This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
You know his motto, "a port in every storm, and a bimbo in very port"
...or on the ports commission
...or anyone who like port wine
...or has been to ports o' call
...or who isn't "portly"
or, or, or
(Anybody notice that one of the Times "wishes" this year was):
"For Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa to date -- no one. We'd also like him to talk about fewer initiatives and actually make progress on a couple of them. Reducing traffic and improving schools would be high on the list."
How sad is that, for a major city newspaper with a mayor in his FIRST term, who RAN as a family man - dedicated husband and father, to be asking two years later for the same mayor NOT to date anyone.
Next time, just lash AV's ego to a bare float. It's larger than most of the other entries.
(Not pictured), on the bow of the good ship "S.S. Los Angeles" was Celine Dion singing "My Heart Will Go On" (From the movie "Titanic").
And thanks to Jim Alger for the loan of the turtleneck. -- AV
His lapel button says "Vote for Hilary, the only woman in politics I wouldn't do"
Hey, I'm starving! Not an illegal hot dog vendor in sight on the streets of Pasedena. Get me out of here!
Ice Berg Alert! Febuary 5, 2008 - S.S. Los Angeles sinks - No lifeboats on board - All hands lost at sea.
Too bad Tony & the Bandits didn't see this one coming a few years ago when they still had some cash on hand to buy the lifeboats.
The mayor looks like a deckhand lounging on a chair.
Gilligan Villar, where is the "SKIPPER MONICA"?
"If the ship is a rockin,
Don't come a knockin"
Tryin' to sail with us pirates, is he? Arrrrrrrrrrrhhh!
"Es sólo un pequeño iceberg!"
AV's ego IS the iceberg
Hey "ladies" the fleet's in!
"Watch as I move my hand from MY thigh to HERS!"
"I wore black today to hide my jizz stains."
"Meet my new 'white' all american family ( hmm..I think this will show voters [they're so stupid anyway] I am no longer an angry mechista student born to raise hell)"
Ok I'm not trying to be mean at all but this has to be the ugliest float in the parade. You know it cost a pretty penny but it looks like a bunch of boxes that's all.
Antonio had just flown in from being in Aspen where word is (not liked at all by any celebrities as he campaigned for Hillary) then Iowa. I think the mayor has finally lost that luster he once had and we all know was smoke and mirrors.
The building cost for each float for the Rose Parade is close to $ 250,000 or more. Why is the City of Los Angeles spending that kind of money? The Mayor wants to raise our taxes because there is no money. Why did he allowed the expenditure of these hundreds of thousands of dollars for a float? We do not need to spend that kind of money so the Mayor can have one of his “Photo-ops”
The parade announcers made a point of saying no city money was used for the floats, dum-dums. But knowing nothing doesn't keep anyone on this blog from ever having an opinion.
Although I have no idea who that woman and kids were -- some other city bureaucrat, I think they said.
Even sillier odd couple: Janice Hahn and Bammatre on another float: she and Reggie the Alligator would have been better matched.
Here is the reason why people think Celeste Fremon is not only a Father "Gangbanger" Boyle groupie but a psycho. She knows little about the gang bangers Father G hires. They are active, still getting arrested and killing people and Father G protects his gangbangers. My hope is someday someone in this city with balls will finally report the truth about Homeboy and its corruption starting with the Mayor and Father Boyle.
...GREG BOYLE is the director of Homeboy Industries, the largest gang intervention program in the city. It’s been said that iif LA had a patron saint, it’d most probably be Father Greg.
"The building cost for each float for the Rose Parade is close to $ 250,000 or more. Why is the City of Los Angeles spending that kind of money? The Mayor wants to raise our taxes because there is no money. Why did he allowed the expenditure of these hundreds of thousands of dollars for a float? We do not need to spend that kind of money so the Mayor can have one of his “Photo-ops”
January 02, 2008 3:05 PM"
If it was said the the "City" didnt pay for the float...who did?. Developers, the Autry, Broad, who?
Antonio will be fine this year. This will be his year. He's learned a few valuable lessons and just like he did in 2001, he will come back in a big, big way. Unfortunately, in order for that to happen he needs to dump some of his Riordan advisors and get back to his Assembly roots when he had great ideals and solid advisors rather than airheaded, befuddled, out-of-touch with constituents advice.
I think at the end of his year and a half left in office, he'll get down to business and get a lot done.
He may even win over some of the haters here.
Did anyone see Gavin Newsom's new fiance? Their picture was in the Daily News.
4:07: Your analysis is off. Celeste Fremon is indeed a faithful and maybe blind supporter of Homeboy and its Padre, but Alan Mittelstaedt is her faithful supporter and former blog contributor on Witness L A (he still pops in to say how great she and her blog are, like Marc Cooper) -- and Alan loathes the Mayor and anyone he's associated with, like Weiss, with an irrational venom -- while giving a total pass to Antonio's detractors, from Zev to the NIMBYs involving traffic.
So you're clearly wrong that Boyle is supported blindly by the Mayor and Fremon and her groupies as some sort of clique.
Maybe Boyle and Homeboy are the best of the lot. Lots of gang intervention groups do indeed fund clever gangbangers to get paid for playing both sides, but what proof do you have that this program is one of them? Once in a while even a bleeding heart leftie like Fremon might just get it right -- despite her association with Alan M and Marc C.
[hey Zuma..., when you finally gonna come over with me and my homies on the school program]
"No City Money" used is a catchphrase for "some fatcat paid the freight" and now they'll want added access and quid pro quo from the city's elected leaders. The same way they bought AV's favors with cash to his "let me run the schools" efforts.
I can't buy that kind of access, can you?
Hell, that's even worse than city money being spent, because in the end, the electeds are not responsible to us, the taxpayers, for what greases the wheels for others.
Thanks for digging the hole deeper for them. You want to try and "help" them again with further explanations?
Better check with your owners, first.
6:22 pm,
I think you are confusing me with Shitt Romney. But seriously, what aspect of the school program am I to consider joining you on? What's the angle I should be fired up about?
7:02: Moron.
You're saying you would like to have had the city pay for these floats? No, of course not, just that no city officials, especially the Mayor, should have ridden on any floats.
Tough luck -- whoever you're working for didn't get invited to put their ugly mug on a float, eat sour grapes.
All the floats are paid for by sponsors, that's how it works.
Are you the speechwriter for LaBonge or Reyes, mayhaps? No, for someone wih an axe to grind: Bitter Bernie?
Yeah, I saw Gavin Newsom's girlfriend, and checked out her website. Her hubris will be his undoing: "When I was 7 my sister died and made me promise to save the world in her name so I saved all the kids in Costa Rica in high school then went to Stanford and even got my MBA there but then went to Hollywood, why you ask? when I'm so smart and proved I could svse the world: because I'm also absolutely adorable and needed more attention, and the best way to do that was to become a B actress.
Of course I tell everyone I did this so I could impart my humanitarian values onto Hollywood, grafting my brains onto my beauty, but really, I was hoping I'd be famous by now, but since I'm not and have no talent I roped that lech Newsom and I'll stand by him no matter what like when he admitted his last est friend's wife his while he was married and I was already his girlfriend, because he promised to marry me and he is going to do so."
Hilary, move over: Mrs. Ambition is rolling through.
"2008 - When the Ship Will Hit The Fan"
You are the real moron...
City's such as Cerritos, Alhambra, La Canada, and South Pasadena all contributed City funds towards their floats. Maybe not 100% but the balance was raised, not from fat cat donations, but from community fund raisers throughout the year prior to the parade. Pancake breakfasts, golf tourneys, raffles, bake sales, and even Jog A Thons. I agree that "zero LA city funds were used" is a bad way to go. This is just another example of opportunitiesy for "pay to play" access to the Mayor, staff and Clowncil members.....
The Mayor wasted a great opportunity to include his family in the honor of riding in worldwide parade. His children deserved the chance to ride in this event. It would have shown that he puts his family first. Whether separated or not. I would understand if Corina didn't show but the kids deserve the honor.
Get a life. If you had one, maybe you wouldn't worry so much about his.
I don't know about the Mayor's kids, but he talked about spending the holidays with them -- teens and college students all have their own plans.
And maybe that woman on the float begged to be there with her kids == maybe he didn't regard it as "his" float.
But the more you whine, the more you prove what a lower class of Hispanic you are, and how irrelevant to running the city or country. Your primitive views only belong back in Mexico. No one cares here. Go home.
It sounds like CD14 is like Mexico, but you're a fringe element of this city, and the country couldn't care less about your primitive judgments.
I have a caption for the float.
"Ship the mexicans to Baja California"
"Mexicans sailing back to Mexico"
"I don't know about the Mayor's kids, but he talked about spending the holidays with them..."
Yeah, he also talked about his family being his number one priority, he talked about his wife being his life partner (even taking her name - ha, ha), he talked about his father being a drunkard, he talked about the 80 neighborhood watches,......ALL LIES!!!!
Antonio is where everyone that knows him knew he would end up -ALONE! He spent the holidays alone, pathetically using that Iowa excuse. Tonito would have jumped at the chance to be on the float, what better way to get a date at Princeton? And Natalia is a natural on T.V.. Good for Corina to finally put her foot down. Antonio brough all this upon himself.
And if no one cares about this, why did you respond? Did it touch a nerve?
I only respond to try to get you to shut up -- which won't work clearly, but I'm ashamed when my friends back on the east coast ask about the many ignorant low-class Hispanics out here who hate English, "anglos," American culture and values but keep coming up here from their failed backwater countries to drag us down.
People like you.
I/ we don't care abour your primitive Catholicism, hyocritical views. If you worry so much about the women, why do you all have so many babies you can't afford to raise, educate or support, and can't "just say no" to your horny, macho gardener and janitor husbands who think it's some sort of mark of macho to keep getting you women knocked up, breeding like rabbits, and ruining our infrastructure and society -- making us pay for your kids, healthcare, til we're ruined.
If your twisted culture hadn't forced Antonio to pose as a family man, and had let him get separated and divorced earlier, he wouldn't have had to force himself into that mold. But you witches and your feudal version of Catholicism condemn anyone who gets divorced...
If he's smart, he'll dump your lowclass fat behinds and leave you to cling to the lowest class of pandering Hispanics, like Alarcon. (Although even he got himself a younger, prettier wife recently -- hypocrisy is in your culture.)
You tortilla-wielding brigage of spiteful Latinas are an embarrassment to L A and our country. Go away or shut up.
"If your twisted culture hadn't forced Antonio to pose as a family man, and had let him get separated and divorced earlier, he wouldn't have had to force himself into that mold."
Force himself into that mold?!!! I didn't see anyone holding a gun to his head. And Antonio was divorced earlier and had already abandoned three families he started before he ruined this most current one- So he ruined Corina's life because he had to force himself into this mold - no matter what the consequences and no matter how many lives he shattered. What culture are you from that this type of behaviour is acceptable? I only need one guess but let's leave it at that.
I wonder, did Antonio have to FORCE himself to hide his drug dealing past or did he have to FORCE himself to hide that attempted rape or did he have to FORCE himself to fabricate that story to justify his assualt charge - using a box cutter long before 9/11!!! I wonder if your culture would see this as acceptable behaviour?
It's a shame that you insist on viewing our culture through the scripts written for Despearte Housewifes.
And my views are not based on Catholicism, just basic, decent morals - but don't let that keep you from worshiping "Jim Jones Antonio". It must be very frustrating for you to worship the supposed spokesperson for that culture you so readily despise.
Show me you don't care, answer again.
Holy Moly what venom. Were you Jim Hahn's campaign manager or something?
You could use a Valium -- 3 years later.
Hey, I thought this was supposed to be "captions"- short and to the point. Like 1:05- short, primitive but on target.
Instead, the diatribes and personal attacks among the posters has taken over. (Exception: Forget heading off personal attacks on the Mayor or any other public official- that goes with the job)
FYI, the Port of Los Angeles paid for the float. No tax $$.
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