Now That There Is New Info Regarding 2.7 Million "Dogg Food" Settlement, ZD Needs To File A "Writ of Prohibition"
As most of you now know from Mayor Sam's blog and Los Angeles AM talk radio, last Wednesday City Council decided to settle a lawsuit out of court (for $2.7 million)regarding the L.A. fireman who ate a little dogg food, mixed in with his spaghetti, during a dumbass fire station prank.
Councilmember Bernie Parks called into a radio station to defend Council's decision saying when the guy shows up with a slick attorney claiming racial injustices, they didn't want to risk losing many millions more at the decision of a sympathetic Los Angeles jury.
Only problem is, since the vote on Wed., new pictures have surfaced, that Council was not aware of, and I'm sure if they had this additional background information and accompanying photo (or photos), they may have voted against the settlement and challenged it in court.
The photos show the same fireman, who sued for $2.7 million of taxpayer dollars because his associates mixed some dogg food in with his spaghetti (and he claims is a racial injustice) strapping in and holding down another fireman (previous of the dogg food incident) while the plaintiff "shaved the (certain special area) of the guy. THAT GUY SHOULD GET $27 MILLION FOR HAVING HIS "SPECIAL AREA" SHAVED AT THE HANDS OF THE GUY WHO JUST GOT $2.7 MILLION.
So, Zuma Dogg has spoken with a high-powered law firm that will be filing a "writ of prohibition" to put an end to this type of "civil extortion". Maybe it will backfire and the City will end up paying more money, this time, but maybe if people know you are going to have to actually take it to a court challenge, you'll shake out the people who are trying to shake down the City, and leave the money for the actual misjustices on behest of the City.
Watch City TV 35 and Mayor Sam's blog for updates on this "Writ of Prohibition" that will force this matter into the Attorney General's hands for further review and put an injunction on the payment to the plaintiff.
Zuma Dogg for Los Angeles City Council
Councilmember Bernie Parks called into a radio station to defend Council's decision saying when the guy shows up with a slick attorney claiming racial injustices, they didn't want to risk losing many millions more at the decision of a sympathetic Los Angeles jury.
Only problem is, since the vote on Wed., new pictures have surfaced, that Council was not aware of, and I'm sure if they had this additional background information and accompanying photo (or photos), they may have voted against the settlement and challenged it in court.
The photos show the same fireman, who sued for $2.7 million of taxpayer dollars because his associates mixed some dogg food in with his spaghetti (and he claims is a racial injustice) strapping in and holding down another fireman (previous of the dogg food incident) while the plaintiff "shaved the (certain special area) of the guy. THAT GUY SHOULD GET $27 MILLION FOR HAVING HIS "SPECIAL AREA" SHAVED AT THE HANDS OF THE GUY WHO JUST GOT $2.7 MILLION.
So, Zuma Dogg has spoken with a high-powered law firm that will be filing a "writ of prohibition" to put an end to this type of "civil extortion". Maybe it will backfire and the City will end up paying more money, this time, but maybe if people know you are going to have to actually take it to a court challenge, you'll shake out the people who are trying to shake down the City, and leave the money for the actual misjustices on behest of the City.
Watch City TV 35 and Mayor Sam's blog for updates on this "Writ of Prohibition" that will force this matter into the Attorney General's hands for further review and put an injunction on the payment to the plaintiff.
Zuma Dogg for Los Angeles City Council
We can thank John & Ken of KFI for those photos. Zuma bring that subject up in council tomorrow. Parks has his damn nerve. Because of him the city has paid out millions and millions because of the Rampart scandal. These clowncil members gave Devin Brown's mom $1.5 million and continue to payoff suspects families instead of having the leadership to stand their ground. Its no wonder AM talk show hosts continue to make fun of them.
You go Dogg. Do what you can to stop this nonsense and save us $2.7 million.
What will happen now that this decision has been made? Rocky's office did not do it's due diligence regarding this case. And we must ask ourselves how many other cases were settled without the smell test done. Cases the city council members have rubber stamped, like this one they voted to settle, when there was evidence showing this firefighter was apart of hazing others on the job too. Yes, there is costs to fighting these lawsuits, but we have the lawyers already on the payroll. We shouldn't have to hire other law firms, if they are not good enough, then they shouldn't be working in the city attorneys office. It's our money these idiots, the council and city attorneys, are to quick to give away. Dollars that could have gone for programs to help our communities are going to settle ridiculous cases. And if we would have fought it, it would have gone away, because they knew all his antics would have been made public. It had nothing to do with race, it had to do with inept council. His nick name was big dog, what did he think a prank on him would be if he nicked named himself that?
Think about it, we have a battery of city attorneys and we are giving millions of dollars away because they are not fighting them. And so 2.7 million goes to someone who ate two bites of dog food. What's next? Has our city become the lottery for workers?
It's time to make our employees work and protect our interests. It's up to us to recall those who are not doing their job!
Today our city council had the opportunity to quash this agreement, and several of the members voted to let it stand because they just want to move it failed. It's a sad day for us...we are the losers. They still get their pay, and now our taxes go up because they are too lazy to do their job.
>>Councilmember Bernie Parks called into a radio station to defend Council's decision saying when the guy shows up with a slick attorney claiming racial injustices, they didn't want to risk losing many millions more at the decision of a sympathetic Los Angeles jury.
Parks, Rosendahl and other councilmembers needs to show some nerve (and common sense) on these things. $2.7 million? Don't they have any confidence in the city attorney? Do they really think a jury would award would amount to substantially more than this?
How many officers could we have hired for $2.7 million? How many streets could we have paved or sidewalks fixed?
Send dog food to your councilmember to show them your disgust.
The LAFD has many more lawsuits pending.
Whether they have merit or not, all of them are the consequences of Chief Bamattre's failed leadership and Chief Andy Fox's defective disciplinary system.
Rueda and Mack are also cited as problems.
The Mayor and City Council are responsible too now, since they continue to allow these poor leaders to stay in command.
The morale of the rank and file at the LAFD is at its lowest.
In the meantime, it is inevitable that this story will only get bigger -- and worse.
Bombard cowardly Clowncilmembers Parks, Perry, Weiss, Wesson, Hahn and LaBonge with phone calls for voting against reconsideration of the $2.7 million bogus settlement!
It's ridiculous that the city pays out millions to individuals who have for many years participated in "pranks" and similar acts that were harmless. Did this guy really "suffer"...I think not. The city had DEEP pockets and everyone knows it and it's because of the irresponsible council members who sit behind their desks thinking they know what reality is. What a joke. This guy, the female captain and the others who recently got settlements just robbed the city bllind. They all have been involved in pranks worse than those that got them their money. Especially the firefighter who claimed sexual harrassment by another male captain. that guy was a joke!
Under the corrupt leadership of Chief Bamattre the rank and file has lost respect for its leaders.
Leaders who don't follow the department's rules, leads to members who don't follow the rules.
Bamattre, you've been a horrible example. Look at the results.
As a 28 year firefighter who has been on the receiving end of "Firehouse Pranks" I have a thought. Let's all come togather and file our class action in the Billions. So for every firefighter who has a picture of the hazing they get double the money and for those of us who only have stories we get our share. Just like those investagators who watch those who have gone out on disability pentions. This low life should be watched so when he goes on Fear Factor and eats pig rectum he has to forfit his settlement. I think he is a punk and should hand over the monies to the families who son were killed in the line of duty. They have met with the ultmate hazing
I can't help but think that this guy is sitting in his living room laughing as he has pulled off the ultmate prank on the City what a perfect way for a loser to end a career.
The calls for the resignation of Chief Bamattre and Chiefs Fox and Rueda are getting louder and LOUDER and LOUUUUUDDEEEEEEEER.
It's YOUR turn Mayor.
Maybe the NAACP can convince the Mayor to rid the LAFD of:
joe from east la says send zuma dogg cash for legal defense fund!!!!!! zuma dogg goes to court dec,12,2006 zuma dogg needs to pay for a lawer!!!! 911 go to web site zuma i.e. zuma dog pay pal account!!!!!!!!
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