Mayor Sam's Hotsheet for Monday
An audit by City Controller Laura Chick of the popular Van Nuys FlyAway bus service to LAX has found that shoddy accounting procedures by the Department of World Airports has led to losses of perhaps thousands of dollars in income. Who gets fired for this one?
Times scribe Sandy Banks is bitching about having to pay a whopping tow bill when her car was towed after parking after hours in a bank parking lot that had signs posted specifically prohibiting after hours parking (motivation was that the valet parking line at the club she wanted to patronize was "too long.") Of course "Hurricane" Jackie Goldberg is bringing the nanny state to the rescue to protect drivers' "rights." Forget the rights of the bank who doesn't want to provide free parking for another business on their property.
Click read more for a lot more stuff
You may remember that one time we caught a City Council member parking in a handicapped spot. A new superhero is on the scene making sure that everyone from elected officials to regular folks don't take advantage of resources meant for the disabled.
This might be some affordable housing for those of you looking. Curbed LA has a post about a house for rent right on the 101.
What's up with LA Citynerd? Apparently you now need an invitation to view this blog. Do we need to out this blogger?
Blogger Cutter at MetroBloggingLA wonders why he's "one of the only white people riding the bus every frickin' day?." Thoughts?
Activists are turning parking spaces into parks in LA. Well at least for a day anyway.
MetroBlogging LA's David Markland has set up a cool new blog. Creepy LA details everything from Halloween items you can nab at the 99 Cent Store to the recent passing of Bewitched star and legendary character actress Alice Ghostley.
Shocking news that TV's Marcia Brady (Maureen McCormick) apparently had a real life lesbian love affair with sister Jan (Eve Plumb) during the years the show was in production. At least a new book authored by McCormick makes that claim.
Near the intersection of Melrose and Gower Jerry Brown and Linda Ronstadt used to sip margaritas near there and years before television history was made by a Cuban bandleader and his wacky redhead wife. Now Tom LaBonge has joined with the City Council in designating "I Love Lucy Square," in honor of both the classic television show and the legendary Lucy's El Adobe Mexican restaurant.
And finally, they first appeared on our pages nearly a year ago; Zach Behrens at LAist reports that the NoHo Girls - and their assorted spin offs The Van Nuys Guys and The WeHo Girls - have posted their last fake reality soap opera on YouTube. I first figured out it was fake when none of the NoHo Girls exteriors actually took place in NoHo.
Labels: Mayor Sam's Hotsheet
Sandy had to pay three hundred fifty bucks for parking in a vacant bank parking lot for less than an hour. Which is illegal, by the way -- she says you can only be towed after an hour. Sam, if you're going to be pro-business, supporting crooked towing companies isn't the way to go.
Who doesn't park in vacant bank lots at night, for pete's sake? Or don't you even have a car?
Mayor Sam you're a putz, there are many preadatory towing companies. I have seen them in action in Hollywood and Los Angeles, The L.A. Times reporter admits her error, but she wants to pay what is fair and allowed by law. She clearly states that in her story.
You guys sound like a bunch of "cry baby losers", you appear more like jealous losers, who only dream about writing for a major newspaper.
FlyAway loses money because its fare covers about a quarter of the cost of running the service. You don't need shoddy accounting to figure that out.
You're supporting predatory towing companies and opposing Flyaways that are the first start in over a decade toward rectifying the fact that there never was a subway built, and the bus and rail line that exists now, doesn't go to the airport-- stops a mile short, just to make it useless.
This is a good beginning of a network that needs to be more extensive. Also, any shortfalls in revenue don't take into account other factors, like relieving lines and passenger and airline stress at LAX. Longer checkin lines there not only make for attractive bombing targets but add to traffic.
If there is anyone who could do worse at city "planning" than the camel that is our city government now, it's you, MS.
Mayor Sam:
You are on a roll today!
Great work. Well done.
That's incredible. Goldberg forced through a law which required that towing companies wait an hour, after identifying an illegally parked car, to actually tow it? So therefore as a result of the law, anyone can legally park in ANY illegal spot for a period of less than one hour (before being towed). That's the result of this "Goldberg law". Well, at least she didn't impose the same rule, of waiting one hour, on the Police Department. Maybe, she will. Anyone not caught robbing a bank within one hour cannot be prosecuted.
Amazing. Don't those idiot posters, above, understand this? There's something wrong with them.
LA TIMES doesn't understand the difference between Commentary and News. Why is this "parking story" placed in the Local News section? It should be catagorized as Commentary.
The LA TIMES is a trashy, tabloid paper.
10:19: Proof that the stupidest and most spiteful people are the ones left reading this blog. Pathetic.
That one hour rule applies to cases like hers, loser, where a car isn't blocking or hurting anyone on a vacant parking lot. Not the same as on a towaway major street. Can your dullard brain see the difference?
Hope they tow your car tomorrow, loser. Or can't you afford one?
Why don't you hang around impound lots and cheer -- only thing that might make your miserable life happy. Did you get beaten up a lot as a kid, developed an SM fetish?
Scary to think creatures like you exist. I hope you never vote.
Even the City Attorney Rocky's wife found the business tax too onerous to pay, so how can he enforce anyone else having to do so, with a straight face? When a start-up business out of a home has to pay, it's unfair and a disincentive to entrepreneurship.
What are they paying taxes FOR to the City? How is the City helping these people?
Applying same rules to a caterer, painter or writer as to someone who arguably gets some city services (what are those?) is ridiculous.
Another tax that was pushed by Zev, by the way -- he's not a "leftie," just a loose canon, does anything.
Add to that the city income tax, and people will be less likely to take jobs in Los Angeles, and stay in their bedroom communities. It will be a boon to those towns, and further hurt L A employers. Getting people to drive in without mass transit, and paying for their expensive parking, is hard enough.
But the city has limited tax options, since NIMBYs have been able to oppose and stall the big developers, and big retail stores, so that as they "succeed," the Mayor and City Officials run around trying to court these same outfits.
To give neighborhoods an incentive to approve projects, offer them some of the benefits in better streets, and ensure that customers won't take away their parking.
The plans of Mike Woo and colleagues to deliberately make new developments parking-free is nuts.
Here's the deal all of us - me too - have figured we could game the system and scoff at a parking sign whether its private or public property.
The honest truth is the bank had the right to have Sandy's car towed. She knew what she was doing. She took a gamble. The towing company isn't crooked because they charged her big bucks for breaking the rules.
And who said I was against FlyAway? Some of you people scare me. I just said that LAWA is losing money they don't have to - at least according to Laura Chick.
FlyAway is a good service for some people. It probably should be run by the private sector though. I however prefer to park in the private lots near LAX, much more convenient from where I live.
I wonder if someone parked in your driveway - would you tow them?
Sam, sam, sam, don't beat a dead horse and admit you lost that one, on the parking. Who was Sandy Banks "blocking" in the bank lot? NOT the same as blocking a busy street OR private driveway, or anything. You're not that dense.
Bank lots that are empty at night are often fair game. A ticket is one thing, towing is predatory, an excuse for a tow company to make illegal money.
You want drivers to live in towing hell, but claim to be pro-business? And care about quality of life?
How about they tow those truckers out of town, let them learn how to make an honest living at a trade.
How is it illegal money?
I am a bank. I own a lot. I don't want you parking there if you're not a customer and/or when the bank is closed. It's my property. You don't belong there. It is not fair game.
If you park there, I will tow you. End of story.
Not much else you can say.
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