Fill of the Future?
Channel 7 is taking a look at what they think LA will be like in the year 2020, which they remind us is "only 13 years away!" To proffer an "educated" guess, they roll out fossils like Ray Bradbury and Mark Pisano. I'm suprised they didn't ask Jack Kyser or Shirley (Sherry) Bebitch Jeffe.
As a public service, the old, dead Republican mayor has viewed the current trends and found the following as a true depiction of LA in the year 2020, or perhaps even next week.
As a public service, the old, dead Republican mayor has viewed the current trends and found the following as a true depiction of LA in the year 2020, or perhaps even next week.
To see L.A.'s future if current trends continue, you don't need a crystal ball. Just look south of the border. That's the future -- unless people here take action to save this city.
You mean the LA is going to look like a surburb of Mexico City?
We already do!
"Just look south of the border"??? "A suburb of Mexico City"??? You guys are paranoid. Am I the only one who notices that L.A. still has a lot of White and Black people, as well as Asians (Koreans, Japanese, Thai, etc.) and other groups (Persians, Armenians, etc.)??? Open your eyes.
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What is your point? Koreans, etc are Asians; the 'other groups" are caucasians, the blacks are black....Open my eyes to what? That a large group of hispanic people are white?
Relax, you guys. L.A. won't look like a suburb of Mexico City until 2025, at the earliest.
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