Thank You JON LAURITZEN For Changing Your Mind Based On Public Input! (How TERRIBLE Of You!)
Good for Jon Lauritzen. He's the LAUSD School Board Candidate, with a career's worth of experience and knowledge, who is running against some Villaraigosa backed puppet, who doesn't even have any experience with the school system as a parent, yet. But suddenly, when the mayor picks you for the Darth Vader helmet operation, and the Empire-backed, political steamroll machine, you let him put your name on the ballot, and hope you get that City Council seat when one opens up.
But this is about Jon Lauritzen. And I would like to commend him, NOT CRITICIZE HIM for changing his position regarding Charter Schools. As you can read below, Jon voted against something. Then, after outcry from the public, decided he wasn't representing his constituency, and plans to introduce a motion to give the people what they want.
But of course, the Villaraigosa politcal hit squad will try and make this sound like a BAD thing. But I am here to remind you, that's what elected officials are supposed to do. There is no weakness in changing your position based on public input. What makes for a weak elected official, like so many ZD encounters everyday in Council chambers, is digging in and maintaining a position, simply because you don't want to be seen like you are bowing down to public pressure, or because you think change is a sign of weakness.
AND, FROM A MARKETING STRATEGY/ART OF WAR POSITION, it's the perfect move anyway. If the leader (and the incumbent is automatically the leader for this discussion), you prevent your opponent from gaining on you by copying their position on an issue like this. For example, "Well gee, I WAS gonna vote for the mayoral's muppet candidate cause of the charter school issue...But, Lauritzen is for that, too...and he's got the experience and knowlege and he ISN'T the zero experienced, never cared about a career in education until the mayor decided she had to care candidate backed by the Villarigosa Darth Vader, Empire Machine, so I'll vote for Jon."
Lauritzen pushes for charter revote
(from the very excellent
LAUSD board member Jon Lauritzen plans to introduce a motion similar to one he rejected last week that would have granted eight charters in Watts to highly successful Green Dot Public Schools.
Lauritzen, said Friday that he voted against the plan to create charters at low-achieving Locke High School because there was no clear plan for how the district and Green Dot founder Steve Barr would collaborate.
The motion that Lauritzen plans to introduce next week would call for Green Dot and all other interested charter operators, as well as Los Angeles Unified School District officials, Locke teachers and the Watts community, to cooperate in reforming Locke.
But some crybaby said he believes Lauritzen's about-face is an effort to appease pro-charter voters in the San Fernando Valley, where the incumbent faces a tough run-off election in May. "The people are outraged and it's an obviously calculated move," [Excuse me crybaby, (Seinfeld voice): Who ARE these people?]
Lauritzen's challenger, mayoral backed muppet, Tamar Galatzan, recalled that the incumbent once called for a one-year moratorium on charter school applications, and questioned the motive for the revised Green Dot plan.
"When he saw the negative feedback, and realized that charter schools are one of the bright spots in L.A. Unified for Valley voters, he read the writing on the wall," Galatzan said.
[SOUR GRAPES TAMAR GALATZAN. YOU CALL IT NEGATIVE FEEDBACK, JUST LIKE YOUR BOSS EMPEROR ANTONIO. ZUMA DOGG CALLS IT FEEDBACK FROM THE PUBLIC. And he's been telling it to you for the past 365 days. You should try it sometime. HEY JON, Thanks for being smart, not stubborn and changing your mind. I guess you are representing the people, which is what an elected official is supposed to do. But the Antonio crew will not only try and keep you out of the room if you oppose them, but will walk out of the room themselves if an opposing question is even raised. (Shady crybabies)
Go find some other budget to hijack. Didn't the state just get a bunch of 1A-D infrastructure money. Go have yourselves a ball. The California Supreme Court made a precident setting ruling, basically overturning the false claims act. So you can do what ever you want and get away with it. I would start there. You lost the LAUSD construction budget battle. (Sorry Uncle Eli and Richard Riorend, Tony tried, but you can only get so far when you are going against the State's constitutional grain, y'all.
SUMMARY: VOTE JON LAURITZEN FOR LAUSD SCHOOL BOARD. Zuma Dogg agrees we need reform. That's what new LAUSD Superintendent David Brewer is in charge of. And I certainly don't want to lose Lauritzen's experience and knowlege and rock the boat with someone with not only ZERO career experience in the education department, she hasn't even experienced LAUSD from a parent's standpoint, as her first kid starts this fall. (Congrats on that, though mom! I think you should send your kids to private school though, for now. You haven't taken charge and reformed the school system yet. (Read Deming's 14 points to see how to do that.
Yours in Management of Quality and Productivity at LAUSD
Zuma "Deming" Dogg
But this is about Jon Lauritzen. And I would like to commend him, NOT CRITICIZE HIM for changing his position regarding Charter Schools. As you can read below, Jon voted against something. Then, after outcry from the public, decided he wasn't representing his constituency, and plans to introduce a motion to give the people what they want.
But of course, the Villaraigosa politcal hit squad will try and make this sound like a BAD thing. But I am here to remind you, that's what elected officials are supposed to do. There is no weakness in changing your position based on public input. What makes for a weak elected official, like so many ZD encounters everyday in Council chambers, is digging in and maintaining a position, simply because you don't want to be seen like you are bowing down to public pressure, or because you think change is a sign of weakness.
AND, FROM A MARKETING STRATEGY/ART OF WAR POSITION, it's the perfect move anyway. If the leader (and the incumbent is automatically the leader for this discussion), you prevent your opponent from gaining on you by copying their position on an issue like this. For example, "Well gee, I WAS gonna vote for the mayoral's muppet candidate cause of the charter school issue...But, Lauritzen is for that, too...and he's got the experience and knowlege and he ISN'T the zero experienced, never cared about a career in education until the mayor decided she had to care candidate backed by the Villarigosa Darth Vader, Empire Machine, so I'll vote for Jon."
Lauritzen pushes for charter revote
(from the very excellent
LAUSD board member Jon Lauritzen plans to introduce a motion similar to one he rejected last week that would have granted eight charters in Watts to highly successful Green Dot Public Schools.
Lauritzen, said Friday that he voted against the plan to create charters at low-achieving Locke High School because there was no clear plan for how the district and Green Dot founder Steve Barr would collaborate.
The motion that Lauritzen plans to introduce next week would call for Green Dot and all other interested charter operators, as well as Los Angeles Unified School District officials, Locke teachers and the Watts community, to cooperate in reforming Locke.
But some crybaby said he believes Lauritzen's about-face is an effort to appease pro-charter voters in the San Fernando Valley, where the incumbent faces a tough run-off election in May. "The people are outraged and it's an obviously calculated move," [Excuse me crybaby, (Seinfeld voice): Who ARE these people?]
Lauritzen's challenger, mayoral backed muppet, Tamar Galatzan, recalled that the incumbent once called for a one-year moratorium on charter school applications, and questioned the motive for the revised Green Dot plan.
"When he saw the negative feedback, and realized that charter schools are one of the bright spots in L.A. Unified for Valley voters, he read the writing on the wall," Galatzan said.
[SOUR GRAPES TAMAR GALATZAN. YOU CALL IT NEGATIVE FEEDBACK, JUST LIKE YOUR BOSS EMPEROR ANTONIO. ZUMA DOGG CALLS IT FEEDBACK FROM THE PUBLIC. And he's been telling it to you for the past 365 days. You should try it sometime. HEY JON, Thanks for being smart, not stubborn and changing your mind. I guess you are representing the people, which is what an elected official is supposed to do. But the Antonio crew will not only try and keep you out of the room if you oppose them, but will walk out of the room themselves if an opposing question is even raised. (Shady crybabies)
Go find some other budget to hijack. Didn't the state just get a bunch of 1A-D infrastructure money. Go have yourselves a ball. The California Supreme Court made a precident setting ruling, basically overturning the false claims act. So you can do what ever you want and get away with it. I would start there. You lost the LAUSD construction budget battle. (Sorry Uncle Eli and Richard Riorend, Tony tried, but you can only get so far when you are going against the State's constitutional grain, y'all.
SUMMARY: VOTE JON LAURITZEN FOR LAUSD SCHOOL BOARD. Zuma Dogg agrees we need reform. That's what new LAUSD Superintendent David Brewer is in charge of. And I certainly don't want to lose Lauritzen's experience and knowlege and rock the boat with someone with not only ZERO career experience in the education department, she hasn't even experienced LAUSD from a parent's standpoint, as her first kid starts this fall. (Congrats on that, though mom! I think you should send your kids to private school though, for now. You haven't taken charge and reformed the school system yet. (Read Deming's 14 points to see how to do that.
Yours in Management of Quality and Productivity at LAUSD
Zuma "Deming" Dogg
By the way, Tamar will win this one pretty easily.
Trujillo is running a good campaign and she'll have a ton of money at the time she will need it.
The incumbent is stuck with the miserable LAUSD record of which he has been a part. Our schools are in deep trouble and AV may not have the answer, but the folks there don't have it for sure.
He loses. She wins. That means, The Mayor wins.
7:42 PM,
I KNOW that means she wins, the mayor wins, everyone on your team wins...
but you didn't mention a thing about the "parents, kids and the City winning." And you were right not to.
This is not an about face, it's damage control and Lauritzen is only making it appear he is reconsidering his mistake. A close read of the resolution you'll find that it is extremely vague. Intentionally so in my opinion. It doesn't commit to anything.
54. Mr. Lauritzen – Transformation of Locke High School (Waiver of Board Rule 72) 11 a.m.
Whereas, Locke High School has in recent years persistently not met the District’s academic performance standards;
Whereas, The Governing Board of the Los Angeles Unified School District acknowledges that
the efforts of the District and the school community and others to transform the learning
environment at Locke High School have not met with adequate progress; and
Whereas, the Board recognizes that there are proven models of success in transformation of urban high schools that could be applicable to the Locke High School community including but not limited to charter schools; now, therefore be it Resolved, That the Governing Board of the Los Angeles Unified School District instruct the
Superintendent to develop a plan immediately for the engagement of Locke High School parents,
students, teachers, administrators, the unions, the charter community and other stakeholders in a process during the 2007-2008 school year for planning the transformation of Locke High School,with implementation beginning in 2008-2009 school year.
Public input was done before Jon voted AGAINST Green Dot's charter schools.
There were hundreds of parents and students who were there asking and pleading with Mr. Lauritzen to vote yes. He voted AGAINST them.
There was ZERO BROWN ACT PUBLIC COMMENT on Lauritzen's vote since he voted AGAINST parents, teachers and students.
The only input was from the fishwrap LA Times, and Daily Snooze.
So please explain to me where did the Public make Lauritzen change his mind?
There wasn't any --
I got polled earlier this week and it seemed like they were asking all of these charter school questions -- it seemed like a Pro-Lauritzen poll.
I think Jon and his puppeteers over at the DEATHSTAR BEAUDRY building in DOWNTOWN LA saw that their guy was losing and needed to try to have Jon FLIP-FLOP on this issue.(see your friend Walter Moore's post)
And if you are going to quote Sun Tzu and the Art of War i'll leave you with this.
"If you know your enemy and you know yourself, you'd need not fear the result of 1,000 battles". Sun Tzu
I think the Galatzan campaign is the one entirely based on that phrase from the Art of War while also supporting parents and students of the LAUSD.
Ivy Academia Mom.
Of course I win; I always win.
The level of illiterate graduates from LAUSD is appalling. Who is responsible for this sad state of affairs?
You guessed it! The incumbents.
That why I win and Tamar wins and the kids win, and Lauritzen loses.
His moves are cheap politics and cannot succeed, they are so transparent.
"The level of illiterate graduates from LAUSD is appalling. Who is responsible for this sad state of affairs?"
I think the parents and entire community is responsible for the sad state of affairs. I think parents that send their kids to school without knowing how to speak English has something to do with it.
I know you want to blame the school board to make it look like, "The time is NOW, for ZERO experience at LAUSD, vote Mayoral Puppet On Ice Till A Council seat opens Tamar Galatzan.
How about this, we have bad traffic problems in Los Angeles. Re-call Villaraigosa, he is responsible for this sad state of affairs.
Logic -- learn it, use it, live by it.
IG Dogg
You learn the difference betwseen a recall and an election.
Luretzin has been on the school board for years and is running for re-elction; you have a choice. Tamar may be somewhat of an unknown, but he is partially responsible for the situation as it is today. His votes have helped create the problem.
She will be part of the solution.
You can make Demings trivial homilies apply to any situation the way you want, kinid of like the bible. Don't you get tired of being a one-trick pony?
Faulty-Logic Desparate Loser said...
You say, "Learn the difference between a recall and an election." [I KNOW the difference, I was using an "analogy" -- sorry it was over your simple minded head. Re-read it, or have someone explain it to you.]
Loser says, "Luretzin (sic) has been on the school board for years and is running for re-elction; you have a choice. Tamar may be somewhat of an unknown, but he is partially responsible for the situation as it is today. His votes have helped create the problem."
[Maybe HIS votes were helping to SOLVE the problem, but other votes were the problem. Or maybe kids not speaking English, or parents who refuse to participate in the raising of their kids has more to do with it. And yes she is "somewhat" of an unknown, and "verywhat" of a zero experience HUGE risk to the system.]
Laughable says, "She will be part of the solution." [Oh, she WILL. WOW, you must have a crystal ball to have already seen that outcome of her voting record and the effectivness of her zero experience.
What are tomorrow's winning lottery number? And who's gonna win the World Series this year?]
Bitter That ZD Has More Knowlege Than You says, "You can make Demings trivial homilies apply to any situation the way you want, kinid of like the bible. Don't you get tired of being a one-trick pony?"
[If I am applying somethnig to ANY situation, then that's not a one trick pony, fool. That's an EVERY trick pony, jackass. And yes, that's the test of a good system of profound knowlege...can it be applied to any situation. In the case of Deming's 14 points -- the answer is "yes". Otherwise, what would be the value.]
But Frustrated Loser, Your warfare move against ZD shouldn't be "Deming is a one-trick loser pony" -- because the international impact is undisputable, so you lose all creditiblity when you attack Deming's methods: HOW YOU SHOULD BE ATTACKING ME IS LIKE THIS, "Zuma, you idiot. You don't know a thing about Deming. Deming's 14 points is world class information, that takes top world experts to interprert, and you interpret it poorly. (Then make sure you have full comprehension of the 14 points -- and point out my misinterpretations and invalid arguments.)
I have been telling you from day one, here on the blog, YOU CANNOT WIN AN ARGUMENT WHEN YOU ARGUE ON A WEAKNESS -- YOU HAVE TO ARGUE ON A STRENGTH.
For example, you can't win by saying, "Hummer's are unsafe vehicles because a terrorist might think you are the militiary and they might attack you in the Malibu Colony parking lot." (Arguing on a "weakness") However, if you say, "Hummers are bad because they are too expensive to operate with gas prices so high." (Now you are exposing a weakness of the strength. Yes, they are safe because they are like an armoured tank -- however the weakness in that,is that they get about as much gas milelage as Tamar Galatzen has edudcational experience.
Get it...I really wish you would read, listen to and attend seminars on some of the things ZD has. It would make for much worthier opposition, and perhaps something valuable would come out of the process, other than ZD tutoring you for free.
I think 6:56am owes me a paypal donation for my time, effort and knowledge. (And read the free Deming seminar while you are at it. Deming says, "There is nothing worse that bad competiton.")
ZD: Does Deming say anything about writing like an illiterate when you're arguing about illiteracy?
You mean "illiteracy" or "spelling errors"? There is a difference. Deming would probably tell me to run it through a spell check, but I'd tell him, I'm too lazy and only a crybaby would be confused by the minor errors. Then he would say, when someone is throwing you a life jacket because your ship is sinking, don't aks what color it is, or what brand. Just grab the jacket and quit being a crybaby loser. (Quit complaining about my annoying spelling errors. I'm too lazy to run it through spell check and have to read it twice.)
And since it's the best information in the City and Nation, just grab it, and don't worry about the stuff that doesn't matter. You know what the f*ck I'm saying, so quit making yourself sound dumb. I know you are perceptive.
And I'm not arguning about illiteracy? I'm arguing about how Laurizen is able to embrace his leadership role to represent the people as an elected official and changed an un-popular position, after community outcry. MAN, I wish some folks inside City Hall could do that.
Wow, yuppie parents with every advantage asking why poor kids are illiterate? Hey, why don't you volunteer in our south LA high school and you will see kids with a disdain for learning....intellectual achievement is not valued as much with many parents...stop blaming school board members.........
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