ORIGINAL BLURB FROM "ZD WEEKEND UPDATE" THREAD: Councilmember Dennis Zine claims to have been bamboozled by the lack of Neighboorhood Council participation with the Planning Committee regarding the new Warner Center area "Workforce Housing" (Affordable Housing for workers in the area), to replace a swap meet.
Los Angeles City Councilmember Dennis Zine said...(TO TASK FORCE REPRESENTATIVES) " "Transportation (Dept.) screwed up. If we do hopscotch in the Warner Center area, then we'll have another "Century City"on our hands. I don't want to see gridlock in the area. ANYTHING in the Warner Center area goes through the "wringer" and that means Neighborhood Council. The land owner is SELLING the project to a developer (for completion), and THAT'S the problem. Sutton (Robert H. Sutton, Deputy Director Citywide Planning Division) messed this all up. I listened to the "experts" at the Planning Department, and I learned better." (Cause he's Big DZ, from City TV...As U Can See!)
ORIGINAL BLURB CONTINUED: Zine says he was under the understanding that local NC was included in the public input process. Planning Committee representive said, "No". Then some other guy said the Planning Committee guy was just covering his ass. So CM Zine pulled the three of them to the side, and let them have it, and make it quite clear, that from here on in, "ALL development planning in the Warner Center area MUST be sent through the wringer. NC MUST be included." (AND HE KNEW I WAS THERE AS A WITNESS, so I can at least verify as a witness that he said this to the three parties.
SO MY QUESTION IS...WHY NOT DISTRICT WIDE -- AND CITY WIDE? But congrats media fave Dennis Zine for at least getting the ball rolling on a "Workforce Project" (where infrastruture upgrades will be made to accomadate this small-sized project.
Los Angeles City Councilmember Dennis Zine said...(TO TASK FORCE REPRESENTATIVES) " "Transportation (Dept.) screwed up. If we do hopscotch in the Warner Center area, then we'll have another "Century City"on our hands. I don't want to see gridlock in the area. ANYTHING in the Warner Center area goes through the "wringer" and that means Neighborhood Council. The land owner is SELLING the project to a developer (for completion), and THAT'S the problem. Sutton (Robert H. Sutton, Deputy Director Citywide Planning Division) messed this all up. I listened to the "experts" at the Planning Department, and I learned better." (Cause he's Big DZ, from City TV...As U Can See!)
ORIGINAL BLURB CONTINUED: Zine says he was under the understanding that local NC was included in the public input process. Planning Committee representive said, "No". Then some other guy said the Planning Committee guy was just covering his ass. So CM Zine pulled the three of them to the side, and let them have it, and make it quite clear, that from here on in, "ALL development planning in the Warner Center area MUST be sent through the wringer. NC MUST be included." (AND HE KNEW I WAS THERE AS A WITNESS, so I can at least verify as a witness that he said this to the three parties.
SO MY QUESTION IS...WHY NOT DISTRICT WIDE -- AND CITY WIDE? But congrats media fave Dennis Zine for at least getting the ball rolling on a "Workforce Project" (where infrastruture upgrades will be made to accomadate this small-sized project.
Dennis Zine does not know what the hell he is doing. HE IS TOO BUSY PUMPING SOME ROUNDS WITH MARY BARRIENTOS IN HER DIRTY STICKY BED, that bone head who ran against goody tooshy Cameron Smyth.
Mary Barrientos sucks on Dennis Zine.
OK, now get a spellchecker program for your laptop and learn to use it.
sorry, spell checker doesn't work on blogger with mac? anyway, again, reduced to complaining about BS spelling errors, when you understood every word anyway. What COULDN'T you understand in the thread, that would cause you to complain about any minor spelling errors. Any comments on the story itself. Bro, I wish Mayor Sam didn't aks me to stop calling you out by name...cause there is only one jealous, crybaby, defeated, non-contributing, ineffective loser who sits there all day, waiting for a ZD post, to comment on something that has NOTHING to do with the issue.
Zuma Dogg is gay?????????????
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