Former LA Police Chief Warns of Discipline Problems At LAPD (Word!)
Former LAPD Chief (now L.A. Councilmember) Bernard Parks sends David Hirsh to the Police Commission to express concern over "not heeding the various warnings of the Chief's office and others, in regards to the discipline problem at LAPD.
And now that Zuma Dogg has suffered physical damage at the hands of LAPD inside Los Angeles City Hall Council Chambers, after numerous complaints against one rouge City Hall LAPD cop, maybe people need to look at this video. (Yes, Zuma Dogg arrested and suffered physical damage at 11-15-06 Los Angeles City Council meeting while seated quietly. FIRST AMENDMENT CRACK DOWN AND LAPD (ROUGE COP) CRACK DOWN ON ZUMA DOGG, himself!)
UPDATE: URGENT CARE DOCTOR EXAMINES ZD AND SAYS, "Zuma, you have a contusion and soft tissue damage." Unfortunatley, I may have to miss Friday's City Council meeting because now, I have to see another doctor over this police brutality suffered during this bogus, unconstitutional arrest.
And now that Zuma Dogg has suffered physical damage at the hands of LAPD inside Los Angeles City Hall Council Chambers, after numerous complaints against one rouge City Hall LAPD cop, maybe people need to look at this video. (Yes, Zuma Dogg arrested and suffered physical damage at 11-15-06 Los Angeles City Council meeting while seated quietly. FIRST AMENDMENT CRACK DOWN AND LAPD (ROUGE COP) CRACK DOWN ON ZUMA DOGG, himself!)
UPDATE: URGENT CARE DOCTOR EXAMINES ZD AND SAYS, "Zuma, you have a contusion and soft tissue damage." Unfortunatley, I may have to miss Friday's City Council meeting because now, I have to see another doctor over this police brutality suffered during this bogus, unconstitutional arrest.
It's about time someone kicked the dogg. That's an ass whoopin that has been a long time coming.
So are you saying that the rogue wears rouge!?
That loud mouth finally got what he had coming!
Crybabies to Zuma, Matt and Michael. People that go to city council have said YOU are disrespectful, act as if YOU guys own the damn place walking around talking and disrupting anyone speaking so yes, its about time they kicked your butt. Now Parks is the last damn person to be speaking on discipline. Zuma get your facts straight. David Hirsh is an attorney not CHIEF for Bitter Bernie. Parks should have been concerned about his cops during Rampart but he knew the ring leaders so he kept quiet. His little girl hung out with Raphael Perez. Don't start jumping on the bandwagon. Parks should take care of those special event waivers wasting millions on corporate crap.
You can say I needed an "ass whooping for a long time" and it's funny and everything, but for real:
I hope any serious person doesn't support using excessive police force arresting a public speakers inside City Council chambers while seated quietly. (You can't arrest someone for cumulative annoyance/envelope pushing within the confines of the law.)
Hate me all you want, but I've only used words, not violence or excessive force to make my point.
I'm telling you LA City Council is turning chambers into a "police state", where CC thinks they cant run amuck of the first amendment and enforce any made up rules in an attempt to prevent me from speaking out about things like tenants rights/relocation fees, affordable housing requirements in the false condo-conversion crisis. (Vacancy rates are way to low for all this), Prop. R & H, Special Event Fee Waivers, LAUSD AB 1381 problems, and everything else I've spoken out against.
So THAT guy is the first guy this new "no warning, no leaving for the day, simply an instant arrest" policy...Not because I was singing and dancing, not because I was shouting during someone else's comment, not because I wouldn't leave the podium, not because I was using profane language...but while I was seated, NOT shouting.
Sorry Prop. H lost, and you are being forced to start enforcing tenant rights laws, that have been uneforced since 1981.
And finally, if you don't think LA City Council, under Eric Garcetti, has become a police state with a rouge cop causing physical damage to speakers during a civil arrest procedure...While sitting in my seat, reading the Daily News front page article on the Ethics Commission declaring Prop. R "a bill of goods that actually weakened Ethics Reform...LAPD approached me, ask me, "Can I see you back here Zuma Dogg?" (Then I follow him to back of chambers, where he tells me, "Eric wants you to put the newspaper down because it's causing a disruption." (Since when is reading the fucking newspaper a "disruption"?) Under Eric Garcetti and L.A. City Council's "Free Speech Moritorium" it is. But not according to the U.S. Court system, you wouldn't think, would you?
Sorry the goofball from Venice Beach's words are too much for you to handle, City Coucil, so you have to resort to excessive police force, under the guise of a bogus arrest. It would be a whole lot easier for you to win in the debate of public opinion on these agenda items if you just tried representing the people in an ethical manner. The truth will set you free and you will become blessed, enriched and enlightment.
I wonder which Councilman's phone records would show calls to Parker Center yesterday to have Mr. Dogg's paperwork magically get lost in the shuffle? Too bad someone bailed his ass out before he was transfered to County.
Zuma its your, Matt and Michael's immaturity that's getting to people cause we see it on tv. There are two sides to every story just like that video they've been playing. Funny they're not showing all of it just like your video. You guys act like a bunch of teenagers. Maybe people would take you more seriously if you acted like grown men instead of crybabies. Look at Candeillo or whatever his name is. He's there as much as you guys but he's mature. Look at the Neighborhood Council old timer I think from Hollywood. Very mature and just speaks his mind. BUT you Matt and Michael walk up and down the middle aisle, move into camera range, laughing, joking, waving, etc. and you look like teenagers on a field trip. You've lost your crediability with many. Zuma you are intelligent and state some great opinions. But when you start acting like a moron I change the channel. I noticed when you're not with Matt and Michael you much more mature and focused.
Hey, ZD, I hope you are going to file a lawsuit. It's not dog food, but it ought to get you a couple of million - particularly cause it was all on tape, was it not? Maybe Walter Moore can represent you pro-bono. You can give him a piece of the settlement.
zumma dog joe from the mean streets of east L.A. has got your back!!!!!!!!!!!!! call me it's time for a recall!!!!!! TRUCHA!!!!!!!!!! you mother F$#kERS
I got your back ZD, these mark a$$ tricks dont want none. Freedom of speech a$$holes, have you all forgot?
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