Police Say Gang Members Shot Nine-Year-Old Girl In Self-Defense
The two men, who were arrested and then released, apparently weren't aiming for her, but instead at rivals who pulled up in front of their apartment complex and brandished weapons.
Look, we don't need a nine-inch report, or a "Gang Czar," or coordination between the Family Department and the Sanitation Department. We need this: many more police out on the streets, making them safe, deterring crime by their presence and numbers. Can we please START by trying the simple, obvious solution? Can we have a SURGE of police to make the streets of L.A. safe?
Here's the story in the L.A. Times, so you can read it and weep for that poor little girl whose only crime was to live in a city where the elected officials spend more time trying to get their pictures taken than they spend trying to keep children out of graves: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-selfdefense17jan17,0,7648311.story?coll=la-home-headlines .
Look, we don't need a nine-inch report, or a "Gang Czar," or coordination between the Family Department and the Sanitation Department. We need this: many more police out on the streets, making them safe, deterring crime by their presence and numbers. Can we please START by trying the simple, obvious solution? Can we have a SURGE of police to make the streets of L.A. safe?
Here's the story in the L.A. Times, so you can read it and weep for that poor little girl whose only crime was to live in a city where the elected officials spend more time trying to get their pictures taken than they spend trying to keep children out of graves: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-selfdefense17jan17,0,7648311.story?coll=la-home-headlines .
hey walter, ur wayyy off on this one. if I was OJ, I'd wait till the cops drove around the corner before I committed the crime...oh wait, you've got cops on every corner, every alley, every park,....I don't think so.
Job 1 :seal the border
#2 deport 'illegal' criminals direct from jail
#3 address affordable housing , young kids forced to live cramped with brothers and sisters in one room, sure they're gonna bust out on the street. Dad's still at work, Mom works a late job to make extra cash cause the rent's so high. Dad already commutes an hour cause he works in santa monica but lives in the valley. its all time AWAY from your kids and family, who are unsupervised during critical periods (after school).
we need to address the source of these problems. don't just throw cops at everything, that just makes lawsuits and plz don't make me prove that
If you know anything about me -- not that you should -- then you know I strongly support sealing the border and deporting all illegal aliens. (Doing so, by the way, would reduce the cost of housing by reducing demand for same.)
As for your attempt to attribute crime to population density and housing prices, no. Cities elsewhere have greater population density, higher prices, and nowhere near the number of murders we have here. Look at Paris, London, Mumbay -- you name it, you can't blame the violence on density and prices.
If you want to reduce crime, start by hiring more people whose job description is "fight crime." Hire more police.
Walter you didn't include the most important fact in your posting.
Its the city attorney who dropped all charges against the two suspects not LAPD. There wasn't enough evidence to hold them. Now they are going after the "shooter" who shot at the two guys who were arrested.
That fact may be important from your perspective, but not mine. I'm not faulting anyone for the release itself, because for all I know, it was indeed self-defense. Rather, I'm faulting the Mayor and Clowncil for failing to hire enough police, year after year after year, such that you're no safer in L.A. than in Bagdad.
Walter you are right on the money and tons of people couldn't agree with you more. Clowncil are sitting on their dumb asses while $2 billion is being wasted on gang violence yet now Hahn, Gruesome and Perry want to put another tax to get more money. The solution is simple. Support and give LAPD the overtime money they need to put more officers on the street. It doesn't take a brain scientist to know that when there were a lot more cops on the streets the gang violence wasn't this out of control. Thanks to Bitter Bernie 1,000 officers left and come this April another 300 are leaving because of retirement and the DROP program that let them stay a little longer.
call me cynical, but didn't we just win a case because it took 3 cops to arrest Michael Hunt for dropping birdseed out of his hand onto the boardwalk, oh, AND for illegal vending.
so I'm cynical, with good reason.
lets look at London etc: gun control
All those cities have wildly strict gun laws. thats the first reason.
but tell me, how do a thousand or a million more police stop someone shooting from one car to another at 3 am on a free way.
do we need a thousand more state troopers too?
listen, you can 'fight' crime, just like the never ending war on terror, or you can figure out a way to reduce and eliminate it from the source.
people are outlaws when the government creates a police state.
majority people want to take responsibility and do the right thing.
but throwing cops with guns against outlaws with guns, what do you expect? innocents will get shot.
unless the constitution is amended, the gun mentality will continue.
I don't know how long you've lived here MAtt but trust me having more officers on the street is a positive because when the criminals know there are more patrols studies have shown they are a deterent to crime. The criminals know there aren't enough officers to patrol 3.8 million people and there's more gang bangers then cops. Crime especially violent crimes goes down when those cowards see more black and whites in their neighborhoods.
A total Disgrace!@!@
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