Better than Liddel vs Gracie: CRA/LAANE vs LA City Council
First it was commissioners against commissioners (See ZD coverage of LAANE/CRA stories on this blog). Now it is between one commissioner and two Councilmembers. (CM Perry and CM Cardenas)
Wow! One against two. And I thought Councilmembers were powerful? But I guess it’s commissioners. (Or at least a commissioner that sits on LAANE AND CRA!) So, Perry and Cardenas had to sit through the four hour meeting in the peanut gallery like Dogg and Dowd! (LOL!)
LA TIMES: City funding for developer angers housing advocates,1,3571112.story?coll=la-headlines-california
By David Zahniser and Jessica Garrison, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers
September 15, 2007
LA Times: “Days after that vote, commissioner Madeline Janis, one of seven board members appointed by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, said her colleagues were under pressure to approve the $8-million package.”
[ LA Times...please don't forget to mention that Janis is the paid Executive Director of LAANE. And please look into LAANE a little bit more, like getting hold of their complete list of donors and contributors, etc. ]
Janis said it was especially unusual to see two council members -- Jan Perry, who represents downtown, and Tony Cardenas, who represents the San Fernando Valley -- sit through four hours of discussion on the matter.
"There was all of this political pressure put on every member of the board," Janis said. "It was direct, like having two council members sitting there the entire time, to the indirect, like hearing back that the developer was really angry and was going have retribution against any CRA board member who didn't support him."
Cardenas and Perry disputed the allegations. "I don't know Madeline very well, but anyone who comes up with such a concoction of a scenario is confused and making things up," Cardenas said.
[Interesting that CM Cardenas told Zuma Times (on the record, during a Housing Committee meeting, in response to my comments over “profitable” non-profit housing scheme as blogged here) that he had heard a story that was happening, too. (Driving up the cost of affordable housing units for developer profit.)]
LAANE: Can You disclose your COMPLETE list of donors and contributors.
Oh no...Someone may be trying to scare Zuma Dogg away from this whole LAANE/CRA/Profitable Non-Profit Housing Story:
As you mentioned, LAANE is backed by the County Fed AFL CIO and ACLU. That is a formidable force!
LAANE can threaten lawsuits and can actually follow up with real lawsuits quite often (along with the help of ACLU).
A lot of people including some city hall politicians are fearful of LAANE because of that -- in addition to LAANE's powerful County Fed AFL-CIO backing.
Most people who understand what you are explaining are lobbyists, consultants, lawyers, developers, politicians and professional staffers who have made a lot of money by knowing some of the things you mention.
They want to keep making more money using the same old tricks. They want to keep the secrets for themselves. They don't want to disclose or share any of this stuff. Plus, they have made plenty of shady deals too. They don't want to be exposed and get into trouble.
Wow! One against two. And I thought Councilmembers were powerful? But I guess it’s commissioners. (Or at least a commissioner that sits on LAANE AND CRA!) So, Perry and Cardenas had to sit through the four hour meeting in the peanut gallery like Dogg and Dowd! (LOL!)
LA TIMES: City funding for developer angers housing advocates,1,3571112.story?coll=la-headlines-california
By David Zahniser and Jessica Garrison, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers
September 15, 2007
LA Times: “Days after that vote, commissioner Madeline Janis, one of seven board members appointed by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, said her colleagues were under pressure to approve the $8-million package.”
[ LA Times...please don't forget to mention that Janis is the paid Executive Director of LAANE. And please look into LAANE a little bit more, like getting hold of their complete list of donors and contributors, etc. ]
Janis said it was especially unusual to see two council members -- Jan Perry, who represents downtown, and Tony Cardenas, who represents the San Fernando Valley -- sit through four hours of discussion on the matter.
"There was all of this political pressure put on every member of the board," Janis said. "It was direct, like having two council members sitting there the entire time, to the indirect, like hearing back that the developer was really angry and was going have retribution against any CRA board member who didn't support him."
Cardenas and Perry disputed the allegations. "I don't know Madeline very well, but anyone who comes up with such a concoction of a scenario is confused and making things up," Cardenas said.
[Interesting that CM Cardenas told Zuma Times (on the record, during a Housing Committee meeting, in response to my comments over “profitable” non-profit housing scheme as blogged here) that he had heard a story that was happening, too. (Driving up the cost of affordable housing units for developer profit.)]
LAANE: Can You disclose your COMPLETE list of donors and contributors.
Oh no...Someone may be trying to scare Zuma Dogg away from this whole LAANE/CRA/Profitable Non-Profit Housing Story:
As you mentioned, LAANE is backed by the County Fed AFL CIO and ACLU. That is a formidable force!
LAANE can threaten lawsuits and can actually follow up with real lawsuits quite often (along with the help of ACLU).
A lot of people including some city hall politicians are fearful of LAANE because of that -- in addition to LAANE's powerful County Fed AFL-CIO backing.
Most people who understand what you are explaining are lobbyists, consultants, lawyers, developers, politicians and professional staffers who have made a lot of money by knowing some of the things you mention.
They want to keep making more money using the same old tricks. They want to keep the secrets for themselves. They don't want to disclose or share any of this stuff. Plus, they have made plenty of shady deals too. They don't want to be exposed and get into trouble.
Labels: mayor antonio villaraigosa
Janis is a socialist-leftie, don't know who MAV was listening to when he appointed HER. His own cousin on the CRA usually opposes her.
Sitting through a meeting is "intimidation?" Really?
SO THOUGHTFUL of you, zuma dogg, to finally admit that you and matt ARE still a team. You so tried to distance yourself from "some people's lawsuits" as "cookoo, cookoo, cookoe," just 2 days ago.
You know, matt dowd who's suing the city along with mike hunt for some B S aboug not being allowed to peddle their crappy incense and oil anywhere and anytime on Venice Beach?
And retained Carol Sobel, she of the shady shyster leaders who is recruiting "thousands" who so much as walked by on May 1, to sue the city and the cops for "abuse" against "people of color?"
I hope Kevin sues MS for defaming him. I'd say sue you, but you don't have a pot to pee in.
Go ahead, delete this too, crybaby.
C'mon, not only does he not have a pot to pee in, he doesn't have a window to throw it out of, unless you count that crappy old van he lives in, in which the windows probably don't work.
Now that ZD is consulting for Zev, the BOS, City Council and LAUSD, his consulting fees will provide him with a much more suitable abode.
He'll be looking for a hillside cave in the bushes along the PCH a little closer in, say Santa Monica, so he can get to all his important two minute meetings.
You shouldn't be whining about an advocacy group, like LAANE, and it's idealogical ties to Villaraigosa unless you can tie it to a specific problem that must be stopped and needs activism. Of course, it is evident that Villaraigosa is trying to kick many low (or no) income earners from the inner city. But can't you find a specific cause to provide tangible results? Your disapproval of Non-profits (ie. advocacy groups) are not going to help stop downtown development of SkidRow.
Why not advocate the elimination of low income requirements for housing (or to allow no income residents)? This is probably within the City Council's purview. Ask CRA where are the no-income resident housing to be in downtown?
From the LA Times "With the city funding approved, Islas now plans also to seek funds available under Proposition 1C, a state bond measure that provides money for affordable housing projects.
Half of the city's funding will go toward the apartments designated for renters who earn 35% of average median income. That move will cost the redevelopment agency $46,511 per apartment."
To try to stop SKIDROW development, which appears to be LACAN's plan, is not very realistic (just my guess, I'm not a politico insider).
The issue I have is that I am concerned that these non-profit partnerships with the city allow for too much fraud, waste and abuse to sneak into the system.
I've blogged a lot about how it is possible to work the system in this city to make a lot of profit off of the non-profit affordable housing industry. And the way the system is set up, allows developers to drive up per unit cost, the city doesn't get enough units for the money...then the problem perpetuates -- and we keep pouring more money into more non-profits to try and fix the resulting side effects.
And I don't think Dowd/Hunt retained Carol Sobel/ACLU? I think a Federal judge may have combined their cases. Two days ago someone tied my name with Matt's regarding the lawsuit, and I brought it to the commenters attention that I have nothing to do with the lawsuit. So I guess that has some kind of inside meaning to you.
All those guys are going to try to get a cut of the pie. And it's very difficult to find the fat. To wave your arms around, seemingly in general frustration, is well and good for lookout purposes. But in the end, without specific infractions (ie. legal or ethical) it eventually just becomes background noise.
But, if you can find those outrageous situations, like someone's relative getting paid to do nothing, then people listen.
The great Howard Watts used to wear a t-shirt to CRA meetings with big red letters reading:
"CRA -Rich Man's Welfare".
Some things never change.
It's like vultures circling a dying animal.
Or flies circling a pile of whatever flies circle.
Zuma, how would a federal judge have "combined" matt and mike's cases with the other bunch Carol Solel is suing for, the pro-illegals marching May 1?
Does this mean that all the illegals, whether from Mexico or New Zealand, and those like mike too stoned to know where they are let alone where they came from, are "the same?"
Of course, since Sobel is claiming all those marchers were beaten by the cops "because they're people of color," hunt can completement his bud matt there.
You and mike are black, but matt isn't, right?
Still remember the $2,500 toilet?
Non-profits and affordable housing often become scams - only con artists can figure out how the Villar system works and take advantage of it.
You're an idoit. What are you talking about. What does Dowd/Hunt's Venice Lawsuit have to do with immigrant marches? Nevermind. No one cares. And I have nothing to do with it. Carol Soble I'm sure is involved in more than one lawsuit. Why don't you just shut up until you take your head out of your ass which will probably be never.
What a pair of liars and corrupt and politicians the mechista mexican mayor and whitewater Hillary Clinton. Hillary has kept quiet and said nothing about her failed health care plan and her continued support of the war in Iraq.
"...failed health care plan and ... continued support of the war in Iraq."
Kind of sounds like our current president, doesn't it?
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