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Saturday, September 15, 2007

Magic Johnson endorses Hillary Clinton

Los Angeles basketball legend, and now successful businessman Ervin "Magic" Johnson announced his endorsement of Hillary Clinton for President of the United States.

In front of a crowd of students at King/Drew Magnet High School in Willowbrook, Mrs. Clinton took questions from students about health care (don't remind me of "Hillary Care"), education, mortgage rates, prison budgets (Webb Hubbell ?), and entertain one student who predicated his question with, "By the way, you're extremely attractive"(it "takes a village" to correct vision problems these days).

To the question that all of must be thinking, yes our Mayor, Antonio Villaraigosa was in attendance (with Trujillo not far behind, or was he the designated "Driver" ??). He was quoted in the second paragraph of the "La Antonia Times" article, as lauding Mrs. Clinton's experience. (no comments about achievements though). This is the catch phrase alluding to Barack Obama's lack of experience.

Gladly this time, no children fainted or were force to endure ceaseless amounts of pandering in sweltering conditions. I am sure as "MEAT" reads this, that he will gladly want to forget that infamous day at Forshay Middle School. After all, it is not everyday that you get a chance to meet the wife of a "cheatin, impeached, disbarred, ex. President".

Comments ?

First, Magic Johnson is a "Sports Hero" who has overcome the HIV virus, and strived in the business world. In addition he has been a positive leader in the African-American community. Yet, if Magic really wants to "brand" his legacy as a community leader, then I call upon him to push the theme of "Self-Empowerment", instead of backing leaders who will always "dangle
the carrot" of government solutions to the problems in the African- American community.

Second, Magic these two, Hillary and Antonio, have nowhere near the "resume of success" that you have achieved. You don't need them, they need you.

Lastly ? Magic when are you running for office ??



Anonymous Anonymous said:

Hilary says,

Thanks, Red Spot,

I was alerted to what an important political blog this is, and how objective you all are about the Mayor, so I will take your words under advisement very seriously.

I'm inclined to dump the little cholo now, but you know, I haven't found any Mexicans who can do a better job at connecting with those people.

Your unkind words about my personal appearance are not appreciated, Mr. Spot. Everyone can tell you I look a lot better in person.

And if I wanted to knock your socks off, believe me, I could still do it. With a teeny glimpse of cleavage.

But these were students, and Magic had his own rep with the ladies, who doesn't? So I didn't want to get anyone too excited and make them remember all that.

I wanted to focus on my experience.

How do you get experience without your tires showing a little wear?

Your future President,

Hilary R Clinton, Esq.

September 15, 2007 11:27 AM  

Blogger Red Spot in CD 14 said:


Does your cleveage match up with Jennifer Flowers. Will you show me some "thigh" if I dangle a dollor bill in front of you ala Paula Jones ?. How do you and Monica compare with a "thong" ??

Answers to these questions may sway my vote. Please reply.

September 15, 2007 11:38 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Mr. Spot,

Your question is rather impertinent and not relevant, but I will only say this:

It's a matter of public knowledge that Bill has always liked a lady who has some extra junk in the trunk, which is the only reason I can imagine he sank to that tramp Monica.

You know he's been called "the First Black President," and that's only one of the reasons.

That witch Ann Coulter has tried to make fun of my "big thighs," but Bill would never look twice at such a skinny bitch with no butt or thighs.

Beyonce or Jennifer Hudson, on the other hand -- I always have my people keep a close eye on them at these African-American affairs.

By the way, I hear there's a move afoot to ban McDonald's from Watts, where I enjoyed a lovely afternoon, and I can tell you, Bill would not like that one bit. You know how he feels about McDonald's french fries.

And me, I'm all for freedom of choice, so you can put that on a banner and march with it! (Be sure to put Bill's picture on it, too.)

As for the rest, The Nose with the boobs and the Hick with the Farrah Hair, they're not good enough to be the girlfriends of a chief dog catcher.

(You have a dogcatcher who likes the ladies too, I hear. But then, which of these guys doesn't.) Men are all such pigs, you can't trust any of them, which is why you need ME, a woman, for president.

Wait, don't tell anyone I said that. Just say, "Hilary, the first White, Black AND Hispanic bi-gender President!"

September 15, 2007 11:56 AM  

Blogger Red Spot in CD 14 said:

Well said !!

September 15, 2007 12:01 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

A blogging Idiot says ........
After all, it is not everyday that you get a chance to meet the wife of a "impeached, disbarred, ex. President".


Red Spot, you ignorant slut, it was another president who was impeached from office. Most high school students even know who it was. There should be a requirement for a guest blogger to at least qualify for the show "Are you smarter than a 5th grader"

Even Zuma Dogg probably knows the last president to be impeached.

September 15, 2007 12:12 PM  

Blogger Red Spot in CD 14 said:

History as taught to a myopic.

September 15, 2007 12:36 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Since Red Spot would rather not be reminded of "Hillary Care," here is the U.S. Census Bureau's 2006 reminder of "Bush Care":

"Both the percentage and the number of people without health insurance increased in 2006. The percentage without health insurance increased from 15.3 percent in 2005 to 15.8 percent in 2006 and the number of uninsured increased from 44.8 million to 47.0 million."

September 15, 2007 1:21 PM  

Blogger Red Spot in CD 14 said:

Good afternoon Jack,

Shall we venture a thought why health care is in its current state ?

Trial Lawyers !!

Who do they generally support ??

Democrats !!

September 15, 2007 1:35 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Point well taken, but, geez, you would have thought that after seven years of a Republican White House, Supreme Court and Congress they would have solved that by now, eh?

September 15, 2007 1:40 PM  

Blogger Red Spot in CD 14 said:


sometimes government is not the best agent of change.

September 15, 2007 1:45 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Red Spot:

And in some cases it IS the best agent of change

Re: Segregation

Also --

Insurance companies are to blame for the current health insurance problem...and who do they give to.



September 15, 2007 1:47 PM  

Blogger Red Spot in CD 14 said:

Those were the comments of a Trial Lawyer loving Democrat.

So compassionate

September 15, 2007 1:53 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I also believe that a government SHOULD be the best agent for change. That's why we hold elections every four years. It's how we stay up to date.

Few want to admit it, but WE are responsible for bad government only because of our indifference. That's what the bad electeds count on -- not a lot of us paying attention to our own vehicle for change.

BTW, I also don't believe you should STFU, RS! Not ever.

September 15, 2007 2:09 PM  

Blogger Red Spot in CD 14 said:

Like our recent "MAYOR BOUGHT" School Board races.

Positive actions are initiated by citizens. Howard Jarvis comes to mind.

September 15, 2007 2:15 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

"Blogging Idiot"

A president is "impeached" when the House of Representatvies votes on an article(s) of impeachment. The articles of impeachment are then sent to the Senate for a vote on whether the president gets "convicted" on those charges.

Clinton was impeached by the House, but was never convicted by the Senate. The only other president to be impeached was Andrew Johnson, who was also not convicted by the Senate.

Nixon resigned before the full House voted on articles of impeachment.

Get your facts right, moron!!

September 15, 2007 3:17 PM  

Blogger Jim said:

Anonymous said...
"Blogging Idiot"

A prezident iz "impeached" when da House o' Representatvies votes on an article(s) o' impeachment. The articles o' impeachment iz then sent ta da Senate fo' uh vote on whether da prezident gets "convicted" on those charges.

Clinton wuz impeached by da House, but wuz never convicted by da Senate. The only other prezident ta be impeached wuz Andrew Johnson, who wuz also not convicted by da Senate.

Nixon resigned 'bfoe da full House voted on articles o' impeachment.

Get yo' facts right, moron!!

in the hood

September 15, 2007 4:40 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

3:17 said ..........

Nixon resigned before the full House voted on articles of impeachment.


Who mentioned Nixon's name go back and read!

September 15, 2007 4:50 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

big deal
yea, big deal
who cares

September 15, 2007 5:40 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Hillary desperately needs a new style consultant. The dyed blond lesbian helmet hair is so tired. Grow it out, go with your natural color. And wear more skirts.

September 15, 2007 7:06 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Hillary desperately needs a new style consultant. The dyed blond lesbian helmet hair is so tired. Grow it out, go with your natural color. And wear more skirts.


Hillary I hope read Mayor Sam's blog you will receive fashion tips and learn about the midget mexican mayor and his mechista compadres Huziar and Nunez.

September 15, 2007 10:17 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Tia Torres' ex-con husband arrested, per Daily News yesterday. Seems he and a buddy were a little too closely connected to what may be a meth lab.

Not exactly an advertisement for the rehabilitative benefits of ex-cons working with pit bulls, but shouldn't be a de facto proof to the contrary, either.

Tia should stick with her plans to rebuild that brothel in Nevada, if she wants a more "honorable" stream of revenue.

What does it say about animal activists, or the absurdity of the dept. under Ed Boks, when an obscure dept. like that attracts more colorful characters than all the rest of local politics put together?

September 16, 2007 6:35 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Word is the blacks were pissed the cholo gang banging mayor Antonio who loves illegals showed up. They are angry that he has allowed the illegals to take over their community. Doesn't matter that Magic endorsed Hillary. The US Black Cacaus came out to support Obama. Many Latinas angry at a cheating, low life, sneaky Antonio who wasn't MAN enough to leave his wife and for 18 months lied and had an affair don't want to see Hillary who was dumb enough to stick by a cheating husband go to the White House. Antonio will not bring Hillary to the Eastside cause Latinas are already saying they will boo boo boo him and Hillary and ask Where's your girlfriend? Does anyone know how the El Grito event was last night with all the illegals? How much did that cost the legal tax payers?

September 16, 2007 7:33 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I hope that cheating Magic never runs for anything. Basketball-good. Politics-bad. What does he know? We are trying to get clean money here, not more development money.

Hillary will be our next president. Get used to it. Villaraigosa will deliver her some votes. Get used to that too.

Zuma Dogg is here to stay and he and Alger will continue to insult each other. Get used to it.

Nobody here cares about Ed Boks or who he sleeps with. Get used to that too.

Illegal immigrants are here to stay. Get used to it.

Los Angeles is corrupt. Go try and change it.

September 16, 2007 7:13 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

p.s., and I'm a one-note moron. Get used to it.

September 16, 2007 8:05 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

9/15, 1:47 PM:

Amen. Well done. Thank you.

September 17, 2007 9:26 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Red Spot: Citizens? Gag me. Howard Jarvis was the folksy front of the Apartment Owners Asspciation. Prop. 13 benefited businesses way more than homeowners and shifted power from local government to Sacramento. That's when our public schools went to hell and crime exploded in the cities. Don't get me started on that Prop. 13 crap. Even Warren Buffett could see how inequitable it's become..

September 17, 2007 9:42 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Hilary is a joke along with Miky Trujillo.

While Hilary campaigns, Bills is getting some from Monica Lewinsky.


September 17, 2007 10:52 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Rumor is Hilary is a Dike.

Rumor is Trujillo is Gay.

Rumor is Villar is Bisexual.

Rumor is ??????????????????

Hilary loses her ass off then is rejected in NY.

September 17, 2007 10:58 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

This comment has been removed by the author.

September 17, 2007 11:49 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Red, along with 9:42's sentiments, I'd also echo that CA didn't have a homeless problem until Prop 13. I know of two state mental hospitals that had to close (my sister's girl scout troop used to visit them) back in the day.

September 18, 2007 1:59 PM  

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