom it's been a while) regarding the LA Times coverage of Public Comment at City Hall featuring a lot of "Zuma Dogg". WE HAD LICENSES THOUGH, Y'ALL!!! THAT WAS KINDA THE POINT. But I loved the article, and make sure you read the sub-headline and final two paragraphs so you don't get the message twisted. Click for article. (They called me "the undisputed master"!!! Looks like it went straight to my head, y'all.)
SUNDAY MORNING UPDATE: CNN will replay the forum style debate Sunday January 6th at 7pm (East Coast Time, I guess.)
C-Span "Campaign Network": Website with all the campaign videos and election coverage.
Labels: 2008 Presidential Election, Barack Obama, hillary clinton, John Edwards, los angeles politics, new hampshire primary analysis, zuma dogg
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Being an "Average Joe" myself, I liked the answers Obama and Edwards gave tonight. The cordial relationship they seem to be building
leads me to believe an Edwards/Obama, or Obama/Edwards ticket may be in the works.
Well I must say that I find it incredible that you are capable of writing an piece as insightful and astute as this one.
You even used spell check and mostly got the grammar right, not to mention the judicious non-use of all caps, etc.
But Zuma, go look in the mirror; you are white! So, stop trying to act like you are a black boy from the South; you aren't black and you aren't from the South (South Malibu doesn't cut it) so cut out the phony y'alls.
Now, go get a haircut, a shave and a shower, ditch the bullshit hat and dark glasses and maybe you could get a decent job writing for a real paper that pays real money. Take this article with you as proof that you really did get past the third grade.
Like my daddy used to say, "Even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then..."
I agree with Zuma's Daddy, I was impressed with this bit of writing by Zuma Mutt. But maybe Zuma is doing something "shady" and had someone else write this column.
Hillary scored a good point at the end of the debate when she also said how the republicans ares stuck on talking about the war and those pesky terrorists.
When I'm out of work and lose my home I won'y give a shit about any terrorists in Iraq or Iran.
The republicans look like a bunch of "cry baby losers". hoody hooo, yea, yea
"When I'm out of work and lose my home"
Talk about a loser! Please do everyone a favor, jackass, and take a long walk off a short pier.
Dip shit do you think a person who is unemployed and about to lose his home is going to give a shit about any of the issues the republicans seem to talk about?
Both Zuma and Joe M both say the same thing in their comments.
You are obviously a fool who can't understand the simple meataphor of the "When I'm out of work and lose my home".
Read and learn dumd-ass.
12:09 am,
You KNOW I don't like when other people post under any moniker that uses the word "zuma"...but you KNEW I wouldn't be able to delete it, cause it says some good things. (Even though it ain't ALL good, y'all!)
But seriously, thanks for noticing the different blog style! I had to write fancier and more excellently because it's about Presidents, not just Councilmembers, so I had to try harder!
(But next time if you post under "Zuma's Daddy" and it is only bad stuff, I'll still delete it. (LOL! Just kidding...I guess "Zuma's Daddy" can be the moniker for official ZD opposition. EVEN THOUGH I DON'T LIKE IT, Y'ALL!!!
(Can I negotiate a "Zuma's Official Opposition" moniker, instead? Pleeeeeeeease....(sing songy) I'll be your best fri-eeeeend!?!?)
I have no job. I have lost my home. I am not eligible for any form of welfare. I had a major illness and used my savings to live for the last four years.
I agree; the Republicans need help, but I am angry that the Democrats and their theme to "help the children" which is destroying our welfare system, is aiding the legal and illegal immigration and subsidizing the children and all that it costs to breed them.
No matter how you slice and dice her, Shrillary grates on the nerves of EVERYONE, including her staunchest supporters!
Its not like she's a fresh, new face .....we suffered through 8 years of the Clintonistas; and NO ONE wants another 8 years!!!!
I personally have a visceral reaction every time I see the Hill/billys on the tube!!! THEY MAKE ME BARF!
Please, please just go away! Your day has come and gone.
I will ALWAYS remember that 'charming' tableau in Iowa: Hillary surrounded by Madeliene Albright, Wesley Clark, and her has-been, washed up husband! A picture is worth 10M this case!
And, hey Tony V....if you're reading this...start unpacking your're not going to Washington!!!!
Shrillary! OMG do I like that. Did you think of that? I'm gonna use it relentlessly, hope you don't mind.
"Shrillary"! ::pee wee herman chuckle::
Great post, Zuma!!!
Zuma, go look in the mirror; you are awesome! So, don't sweat the haters who hate you 'cause they ain't you ...
Like my daddy used to say, they "Don't know shiite from Shine-ola."
Obama won in Iowa. I was way off. This is actually an exciting white house race. But why does my gut still say America won't elect a black president? I know I am supposed to be hopeful because iowa is overwhelmingly white but more iowa democrats voted for a white candidate if you combine hillary and edwards numbers than obama. i can't help it, I still feel very skeptical that Obama can win the white house, especially with McCain not out of the running yet. The fact that Obama refuses to get too specific on what he would actually do makes me very skeptical, too. If I am wrong about America not being ready for a black President, it will be a very nice surprise for once.
Clinton campaigners better not get busted on this blog posting comments like the one LA Woman just posted.
Dick Morris is watching.
I believe you, 2:24, just because you say so. Rock solid. Don't worry about spinning us. Just make sure you don't get burnt, savvy.
Final alert, matey ;)
Anniebonny is that you?
purl girl?
Anniebonny or purlgirl, it is not.
Assure you though, I'm not a sot.
I did, however, once meet a female who knows the pirate clan. Perhaps Annie or purl, if it was her, can tell you who I am.
It was CD 14. In a parking lot, one fine evening. Prior emails and phone calls, gave it more meaning.
The person who can answer the clue, is the person who can tell who.
But I'll never tell.
Another weekend working the Pasadena parking lot, taking stock of your miserable life? Hitting "mug shot" and "police" till your fingers bleed, saavy? Like anyone, except nutty old you, cares. Even S.B. turned traitor on you, saavy. That's a lovely example of crappy poetry, though. Smells like the new years dribble you posted, and everybody ignored, on atomic bob, anniebonny.
Seriously, some people in the final stages of mental illness substitute rhymes for conversation. 4:25 should think about donating her brain to science.
7:14, you can stop spinning your wheels now.
I was trying to send a message to one person. Not have some numb skull chase their own tail.
Numb skull at 7:32, the "one person" and all city leaders already answered you. The answer is they call anti-terrorism the second you appear anywhere, even "incognito".
Final alert, matey ;)
You were trying to send a message to one person who wants you locked up in a loony bin, 7:32. In front of others who feel the same way. Bad idea.
Oh god the animal nuts. Please find a place to hang out. Anywhere but here..
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