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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

One Million Trees, Where is the "SHADY" ??

One million trees should provide alot of "COOL SHADY". The One Million Tree Initiative was to be an endeavor that was meant to be a "GOOD SHADY" for all. Yet after the probing article by David Zahniser in yesterday's "TREE PULP ON SPRING STREET". The "NEW SHADY" is a bunch of "HOT AIR".

It is not a stretch to say that we will never see one million trees planted and surviving. Better yet, one million trees will never be planted. Fact is that the Million Trees Initiative relys too much on saplings given to people at events around the city. These saplings have to be planted promptly, and require a high level of care.

On the money side, the $70 million dollars that was hoped to be raised, is nowhere near the goal. Organizers and their partners have repeatedly retool the outreach and goals of the Million Tree Initiative. While on numbers, the goal of planting 300,000 trees on our parkland's, sits at 4,000. Long way to go indeed.

Zahniser makes a great analogy by comparing the Million Tree Initiative to the failed LAUSD take over. Where the Mayor gets to be a "PARTNER" at some schools. We will get a little "SHADY" but more "HOT AIR OF RHETORIC". Thus enabling the Mayor to blaze "CARBON CONTRAILS" across the skies, proclaiming his One Million Trees Initiative, a "SYMBOLIC SUCCESS", But a substanced failure.

A million L.A. trees: Will they take root? - Los Angeles Times


Anonymous Anonymous said:

During Al Rantel's segment with Walter last night, someone called in alleging Rocky's wife Michelle was making a killing reselling cheap Chinese lucky bamboo under some government initiative. Was that the "Million Trees" thing?

September 25, 2007 12:45 PM  

Blogger Red Spot in CD 14 said:

Sounds like something from the "THIRD FLOOR SPIN CHAMBER".

September 25, 2007 12:52 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


do you remember seeing me at the tree planting?

i told you it was shady or NOT shady

follow the money on this one my friend

shirley booth? nope not that shirley

shirley you jest

aw come on stop yanking my chain like that

look to a room with a 3 in it

see ya shirley

September 25, 2007 1:08 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

As someone who knows that one million is a biggggggggggggggg number I never expected that many shady trees to be planted.

The only million number goal which will be achieved are the million dollar settlements by SHADY lawyers such as the one representing the big prankster fireman who decided to retire early. My goal would be to plant one million SHADY lawyers, which would save all of America millions and millions of dollars.

September 25, 2007 1:43 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Did Michelle get a business license this time, or is it a "shady non profit?"

Who cares exactly how many trees, and who's going to count? Yeah, a lot of them are saplings given away at city functions, so what. But some of them are too small and puny to survive by the time you plant them, that's true.

Thousands are thriving in the canyons from last planting day, though, and it was a nice way for our N C and HOA members to get together with their families. Some people, especially the elderly and some school groups, attended a free breakfast in WLA beforehand. Others went to the river area. Good community bonding thing and there was a difference. Should be twice a year in fact.

September 25, 2007 1:52 PM  

Blogger Red Spot in CD 14 said:

MEMO TO "1:52 PM",

You bring up some good points. Community involvment is the key. In hindsight, this effort should be decentralize. N.C.s and other community groups should take the lead in identifying areas in need of planting. The planting and upkeep of the trees should also fall under the juridiction

September 25, 2007 1:59 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Shady? Can you say $110 per DWP tree? The DWP commissioners can. They say small tree. Sounds better than SAPling.

September 25, 2007 4:44 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I condemned this initiative in public comment the day it was voted.
I attended the function, saw Eric in his most Rhodes'y pair of shorts, alongside Julia Louis Dreyfuss.

I think the problem here really is who is selling the trees to the City in the first place, and for how much. and who set up the deal.

there's money in shade, apparently.

September 25, 2007 5:20 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Right Matt. Check out that "shady" tree program that goes to NC's asking for $12,000 per tree PER YEAR to plant and maintain them in your community. It's for the children..you know the wanna be gang bangers who need something to do. Oh sure, sign us up for that. In your dreams.

September 26, 2007 12:39 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Who will maintain the trees? That is the relevant question! Have you seen the trees already planted and do you know when they come to trim them? Call 311 to get no information! This is not a good green policy if we can't help the trees survive and thrive in a metropolitan city. I'd like to see well thought out policy decisions, not just those jumping on the green bandwagon without providing real, tangible solutions. Shame.

May 02, 2008 8:36 PM  

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