Sunday Morning Mimosa
DJ Waldie really misses the mark in this op-ed assigning all the credit for the Home Depot rebuff to the Neighborhood Council movement. It's like he didn't make a single phone call, talk to a single warm body; it's like he googled a few names and took a guess. (Indeed, tellingly, he didn't fetch a single quote from the winning team.)
Home Depot was rebuffed in the foothills by two cultures: the fairly nascent Internet culture, and Sunland Tujunga's age-old and uniquely utopian cultural heritage, a cultural heritage that goes back to Little Landers Colony, nearly a century old. His article is evidence of a wildly detached Times op-ed page.
Unlike San Pedro, Mar Vista, Woodland Hills, or sure, Los Feliz, Sunland Tujunga exists in enough isolation to the rest of the City that it doesn't know it can't fight City Hall---it rolls up its sleeves when it needs to and takes care of business. While Sunland Tujunga indeed owes a debt of gratitude to their Neighborhood Council in the fight, it merely owes that much and nothing more; the idea of a similar kind of victory happening nearly anywhere else in the City through Neighborhood Council efforts is laughable.
LAX expansion back on the table, the Daily News says in an editorial, and they don't like it. "It will take more than near collisions and breakdowns in handling travelers efficiently to shake City Hall out of its dangerous obsession of airport expansion. // It will take you, the voters, to wake up from your sleep and hold the politicians responsible for their failure to serve you. "
Lay that against Zahniser's backgrounder Friday about the anti-gang/LA homeowner tax fever sweeping Council and you have a couple of papers that are finally ready to take on City Council and the Mayor over fiscal items. If the Mayor is damaged goods, Council becomes a far easier target.
Yesterday morning, the fishwrap of record noted that Ruby de Vera has been awarded $125,000 from Council for insolence and indignity she suffered at the hands of Ed Reyes. She was laid off for running against a Reyes crone, Jose Huizar. I hope everyone's friends now.
Disgruntled weekend readers of MayorSam will undoubtably be even more disgruntled to learn that it was yours truly who broke the "Ed laid off Ruby" story in November 2005, a story which ended up in print all over town over the next few days.
Here's a guy who's new in town, on his way to Sunset Junction: "Anyway, today we were lost on the way to the music festival, and I went into a convenience store to get some sunscreen--you can't survive down here without sunscreen--and there were five loud shots outside. I looked out the window, and saw a young man lying there across the street, in a white tank top, not moving. Lisa was in the car and ducked, afraid she would get hit, but it was over. (btw, perhaps my family shouldn't know about this.) // It was hard not to think about it periodically amid the chaos of the music festival, that I probably just saw someone murdered, someone I don't know and who I probably won't ever know the name of."
The stages are too crowded at Sunset Junction, the bands too slick, the entry fee is too exhorbitant commensurate to what you get. If you're not in the mood, try the first ever Barnsdall Art Market instead.
Home Depot was rebuffed in the foothills by two cultures: the fairly nascent Internet culture, and Sunland Tujunga's age-old and uniquely utopian cultural heritage, a cultural heritage that goes back to Little Landers Colony, nearly a century old. His article is evidence of a wildly detached Times op-ed page.
Unlike San Pedro, Mar Vista, Woodland Hills, or sure, Los Feliz, Sunland Tujunga exists in enough isolation to the rest of the City that it doesn't know it can't fight City Hall---it rolls up its sleeves when it needs to and takes care of business. While Sunland Tujunga indeed owes a debt of gratitude to their Neighborhood Council in the fight, it merely owes that much and nothing more; the idea of a similar kind of victory happening nearly anywhere else in the City through Neighborhood Council efforts is laughable.
° ° ° ° °
LAX expansion back on the table, the Daily News says in an editorial, and they don't like it. "It will take more than near collisions and breakdowns in handling travelers efficiently to shake City Hall out of its dangerous obsession of airport expansion. // It will take you, the voters, to wake up from your sleep and hold the politicians responsible for their failure to serve you. "
Lay that against Zahniser's backgrounder Friday about the anti-gang/LA homeowner tax fever sweeping Council and you have a couple of papers that are finally ready to take on City Council and the Mayor over fiscal items. If the Mayor is damaged goods, Council becomes a far easier target.
° ° ° ° °
Yesterday morning, the fishwrap of record noted that Ruby de Vera has been awarded $125,000 from Council for insolence and indignity she suffered at the hands of Ed Reyes. She was laid off for running against a Reyes crone, Jose Huizar. I hope everyone's friends now.
Disgruntled weekend readers of MayorSam will undoubtably be even more disgruntled to learn that it was yours truly who broke the "Ed laid off Ruby" story in November 2005, a story which ended up in print all over town over the next few days.
° ° ° ° °
Here's a guy who's new in town, on his way to Sunset Junction: "Anyway, today we were lost on the way to the music festival, and I went into a convenience store to get some sunscreen--you can't survive down here without sunscreen--and there were five loud shots outside. I looked out the window, and saw a young man lying there across the street, in a white tank top, not moving. Lisa was in the car and ducked, afraid she would get hit, but it was over. (btw, perhaps my family shouldn't know about this.) // It was hard not to think about it periodically amid the chaos of the music festival, that I probably just saw someone murdered, someone I don't know and who I probably won't ever know the name of."
° ° ° ° °
The stages are too crowded at Sunset Junction, the bands too slick, the entry fee is too exhorbitant commensurate to what you get. If you're not in the mood, try the first ever Barnsdall Art Market instead.
Labels: a guy in la, gangs, home depot, sunland-tujunga
This is the kind of post that those of us have come to read and enjoy, even post a civil comment or two.
Contrast your posts to those of the unmentionable ill kempt personage who also posts on this site.
Thanks for the interesting bit.
VillarSalinas: The Melodrama
Mayor Villaraigosa - Joe Pesci
Mirthala Salinas - David Lee Roth
Corina Raigosa - Herself
Fabian Nunez - Frankie Avalon
Alex Padilla - El Cucuy
El Cucuy - Don Ho
Wendy Greuel - Janice Hahn
Eric Garcetti - Michael Richards (Seinfeld)
William Bratton - Karl Malden (The Streets of San Francisco)
Bernie Parks - Phil Morris (played Jackie Chiles, Kramer's African-American lawyer on Seinfeld, who spoke with a rapid fire delivery and tended to overuse adjectives like 'preposterous' and 'outrageous')
John Kobylt - Moe Howard
Ken Champiaou - Larry Fine
David Z didn't say who the 6 assholes counil members are pushing for the tax for gang programs were. Anyone know please post them. The fight has just started and NV's are against this tax. Why is DONE getting involved and sending out a blast e-mail asking for support? That's bullshit they are not suppose to be council's lobbyist.
Read these stories on corruption of the gang programs. Then know that just this year 4 gang program guys have been arrested for felonies and all of them were abusing the money. Then send the stories to everyone you know and tell them to fight against another tax for gang bangers to abuse with their families.,1,4205851.story?coll=la-headlines-california
Read – Read the graffiti to determine the gang(s) involved. If you are unable to interpret what is observed, find someone who can. Frequently, a great deal of intelligence can be gathered, such as the nicknames or monikers of gang members, warnings, threats to other gangs, availability of drugs, pending gang wars, and more.
Report -Educators, parents and other concerned citizens should report found graffiti to the appropriate law enforcement agency. Law enforcement or corrections personnel should report the existence of graffiti to the departments gang intelligence unit.
Record – Use a still or video camera to record the graffiti for possible later use. If graffiti continues to appear after removal, the photographic record may serve as a history of the efforts made to combat the problem.
Remove – Remove ALL graffiti as soon as possible after it is discovered. When removing graffiti, paint the entire wall, post, sign, etc. on which the graffiti is found. Studies have shown that "spot" painting to blot out the graffiti is not as effective for the permanent discouragement of graffiti as is covering the entire subject area.
We don't need no stupid Dung Depot.
Greuel, Hahn, Rosendahl, Parks, Perry are the ones I know who are supporting wasting millions on gang programs. No way this will ever be voted in. People are tired of the gang violence and Antonio hired a guy who doesn't even know LA or where the gangs are. Go figure!!! WE have morons running this city who are clueless. Neighborhood Councils are not going to support this gang tax. I read those stories and only a complete idiot would support giving more money to programs that are ineffective and hire gang bangers to run. That's like giving crack to a druggie and saying "don't smoke it."
Must see:
Dec. 1, 1963 ad; George Putnam was on Channel 11
Brings back great memories!
Anonymous said...
"WE have morons running this city who are clueless."
-In espanol, we say pendejo's
"I read those stories and only a complete idiot would support giving more money to programs that are ineffective and hire gang bangers to run."
-Trust me, they are C-O-M-P-L-E-T-E idiots, friend.
"That's like giving crack to a druggie and saying 'don't smoke it'."
-I like my analogy; Of putting a pea in your nostril in front of a table full of six year olds, telling them not to do the same, and walk out the door.
We've all seen picture's of our Mayor in his suits, but I challenge you all to tell me he wouldn't look more natural and in his element wearing black trousers, red canvass jacket, white shirt with black tie, and parking your car at Casa Vega Mexican Restaurant in Sherman Oaks (a cheap plug for owner/friend Ray Vega and Richard Chavaria)...that smarmy, glib, and nimble of speech (albeit primitive, insincere, slippery and oily) dandy of a mayor is surely a legend in his own mind.
The credit for closing down Home Depot belongs solely to me.
About your anti-graffiti TAX
Tax his land,
>Tax his bed,
>Tax the table
>At which he's fed.
>Tax his tractor,
>Tax his mule,
>Teach him taxes
>Are the rule.
>Tax his cow,
>Tax his goat,
>Tax his pants,
>Tax his coat.
>Tax his ties,
>Tax his shirt,
>Tax his work,
>Tax his dirt.
>Tax his tobacco,
>Tax his drink,
>Tax him if he
>Tries to think.
>Tax his cigars,
>Tax his beers,
>If he cries, then
>Tax his tears.
>Tax his car,
>Tax his gas,
>Find other ways
>To tax his ass
>Tax all he has
>Then let him know
>That you won't be done
>Till he has no dough.
>When he screams and hollers,
>Then tax him some more,
>Tax him till
>He's good and sore.
>Then tax his coffin,
>Tax his grave,
>Tax the sod in
>Which he's laid.
>Put these words
>upon his tomb,
>"Taxes drove me
>to my doom..."
>When he's gone,
>Do not relax,
>Its time to apply
>The inheritance tax.
>Accounts Receivable Tax
>Building Permit Tax
>CDL license Tax
>Cigarette Tax
>Corporate Income Tax
>Dog License Tax
>Federal Income Tax
>Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
>Fishing License Tax
>Food License Tax,
>Fuel permit tax
>Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon)
>Hunting License Tax
>Inheritance Tax
>Interest expense
>Inventory tax
>IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
>Liquor Tax
>Luxury Taxes
>Marriage License Tax
>Medicare Tax
>Property Tax
>Real Estate Tax
>Service charge taxes
>Social Security Tax
>Road usage taxes
>Sales Tax
>Recreational Vehicle Tax
>School Tax
>State Income Tax
>State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
>Telephone federal excise tax -
>Telephone federal universal service fee tax
>Telephone federal, state and local surcharge taxes
>Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
>Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax
>Telephone state and local tax
>Telephone usage charge tax
>Utility Taxes - LOS ANGELES CITY -UTILITY -TAX $10.00 (repealed -WE WON THAT ONE)
>Vehicle License Registration Tax
>Vehicle Sales Tax
>Watercraft registration Tax
>Well Permit Tax
>Workers Compensation Tax
>COMMENTS: Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, and our nation was the most prosperous in the world.
>We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids. Dad educated (punished) the boys and girls as necessary.
>And I still have to "press 1" for English.
Why should I pay to educate, and rehabilatate 'BAD" children? Its the parents job.
When he screams and hollers,
>Then "educate" him some more,
>Tax him till
>He's good and sore.
>What happened?
Broken China: A dysfunctional nation
Cheap Chinese cars speed toward U.S.
Talk back: Would you buy a car made in China?
How long can China pollute for free?
Chinese products are raising safety concerns
Chery crumples in crash test
Bricklin is best known for co-founding Subaru of America and importing Yugos to the U.S. He has had a deal with Chery to bring the carmaker's vehicles to the U.S. But that deal is in tatters, and the two sides are litigating. Already on the road in Europe Meantime, Bricklin is looking for a new Chinese partner to supply Chinese-built hybrid vehicles to his company for sale in the U.S. "That seems like the best market opportunity right now," says Bricklin, who calls doing business with the Chinese automakers "a fascinating but sometimes frustrating experience." Even before Chery has a chance to sell cars through Chrysler, Scottsdale, Ariz., distributor China Motor is expected to showcase its plans in Detroit this month to sell vehicles built by Chinese automaker Brilliance China Automotive as early as fall 2008.
About your anti-graffiti TAX
Department of the Treasury—Internal Revenue Service 1040 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return
For the year Jan. 1–Dec. 31, 2006, or other tax year beginning , 2006, ending , 20 OMB No. 1545-0074
Your first name and initial Last name Your social security number
on page 16.)
I f a joint return, spouse’s first name and initial Last name Spouse’s social security number
Use the IRS
please print
or type.
Home address (number and street). If you have a P.O. box, see page 16. Apt. no.
City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code. If you have a foreign address, see page 16.
Election Campaign ©
1 Single
Filing Status
Married filing jointly (even if only one had income)
Check only
one box.
Qualifying widow(er) with dependent child (see page 17)
6a Yourself. If someone can claim you as a dependent, do not c heck box 6a
(4) if qualifying
child for child tax
credit (see page 19)
c (2) Dependent’s
social security number
(3) Dependent’s
relationship to
(1) First name Last name
If more than four
dependents, see
page 19.
Total number of exemptions claimed
Wages, salaries, tips, etc. Attach Form(s) W-2
Taxable interest. Attach Schedule B if required
Tax-exempt interest. Do not include on line 8a
Attach Form(s)
W-2 here. Also
attach Forms
W-2G and
1099-R if tax
was withheld.
Ordinary dividends. Attach Schedule B if required
Taxable refunds, credits, or offsets of state and local income taxes (see page 24)
Alimony received
Business income or (loss). Attach Schedule C or C-EZ
Enclose, but do
not attach, any
payment. Also,
please use
Form 1040-V.
Capital gain or (loss). Attach Schedule D if required. If not required, check here ©
Other gains or (losses). Attach Form 4797
IRA distributions
Taxable amount (see page 25)
Pensions and annuities
Taxable amount (see page 26)
Rental real estate, royalties, partnerships, S corporations, trusts, etc. Attach Schedule E
Farm income or (loss). Attach Schedule F
Unemployment compensation
Taxable amount (see page 27)
Social security benefits
Add the amounts in the far right column for lines 7 through 21. This is your total income ©
IRA deduction (see page 31)
One-half of self-employment tax. Attach Schedule SE
Self-employed health insurance deduction (see page 29)
Self-employed SEP, SIMPLE, and qualified plans
Penalty on early withdrawal of savings
Alimony paid b Recipient’s SSN ©
Add lines 23 through 31a and 32 through 35
Subtract line 36 from line 22. This is your adjusted gross income ©
If you did not
get a W-2,
see page 23.
Viagra didn't work for me.
Even tho the thrust of the Times Opinion piece was about NC's gaining some power, the writer failed to mention how the NC in Sunland-Tujunga became so visible. Without the grassroots group, The Sunland-Tujunga Alliance, No 2 Home Depot Campaign, there would never have been any action to stop the big box bully. This group of neighbors deserves a great big bravo! Led by Joe Barrett, Abby Diamond, and Paula Warner, they are the ones who filed the appeals and brought the issue to the forefront. Let's give credit where credit is due!
About your anti-graffiti TAX
Thought about changing careers?
An I.R.S. career.
It all adds up.
Joe Barrett, Abby Diamond, and Paula Warner are all communists!
The only good gang member is a dead gang member. I love when they kill each other. There are some human beings we just don't need.
Home Deport
The LA Times piece was a complete sham. The NC had virtually NOTHING to do with the win. Joe, Abby, Paula and Jim aren't even STNC members.
Short of getting a bus or two, STNC was worthless. If anything, the HD fight shows the ineffectiveness of NC's and the need for groups to operate OUTSIDE the system.
When you talk about "the City Council" being tax-happy, the six who are in favor of the gang tax are the same-old, same-old, led by none other than never met a tax hike she didn't like, Janice Hahn.
What is new is that Laura Chick and the City Chief Finance Officer, Sisson, are out there in public telling her/them to be more fiscally responsible. If Zahnizer is calling them out on it, it's because there is open discussion about it, which is good.
A couple of things putting them in the red, per recent articles, are the fed building downtown, bailout of the Children's Museum Alarcon brought to the CC -- to the annoyance of many -- that he inherited from Padilla; and a few other items dragged in by members that weren't on the budget. Some members noting that by being put in a position to finance these projects, the ability to prioritize was taken away from them, and so it seems.
I don't think the Mayor being "wounded" has anything to do with it, and -- I have no stake in this -- he seems to be recovering as the media is starting not to hound him so badly.
Connie Rice's committee wrote a report concluding that the city will need to spend a cool BILLION on gang programs, that anything less is just a token. So Hahn, Parks, Rosendahl, Parks and the others (and I imagine they can get Alarcon, Reyes) wanted to raise taxes to get 50 million to start, but Hahn said an analyst concluded that a sum of $30million will be easier to fob onto the public. So that's how they came up with that.
By the way, Rice spent ove $600K to come up with this proposal (to tell us we need to cough up a billion!), in addition to the $500K Laura Chick spent to tell them they can't afford it.
Atlanta is a huge city too, lots of minorities, but their gang problems aren't as bad, and are not spreading into the suburbs. Those rednecks have a simple solution: one person I met there told me they just shake their heads in disgust at L. A. "We all have guns, and we'd all just go out and shoot 'em ourselves," he said. He being a nice professional, and all the others at the event were in total agreement. Not advocating this, but all this pandering and praying and refusing to question or deport even illegals sure isn't working.
Regarding the Alarcon/Children's Museum item you mention: Is anything you refer to in conflict with anything here?
ZD Mayor Sam story on Council's financial bail out of the children's museum
what ended up happening. (and haters, yes i can go look myself, but i would rather not have to start researching this afternoon, if you don't mind. i'm just curious.)
I'm joining Phil Krakover, Joeaa, Jack Hoff and the rest in boycotting any thread on which zuma appears. Or maybe the whole site, it's just not worth it.
Wow, the COBs (Cranky Old Bastards) are at it again or is there a Howard Jarvis Zombie now blogging on Mayor Sam?
I'm no fan of taxes, but I do believe that a cigarette tax is a good thing. We also have three dogs, that's a whole $30 a year in license fees/taxes/whatever -- you should see how much it costs to feed 'em every month!
Gotta love 10:28's "CURRENT TAXES THAT AMERICAN CITIZENS AND LEGAL ALIENS PAY" if every year I have to pay a "marriage license fee" -- ah, if only it worked that way with my first wife...."Sorry Honey, I forgot to pay the annual marriage license fee, so I guess it's over."
Cut & Paste Artists, COB's and a Zuma Slam Fest all on one hot Summer, where is that six pack?
August 19, 2007 1:59 PM
Atlanta, like LA is a mish mash of suburbs. The "redneck" label just doesn't apply to the vast majority of people. Surely when you venture out into the more rural regions, you have that element. But most of Atlanta is made up of relatively nice burbs.
Your point about the similarities to LA still stands. The reason you don't have the same problem as you do here is that black gang membership is on the decline everywhere. Illegal gang membership is increasing exponentially.
Until we are willing to stop, question and deport people of illegal alien status, we will only be paying lip service to the problem.
LA's latino community needs to speak up. Mexican gangs are as racist as the KKK in the south 30 years ago - JUST MORE DEADLY.
Assimilate or get the **** out!
Don't call me a racist either. I'm the whitest one in my family and they typically agree with me.
I meant "redneck" tongue-in-cheek, in that they were generally willing and open to express things like you're saying without a sense of shame, just common-sense. Yes, they do drink boutique microbrews and chardonnay along with comfort food like fried stuff and grits in Buckhead and even in formerly more hickish areas.
And there are many Japanese and other foreigners there now, too, managing all the car and other companies setting up shop there.
Despite their past rep, except in a few really outlying areas, there is a thriving middle class which also acts as a moderating influence on the black gang culture. They still have black nannies/mammies instead of Hispanic ones on the whole, so there aren't the language issues.
But they are still unabashedly "American" and not tainted by this Latino and liberal-white-guilt led mentality that turns an illegal alien like that woman who was the central focus of the march downtown yesterday, taking "refuge" in the church, into a Martyr. Enforce the law for all, stop this pandering.
As for the Mexican Mafia, it seems the press is afraid to report on them even -- their retribution and intimidation is fierce and deadly. Look at the stats in Mexico.
I thought the Waldie op-ed in today's LAT was very good, that it made several points about the way the "system" works and that at least in some areas neighborhood voices are starting to be heard not just in backyards but also at City Hall....
The S/T Home Depot case was unique in that that area can't support another huge store, it was H D OR a retailer. But requiring them to get an EIR won't change the future or stop them.
Also unique in that H D became the company everyone loved to hate, the phony busing in of orange-shirted would-be workers looked staged, the way they lobbied each CM too hard would have made them look bought -- that's one of the main arguments Wendy used in her speech, so H D handed her the "closer" against them.
Other companies that are developing the malls and condo/ retail complexes are a lot more savvy in dealing with communities and the council, they have learned how not to be viewed as villains. And fact is, developments or stopping them have to be seen within the context of the city planning and tax needs as a whole, each community can't be allowed to just make those decisions. But their input is being considered in mitigations and other compromises. In the S/T H D case, there was no negative impact on the city one way or the other. If H D left, and Target or KMart came in, we'd still have the taxes.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mr. M., I'm going to go with 3:29 on this. Zine has been quoted in the paper as saying that he won't look at a development project unless it's gone through the NC first. (Disclaimer: I have no idea how well he has kept his word on this.) But over the last three years I have been hearing more CMs recommending to developers, uh, make that "small" developers, that they get NC support first. It is shrewd on the part of CMs to make the local NC Land Use Committee the first step in development proposals. It would be even better if the CMs would educate, advocate and mediate at that level instead of just leaving NCs to flounder with decisions that are oftentimes too complex for community volunteers to tackle in a single evening meeting.
If the CM's started "educating, advocating and mediating" with the NC's they'd be accused of meddling.
NC's whose Boards have included CC staff have been accused of just that.
Many NC's are composed of H A Board members who are, like LAT says, the typical old-style no-changes NIMBYs. That makes them opponents of virtually any development in the area, except remodels of things like single hotels or stores, where they do have a valid purpose in giving community input on size and style, parking concerns.
I don't know either if Zine has in fact followed the recommendations of his local NC's; or is it a cover for the two biggest projects in the whole 15 districts, which have many in opposition. Does he "advise" the local NC's and "mediate" in advance of their recommendations?
There is nothing wrong with a CM having a presence at NC meetings. They do it all the time. Staffers don't need to be on NC boards.
Taken separately, should a CM educate? Should a CM mediate? Should a CM advocate?
The answer to all, in my small-brained opinion, is yes.
After all, a CM is going to have to do each one of those things anyway at some time or other on a development project.
As a former NC prez, I would have loved to hear why a CM or a staffer thought a project was a good or bad idea -- at least then we could all be on the same page at the earliest stage.
If Home Depot cannot be stopped by undergoing an EIR, then why have they fought so hard and spent so much to avoid one?
Jack, I don't know where you live, but my NC Pres and Veeps are totally the opposite. They have said in so many words that they would rather do the job of running the neighborhood themselves, without the CM at all; the only role they want the CM to take, is to do their bidding. Which is to stop virtualy every development. And when s/he has shown up, they made this clear. Loudly and even rudely. Gee, wonder why they don't have a good working relationship with our CM. To the detriment of the neighborhood.
Take it from someone who's been there, you folks involved in this little Home Depot spat have no idea who is on who's payroll. These "community activists" have been bought from San Pedro to downtown. It's not bribery or a legal conflict: they're just "consulting" -- in secret.
And a negative declartion on an EIR saves any project a fortune and makes what Home Depot spent on lobbying a drop in the proverbial bucket. The project will eventually be approved, however, because the opponents are opposed to Mexicans, not traffic.
5:21, You know not of what you speak.
HD has little chance of mitigating it's negative impacts, hence their
desperate attempts to avoid the process. Illegals have nothing to with this.
6:00 PM,
You act like you are the one writing the EIR. I doubt it since you are so biased. Guess what? The city writes the EIR. You will get a chance to read it and make comments ... but take it from someone who lives in the Harbor... the project will go through. Port projects go through for Chinese companies who wipe out sea bird habitat and contribute to the port pollution... you think some traffic will stop the project? ...For an American company? If it is stopped then Jim Alger should be our next mayor!
If the S/T people were willing and even eager to welcome a Target or KMart, which would also bring about the same amount of traffic, just not the Mexicans hanging around looking for work, what's the difference when it comes to traffic? How can you guys think the building permit will be pulled for traffic reasons? Even Wendy didn't argue that one, it was the "project" issue.
No way can the city deny the permit after the city let them proceed with their plans and their lawyer said the project is 90% complete. That lawsuit would be too big for the city to absorb on the account of one community. Sounds like the Planning Dept. bungled, though, first granting the permit, then pulling it. They're eating the delay but threatened to sue even over that. They will have to be allowed to build after this history.
The City Attorney stated at Council session that they were quite confident they could win any lawsuit filed by HD. There are many safeguards to protect the City in a case like this.
The Harbor area is a whole world away from Sunland-Tujunga, not only geographically and politically, but
also worlds apart in the level of community activism. HD's EIR will be one for the record books, and a template for the rest of the City.
When people are reminded that 8 council members were given campaign donations by LA Bridges an anti gang program then people will NOT VOTE FOR A TAX TO GIVE THEM MORE MONEY. I'm on the side of Laura Chick and Sisson not to put a ballot measure until a full audit of all gang programs are done. I want to see where all the $82 MILLIONS have gone and how much per gang program has gone to city council members campaigns. C'mon David Z do a great investigative sotry on that corruption. I got an e-mail today telling me to e-mail KFI John & Ken who hate embezzle Janice Hahn and will be all over this tax bullshit. No way with them on our side will this ever be passed.
The City now considers Home Depot
a pariah, and no one wants to get their hands dirty, or lose their jobs. There is too much media attention and political careers at stake. Home Depot will gracefully bow out of this project very soon.
They have other stores in LA they need to open, and they are not going to risk those stores by continuing to fight for this one. You heard it here first!
You're right, 5:05. The difference between the NC I was a part of and the jackball group you get to deal with is that we never confused "advocacy on behalf of neighbors" with "control of the city." You have my sympathy. At the end of the day, the CM has the vote that matters. How NC or HA people believe they can accomplish anything in the City Council without the support of their own CM defies reason.
Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen (puts on David Clarks and straps into seat):
I'm afraid I must leave town on short notice with the grinderman, helmsman, rudderman and the grinderman's replacement due to Dean-ish activities in Southern Texas. (Radios contol tower at Santa Monica Aeroport and eases Citation out of hangar) One thing about pirates is that they help one another out in times of urgent need. (Looks behind him at crew and they give thumbs up) It appears that one of the crew has a very good friend who is a pediatric burn surgeon who needs mercy flights out for patients an affiliated hospital further south that is far enough away from Dean at the moment but does not want to take chances, savvy? Plus the good doctor also a Texas pirate as well (tips hat to Texas pirates). Being the good sports that we are, we're on our way out to lend a hand and meet up with some of the Florida pirates who are, if you will, doing the same thing, savvy? But let's not talk about that. Let's talk about something else, shall we?
Several months ago I made mention on this very blog about a certain Clowncil member who was all for proposing, passing and punishing us working folks with a personal income tax. Imagine that! A personal income tax. Go back and read those posts, for perhaps the time has come when those posts are more timely than not, savvy? (Speaks to control tower and obtains permission to taxi to end of runway for pre-takeoff run up)
Oh, and one more thing that I forgot to mention. Play nice, lads. There are more important things at hand, such as the recent firing of a certain secretary in a certain department that need attending to for that is what is crucial to the big picture, savvy?
Strap in lads, it's going to be a long night. (Citation takes off from Santa Monica and Bard waves from ground)
Did Gustavo still get to keep his job after this corruption story broke does anyone know? Not one single idiot council member said a word knowing all this money was being abused. Assholes!!!!! They are so chicken shit whimps.
Corruption At The Los Angeles City Housing Authority
California Government / Politics Housing
30 July 2007 - LA Times investigation reveals a highly-paid manager for the Los Angeles City Housing Authority rigging bids worth nearly $1 million over four years.
"A high-level manager for the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles directed nearly $800,000 in contracts to his brothers and three politically connected firms without competitive bidding or after rigged contests, a Times review has found.
Janice Hahn and the rest of those losers who are behind her to get a tax ballot measure for gangs need to stop wasting city time and give it up NOW. No way in hell will it ever pass. Word is already getting out to many telling people hellllll nooooo on a tax for gang bangers. After reading this I blast e-mailed to over 500 people and posted on many blogs. We need to get the word out not to support this tax to give to more corrupt gang bangers and Hahn is a moron and an idiot if she thinks it will pass.
Gang Funds Misused
Posted by admin on June 2nd, 2007
An arrest in LA has exposed the tip of an ugly iceberg. Hector Marroquin was arrested on gun charges on Wednesday, including sale of automatic weapons and silencers in violation of tough Federal laws. His arrest is ironic since Marroquin is CEO of an outfit called “No Guns” that was set up to help quell gangs.
But the story doesn’t end there, according to investigative reporting by LA Weekly:
No Guns has received more than $1.5 million in funding from Los Angeles, under gang intervention programs;
Marroquin, his wife, son and daughter received salaries in excess of $200,000 per year from No Guns;
A program called LA Bridges has spent more than $100 million with No Guns and similar groups while producing no measurable results. In 2000, the LA city controller recommended that LA Bridges be shut down, and the mayor agreed, but the City Council unanimously reversed the decision. Why? The LA Times found that 172 POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS WERE MADE TO CITY POLITICIANS BY EXECUTIVES AND EMPLOYEES OF 20 OF THE 26 CONTRACTORS FOR LA BRIDGES.
The so called “gang intervention” programs look to me like liberal spending gone amok. The programs exist at Federal, state and local levels where they are very popular with politicians. A lot of money has been thrown at the problem with at most quite modest results.
Substantial sums have slipped into the hands of bad actors like Marroquin who purchased Marrokings Seafood and Bar for $645,000 and also owns an auto yard (the site of an unsolved shooting). He appears to be a poor choice for funding. Gang members have been arrested at Marrokings for gun possession. Marroquin himself has claimed he is associated with the Mexican Mafia while his son Hector Marroquin is an admitted member of the 18th Street Gang and his daughter the L’il Watts Gang. And its not just Marroquin. Mario Corona, member of another group receiving LA Bridges funding, was sentenced to 32 months in prison for transporting a large amount of methamphetamine and being a felon with a gun.
When you are wondering where your tax money goes, read this story again.
Did City Hall Fund a Gun-Runner?Feds arrest Hector Marroquin, of the purported “No Guns” anti-gang program
By Jeffrey AndersonFriday, June 1, 2007
6:00 pm Wake up.
The City Planning staff is does not and is incapable of writing an EIR (let alone a good Mitigated Negative Declaration). The City lets the developer write the EIR and as Zev says in his You-Tube speech to Neighborhood Council leaders: He Who Controls The Drafting, Controls The Outcome. Home Depot lawyers from Latham & Watkins (and a professional EIR writing firm) will write the Home Depot EIR the way they want it and Sunland residents will get screwed.
Maybe Jack Weiss can show us all how "serious" he is about his motion at City Council to require the City itself to write the EIR(or be the contracting party with and EIR firm that helps the City write it) by using the Home Depot EIR as a Pilot Study for his Motion.
Don't hold your breath. Weiss put that Motion out on EIRs and has done NOTHING to make it happen. It's ploy to get him elected City Attorney. Once elected, he will screw the City like he's been screwing his Council District.
Trust me on this one, this EIR will
be like no other. Some of the things you said may come true.
8:32: This is Wendy's baby and her district, so if you want to see the city make S/T H D a pilot project, ask her. And the planning dept/ Gail Goldberg.
The City Attorney also advised the Clowncil to go ahead with Tenny Pierce. BFD. Rocky and Antonio are on board with HD; it will happen.
You guys have been klowncil-ed.
LAT really dropped the ball here, as did citywatch.
The STNC had almost NOTHING to do with the success of the NHDC campaign. It was a few people who weren't even part of the NC. All Schreck, I mean Cleghorn did was walk around like she was a queen at a few meetings. That is IT. She didn't deal with any filings, the attorneys, nothing. To give STNC ANY credit at all is a damnable lie.
Will Home Despot eventually go in? I think it's 50-50. Their lawyers knew what an appeals process looks like and obviously they thought planting a $2 million dollar flag would eventually innoculate them from potential EIR rejection. Nevertheless, I do know that they've been held off for 3 years and that is worth something. We are lucky to have folks like Abby, Joe, Paula, et al who were able to focus the feelings of the majority of the commnuity and to gain the support of folks that have some official standing at city hall, be it the the neighborhood council and/or Wendy Greuel. Is this a model for others? I think Joseph Mailander makes a compelling case that S-T may not be replicated in other less isolated areas of the city. I also think that there is a really good case against H-D in this instance. Some people believe H-D will be the savior in the community and that those against it are racists. Not true - we already have enough day laborers on Foothill Blvd to fill 2 Home Depot parking lots. There are no vacate lots around for Home Depot to be an anchor too. Home Depot will be the only anchor, and this anchor will bring down the good ship Sunland-Tujunga and make it one more neighborhood the city has ruined.
All credit to the Daily News for its editorial on airport expansion. They have seen through the smoke and mirrors to the disgusting truth.
I sat in the room and watched Mr. Villar sign the pledge to cap LAX at 78 Million Annual Passengers (MAP), with all additional growth to be accomodated by other regional airports. What ever happened to that, Mr. Villar?
The DN is dead right. They pay lip service to regional plans, and go ahead with their secret agenda to expand LAX. The communities surrounding LAX are just another Environmental Sacrifice Zone, to be sacrificed on the altar of greed and political ambition.
8/19, 7:07 AM:
I agree. Nice post. Many thanks.
8/19, 6:28 PM has the EIR process figured out. Mitigation? Please, it only hurts when I laugh.
The communites around the Port are Environmental Sacrifice Zones, just like the ones around the airport.
The City of Los Angeles is like an animal that eats its young. They couldn't care less how many people die, or how many get sick, as long as they get their money and/or their next elected offices.
Janice Hahn, Tony Villar, the blood is on your hands.
The LA Times Op-Ed is WAY off base. The STNC, while supportive of the NO2HD effort certainly did not do any of the heavy lifting in this effort. Joe, Abby and the other supporters did the ground work. This was in no way an STNC initiative but their support was crucial and appreciated.
If the STNC wants to be proactive, how about supporting a complete demolition and rebuilding of Commerce Ave, Tujunga's skid row?
We need to start a full blown revolution on these socialists, and give them a taste of their own medicine. Not just go and vote them out of office, that's too easy. We need to take a lesson from the French and put those bastards to death. That will make future leaders think twice about pulling crap like that.
I'm usually a pretty big fan of D. J, Waldie, but I felt like he missed it on this one too.
As a long time member of a NC in San Pedro, I would say that pigs will fly when the NCs change the behavior of the Port in any meaningful way. Ditto Bisno.
Janice Hahn uses the NCs for cover when they agree with her, and ignores them the rest of the time.
1:28: So does Dennis Zine, who is claiming that one of them supports his expansion plans. (Whereas the majority of residents don't. Maybe no one participates on that N C?) Funny, how he and Janice both had the same idea, and keep claiming that they were the first and remain the loudest supporters of N C's. Cover.
I hoped who ever put on the Sunset Junction Street Festival paid for all the LAPD, LAFD, and DOT Officers. What a waste of valuable city resources. I went to the first one and it was wonderful. At the first festival there was a wonderful assortment of people and a variety of music. And you didn't have to pay to get in. What I saw on Saturday was sad. Never again.
Rumor has it that HD is in talks with another general retailer to take over this site. They are ready to walk away from this mess,
and try and repair the damage they have done to their reputation.
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