Cap'n Crunch Gives Mayor's Report A "D"

Mayor Villaraigosa has six.
He calls them "six pillars of school excellence." We'll call them "Villar's Pillars."
Villar's Pillars are set forth in a 30-page report that took 18 months to prepare and includes 52 recommendations.
Thank God this town finally has what it really needs: another report with recommendations. One of Villar's Pillars, of course, is to spend MORE MONEY. Color me shocked.
According to the Daily News, "Superintendent David Brewer" -- whom you and I know as Cap'n Crunch due to his naval background -- "found fault in the lack of specifics and said that many of the recommendations already have been implemented in the 700,000-student district." (Hey, I like this guy better already!)
Now, speaking of overdue homework, where is this year's "State of the City" address? I am dying to see that one! Anyone care to predict whether we get an actual state-of-the-city address, as opposed to another rip-off of "I have a dream" and "million points of light?" I hope we don't have to wait till July. After all, the new year is NOW!
Here's the Mayor's report (a cover page would have been nice):
Looks like the Brewer-Villar mind meld is over.
Yeah, I'm thinking the School Board and the Superintendent, having obtained a ruling that the Mayor's takeover plan is unconstitutional, are not terribly interested in getting more input from him about how to run the schools. Besides, the teachers are on the verge of a strike anyway.
KABC 7 showed the Mayor speaking about his 'plan' while showing his name
on the screen with the LAUSD logo.
Is his 'take over' complete...
Does Disney know more than we do?
I called ch7 news and was told there were many calls about the misuse of
the logo including from David
Brewer's office.
By the way, the new supt.
IS a great guy.
Hey A.VillarBOZO why dont YOU "CLEAN YOUR TOLETS" at all the new new schools it seems that is all you can do to our schools, you carpet bagger!!!!!!!
David Brewer should run for Mayor of LA. He's far more intelligent, charismatic and knows how to speak with reporters without looking at cue cards and stumbling. When asked about Antonio's plan he said "anything put on paper may look nice but you have to know how to execute the plan." WE all know our ADD (Attention Defecit Disorder) Mayor doesn't know anything. Steve Lopez is dealing with the traffic problem, Connie Rice is figuring out for clowncil what they should do about the gangs and ADD Mayor is still obsessed with LAUSD. IN his speech Antonio wants to fundraise $200 million for schools. Can Antonio really be as stupid as he's coming off? He's acting like Britney Spears out of control and her handlers are too afraid to tell her she's making a complete ass of herself. Same with ADD Antonio
I wonder what Richard Riordan's plan sounded like, because his and Villaraigosa's are awfully similiar.
This is hilarious. If you go online to and hit california -local news the LA Slimes has this caption with ADD Antonio photo
'The issue is no longer whether we need fundamental change in our public schools. The question is how.'
— Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, of L.A. Unified School District
HELLOOOOO Dumb ass reporters.
The great David Zahniser does it again with a story in
The Z Files
Municipal Whiplash: The mayor suddenly decides gang crime, not L.A. Unified, is public enemy
No. 1
Brewer says he's coming out with his own plan...later in the year.
I love that.
He says having a plan is one thing, but execution is another.
AV's is starting to resemble Saddam's.
quick somebody give him some more rope.
This latest thing is just his cover up scheme to mitigate his crushing loss in court.
trying to save face.
I'm thinking it probably don't get much worse than this blog, for a mayor?
Walter Moore is at it again.
While the Mayor was on channel 7 for 18 minutes live last night in the largest market in california talking directly to constituents, brining many more people on board with the mayor's vision. Walter Moore shows how he can piss in water and have 9 bloggers so far drink it.
I think i'll take the millions of folks the Mayor just spoke to over the 9 piss drinkers.
thats just my opinion though, i am sure the piss drinkers will object.
Yea dude. We need a media czar to combat and clean AV's brain washing.
Go read
The Z Files Municipal Whiplash
The mayor suddenly decides gang crime, not L.A. Unified, is public enemy No. 1
Wednesday, January 17, 2007 - 7:30 pm
Ruling? What court ruling?
"We Clean your toilets" Thats all our little midgit can do HA! HA! HA !
ok 8.49
take the mayor. he blatantly violated California constitution, and continues to pester the judiciary with his BS.
and this 'piss drinker' just crushed this City's supposedly 'bullet proof' nominal utility vending ordinance, in federal court.
we're not sheep, if you read the blog. the millions you refer to may be.
ur allegiance to the 'sheep' tells me one thing. you'll end up as mutton.
8:49am is a ADD Antonio staffer. Keep dreaming on. Every newspaper is stating in subtle tones what a joke and phasod the plan is. They seem as puzzled as everyone why our midget mayor is spending more time and money on this issue and not addressing what he was elected to do. LA will start to lose more businesses, tourists and millions of dollars but hey, Antonio thinks that's ok. And those millions of viewers you're talking about aren't as ignorant as ADD Antonio would like. Don't insult their intelligence cause they all know the Mayor of LA has become the clown of the nation. Why do you think New York Times did story with his photo? Maybe to show the state of the city. Funny the Neighborhood Congress has nothing but education on the workshops. Gee, you think ADD Antonio had something to do with the agenda? Who cares that gang violence is up 14%??
remember when we protested the deployment of extra police into skid row? police CLAIMED it was for drug activity, and homeless rule 41.17e enforcement.
read this LA Times story which proves we were right. now they've turned on hot dog vendors no less. once again, people working, making a fair living, with permits.
Capt. Smith is now quoted in the article saying how now they have more police they can go after ALL crime. talk about priorities Walter, I rest my case about flooding the streets with cops. they invariably turn on the easiest targets. these guys are threatening to sue now.
am I a soothsayer, or what.,0,4713946.story?coll=la-default-underdog
Uniforms? No thanks. Extended school days and Saturday school? No way. Forced pre-K? Watch the home school and private school options grow.
If the Midget Mayor ever read a single email sent to him, attended a single community outreach meeting, or actually sent his kids to an LAUSD school then maybe he'd realize that most of his "plan" has already been implemented or was already recommended in the President's Commission report:
K-8 schools are being built.
Smaller schools are what's being built and SLC are being instituted right now.
A-G is a right of every student. Although no one is talking about what happens when even more students are applying to UC and CSU and the GPA required to get in goes up exponentially.
And pandering to GATE families? Magnet and SAS are de rigueur already.
It's a new day, so hopefully he can find another cause to talk about to get face time on TV.
Good morning ladies and gentlemen and good morning to you, Cap'n Crunch (bows low to Cap'n Crunch):
Halloo Crunch, a pleasure to see you again! I thought I saw the good ship Guppy in port, but I must confess I am not Jean Lafoote; the other shoe has yet to drop, savvy?
But I question why you would give Villabarbosa's plan a mere "D", which is naught but a passing grade. While I recognize that the "D" may have been awarded for merit (or lack thereof), I must confide that time that could have been better spent on working with those upon the outlying islands (as well as the native natives) was instead wasted on proceeding after a failing cause.
Now, being the pirate that I am, if you will, I recognize talent when I see it. I would give Villabarbosa an "A+" for formulating his Plan B, which is to make sure those who are loyal to him are elected in positions that matter, savvy? Mental giants such as Duh-Leon who can spread his lips to form the perfect "YES" with no lisp, and other candidates in the local school board race. Very clever chap, that Villabarbosa is. But he lacks one thing and that is complete control within City Hall which could ultimately send him to the dunce's chair (whispers confidentially) which is currently occupied by one Mr. Meat.
And as a final note to this correspondence of mine, I would like to add for the record that while the sots are quick to make light of my ability to call an election as being on par with the honesty and ethicality of the Clowncil, I would point out that my marks at Bond, Harvard, Oxford, McGill and U of H are much higher than "D". And while I would never pass a bar knowingly, I often sit on the other side of it, savvy? As me mum would say one cannot judge a pirate by the flag he flies.
Did the mayor finally announce all of that?
That memo I found in the trash can at City Hall MUST have been accrate, cause I posted this on Dec. 13th on Mayor Sam. Why didn't the LA Times?:
"Here's what is coming to those mayoral controlled schools. (Take it to Vegas, y'all...and you'll read, see and hear about it everywhere else in the media, now that Zuma Dogg has posted it here first, y'all):
*School uniforms (so as poor kids don't have to compete with rich kids from a apparel status standpoint. And help neutralize gang attire.)
* Extended School Hours: Till 4pm! (Gives parents more time, and keeps kids out of trouble.)
* Saturday School!!! (Mandatory tutoring for those who need it, and that will be most.)
* Class room reduction? I'm told, "absolutely". (To what extent, still not know. Probably not small enough, but an improvement.)
* Triple the number of PTA members in every school across the district. (Admirable, but good luck. I'll try not to laugh.)
* After School programs at ALL schools. (Again, keeps kids off the streets and out of trouble.)"
I guess the way the media works is they wait till something already happens to report it, where I always thought the point was to report something BEFORE it happens. But then you have to crawl into dumpsters.
And "I will clean your toilets" said the midget
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If you actually look at the report, you see how sophomoric it is -- and I say that with no disrespect to sophomores.
Rather than providing meaningful, specific directives that someone can implement, it sets forth vague aspirations as if they amounted to a plan. Examples of the meaningless, feel-good prattle include:
--"Demand results"
--"Create college and work-going" -- nice mangling of the language, Mr. Mayor -- "cultures at all schools"
--"Distribute Family-Friendly Report Cards."
With all due respect to my scatological critic, is THIS really what you consider a plan?! Is THIS what you consider admirable?
A plan would be something like this:
1. No class shall have over 20 students.
2. Teachers shall be able to eject, immediately, any student whose misbehavior, in the teacher's judgment, is interfering with other students' education. The student and the students parents will then have the burden of showing why that student should be allowed back into the classroom.
3. Students who fail a class will not be promoted to the next grade, period. No exceptions.
4. Each high school must offer at least eight semester's worth of classes in the trades, such as: auto repair, shop, construction, office work, etc. Not every student is going, or even should be going, to college. Those who are not should receive useful training.
THAT'S the kind of thing he should say, if he feels compelled to say anything, about what he will do if his unconstitutional legislation is upheld.
Where is parental responsibility, and what about those who already believe in it? We'll leave in droves.
Uniforms don't stop competition. Expensive sneakers, jewelry, and stores where the pants are purchased from will still make some kids have and others have nots. The answer is to teach the kids that it is NOT about what you wear or how much you spend (not that Mr. Villaraigosa would be believable preaching that with his suits).
Schools should not be babysitting kids until four or six or on Saturdays for parental convenience. Keep them out of trouble? More like allow parents to ignore their responsibilities. Even less time to do homework, extracurriculars, and spend time with family.
Smaller class size wil be great, if the teachers are willing to be held accountable. If they want to take credit for every little bit of improvement, they should also put their money where their mouth is and be responsible for the improvement.
PTA numbers mean nothing. Parental involvement in the classroom and the schools don't require a $5 membership card.
Matt -- You make a good point, namely, that it's not enough just to have more police. You need to send them where the most serious crime is first. It's called prioritizing.
Let's see, which is the greater threat to public safety: selling fruit without a permit, or shooting kids? Hmmmm...
Walter, stop making so much sense. Your logic is like kryptonite to the city hall hacks/elites. And what the heck are "family-friendly" report cards?? (admittedly, at least in part a rhetorical question)
Walter, I would weight them equally. Selling fruit or hot dogs without a permit equals public health concerns (haven't you seen the large four-footed rats scampering around the civic center?).
Shooting kids amounts to a public safety concern too (why was Devon Brown out at 3 am, past curfew? Why weren't his parents exercising their parental responsibilities by keeping track of their little monster?), as some uninvolved residents tend to be hit by stray bullets.
Some people think that cops are trigger-happy; I know better than that!
and I completely endorse your idea if those officers are directly commissioned to attack gang activity.
I would be the first to salute the brigade.
problem always becomes: when you put them on the street, they want to bust everyone and everything in a big power trip.
the latest hot dog thing proves they lack discretion.
theres even a quote that an officer said, "don't quote civil rights, get an attorney"
(power trip)
and they have PERMITS, for health and operation
Mayor Sam, You need a new thread on this. In today's Arroyo Seco Journal - "Huizar refused to act when his staff urged him to take action against a convicted child molester who had attempted to prey on the children of Huizar's own staff." - this guy was going around homes acting in an official capacity on behalf of Huizar's office! "Ricasa as livid. He told Huizar, "You are messing up!""
Is this the smoking gun? Isn't The Arroyo Seco Journal Parke Skelton's neighborhood newspaper?
And this guy lived across the street from Jose! Doesn't Jose have two little girls?
Dowd, why do you think previous City administrations banned City licensed peanut vendors from selling bags of hot peanuts on city sidewalks?
The answer is: Litter and health.
What do you plan to ask the City for next? Bring back the organ grinders and leashed monkeys that stole pennies from little kids' hands as they did back in the 1950's?
Walter, since our City's "Little Emperor" is too busy conducting photo ops to give his "State of the City" address, I'll speak for him.
The State of the City is total confusion. Captain Villar of the City Yacht S.S. Minnow is busy trying to plug up the leaks in his Captain's Quarters, and the crew (City Council) is busy battling over the helm with fresh and silly ideas.
Captain Villar will soon propose a new annual $100.00 per apartment dweller tax (room occupancy user fee), to fund a study on why poor people prefer to rent apartments rather than buy houses.
Matt you don't have a clue and your posting shows your ignorance of what's really going on in skid row. Last year alone over 6,000 druge arrests were made. With the Safer City Initiative police have arrested major felony drug suspects. If you were educated enough you would know that gangs profit and stay in business because of drugs. What better place to prey on victims then skid row!!! And the smart people know better then to believe anything the LA Slimes writes. Your naiveness with the illegal vendor issue is even more shocking. Do you know these illegals vendors make hundreds a week, tax free, selling bacteria filled food to again poor people. I know of families who have gotten hepatitis and stomach flus from eating off those carts. Also, its common knowledge that some of those vendors are also selling drugs. Boy you're dumb on all these issues. Zuma makes you look stupid. I'm sure if you had a business and those illegals were selling right in front of your store illegally, no permit, no documentation and stealing your customers of course that wouldn't get you mad. Most of them aren't in this country legally and bought fake documents in MacArthur Park. DUMB DUMB MATT. STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES MATT.
Maaaaaaaaaaan, don't read that article on Councilmember Jose Huizar...
It don't look good. I was gonna post some of it on a mayor sam thread, but then it gets picked up BIGTIME on all the "Google" searches and gets syndicated on a bunch of other news services and blogs, and I wanna give his side a chance to respond, first...
However, I MIGHT not be able to stop myself, once the 40's start flowing (and my wrist does hurt today)...But, maybe we can contain it to the lower profile comment section.
(and 11:23am, thanks for your comments! i think you know i wasn't stating my opinion on those issues, just showing how i reported on it here on mayor sam on dec 13, and it's just coming out today. and i must have found the best trash dumpster outside spring street to find early tips!)
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen (removes hat and bows low):
Villabarbosa the captain of the Minnow? (holds sides while laughing hysterically). Now THAT's funny! While on another blog Steve Maviglio compared the Republican party to the Titanic, Villabarbosa sails up in the Minnow. (Wipes eyes because of laughing too hard) Not that I am a Republican, because I am not, but I think the whole concept of it is uproariously hilarious. (Waves as Minnow sails past) Hallooo there, sots. While the Black Pearl is currently in drydock in a foreign port, I salute you from the heart of my bottom!
(Stops laughing and becomes somber) Oh bugger, looks like the tempest in CD14 has dropped its second shoe. Two dropped, one to go. Are you not curious as to what that shoe might be? It will be a while in coming, but come it will. As I said nigh on a long time ago, Don Jose should run away rather quickly and this time should look back naught. (Shudders) I am thankful I am away from the area. Don Jose, you may have that beastie with my blessings.
Oh, and Zuma lad? We see that you have found some of the treasure that pirates have left for you. You're beginning to be a rather quick study, savvy?
Zuma will you please post the website link to the Huizar story. I googled and got stuff from last year.
12:44 Alvin has his own perverted groupie called George. The two perverts from each camp need to go to jail.
Article entitled "A Breach of Faith". Ouch!
HERE IS THE STORY. However, its the same stuff that's been rumored in the community for months. I thought Alvin had something bigger or at least that's the impression he's been giving people.
you are just kidding yourself 2:19 the best is yet to come ! We need I told you we need NICK PACHECO BACK!
bring it on alvin "parra nada"
2:32 IT is COMMING and you are not going to know what HIT you SUCKER!!
So Huizar is a sexual predator "enabler." This is all the 14th Disrict needed. You had Snyder who was accused of molesting his own daughter, then Alatorre the coke addict exposed when fighting for custody of Xavier Becerra's Chief of Staff's daughter, then you had Tony the Liar who treated the 14th like a one night stand, and now you have Huizar who by all indications, doesn't like his job - to the extent of enabling a sexual predator. Nick looks like a saint compared to these fools.
So was Alvin just a disgruntled employee or a disgruntled father. Tread lightly Parke, this one is about to blow up in your face. BTW, weren't you the one that got Tony to be the lone vote against that law that would stiffen penalties against child molesters? Voters are noticing a trend here.
NICK Come BACK CD14 NEEEEEEEDs you back Were are you call out the troops, Put out the wanted signs NICK PACHECO CD14 needs YOU!!!!
yeh, I have no credibility today. but that could change soon.
I'll stand back and let the media decide in the next couple of days.
I have a feeling that when it comes to permits, me and Mike Hunt know what we're talking about.
right Mayor Sam?
Lots of info coming in on this CD 14 article on Huizar. Will post a thread after a few more follow-up calls are returned. BUT...SINCE SOME OF THE ALLEGATIONS ARE PRETTY SERIOUS, BEFORE ANYONE RUSHES TO JUDGEMENT WAIT FOR THIS...
Perhaps, there was nothing that could be done about the alleged "predator" if he had no record.
NO APOLOGIZES YET...Police report on the way to see what was said and done. But this is a big allegation, and you know in the perception of public opinion, allegations are all you need...So let's make sure WE aren't getting spun. But to be honest, I think the biggest concern for Huizar supporters, is, "Out of all the staffers who quit Huizar's office so far, how many of them knew about this, and warned him to do something about it. And maybe more was not done because of fear that any further publicity would reflect badly in the public's eye. (Like I said, people link and associate things pretty easily.)
So hopefully further information will show that the Councilmember did all he could to prevent this guy from doing harm to the public, but there was nothing more that could be done, because the guy had no police record, no previous violations, and there is no law against taking picutres in public with a camera. [So there's the best spin ZD can put on this...and hoping the spin sticks pending further verification.]
A public service announcement from Zuma Dogg.
Have you met Alvin and his wife? He is insane and she's bipolar! What drives them insane? Greed, Power, Money, Fame, Backstabbing.
Click my name hyperlink for a message to the mayor, mark brown of the city attorneys office and Eric Garcetti and LA city council.
I am one of those staffers that left Huizar's office. I hope you understand why I am reluctant to identify myself, please understand that I am still a City employee. I was at that staff meeting and that was the meeting that broke the camels back. As sad as it sounds, we had gotten quite familiar with Jose's arrogant attitude. The high staff salaries for a certain few, the blatant disregard for staff input and the outright arrogance shown to constituents was just business as usual at CD 14. It is disgusting what one can get used to. But regarding this particular incident, Tony Ricasa was livid and Efren Mammaril was very animated when they told Jose that this child molester attempted to exit an event with Efren's child! We thought that surely Jose would be pissed off about this - being that he is also a father of two beautiful girls. But what does Jose do - he just says, "make sure my name is not involved."
The article doesn't tell the whole story. And this is the reason I quit. LAPD was at this molesters home and they called Jose to inform him about it. They also informed Jose that this predator was in possession of city property - boxes of the light bulbs that were being given away by Huizar's office. When Jose heard this, he told the police not to arrest him.
What happened later I don't know. I know that Tony Ricasa was demoted and Joe Avila came in. I heard the the predator was arrested, but I don't know how long after. Avila was brought in to take care of Jose, but the damage was already done. This was my dream job and Jose turned it into a nightmare. I no longer work for a politician, and I don't thin I ever can again. These people certainly are a different kind of animal.
NICK PACHECO SOLD HIS SOUL. He is a man with no integrity or character. You don't bad mouth someone telling all how much Jose and Alvin hurt your family and the Mothers of ELA then jump on stage with Jose saying what a great guy he is.
Matt Dowd you are a total loser. Zuma is the only one who has crediabilty. If you think for one second siding with the illegal vendors when you don't even know 1/2 of the story your as dumb as you look, and believe me that's pretty damn scary. The illegal vendors say "we're just trying to make a living." Yeah, they don't wear gloves, wipe their butts, I even saw a man pee in the alley and go back handling food in his cart, they make thousands of CASH without paying taxes and like illegals think they deserve rights????/ NO WAY
Read the "awful" article. Hmmmm. Look at the bigger picture here......
We have a disgruntled employee bashing a former employer, while current employees have no qualms?
Alvin praises Amy Yeager, what does this say about his capabilities? He couldn't perform.
The press conf. with ADD Antonio, Bratton, Rocky, ATF, FBI etc. were at Harbor Gateway. ADD Antonio hasn't done shit but waste time on the school issue but there he was taking credit again. I'm so glad people see through him. It took him 3 weeks to show up after the marches in Harbor Gateway. Just because there was a camera he had to be there. What a clown!!!
Nick thinks and Puts cd14 first always!! Nick also has the BALLS to take out his name for support of Mr. Huizar if these alligations are true! Like I said he ALWAYS puts CD14 FIRST!!!
Hey 4:22 Huizar just gave his current employees a raise with the money from the employees that left,that is why they have no QUALMS!!!!!
4:22 again, dsgruntled employee or disgruntled father? Alvin is a father of two boys, how could he stay working for this sexual predator enabler. Why would anybody stay working for Huizar? If anything, this issue points to the integrity - or lack thereof - of Huizar's staff.
Who is this Joe Avila anyway? Why would he advise Jose to put his reputation over the safety of our children. Does Tony Ricasa still work for Huizar?
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen (tips hat): This announcement is for crew only.
Заседание сегодня вечером в Astro гражданина от изготовителя стрелки 8:00pm, вокруг грозы к besprechent.
Until then lads.
Cap --
Alvin is going to need something bigger then this article. Where's the big bombshell he's been saying he has? People are waiting and the longer Alvin waits Jose will start the mailers Parke who is notorious for putting out filled with lies. Maybe it was just talk from the Alvin camp. Now's the time to drop that bomb if you have one. Alvin can now use the fact that Jose Huizar didn't care enough for the issues of the city or his constituents not to show up on time to a city council meeting. Now that's baaaaaaaadddddddddddddd
Alvin still has time there is no need to hurray again there is still plenty of time he likes to keep Huizar taking those sleeping pills at night! He just cant sleep!
What's gonna happen at 8pm?
Заседание сегодня вечером в Astro гражданина от изготовителя стрелки 8:00pm, вокруг грозы к besprechent.
Session tonight in Astro the citizen from the manufacturer of an arrow 8:00pm, around of a thunder-storm to be there.
To a voter this does matter.
Who left Huizar's office?
Why does Huizar's scheduler get a city car?
So she can pick up his laundry.
I wonder if Jose Huizar haa a chauffeur, and why? And if so, who pays for it? He probably doesn't, because that would be a joke. Stop feeding me these outrageous stories after you know the 40s have flown.
He doesn't call him a chauffeur, that isn't an appropiate council office job title. But he did hire someone to drive him around, instead of hiring much needed field staff. Just another touch of that Ivy League arrogance.
will somebody post the building and safety documents that clearly show huizar's signature as owner when the owner's printed name is clearly different. or must we wait for the la weekly to do that?
what about the toxic waste jose didn't stop. does gloria molina know about this?
Matt you are an idiot. All you do is whine like a girl. Poor me poor me everyone's picking on me. Please make them stop. Grow up!! You and Mike Hunt are losers. At least Zuma researches and makes great arguments on the issues. You don't have a brain to think and post crap you know nothing about.
Come home from work and community meetings and what does one find on Mayor Sam ? That HUIZZY HUIZAR has attempted to cover up a case of child endangerment/abduction. Mr. Huizar should know about "MANDATED REPORTING LAWS" from his days with LAUSD. Further, if staff and their families are being forced to work in a unsafe environment, Then he or she staffer better head to the closest EEOC office. I did read the post of the supposed ex-staffer. We must all remember that in cases of alledge child abuse, confidentiality is paramount. We do not want to take advantage of a child's situation for political gain. Let the system work the process. I for one have been involve in a case where a past employee of mine was tried and convicted for molesting and murdering a child. That person deserves what is coming. If Mr. Huizar was attempting to cover up this incident, then that will weigh heavy on his fitness for re-election.
Good evening ladies and gentlemen (winks):
What happened at 8:00pm? Just a couple of blokes who got together for some spirits and discussion about the tempest in CD14 and more importantly, if you will, using the compass that does not point north to ascertain the movement and velocity of said tempest. The bard wanted to sing a little ditty about the velocity of a tempest, but was unable to find a suitable word that rhymes with "diamonds" (i.e., "the poor bastard is so undone that he's sh*tting diamonds").
In plain English (for Mr. Dogg's benefit), we wanted to make sure we will plot a course that allows us to avoid the third shoe, when it drops, savvy?
(Yawns) Must turn in now. Have an early morning flight back to the US from Cabo and need my beauty sleep.
Sweet dreams of pink bismuth to those who need them.
Jose has someone to drive him around so that he can concentrate on phone calls to him from Fabian. Saw it happen, and I'm a taxpayer not a staffer.
Just read that article on Huizar. As I sit here at this Starbucks, set to go to work at City Hall, it amazes me how callous and self centered all these politicians are. What amazes me even more is that with a simple smile these flawed individuals get away with practically murder. It is discouraging to see how our voting citizens are so easily fooled. What did this guy do with those pictures? And why did it take a staffer to find out that carrying a camera was a violation of his probation? Isn't that why we have highly trained polic officers? I can never look upon Jose the same way again - shame on him and on Joe Avila!
8:50 I could ask Parra, but the buck stops with Huizar. Every and all actions undertaken by his office are the responsibility of the office holder - unless you're Dick Cheney, poor Scooter!
Huizar was president of the school board, for pete's sake. If any of his LAUSD teachers or even a school janitor acted the way he did - they would be up on criminal charges - keeping "yourself out of it" is against the law!
This is starting to snow ball - Parke Skelton, how are you at making snowmen?
8:50 Reguardless if he wants to be a write in candidate or not the right man for this jod has always been NICK PACHECO!
If these ex-staffers were smart they would file a complaint with the EEOC that Jose created a hostile work environment which is against the law. I'm sure there were some young ladies who were sexually harrassed as the rumor mill says.
ADD Antonio sure got bad press not the kind his handlers expected n LAUSD plan. He is becoming worst then Britney Spears out of control and no one can tell him or stop him from his own failures. Everyone's afraid to tell him the truth.
Write in for Nick Pacheco!
Write in for Nick Pacheco!
Write in for Nick Pacheco!
Write in for Nick Pacheco!
Write in for Nick Pacheco!
Write in for Nick Pacheco!
Write in for Nick Pacheco!
Write in for Nick Pacheco!
Write in for Nick Pacheco!
Write in for Nick Pacheco!
Write in for Nick Pacheco!
Write in for Nick Pacheco!
Write in for Nick Pacheco!
Write in for Nick Pacheco!
9:48 NO! not alvin, I said ASK Officer Morales! He has a sworn duty to protect and serve. Where was Alvin? Didn't he report this to Officer Morales? If no, why didn't he report it?
This is why I say, in my book HUIZAR,PARRA,RICASA,MORALES...ARE GUILTY.
""""8:50 I could ask Parra, but the buck stops with Huizar. Every and all actions undertaken by his office are the responsibility of the office holder - unless you're Dick Cheney, poor Scooter!""""
Why under the same command was Amy Yeager able to perform and you failed? Why Mr. Parra?
Did you do something about the child molestor, if you feel this strongly about it now? Did you take any action against him in the past? Did you take sufficient action or any action?
Maybe it was because Amy Yeager dealt with voter rich Mount Washington and not Boyle Heights or El Sereno. If the area you're responsible is able to get some reall ass kissing from the Councilman - the job is that much easier. Nick got criticized for doing this. Only diffrence is that Nick was doin git for Boyle Heights - a community with some real needs.
$20,000 reeward for taggers in Mount Washington while gang violence sky rockets in El Sereno and Boyle Heights - what bullshit.
Poster writes: "Did you do something about the child molestor, if you feel this strongly about it now? Did you take any action against him in the past? Did you take sufficient action or any action?"
Is Alvin the Councilman? From the article it seems as if staff did take it upon themselves. It was a staff person who discovered that Henry Lugo in possession of a camera was a violation of his parole. Huizar didn't do this - he told staff -"just keep my name out of it." What a moran! I wonder how many pictures Henry Lugo took of Huizar's little girls.
Hugo Garcia, NCLA32 Presidente de El Sereno, Mexico announced is a write-in CD14 Candidate.
Asta la Vista Babi
Hey Captain Jack, if there were a child molester messing with the kids of your crew, and your crew told you, what would you do?
Question? Why didn't the crew call 911 and report it to police? Councilman is not a GOD or POLICE so don't treat him like one. Why didn't crew call 911? Or for that matter, one of the crew's BFF's who happens to be a cop?
I will order the police report
12:13 Oh Bloody Hell!! There goes the neighborhood.
Obviously you've never worked for a council office. If you valued your job, future political aspirations and pubic service career - then yes, you would treat the councilman like a god. That is why we have Mike Hernandezes and Richard Alatorres adn Richard Polancos - they surround themselves with YES men and women. If you disagree - you must go. And that is what 9 staffers did with Huizar.
The issue was at Huizar's desk and he passed it on - end of story!
12:48 End of Story???? I ask a simple question and you shut me up? Alvin, is this the way you're gonna run the office? Too Bad.
I'm not Alvin and I didn't shut you up - the way Huizar shut up his staff. Efren has a nice lawsuit on his hands.
End of story simply means that there is no way out of this mess for Huizar. But you can keep trying, we all know Parke pays you well to monitor this blog.
Efren Mamaril, didn't he run for council seat in 94?
Did he make a police report?
Alvin, Parke placed rat in your camp. He knows of your rat in Huizar's camp.
Good afternoon 12:17 (smiles kindly at 12:17):
I thank you for your question, and as I am lunching at the moment, would you care to join me? That way we can talk without getting interrupted.
To begin, nobody on the crew has children, but they do have nieces, nephews and the occasional god-child. But let's say that they did have children, if you will, for the sake of the argument. For a crew member to come to the captain with a question or concern, that crew member must have some modicum of faith in the captain. And the captain must act in such a way to inspire that faith and confidence, savvy?
If one of my crew came to me and told me the following, "Say Captain, me and the crew was talking, you see, and it's come to our attention that there is someone on board who is acting a little in taking an un-natural fancy to small children sort of strange...and we thought if we told about it, being the captain and all, you would do something about it."
My response would be "Well, you appear to be sober so that's a good start. Who is this person and what small children have had their fancies taken?"
And then the crew would say "Well, 'im's right over there taking the bard's son's photo and now im's taking the bard's son off the ship."
My response would be "Surround him immediately, secure the bard's son and return the lad to the bard. After the bard's son has been removed from, if you will, 'im, then shackle him and put him below in the galley near to where the butcher knives are kept so the cook can keep an eye on him at all times. Then set a course for the nearest port and when we arrive, inform me immediately so that I can dispatch one of the crew to summon the local constabulary. And if anyone in the constable's office should question you, tell them that Captain Jack Sparrow sent you and that it was his idea that someone from the constable's office come immediately to the ship to make sure the alleged pervert is removed from the ship and taken to the local magistrate for judging. And if they hurry they might be able to apprehend two for the price of one; one notorious pirate and one potential pervert."
(Smiles at 12:17) When one is chosen to be Captain, one must understand that being Captain also means putting their name to any number of uncomfortable situations. And when those situations arise, the Captain must always act in the best interests of the crew and passengers before acting in one's own interests. (Sighs) That is why I returned to the Black Pearl in the most recent movie, only to be swallowed by the beastie, savvy?
As I see it, this is not a question of disgruntled crew member vs. captain. Not at all, but instead a much deeper question of whether or not captain or crew member is fit to command. Methinks the tempest will determine who, if any, that is, savvy?
By your leave, 12:17.
And say what in the police report, that Jose Huizar had given this guy permission to take photos at this event?
Gotta make your boss look good - that is your job. Exposing his sexual predator enabling capabilities is not the way to go.
Plus, as the story goes, Efren stopped this man from taking his kid - he found out afterwards that he was a convicted child molester. After this information was brought forth to the councilman, he dismissed it fearing that it would reflect badly on him.
Can anyone confirm a rumor I just heard? Two of Huizar's departed staff have retained an attorney to represent them in litigation against Huisar and the City for failure to maintain a safe work environment.
4:10 Alvin Parra
i can confirm that alvin is full of shit. just another twisted story created by alvin. alvin's wife must be even dumber than him, i cant understand why she has stayed with his dumbass.
Mayor Villaraigosa's Plan B From the Past
A few days ago, I read the entire text of Mayor Villaraigosa’s “The Schoolhouse: A Framework to Give Every Child in LAUSD an Excellent Education,”
While I agree that the “six pillars” outlined in the plan contain many common-sense elements essential to good schools, I must admit a sense of deja-vu, after teaching in the district so long and hearing the major tenets of this over and over as policy goals from literally every stakeholding entity involved with public education. But like a Roman ruin, pillars alone don’t make a building, or a schoolhouse for that matter. Times change.
The plan would have been excellent 20 years ago, but it still treats a ‘career’ as a life-long job that you go do after finishing school- this is certainly not the state of the workforce today. We need graduates skilled and prepared for life-long learning in an ever-changing job market and technological world. What these “pillars” support should be schools that are new and innovative enough to prepare learners for the challenges of the 21st Century.
I’ve also searched the document and found important terms like motivation, student choice, dropouts, and No Child Left Behind conspicuously missing from the text.
So let’s just say for the sake of getting to bed on time tonight, that the pillars are good, solid ones. Here are my suggestions for a proper roof and walls in 2007;
-Ensure the curriculum that we have “high expectations” for is modern, meaningful, and most importantly, motivating, to the learners.
-Create schools that are not only clean and safe, but genuinely sustainable, non-polluting green spaces that involve students, teachers, and community in their operations.
-Truly empower teachers and administrators by working to remove the shackles of incessant testing, “one size fits all” curriculum, and the threats of the No Child Left Behind Act.
-Encourage business and industry to embrace a “school in the workplace” model that will employ and train students on the job.
-Open a public dialog on the mandate that every student must take a program to enter a four-year university.
-Provide a computer for every student in the district to bridge the “digital divide” between our richest and poorest students.
Oh, and yes- how about trying to fix the gang problem from the inside but throwing out some of the obsolete and wasteful curriculum and requiring -yes REQUIRING- character education in our schools- why didn't he think of that?
Louis Pugliese
LAUSD Board Candidate, District 3
OK Louise. You got my vote.
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