Dave's "S.O.S." Message in a Bottle for HELP!!! (ZD HAS TAKEN ME HOSTAGE!)
Since April 2006 I have attended the majority of Los Angeles City Council meetings and tried to excercise as much of my first amendment and free speech rights as possible.
It was supposed to be a one-time trip. Then just one more follow-up. Then it was about showing up, so you would simply overturn the Venice vending ban, just to get rid of us (Matt, Mike & Z).
Then, other public comment speakers started handing me event flyers to mention from the podium; then one guy approached me about "housing policy" (Ellis, vacancy, etc); then another guy approached me about AB 1381, and it spead from there.
In November 2006, I was arrested inside Council Chambers while seated in the benches.
(See story below) Besides jail time (which I now know was not the City Attorney's goal), they were going for a one-year stay away from City Hall. And that was the main thing they were going for, I believe, based on the offers.
They had to arrest me, so they could go for the one year stay away. (And more power to them, for the strategy.) The only thing that went wrong, is Landry kinda just "lost it" for a minute after a long, long, combative day; one month from retirement. But, as long as he "got me", why not try an make it stick. (I do think they were circling like vultures for ZD to really cross the line, and I think they wished he would have waited for something a little more "credible", but they probably figured it would be enough to get the one-year stay away.)
Well, I started going to City Hall in April, but I wanted to burn rubber and hang in there till November elections, then take a looooong break. But, oh no...March elections basically started the next day, and I figured, I just had to burn rubber till that was over. THEN, I knew the City wanted a "stay away"...AND UNFORTUNATLEY, THAT'S HOW YOU UNLEASH THE ZD, AND MAKE HIM HAVE TO PUNISH YOU WITH APPEARANCE, AFTER APPERANCE, AFTER APPERANCE...CAUSE I CAN'T STOP IF YOU ARE TRYING TO MAKE ME STOP. (The curse of ZD that I am trying to break, and when I do, there will be no more ZD.)
And the more I appeared, the more calls that started to come in, and more emails, and I toned down the delivery (I know, not enough Eric, but enough for more people to come onboard), then the level of info started to get more and more "inside", and more and more frequent, until Zuma Dogg has completely taken Dave hostage while Zuma becomes the NC town crier. [Brakes slamming: WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED???]
There is ZERO Dave left! (Except the part that is handcuffed to Zuma Dogg, like Deniro and Charles Grodin in "Midnight Run". Just ask the City Attorney. Dave was BEGGING to take the FIRST deal and get out of there, but ZD wouldn't let him.)
I haven't seen TV in months, haven't listen to music, gone to Venice, karaoke, clubs, concerts, NO MORE freinds outside City Hall (which is ok, cause I replaced then with many more new ones, but it's still City Hall related) -- NOTHING.
PLUS, I wake up mad at the City problems, as discussed on this blog and elsewhere, and I go to bed mad at the problems. (There has been ZERO conversation or computer use that is not related to City Hall.) And even when I try and watch a music video on YouTube, in about two seconds, I'm searching for new Antonio videos.
I wake up, hit the computer and phones (when not going to meetings) and go non-stop until 1 or 2 am. Then five or six hours sleep in my van, then I roll out cranky again. THIS PAST YEAR HAS BEEN THE MOST UNEXPECTED BLESSING IN MY LIFE. I MUST HAVE REALLY NEEDED THE LESSONS I HAVE LEARNED, AND THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES WAS SENT TO WORK ON ME. AND IT DID WORK...Maaaaaaan, I am a very, very, very different person than I was in April '06. The diversity of people in my life now, and all that I have learned (everyone watching has seen it)...and I wanted to beat the year stay away, so I could leave because "I" wanted to. Not because THEY wanted me to.
So we have made it to that point, and I can just feel the ZD tugging away already, waiting for Tuesday's bus for City Hall. So here's what I am requesting...
HELP!!! HELP!!! HELP!!! IF YOU KNOW ME, CALL ME AND PLEASE HELP ME FIGURE OUT HOW TO GET SOME OF MY LIFE BACK. IF YOU ARE A COUNCILMEMBER OR POLITICIAN WHO WANTS TO SEE ZD ABOUT 90% LESS...CALL SOMEONE AND TELL EM TO GET ME A MEDIA OR MARKETING JOB OR SOMETHING. I WANNA BACK OFF OF THE WHOLE THING. CAUSE THEN IT'S BLOGGING, THEN CALLING THE RADIO SHOWS, THEN ON THE PHONE GETTING INFO...I CAN'T JUMP OFF THE ROLLERCOASTER...THE RIVER IS SWEEPING ME AWAY!!! IF YOU HATE ME...HELP ME...MAKE SOME CALLS, GET ME THE BEST F-ING JOB IN THE WORLD, JUST TO GET ME OUT OF CITY HALL!!! Any decent hypnotherapist will tell you, "you can't stop an old habit, until you replace it with a new one." I TRY to not go Downtown, but then I don't have anything else to do, so I say, "Why not?" At least I can sit in a nice air conditioned room and I DO enjoy the challenge of walking up to the podium to try and bang out that perfect two minute comment. FOR MONTHS I went down, just cause I didn't want Council (especially Eric) to be happy that I wasn't there. (So I was only going to PUNISH, and that emotion takes a lot out of you.)
But now I do it cause I enjoy it, and LOVE it, and I can see, even though I made a deal WITH MYSELF to win the "one year" stay away, then retire from touring, it still feels like ZD is leading Dave around. I love going to City Hall, I love seeing EVERYONE from the Police who greet me as I walk in the door, all the constituents and staffers who wave and say, "Hello" and YES, the Councilmembers themselves. (I THINK WE BOTH SUFFER FROM STOCKHOLM SYNDROME A LITTLE.) I mean Doug Tripp testified against me Friday, and his words could have sent me to jail...but I still love the guy and can't wait to see him next time to let him know, "it's cool".
AND IF YOU ARE A CITY HALL STAFFER WITH SPIN-LOSERS SPINNING ME...DO ME A FAVOR, PULL THEM OFF...NOT SO I CAN GET A FREE PASS FROM CRITICISM (YOU DUMMIES, LOOK HOW I BEHAVE, I'M LIKE ANDY KAUFMAN, ZD IS SUPPOSED TO PISS YOU OFF AND HAVE YOU CALLING IN TO YELL AT ME...IT'S THIS WARM AND FUZZY/EMBRACE THE COMMUNITY SPIRIT STUFF THAT IS NEW.) Pull these losers off the blog so it doesn't keep fueling ZD 16 hours a day. AND AGAIN, the MORE you wanna see me do something else with my life, the more you should please figure out who you can call, to help offer me the right work. AND THE MORE YOU WANT ME OUT, THE MORE YOU SHOULD HEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!! Trujillo, Weiss, Perry, Garcetti, Villaraigosa...YOU KNOW I AM NOT THE "BAD GUY" I PUFF UP TO BE ON TV...Will someone make some calls for DAVE, so you can get rid of Z? I thought it was wrapping up, but now, it just feels like a fresh start, and one month stay away, or not...that doesn't apply to radio, blogs, meetings, phone, email, etc. Sorry to use this blog for personal reasons, but if it achieves the goal, I'm sure the haters won't mind.
p.s. I know the losers say, "Just go get a job." It seems like it should be the easiest thing in the world for an able body guy like me. Here's the issue: The rest of the world looks at me and says, "How the hell does he do what he does?" (Those speedy, fact filled two minute rants, writing, performing...anything creative is effortless for me.) But I look at the rest of the world and say, "How do THEY do EVERYTHING else?" You people have NO IDEA how narrow my life is.
contact: zumadogg@gmail.com
Zuma Website
Since April 2006 I have attended the majority of Los Angeles City Council meetings and tried to excercise as much of my first amendment and free speech rights as possible.
It was supposed to be a one-time trip. Then just one more follow-up. Then it was about showing up, so you would simply overturn the Venice vending ban, just to get rid of us (Matt, Mike & Z).
Then, other public comment speakers started handing me event flyers to mention from the podium; then one guy approached me about "housing policy" (Ellis, vacancy, etc); then another guy approached me about AB 1381, and it spead from there.
In November 2006, I was arrested inside Council Chambers while seated in the benches.
(See story below) Besides jail time (which I now know was not the City Attorney's goal), they were going for a one-year stay away from City Hall. And that was the main thing they were going for, I believe, based on the offers.
They had to arrest me, so they could go for the one year stay away. (And more power to them, for the strategy.) The only thing that went wrong, is Landry kinda just "lost it" for a minute after a long, long, combative day; one month from retirement. But, as long as he "got me", why not try an make it stick. (I do think they were circling like vultures for ZD to really cross the line, and I think they wished he would have waited for something a little more "credible", but they probably figured it would be enough to get the one-year stay away.)
Well, I started going to City Hall in April, but I wanted to burn rubber and hang in there till November elections, then take a looooong break. But, oh no...March elections basically started the next day, and I figured, I just had to burn rubber till that was over. THEN, I knew the City wanted a "stay away"...AND UNFORTUNATLEY, THAT'S HOW YOU UNLEASH THE ZD, AND MAKE HIM HAVE TO PUNISH YOU WITH APPEARANCE, AFTER APPERANCE, AFTER APPERANCE...CAUSE I CAN'T STOP IF YOU ARE TRYING TO MAKE ME STOP. (The curse of ZD that I am trying to break, and when I do, there will be no more ZD.)
And the more I appeared, the more calls that started to come in, and more emails, and I toned down the delivery (I know, not enough Eric, but enough for more people to come onboard), then the level of info started to get more and more "inside", and more and more frequent, until Zuma Dogg has completely taken Dave hostage while Zuma becomes the NC town crier. [Brakes slamming: WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED???]
There is ZERO Dave left! (Except the part that is handcuffed to Zuma Dogg, like Deniro and Charles Grodin in "Midnight Run". Just ask the City Attorney. Dave was BEGGING to take the FIRST deal and get out of there, but ZD wouldn't let him.)
I haven't seen TV in months, haven't listen to music, gone to Venice, karaoke, clubs, concerts, NO MORE freinds outside City Hall (which is ok, cause I replaced then with many more new ones, but it's still City Hall related) -- NOTHING.
PLUS, I wake up mad at the City problems, as discussed on this blog and elsewhere, and I go to bed mad at the problems. (There has been ZERO conversation or computer use that is not related to City Hall.) And even when I try and watch a music video on YouTube, in about two seconds, I'm searching for new Antonio videos.
I wake up, hit the computer and phones (when not going to meetings) and go non-stop until 1 or 2 am. Then five or six hours sleep in my van, then I roll out cranky again. THIS PAST YEAR HAS BEEN THE MOST UNEXPECTED BLESSING IN MY LIFE. I MUST HAVE REALLY NEEDED THE LESSONS I HAVE LEARNED, AND THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES WAS SENT TO WORK ON ME. AND IT DID WORK...Maaaaaaan, I am a very, very, very different person than I was in April '06. The diversity of people in my life now, and all that I have learned (everyone watching has seen it)...and I wanted to beat the year stay away, so I could leave because "I" wanted to. Not because THEY wanted me to.
So we have made it to that point, and I can just feel the ZD tugging away already, waiting for Tuesday's bus for City Hall. So here's what I am requesting...
HELP!!! HELP!!! HELP!!! IF YOU KNOW ME, CALL ME AND PLEASE HELP ME FIGURE OUT HOW TO GET SOME OF MY LIFE BACK. IF YOU ARE A COUNCILMEMBER OR POLITICIAN WHO WANTS TO SEE ZD ABOUT 90% LESS...CALL SOMEONE AND TELL EM TO GET ME A MEDIA OR MARKETING JOB OR SOMETHING. I WANNA BACK OFF OF THE WHOLE THING. CAUSE THEN IT'S BLOGGING, THEN CALLING THE RADIO SHOWS, THEN ON THE PHONE GETTING INFO...I CAN'T JUMP OFF THE ROLLERCOASTER...THE RIVER IS SWEEPING ME AWAY!!! IF YOU HATE ME...HELP ME...MAKE SOME CALLS, GET ME THE BEST F-ING JOB IN THE WORLD, JUST TO GET ME OUT OF CITY HALL!!! Any decent hypnotherapist will tell you, "you can't stop an old habit, until you replace it with a new one." I TRY to not go Downtown, but then I don't have anything else to do, so I say, "Why not?" At least I can sit in a nice air conditioned room and I DO enjoy the challenge of walking up to the podium to try and bang out that perfect two minute comment. FOR MONTHS I went down, just cause I didn't want Council (especially Eric) to be happy that I wasn't there. (So I was only going to PUNISH, and that emotion takes a lot out of you.)
But now I do it cause I enjoy it, and LOVE it, and I can see, even though I made a deal WITH MYSELF to win the "one year" stay away, then retire from touring, it still feels like ZD is leading Dave around. I love going to City Hall, I love seeing EVERYONE from the Police who greet me as I walk in the door, all the constituents and staffers who wave and say, "Hello" and YES, the Councilmembers themselves. (I THINK WE BOTH SUFFER FROM STOCKHOLM SYNDROME A LITTLE.) I mean Doug Tripp testified against me Friday, and his words could have sent me to jail...but I still love the guy and can't wait to see him next time to let him know, "it's cool".
AND IF YOU ARE A CITY HALL STAFFER WITH SPIN-LOSERS SPINNING ME...DO ME A FAVOR, PULL THEM OFF...NOT SO I CAN GET A FREE PASS FROM CRITICISM (YOU DUMMIES, LOOK HOW I BEHAVE, I'M LIKE ANDY KAUFMAN, ZD IS SUPPOSED TO PISS YOU OFF AND HAVE YOU CALLING IN TO YELL AT ME...IT'S THIS WARM AND FUZZY/EMBRACE THE COMMUNITY SPIRIT STUFF THAT IS NEW.) Pull these losers off the blog so it doesn't keep fueling ZD 16 hours a day. AND AGAIN, the MORE you wanna see me do something else with my life, the more you should please figure out who you can call, to help offer me the right work. AND THE MORE YOU WANT ME OUT, THE MORE YOU SHOULD HEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!! Trujillo, Weiss, Perry, Garcetti, Villaraigosa...YOU KNOW I AM NOT THE "BAD GUY" I PUFF UP TO BE ON TV...Will someone make some calls for DAVE, so you can get rid of Z? I thought it was wrapping up, but now, it just feels like a fresh start, and one month stay away, or not...that doesn't apply to radio, blogs, meetings, phone, email, etc. Sorry to use this blog for personal reasons, but if it achieves the goal, I'm sure the haters won't mind.
p.s. I know the losers say, "Just go get a job." It seems like it should be the easiest thing in the world for an able body guy like me. Here's the issue: The rest of the world looks at me and says, "How the hell does he do what he does?" (Those speedy, fact filled two minute rants, writing, performing...anything creative is effortless for me.) But I look at the rest of the world and say, "How do THEY do EVERYTHING else?" You people have NO IDEA how narrow my life is.
contact: zumadogg@gmail.com
Zuma Website
PLEASE NOTE: Anything you say that is critical of Zuma Dogg will be deleted by Zuma Dogg.
Don't bother writing if your opinion is counter to his.
Hey Zuma, I hear Mitch Englander is looking for a new Field Deputy.
I actually thought that was quite beautiful and sincere. Thanks for posting it. If you'll think through some of those community activists you know -- maybe even some of the ones you've been criticizing lately but you used to like, and whom you know to be sincere about a desire to be of service... maybe you'll get some ideas about where to go for help. You really could be living a different life.
Bro, politics is a "NARCOTIC" that can consume your life and eventually destroy it. Lucky for our Mayor the "POLITICO FORMERLLY KNOWN AS ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA", tony villar. He at least has one more idenity to fall back on. As you know, we have discuss this issue of having an "CENTER OF BEING" in our lives. One must take time away from the daily pressure of life to "SMELL THE FLOWERS" or is it the "CHRONIC ?", but I digress. Simply take a day, a week, once in the while to take care of "DAVE". After all, "DAVE" is the foundation for your being.
Although Zuma has turned out to be more censorship-frenzied than Fidel, Chavez and the Chinese all combined, WALTER MOORE IS EVEN WORSE. His blog doesn't even allow for comments, just pontification. But Walter, you've lost all cred: you're such a blowhard why stop at running for Mayor, shoot right for the top job, MOORE FOR PRESIDENT!
No one cares what you have to say anymore: but skimming your column, one little point you got wrong, in reading the LAT on why currently "dense" projects built near transit don't work: it's because there isn't ENOUGH transit, so people may be able to get on the subway, but then, can't get to work/ whereever else they want to go. In NYC and other cities where it "works" (tho even there, people hire cars, cuz those subways are just plain grimy) the subway system is extensive. We should have built the subways years ago, but later better than never.
NYC's subways are old and filthy, unlike the beautiful, little-used ones in L. A. that aren't extensive enough to get people to their destinations. (And this operating on an "honor system" is b. s., nowhere else is this done; the couple times I tried the subway, most people seemed to risk getting fines instead, since the odds of that are pretty small.)
But they also do have lots of private car services, which would be helpful in L. A., too. I know old people who would rather not drive, but have to; visitors who don't know their way around L. A.; and lots of others would find it cheaper than car ownership. (It's not like hiring a taxi -- private cars "know" you, feel like "yours" but with a drive.) These fleets are always cruising, so don't need parking spots. Just one more way to cut traffic -- but the subway and light rail are the long-term solution.
But Walter: if you want to talk about Pravda and communist-style press releases (although the East Bloc hasn't been communist for 17 years, in case you missed it, even if Putin has moved backwards), look at yourself. Dreary, pompous drivel forced on the public, with no opportunity to respond...Da.
Thanks bro! A few of my activist friends DID get a call today.
And you would be the right person for me to speak with, too. I'll mention it to you or call.
Thanks again.
Dave / ZD -
I think you are terrific. I not only learn from listening to you, but you are amazingly entertaining.
But what is most rewarding about watching you is the comfort in knowing that people like Garshady, who is in his job because of the testicles from which he came, find discomfort in your commentaries.
The most recent gem, was your commenting on how Jan Perry is no friend of the treadmill.
How can anyone not dig you?
But again, I also learn from you, and want to let you know that while it seems like you may be alone in this, there are lots and lots of us who are watching, learning, and enjoying your work.
You good people, ZD. PLEASE make that treadmill comment during an upcoming commentary. I will shit.
No..no...you're missing the point. As a matter of fact, if you notice, ZD took that comment down.
Just like at some point I didn't feel comfortable starting off each public comment with a loud, "Hoooooooy hooooooooo" (even though, of course I still do it SOMETIMES), I HOPE I continue to not feel comfortable making comments like that. I NEVER DID THAT, but she really did piss him off for cutting him off one time at a committee meeting for being off topic when he wasn't. And I HOPE, I mean HE HOPES he is no longer comfortable asking questions about seedy things. With all the recent hoopla with people's love life, I may have gotten a little comfortable. BUT, that's not what ZD is supposed to be about.
So hopefully, he will show up soon for public comment, and see if he can make that transition, half the people have been hoping for.
We'll see!?!?! But I hope!
I see you did take down the Jan Perry comments about her weight, afraid she might do you more harm in court? But I have to wonder where you got that stuff about a certain person and call girls, which you still think possibly true. I don't know him except that he seems the last type of person to do something like that. Your source? You must have some real basis for it?
Zuma got hacked.
Re: Afraid she might do you more harm in court? Bro, the case is OVER! While it was pending, ZD was in pedal to the metal mode, because let's face it...you did take our income, and my life did decline over it. So if ZD was a little cranky on our behalf, well...excuuuuuuuuuuse ussssss!
But now that it is over, hopefully, I DO feel like ZD has let Dave come through a little more. I hope the feeling sticks.
There's no other way to explain it, other than The Hulk turning back to Bruce Banner. I think it would be interesting if Dave Elliott starting reporting to council what he has learned watching ZD in the community.
FIRST OF ALL, The Mayor and City Council should call Judge Carter and THANK HIM for doing what no one else has been able to. Let ZD go of DE! City Council tried and tried, but they couldn't do it, only fuel ZD, because of their shady nature that unleashes the Z.
But ZD saw how neutral and fair and thoughtful and masterful Judge Carter was at practicioning.
And only by reflecting a TRUE MIRROR (without all the ZD anger over shadiness, corruption, trying to criminalize me for showing up too much (that WAS a BIG part of the argument) was I able to REALLY take a good look and SEE and FEEL how ZD had totally taken over.
It's supposed to be DE as ZD...But ZD stole the keys to the car and locked DE in the trunk. Judge Carter, thanks for letting me out.
AND ANOTHER THING THAT WAS A MAJOR FACTOR IN THE ONE, TWO BOP OVER THE HEAD TO ZD...Was that after Friday's Public Comment that I did during lunch break from Court, the City Attorney mentioned three to five new witnesses wanted to testify against ZD. And it hit me...MAN...I REALLY HAVE ARRIVED!
See, DE doesn't feel like that BIG image that is out there. I had a chip on my shoulder cause I'm a big nobody against the whole system...but after they all wanted to pile on after Friday, I realized...OK...I think I may have gotten their attention (I already had the City's attention)...and ZD got to mellow out, even a little more.
Regarding stuff like talking about recalls and the "gotcha" stuff...Even my critics will say I've been pretty good, compared to what I COULD be saying...and recently, I took it up a notch a little, and I am not comfortable "going there."
I love hearing and reading all the latest dirt and more specific stuff about specific CMs, but everyone else is already doing that, so I want to remember to stay focused on the things no one else speaks up on, whether it's special event fees, eminent domain and I think FIRST AMENDMENT/BROWN ACT needs to be put on the FRONT BURNER by Dave, instead of Zuma Dogg.
Dave ain't gonna be that comfortable to listen to, either though. He did a lot of ZD's homework for him, too just like every one else. And some people will like him more than ZD. (Or should I say, some people will like him.)
And something important to note. ZD was sent to City Council, as payback for their bad karma. AND LET'S BE REAL...common guys, we all know what's up. But from here on in, I WILL try, extra hard to address it in terms of Council as a whole, in the spirit in which Eric intends. NOT TO SAY, I WON'T SAY, "PROBLEMS IN CD 15"...but I definitley want to stick to the spirit.
And I hope Council can give a little spirit back as well, over certain first amendment issues that I will try to bring to their attention as Dave.
I never wanted to hurt individuals feelings. And I'm afraid I have, at this point. I only want to hurt your feelings because it is your "TEAM" that I am attacking, not the individual players.
And something the City is more concerned about than my behavior, is the frequency in which I attend, and the number of items I speak on. First of all, too bad! Secondly, ALTHOUGH PLEASE LET ME SAY, I AM NOT A MARTYR OF THE COMMUNITY...IN OTHER WORDS, ALTHOUGH PEOPLE LIKE THAT I KEEP GOING TO COUNCIL, AND KEEP GIVING ME INFO AND TUTOR ME...NO ONE EVER BEGGED ME TO GO, OR WAS GONNA LOSE ANY SLEEP IF I DIDN'T SHOW...
HOWEVER, I would like to say, I don't think I EVER stepped up to the mic and reperesented DAVE'S opinion. Now sometimes Dave's opinion was represented by ZD's comments...But Z's comments were always a barometer of the people.
I KEEP TELLING YOU...YOU BEAT US, BUT YOU DIDN'T FOOL US. COUNCILMEMBERS...ALL THE ANSWERS ARE OUT THERE...People have been amazed at how Z does it, on all these issues and inside info. Now sure, I HAVE paid the dues, to sing the shadiness (time spent as mentioned in thread)...but if he's been right as much as he THINKS he has, it's cause of the people sitting in the benches. Each person like a fruit tree, that ZD picks a piece from here and a piece from there, throughout the day...then drop a big fruit salad on your head for two minutes.
So I HAVE been given a lot of credit, if for no other reason I have been stubborn enough to keep showing up.
IF DAVE ELLIOTT HAS HAD ONE SKILL THIS PAST YEAR OUT THERE IN THE COMMUNITY AND IN CITY HALL...Besides WANTING to hear what these people have to say, benefit from their years or decades of knowlege and being able to synthesis it into "people's champ" talk... I'm able to recoginze when someone hits me up with the top level shiznit and I've always been the kind of person that likes to report the newest front-line, street level info back to the masses. (In radio, I could pick the top ten records to play that day...in City Hall, I seem to have a knack for jumpin on the right issue bandwagons/represent "THE PEOPLE'S" voice, as much as possible.
Remember, I'm the homeless guy who talked about tenant's rights. The guy with no kids, who talked about AB 1381 more than anything. I've never even BEEN to East LA, but I was taking calls all day long from the area, and using it in public comment. (Right Joe and Weezy!) All the stuff...if it wasn't about Venice Beach, then it wasn't about me.
Remeber I said you have to replace something old, with something new?
Well, what has allowed me to (hopefully) evolve, is that even though they took away my income, and it made me so bitter and cranky and stole a piece of me forever...it has been replace with the new position I have carved out for myself. The City really has guided me, I think people can see that. And what I was comfortable doing a month ago, hopefully I won't be as comfortable doing now. And similarly, hopefully stuff I WASN'T comfortable doing, I WILL be comfortable doing now.
It's not like it's going to be "ALL or NOTHINGS". Like, "I'll never talk about THAT, or only take THIS angle from now on."
It's just that it should be more of a partnership of DE/ZD than a takeover. AND Y'ALL HAVE SEEN DE DELIVER PUBLIC COMMENTS IN ZD'S HAT AND GLASSES...The one's that start off all meek, "Um, yes, City Council..."
But meanwhile, I still hope it's waaaaaay less, and maybe I won't even feel like showing up as DE, at all. I don't know, I could wake up tomorrow and be back in OZ, but today I feel like I'm in Kansas, so I wanted to get it all out, before it goes away. Hopefully it won't.
wow. are you saying you're actually going to be nice and sensitive and a guy Dr. Phil could like? But I hope you get that job, bro, it ain't easy out there -- why not in the record biz, this political stuff is no fun and has eaten up Dave. Maybe promote a band, book gigs, travel and see the world, nothing tying you down here.
FIRST OF ALL...not going Dr. Phil, and even if I still show up at Council and behave the same way, DAVE even says, "too bad"...BUT, what will help me WANT to be more like Dr. Phil will come when I am able to keep myself from being the fraud, waste and abuse ticker tape scroll 16 hours/7 days a week.
I DO want to do the things you are talking about (not in record/music anymore) in other areas. Remember, if I would have been happy doing the Ries/Trout/Deming/Robbins stuff, writing marketing strategy campains (Fitting the product to the market and creating your message), consultant, commercial copy writer. AND HERE'S MY BIG CHALLENGE...AND IT"S BEEN 7 years, not just one...I wake up every day...say, "OK, I'm going to do [something towards "back to work"], then the "Zuma Dogg appreciation day parade" starts as I walk around, and it puts me right back into "Batman" mode, and I say, "Well, One more day.
BUT EXCUSE ME, ZUMA HERE...let me tell you something about Dave...trying to get the guy to reach out and do those things I like trying to do jumping jacks in quicksand. He's like Aladdin's Lamp...the genie is stuck inside and can't come out unless someone unleashes him. {And Council has seemed to be able to do that.]
When the guy was in radio, all he did was show up, one day, brought the same perspectives (on the Ries & Trout/Deming tip) to radio, and he went from a Toledo, OH radio station to 1515 Broadway/Viacom Building/TIMES SQUARE, without ever sending out a resume.
So that whole decade plus, was masking the real problem. He looked successful, because he was moving up the ladder...and he was supposed to be a BIG consultant/researcher and the whole industry was waiting.
But as soon as the guy moved to California, he started driving up and down PCH in Malibu, back and forth to Ventura county line about a hundred miles a day. And THAT was because radio and record execs are just a bunch of insecure, conforming, fear-based dummies (hey, just like politics) -- and I just floated away like a butterfly. They begged me to stay at my last job (Billboard), and everytime I leave for the next job (based on what I had just done that year), people talk for years about "Dave Elliott". He did in radio what ZD just did in LA media/political scene. (And hopefully, that is "innovate")
All the General Managers would take one look at him and say, "WHAT!?!? THIS GUY? THAT'S THE GUY WHO WROTE THAT ARTICLE? Well can't you at least ask him to tuck in his shirt?
One time Dave was out till 4am winning back $2 million in advertising that the magazine had lost, over the same stubborn, combativeness that drives City Hall. So, I walked in at 9:10am, instead of 9:00am and my bosses boss mentioned it. THAT, my friend, and I just realized it as I type this, was the birth of Zuma Dogg. And before I start re-living it again, let's hope I can think of this past year as my latest radio gig, and it's time to find the next one.
BOTTOM LINE: It's not that easy to walk away from all of "this". I like the challenge of looking at things, and analyzing it, coming up with the flaws, bamboozles...a better strategy as Dave, and ZD LOVES the sense of community spirit, which he is able to reap the rewards of, for his last year of running with the bridge burning behind him.
So hopefully, ZD can help DE get a job, so DE can help ZD can still be around.
I already know waaaaay more than I want to about ZD the ego dawg - dude, we are sick of your ZD centric bullshit - you need to get a life and I long for a real blog about LA politics. are they any others out there? I put this in my favs back when it was anonymous - the good old daze.
ZD, why don't you just make a list of all the bureaucrats that you HAVEN'T called a bad name or cussed out or denigrated in the blog? Have you tried that? Maybe they would give you a high paying job.
I'm curious -- and I ask this in a genuinely compassionate and concerned tone -- do you have a substance abuse problem?
I'm seriously wondering. If you are struggling with drugs or booze, and if you want help, I'm happy to accompany you to an AA meeting. I've been sober for a number of years and it saved my life.
9:34a, I can't find anything on the internet that confirms your story. Got any searchable details?
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