The "CITY CLOWNCIL" attempt to force a "living wage law" on the Airport Hotels has been rule unconstitutional. Superior Court David P. Yaffe, stated that the city acted in bad faith in forcing the Airport Hotels to pay a "LIVING WAGE".
Councilwoman Janice Hahn express shock at the judge's decision. She vows to continue the effort to give a decent wage to the hotel workers.
No word on the next course of action from the City attorney office.
Councilwoman Janice Hahn express shock at the judge's decision. She vows to continue the effort to give a decent wage to the hotel workers.
No word on the next course of action from the City attorney office.
LAUSD grad ...
Of course it's unconstitutional.
All this artificial structure stuff is.
Don't worry, they'll try some more...
"Struct" has been stricken!
Ha Ha Ha Ha!! That Hahn woman is moronic AND insane .... just like the rest of that absurd City Council and your prissy enemy agent Mayor (Will .... he ..... ev .... er .... be ..... able to ..... speak a ..... full .... sentence ... where ... in he .... actually is ..... able to .... speak ..... all .... the words one .... right .... after another without .... all those .... pauses? Does he .... really think ... his .... en ... tire ... listening audience is ..... composed of .... his personal ..... army .... of ..... dumb wetbacks??? )
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!!!
The LAX hotel living wage ordinance was bad, bad, bad public policy. It is just another example of how the City of L.A. tries to chase business out of the city.
Speaking of LAX hotels, did you know that LAX is negotiating to buy the LAX Radisson Hotel?
Does this mean the boycott is lifted? I could use a place to sleep and I'm near the airport. Or should I still take the bus downtown and stay at a hotel there, instead?
Stay at the one that just applied to be redone at the City's money.
Antonio at his press conference said that whether your here legally or illegal you have constitutional rights. Maybe someone should tell clowncil that. Glad they are getting slammed. Reyes, Huizar, Weiss Ass, Wesson, Garcetti, Hahn and the rest of the morons are wasting tax payer dollars with this type of shit. How much did it cost to fight in court. LAX Hotel Hiltons have to be laughing their asses off. Congrats to them for suing the city.
Do you people remember? I told the Mayor to veto this ordinance when it went to his desk -- explained the whole "equal protection" concept. But did he listen? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
That's the kind of thing that happens when you elect a guy who fails the bar exam four times and never passes it. We need a mayor who understands the fundamentals of law, so that when the City Council passes an unconstitutional ordinance, taxpayer money won't be wasted defending it.
Plus, a timely veto would have spared local businesses the small fortune they spent petitioning City Council and then filing this lawsuit. We need to encourage businesses to locate here and hire our citizens -- not scare them away with unfair and unconstitutional laws that cheat them out of their profits.
Kinda sad to say, but in the year I've been checking things out at City Hall, I don't think they have gotten ONE thing right. Seriously. There must be some kind of inherent institutional stupidity build into the process of becoming an elected official. It must be SUCH a good feeling to be a politician, that you will say and do ANYTHING to keep the ball rolling.
Thanks! Me, too!
Antonio at his press conference said that whether your here legally or illegal you have constitutional rights...wrong only citizens and alient residents have rights. Everyone else is an "ILLEGIAL ALIEN" and has none other than to be housed and fed during the epulsion process back to where they came from.
^ Yet more evidence that the Mayor doesn't understand the fundamentals of law.
I understand the basics of law and I dont have a law degree.They called it "civics" when I studied "government". The one thing they taught me in school was "The cops always win;one way or the other"
I hope to crank out several one-minute "fireside chats" this weekend, in time for those who come to the website in response to the radio ads that start Monday.
Hell doesn't Antonio have all those attorneys and paid staffers who should have figured this shit out? Every week Antonio is looking worse with his stupidity. First LAUSD takeover bullshit fails, now this, next hopefully Prop R for David Hernandez. Someone should list all the failures. Oh I forgot you can kiss off GETTING ANY NEW COPS. Antonio who is hated by cops for exactlly what he's doing now and supporting the illegals instead of them will never ever reach his goal to replinish LAPD. Another failure
You think he selects his staff based on merit?! Judging from his policies, I'm guessing something more along the lines of nepotism and cronyism. Or maybe he relies exclusively on fellow graduates of the People's College of Law. Plus, he's never in town or in the office long enough to acctually do his job in any event. Whatever the problem is, he's got to go.
7:33am said..."Hell doesn't Antonio have all those attorneys and paid staffers who should have figured this shit out? "
Yes, he does. However for the past year they have been tied up trying to pass AB 1381, learn all about school reform, take over the school board, challenge it over and over in court -- it's called "opportunity cost." Plus, you know the guy is running for higher office, whether he can sucker Hillary (ZD SAYS HOW CAN IT BE ANTONIO IF IT'S GONNA BE BILL RICHARDSON??? SHE CAN ONLY PICK ONE VP.) So he's gonna have to grind it out, with the long-term, 'plan b", which is get re-elected as mayor (NOT a given at this point -- especially if Uncle Eli backs a seccond horse like Wendy Greuel. ZD hears that She broke up with Antonio, and they don't flash choppers together anymore infront of the same camera, like they used to. And Wendy thinks she's good enough for Washington. So you think she's gonna give f*ck about Antonio, when Uncle Eli likes HER, too. (Just look how much money he funnels into things she likes.) And Uncle Eli ain't too happy with Antonio, cause he didn't hold up his end of the deal.
See, Eli and Richie-poo spent all the money and political capital getting Tony into office as mayor -- TO BLOW THROUGH AB 1381!!! THAT'S ALL IT WAS ABOUT? It's like a paying for a male hooker, then he isn't able to "get it up" but you don't get your money back, either.
But if this is a pimp game, the Eli is Iceberg Slim...and his on "ho", Antonio isn't getting the jobn done...maybe you back another "ho" (Wendy Greuel)...and see which one emerges...It's called, "hedging your bet, y'all."
And Wendy read the Stuart Smalley book and thinks she good enough, smart enough, and people generally like her.
EXCEPT THAT AIN'T THE CASE Y'ALL...She'll be lucky if SHE doesn't end up in a lot of hot water over all the new things ZD is hearing about that evil witch. NO GO VIOLATE SOME TRACT MAP, ZONING AND ANY OTHER CHARTER LAW YOU WANT AS LONG AS THEY BUY THE LUMBER AT THE RIGHT PLACE! Hey Wendy, I have a dollar. I wanna donate it to LA's they have a paypal button? or maybe I can just give it to Laitham and Watkins or an LA's Best Boardmember? Do you know of any "Mrs. Demolition Queen." (Sung to the tune of "Missisipi Queen.")
So yeah, Antonio has staff...but they were busy this past year trying to take over the school board. And now Antonio has spent all his political captial only to get beat down like John Bonham's snare drum -- Eli's pissed...Wicked Wendy is alienated from Tony (so she'll do what the fuck she wants at this point, cause she's a cold-hearted, evil, wicked, self-serving dangerous threat to public safety based on the approval of her "privatized urban developer Mott Smith" and the whole 2020vision bamboozle. I guarantee you that 2020vision is shady as hell...I'm feeding the info into my Bat Computer, and we're gonna prevent these private developers from suckering NC into going along with the plan, which opens it up to become a "City" project, then you get the CRA involved and before you know it the City is developing urban project with private developers, who use their own bankers and contracters and they drive up costs, it ain't transparent,and everyone is in cahoots. SO FUCK THAT SH*T, *******!
Oh no...Wendy's negative karma is so strong, I'm trying to bash the mayor, but it keeps getting pulled back to her...YIKES!!! FASTEN THE BASSOONS CHAIR, or whatever that Cpt Jack thing is and drink some pepto bismol. I hope any of these investigators Cpt Jack is talking about starts looking into CD 2.
See, I can't stop. Hey Tony, gotta love me, today!
This order should have come out on May Day. The Council and Mayor got their asses kicked on this communist proposal!!
It is a good thing the Hotels got some good representation in Arnie Berghoff and Harvey Englander! Everyone knows that Labor controls the city is about time that these 2 lobbyists helped business and common sense people stand up to labor!!
Very funny, 6:18!!!!
Villar can't string two sentences together! I missed the debates when he was campaigning because I thought he was dead meat. However, I would pay $1000 bucks to sit ringside for the next ones. It's going to be the greatest sports event in history...sorta like the Roman colliseum gladiator events. I would actually pay $5000 a question just to see him stand there...all shifty-eyed, stammering, and stumbling all over himself!
"Your comments are inflammatory" should be his theme song!
Janice "Embezzle" Hahn needs to get that damn alligator Reggie out of the lake. She and the clowncil have been made fools to the national media over and over. Garcetti is in deep shit over this one. Let's see if a lawsuit will soon follow. Antonio's little barrio girlfriend Maria Elena also should get in trouble for leading the charge for her boyfriend. Her husband's body wasn't even cold and she's out and about like the snake that she is.
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