This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Where were you when the world stopped turning on that fateful Tuesday morning 5 years ago?
Today I am asking that we put down our keyboards for a moment and reflect. Remember the nearly 3,000 people killed that morning and those left behind to carry on.
Remember how, for one brief moment in our history, there was no black, no white, no Mexican… just Americans united.
So use this thread to reflect upon where you were when the world stopped turning. What did you think? How did you feel? How have the events of 9/11 changed your life or those around you? What have we learned? But most of all, just take the time to REMEMBER.
A remembrance ceremony for the 343 New York City firefighters killed in the collapse of the Twin Towers will begin at 10 a.m. Monday at the Los Angeles Fire Department's Frank Hotchkin Memorial Training Center in Elysian Park, 1700 Stadium Way.
The Hollywood/Los Angeles Beautification Team and Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa will honor Los Angeles police and firefighters and other first responders, 1 p.m. Monday at The Grove reflecting pond, Third Street and Fairfax Ave., Hollywood.
A 1.8-mile Freedom Walk will begin at 5 p.m. Monday at the Reagan Presidential Library, 40 Presidential Drive, Simi Valley,
"At Dusk ... New Dawn," will be held 6-8:30 p.m. Monday at the city's 9-11 memorial at North Hollywood Park, 5301 Tujunga Ave.
A candle-lighting ceremony and memorial will be held at 6:45 p.m. Monday at the Simon Wiesenthal Center's Museum of Tolerance, 9786 W. Pico Blvd. A screening of Oliver Stone's movie, "World Trade Center," will follow. The screening is free, but reservations are required. Call (310) 772-2529.
Posted by Councilman John @ 9/11/2006 12:15:00 AM
Anonymous said:
Woa CJ, You managed to transport me back to that morning. I actually started to cry.I was preparing for work that morning. Had just turned on the shower when the first plane hit. By the time I got out of the shower the second plane hit. I knew that our world was changed at that moment. At the time I worked for the Mayor who was in DC. I had viewed it as an attack on NY until the Pentagon got hit. Then my concern for the Mayor grew, that suddenly became my personal connection to the attacks.Shortly after we were told several planes may have been headed for LA. That later ended up being untrue but the feeling of anger and grief is one I still have today.I think we all do.
dgarzila said:
I was actually asleep when all of this happened or rather when it began. My neighbor knocked on my door to let me know what was going on. Being a hotel full of veterans this was a big deal for a lot of us. I walked over to his room and on his 32 inch tv we saw where the first plane had hit. And then we watched the second plane hit the towers. The only thing going through my mind was that whomever had done this deed was going to get it and whoever didn't do this deed was also going to get it , there was an attack on american soil and our government was going to unleash it's unrelenting, overhwelming killing ( I had been a part of this killing capacity in 1991 and had witnessed our abilities first hand) capacity to send a message. And sure enough our governemnt went blindly forth in Afghanistan , Iraq , and all over the place. The stoicism hit me first , you are trained that way. And then the next 4 weeks I cried almost everyday , knowing the human toll this one incident brought and would bring.
City of West Hollywood - 9-11 Memorial at the Veterans Memorial Park - Santa Monica Blvd. @ Holloway - 8:30amThis event will include a reading of all the names of fire fighters and police that lost their lives responding to the 9/11 attack on America.Refreshments will be served
I must be cold. I never cried once. For some reason I just considered it a tragedy and didn't feel worse about it than I did when the Oklahoma building was bombed or when Bush supposedly beat Gore.I was worried about Hahn. I wanted him to come back home immediately. I'm still proud that the reason he was there was because he had been elected "Mayor" by all the other mayors in the United States. I didn't work for him though. I just remembered when the Pentagon got hit, I got worried.I literally cried when Bush attacked Iraq though. I knew that was the wrong thing to do.I guess 9/11 pissed me off for a different reason than the rest of the country. The way the aftermath was handled.Know what else pisses me off? Being forced to listen to that song when I went to MS today. South Park made fun of it in a big way.Councilman John, do other tragedies in the country have such an effect on you? Didn't you always know that eventually we would get hit?
I remember working like a dog to get some documentation done for a real estate deal, and the law firm I worked for was the bank's counsel. I remember going to bed early that night because I was so tired.On Wednesday when I went back to work, the sobering reality was that a member of the bank's in-house legal team that was supposed to come out for the signing of all the documents had been on one of the Boston area planes that went into the World Trade Center. That evening, I was on the Red Line heading to Union Station to pick up my daughter from daycare. There was a man who was obviously a Sikh (wearing a turban) standing on the platform, waiting for the train. Several men in their early 20's decided to hassle this man. I went and stood next to him thinking that if these guys wanted to hassle a fellow American citizen, then they could take me on too. They declined to do so.For the next few months, that man would come and stand with me and wait for the subway. Nobody else would stand near him. Except for me. I would stand with him. He thanked me for being what everybody thinks America is all about; standing up and doing the right thing for your fellow man even if it means looking into the face of opposition with a firm and steady resolve.Have we forgotten how to stand with one another? I hope not. After reading about the antics of our City Council, I would think we would need to stand up and stand together even more.
Jim Alger said:
For me it was very personal. Being from New York, knowing people lost in the towers, and seeing the destruction first hand was frankly more than I ever thought I could take. The words to that song "did you feel guilty 'cause you're a survivor"... yes. I think that many of us did. Not that we survived the collapse, I wasn't there for that, but that we were helpless to save anyone.I am still haunted by the smell of burning jet fuel, the pile of rubble that could only be described as the depths of hell itself, Marines on Broadway... it was very surreal. As time goes on it becomes a little easier, but just this last may another family member passed from injuries suffered on that day.9/11 was the event that got me directly involved in the world of politics. It definitely changed my life forever. In reality it changed all of our lives whether we know it or not. As for the aftermath, yes. I have nothing but anger for those who used the attacks to justify their political agenda. It was the precise reason I fought the DWP rate hike... they tried to use 9/11 as a justification calling it "security needs."As was mentioned, after 9/11 their were American Flags everywhere, there was unity... we seem to have lost that. How sad that it takes the deaths of 3,000 people to make us realise what really matters. Hopefully we will not make the same mistakes again.
Democrats need to take back the flag!
Not that the Dems would be much better, but the fact that GWB still allows porous borders for his crass economic and political interests -- gambling with our safety and security -- five years after 9/11 is unbelievable.
Except that the border would not have stopped 9/11 but your point is well taken.I was actually in DC when this all went down so my experience was similar to Jim's. Seeing some of the damage first hand. Pure panic mixed with anger. It was like watching a movie. Knowing what happened in NY and then we got hit. Then the towers fell. It was unbelievable. IN DC there were Secret Service and military everywhere, we didn't know exactly what to do.Then they shut down airspace and we were trapped for a few days. When I finally got to LA I have never held my kids so tight. Ever.
Alger you fought DWP because you wanted to see your name in the paper. How about we keep this post clean in the memory of the first responders and innocent people who died in this attack.
I remember this day very well. I had a hard night sleeping and woke up very and turned on KTLA. I remember the news broke about a fire in one of the towers. I continued to watch the news and a few minutes later saw the second plane crash into the towers. Shaken, I called my mother, waking her up, and told her to turn on the news. I told her what had happened and then asked her who we knew who worked at the World Trade Center. She didn't immediately recall, but in a flash my mind went to my godfather, who worked in Tower 1. After speaking with her a while longer, I hung up and continued to get ready for work. Then the other reports started coming in, other planes, the Pentagon--felt like the world was closing in on itself. I saw the first tower fall on television. I heard about family friends being at the Pentagon when the plane hit. I worried, wondering if my godfather had made it out of Tower 1.Worried what else might happen. I watched televsion all day and well into the night.My entire family and I are from New York City, and we had many friends and family who lived there during this terrible day. My godfather made it out alive that day, but many others did not. The true tragedy of that day is that it seems several Americans have again become apathetic and unsensitive since 9/11. They continue their lives thinking it won't happen again and for those of us who do carry this day in our souls they say we need to "get over it". I'll never get over what happened on 9/11.I hope everyone can put politics aside for one day and remember how you felt on September 11. Remember how we all came together as a nation to stand strong and help one another. Remember that there are those who lost loved ones because of this day's terror and they will never get over that loss. Regardless of party lines, remeber there are men and women out there defending and protecting this country every day, with their very lives. Remember and never forget.
Hang an American flag up tomorrow. Let's show these terrorist that American still remembers and is united.
Liberals cheered with joy for suppressed nations.
The uncanny feeling that came over me that awful morning was eery. As soon as I knew that it was an airplane that made the first hit, I got squirrels in my stomach and fear coursed through me. Where were the fighter jets? Why weren't they circling the towers?Then the second plane hit! For an instant, 100% of me knew that at the least, it was being allowed to happen. The Bush Administration had planned it or were allowing it to happen. I decided to call my ex-SAC brother-in-law even though we didn't get on too well. I knew he would confirm that there should have been fighter jets in the air well before the first airliner hit. But before long, my psyche would not allow my rational mind to accept this premise. A battle ensued and disbelief won over rationality about 80% - 20%.It wasn't until about 18 months ago, that I began to do some reading and research. I think the raw horror of that day had subsided enough that I could finally take a look at what had really happened - at that nagging little 20%.Today, as a result of that research, I am absolutely sure that those around George W. Bush were involved in bringing this off - including setting demolition charges some time before the attack.George behaved that day like such a dufus, I am not sure if they kept him out of the action and the details so he'd look like a "deer in the headlights" while he sat comotose in front of those school children and read "My Pet Goat" or if he actually was in on the planning, but I do know that it was done through his people, to us, and it was a long time in the making.So, I look upon tomorrow as a time to sooth my blood pressure by taking action and speaking up, but not until I do exercises to forgive them - for my sake - not theirs.
We share the same feelings then. I know the administration was involved at some level.It all sounds good to suggest we forget partisan politics but for logical brains, it's not possible. Maybe those of us who know nobody in NY, nor have ever even been there, it simply doesn't hit us as hard unless we are strong Dems.I heard it from Howard Stern on 97.1 and for a minute I couldn't believe him. I thought he must be joking although I knew deep down it was true. There was something haunting and sad in his voice that day. I was dropping my son off at the school bus and I bolted home and turned on the news.
7:19 pm Anon Can you fucking idiots NOT attack Jim or anyone else for ONE FUCKING DAY??? Is it even possible? Is he fucking your wife or what? Your god damned attacks on every move the guy makes is getting on my last fucking nerve. I don't even know Jim but I am good friends with his sister. Did you even know that Jim dug at that pile for over two weeks and lost friends and family that day. He doesn't talk about it much at all but he is 10 times the man your attacking anonymously ass will ever be.This thread was put up to REMEMBER not to attack someone, let alone apply motive to someones actions which you would have no way of knowing. Chickenshit asshole.
I agree Jeff. Some people... anywayI was one of those who slept through most of it. My fiance had already left for the day and I had gone back to bed. When I woke up at 9am I just stood there and stared at the TV in utter disbelief.It was only the next afternoon when I found out my sister in-law was on one of the planes. It has been hard on all of us. Each year seems to bring us closer to healing but it is still extremely hard as the anniversary approaches.We should all remember how we pulled together after that day and also remember that tomorrow will not come for each of us one day. Remember that when you kiss your kids goodbye in the morning that so did 3,000 people on 9/11. In other words make it count, you may not get the chance to say good bye one day.
I was staffing a Senator that day in Sacramento so I had been up for an hour when the breaking news banner came up on CNN. I think I was one of those paranoid people who immediately knew this wasn't an accident. It was about 10 minutes or so later that my initial fear of an attack bore out. When the Pentagon was hit my immediate thought was continuity of government. It was evident that their was an attempt to decapitate our government and I had no idea what that meant for us on the state level. Also it seemed like it would never end. There were many false bombing claims, missing aircraft and so forth. Obviously later it became clear the attack was over in an hour but a few days later the Anthrax attacks started. Also being a reservist, I knew instantly that we would be called to fight. It sure did seem then that everything would change.It still does. Truth is that I really don't know how I feel about that.
PhilKrakover said:
The Democrats need to stop slamming the President in order to try to regain power; we are at war, and the thing that needs to be done is to back our President, who is President of all of us, and start helping the fight in this war on terrorists and murderers who want to convert us all to Islam, or kill us.We are all Americans, and it is time for all of us to start acting like it.
I woke up and turned on the television and within seconds watching a plane hit the second building. I stood in a state of shock and anger and saddness. I tuned into stern in the morning like usual. Except he was different this time. No schtick. Just Howard as a New Yorker....Howard who he actually is...very human. The next few evenings I saw something that I suppose will never get media attention. Something that really, a certain political element in the United States does want people to know about. And that is that Americans are all shapes sizes and colors. That just because someone is brown skinned....that they cannot be American and patriotic as anyone else. Lost in a all the immigration protests is that the majority of Latinos in the United States are America, fight in the military, and are as patriotic as anyone else. What I saw driving down Roscoe Bl to Sepulveda to Sherman Way to Woodman, were Americans of Latino descent standing on corners waving American flags and buring candles to honor the victims and heroes of the 9/11 tragedy. This isn't made up, it actually occured. But LA times has too many political self interests to report that Americans throughout Los Angeles made public where they stand and whom they support.
Alger have you no shame, of all days to engage in self promotion! Please, let's honor those who truly make a sacrifice everyday, our first responders and the members of our armed services.
How do we locate information city hall approved fee waivers?
To Sept 10, 11:24 p.m.What the hell?!?! Are you on crack or just plain stupid??!?! How DARE you make such remarks and assumptions especially about this terrible day! Its conspiracy idiots like you who would take such tragedy and turn it into something for your own benefit and political standing. Your absolute disregard, hate and stupidity won't ruin a day of remembrance for those of us who were personally rocked by September 11. Do us all a favor and keep such ridiculous and un-intelligent remarks to yourself. This blog is not the place for them.
This thread is for those who want to tell their story about where they were six years ago. For all of you political grand-standers, take a break for once and be human. Write something important for once and stop politicing. I personally don't want to hear it today, of all days.A New Yorker living in LA.
We should all be thanking our lucky stars that we have someone like Bratton who knows what the hell he's doing. LAX and other buildings in LA have been on the coward's #1 targets. Thanks to great police work we haven't been hit but we are still on edge knowing these cowards want to hit LA badly. There are many cells of these terrorists in LA don't think we're still safe. The documentary on Channel 2 with the firefighters really was emotional. They lost 300 of their brothers. Keep alert and keep an eye out for suspicious activity.
"Jeff Jacobs" is Jim Alger.
Its sad that even on this day, the CD12 boys have to take time to slam Jim Alger.Most of us on the fourth floor are finding the song to be rather old.
As we all sat in frozen horror watching the tragedy unfold on our 32" tv screens, I kept waiting and waiting for the President to appear on the screen to reassure us and help us understand what was happening. THIS NEVER HAPPENED!And then, the clips of Bush reading My Pet Goat to the school children, as the US was under attack, started filtering across the airwaves! He waited a full 7 minutes to walk out of the schoolroom and disappear into the clouds on AirForce 1....not to be seen until that nite!It was at that exact moment that I knew our country was doomed.For days, weeks, and months we watched with incredible sadness and grief as the powdery remains of 3000 human beings wafted through the air, and the walking wounded tried to escape the towering infernos.We lost our innocence that day and the US was laid bare and vulnerable to a future of terrorism.I still weep for the victims of 9/11. And the knowledge that it could happen again tommorow, has changed our lives forever. We will NEVER again be safe from the external forces who want to destroy us.
To Phil Krakover, 10:05 and 10:11:Phil, if we don't believe in the war or the president, why on Earth should we be forced to back him? Seriously. Because we're in a war? That's reason? Get real. We are in a needless war that we don't want and you cannot change our minds. I would have really liked to have heard your thoughts when Bill was getting head from Monica. How partisan were they? I am not backing a president who wants oil money and never got caught with the interns he slept with any more than you'll ever admit that the Republicans wasted over 40 million investigating the sex. They were bizarrely obsessed with it.To the posters telling us to stop posting our true feelings - fuck off.To those of you who are demanding we "keep on topic" and "share our stories" because you don't want to hear about politics today of all days -fuck off. If you don't want to read politics, don't come to a political blog. Especially don't come to a political blog and fight with those of you who don't agree with your name calling idiotic self.TURN OFF YOUR COMPUTER IF YOU DON'T WANT TO READ WHAT WE WRITE HERE.Bush SUCKS and more people have died in the Iraqi war than died in the damn attack and we've gotten nowhere.
And to all of the illegal immigration haters:Go take a look at the paper on the day they publish the names of the people who have died in Iraq.HernandezGutierrezRamirezRomanoPerezMadarasMercado-VelazquezPorrasValdepenas
11:16 am I couldn't agree more. 8:29 and 11:02 Alger WAS one of those responders. He just doesn't toot his own horn about it. Sad that you can't put your hatred for him aside for one day.Phil, are you serious? Don't question our leaders? Seriously, you're joking right?As for me, I was driving in Texas when they broke in with the attacks. I ended up driving into LA but besides my inconvenience the attack didn't hit me directly, It wasn't until Friday when everyone had their flags out that I finally cried. Looking back I still feel we lost something that day, something that defined this country.
"September 11, 2006 10:11 AM Anonymous said... This thread is for those who want to tell their story about where they were six years ago. For all of you political grand-standers, take a break for once and be human. Write something important for once and stop politicing. I personally don't want to hear it today, of all days.A New Yorker living in LA. "Who obviously couldn't care less and doesn't read the paper or you would know it is the FIFTH anniversary and not the "sixth". Given that you wrote it out it obviously wasn't a typo. Moron.
COUNCILMAN JOHN, GREAT POST !!!!!!"MEMORIES OF THE "LA ANTONIA TIMES" SEPTEMBER 12, 2001Scribes Rosenberg, Morrison, and Lopez bring shame to our city by their cowardly attacks on President Bush day after when all Americans were targeted with attack. The "AL LA ANTONIA TIMES" has been the fish wrap of record for those who would blame America first in this war against Islamic Fasism.
although i ain't ever sobbed over the 9/11 tragedy, i sure am cryin' over the redneck musak playin' on this here thread. shoot me now. hell it ain't bad enough my computer wit that dial up cain't keep up fast enuf to keep up wit those purty pitchers but listening to that country music is making it a hunert times hoo
12:38 Keep in mind that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 at all and to this day no-one in or outside our government has been held responsible.Bush has disbanded the CIA group that was charged with capturing Binladen.Just keep it all in perspective. When you live in a country that doesn't question its government, it is called tyranny.
Councilman John,This is an amazing post. Kind of puts things in perspective,. I think I am going to go home early today and give my kids a hug.Thank you.
1:15 PMCensorship is when Bill clinton threatens ABC over 9-11 movie. Censorship is when Harry Reid makes naked threats against ABC to probe renewal of broadcasting license.
Did anyone else notice how it only took six posts for an idiot to tie 9/11 to LA's current City Council? Samantha Allen-Newman, you're an idiot.As for Phil Krakover, well, what can I say? I'm gonna start calling him Phil Krak-head.9/11, may God have mercy on the souls taken that day.
Censorship is when the GOVERNMENT edits or forcefully removes content. A retired President who complains because ABC completely fictionalizes events (although I didn't think they did THAT bad of a job) is NOT censorship.Now on the other hand, remember when the Republicans threw a hissy fit over the Reagan movie? Knocked it straight off the air. Or the Dixie Chicks? Knocked them straight off the air... and let's not even discuss Stern so SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU RIGHT WING ASSHOLE!
Oh, shit... almost forgot the Janet Jackson crap, and lets dig way back shall we? Banning NYPD Blue from Bible Belt markets...You fuckers want to talk censorship?
You know what, its a real shame to see that all this effort is being placed on one tragedy in hour history. What about Katrina and the blatant disregard for people of color, how about the systematic abuse against all minorities in this country and the abuse of using the WTC as a campaign slogan. When was the last time you say Bush help a black man or woman? I pray for those poor people in in the towers but lets get real. MTV had a series of ads placed on their shows and website. it depicts the towers being attacked with the numbers of lives lost, then it depicts a person with the numbers of lives lost to HIV, and finishes with bold letters, IF WE WOULD PUT THIS MUCH EFFORT INTO FIGHTING TERRERISM WHY NOT THE SAME TO FIND A CURE FOR AIDS.
I keep vowing to myself that I will never waste my time again looking at this stupid blog. But I confess I can't resist. It is the funniest thing in LA. Kevin Roderick can put you to sleep in two minutes and he's gotten even more boring by adding a half dozen of his boring self-promoting friends. But here it is -- the Anniversary of 9/11 -- and you're funnier than Bill Maher. One candidate for public office admits that the tragedy didn't prevent her wrapping up a real estate transaction. But you can't beat this guy Alger, whoever the hell he is, from saying that worst tragedy in American history inspired him to fight a crappy little DWP rate increase. I'm waiting for Zuma Dogg to find Osama Bin Laden.
2:51 and 2:53your multiple personalities suffer from the same afflitions. First, thinking with your bleeding, angry heart. Second, trying to see a world through the bias blinders of leftist dogma. Third, judgment and reason clouded with angry vitriol. The Reagan, Traitor chicks, were hit with abacklash that had more to do with falsehoods and reckless comments respectivly.Your right to call me a "whatever" I would protect just as I hope you would protect my right to disagree with you.
3:21 Moron - What Alger said was he was inspired to fight the DWP rate increase BECAUSE THE DWP USED 9/11 TO JUSTIFY IT. I was at the ERNC meeting when Alger and the DWP clown were their. DWP got up and cited 9/11, we must "protect our reservoir from aircraft" and cover them - even Greg Smith blasted the DWP for their use of 9/11 saying that they have been talking about covering reservoirs for over a decade. Alger stood up with the 9/12 New York Paper and said that this was the image they were trying to put in our heads. That they were trying to use fear to bypass reason. I will never forget that day because his case was very compelling.Alger got Angry that they were using an attack he took personally to justify screwing rate payers. I never knew why he took it so personally until I found out last year that he lost many friends and even some family on 9/11 and dug at Ground Zero himself.That does change a man forever. It certainly would rearrange your priorities. Beat him up all you want but for me, it explains his dedication to a cause.
Every time these assholes attack Alger they step on their dicks. They attacked him for going to the gulf after Katrina, now they attack him over 9/11??? What the FUCK is wrong with you mental cases over there?You would seriously think Alger was some big important person in City Hall with direct power over them. As one poster put it, this attack Alger song gets old.After what he did during Hurricane Katrina -- he proved what kind of person he really is no matter what these cd12 assholes say.As for the DWP, EVERY CM backed Alger's play on that. EVERY last one of them, including the one I work for.Now, go get the IT department on my post. I don't care. You assholes pissed me off.Just ONE day can we not attack Jim Alger? Just ONE!
I don't think anybody is attacking Alger for being a wonderful person. It's just that he keeps reminding us -- over and over and over.
12:05, were those people illegal aliens, or did you list them just because they had Hispanic surnames?
4:12 - I read his post... wasn't much different than anyone else. It was a personal experience which is what this thread was for. Where were you? How did it change you? He answered the questions. And not once have I seen him ever ask for credit for what he does or did.
Councilman John said:
Can we please get back on topic kids? If you want, I'll create a Bash Jim Alger thread for you kids to play in but today is a day to reflect on a day that changed our lives.In case you forgot the questions:What did you think? How did you feel? How have the events of 9/11 changed your life or those around you? What have we learned?You can wait until tomorrow to kick the crap out of each other.
Councilman john,thank for the slap of reality. back on topic, on this day I want to remember a friend by the name of Dick Stewart. Dick was an RN who also was a Search and Rescue vol. in Big Bear Lake. Dick was with a team from San Bernardino County that left soon after 9-11 and spend days working the rubble. Dick and I had cross paths working camp programs in San Bernarnino Mountains. Dick and I in our short time as friends share our love for the outdoors, native american culture, and stories of rescues that he had work on. Yet his telling of his work at ground zero was an inspiration to hear. Americans when others are in need are the extended family that offer the hand or shoulder in the time of struggle. Dick unfortunately is no longer with us, while playing soccer he was taken from us sufering a massive Heart attack. People like Dick, Jim and all first responders are the everyday heros that we need to appreciate as we remember the victims, and the heros who tried to save them.
Thank you Councilman JohnWhere was I? I was on the Staten Island Ferry, for those of you who don't know that is a ferry that runs from Staten Island to just East of Battery Park which is located a few blocks from the WTC. We actually saw both planes hit the towers. It was unbelievable.I saw the people jumping. I remember asking myself how bad is it up there that jumping is the answer for them?I must admit I never believed that they would fall. We had been pushed out of the area and ended up walking accross the Brooklyn Bridge. I was just getting on the bridge when people started screaming and crying. I turned around and saw that there was only one tower left. Minutes later the second tower was gone along with my daughter. I wouldn't know for weeks that she was in fact lost. I would look at the people digging and pray that someone, anyone would be found alive. Of course they weren't. I will say this. The people that dug are heroes to me. The first responders are angels. I think about them every day. So many were lost just trying to help other people, like my daughter. I knew that war was coming but my son is now in Iraq and the conflicting emotions I have.. I don't even know where to begin.Thank you Councilman John. Talking does help. This will always be a bad time of year for me. I live in LA now, but I never could escape the pain.
I had just come home from Guadalajara on vacation the day before, my friends wanted me to stay longer but i said, no, I want to go home, i have to go home. I just had this feeling I needed to go home. I remember that morning waking up and seeing the tower burning, and then calling my mom & my sister to turn on the tv. I couldnt believe my eyes. Then I didnt know what to do so I drove to work. I worked at Universal Studios and there was supposed to be a big meeting with the biggees from NY, but it was cancelled and I remember the head of IT saying to everyone, go ahead, theres plenty of breakfast food in the conference room, eat up and then go home. After giving rides home to two guys who rode the trains I remember sitting at home all day watching CNN. I still cant believe how could human beings do that to each other, killing like we are in the dark ages. I also remembered having the fear when I drove those next days to work and looking up in the sky and not seeing a plane in sight for days.... that was freaky. Driving past downtown and seeing the helicopters circling. Having to have my car searched every day into work. being scared of car bombs hitting the studios. Meeting the ticket seller at citiwalk whos friend died on the plane, she was crying in the booth. Finding out my friends were stuck in Mexico for 3 more days. Just being scared...watching our president the idiot, just sitting there. But i must say, americans always bounce back and even though we have internal problems in this country we always seem to reign ourselves in for protection. desipite all we do have compassion for ourselves unlike these devils from the middle east. We are human, I dont think they are.---PicoGrl
Yes, thanks you Councilman John for getting us back to the topic. Unfortunately all of us who have asked for these political yo-yos to stay on topic clearly missed the point. Regardless of typos or whatever, the purpose of this thread was to remember 9/11, not grandstand and attack others. There are plenty of other blog threads on Mayor Sam they could have spent their time doing so. Quite honestly it goes to show that folks can't put aside their political beliefs even for one day, hell one hour and write something relevant.-Pasadena
Thank you Councilman John for asking us to get back to the topic. Regardless of typos or whatever, the point of this certain blog was to recall where you were on 9/11. Unfortunately some of these political hacks attack other instead of follow directions. I remember that day all too well. I feared for all I knew who lived back East. It was an awful day that still haunts me.-Pasadena
I, 9-10-06, 11:24 PM, am now doing forgiveness exercises for those dullards on this Post who haven't the decency to respect those of us who believe 9/11 was to some degree an inside job. The right to dissent has not been taken away yet, has it?I forgive you for everything you do to me and everything I think you do to me and I send you love and forgiveness. You are healed and forgiven!
Most real people call them immigrants, not aliens 4:13.I'm not sure there is a way of knowing whether or not the names listed of the dead soldiers in Iraq were illegal or not. I'm sure the Armed Forces takes both.It says a lot though. It shows you how many people come here from across the border and are willing to die for this country. They must consider it their own to do such a thing.
so you're assuming that those people are not legal residents of the U.S. simply because they have Hispanic last names?If someone's not being "real," it's you.
5:07 PM 9/11/06May God watch over you and your son.
9/11 - an inside job? That’s a pretty sick statement man. It’s not that I don't respect other folk’s opinions, but you’re stretching the truth for your own pleasure in attacking Bush. It would behoove you to look further into history to see if indeed our government should be blamed for allowing 9/11 to happen. As far as being responsible for it or even being the masterminds behind it, that is just poppy-cock. Clinton had the chance to get Bin Laden and didn't take it. That's the truth, not fiction or conspiracy theory talking. Additionally, plenty of past leaders and administrations all had their hands in creating this guy and the problems in the Middle East. Unless you are able to look at the entire picture, don’t even try to explain or blame others for something you don't understand.
Excuuuuuuuuuuuuse me but when Clinton TRIED to get Bin Laden ALL the Republicans started clamoring "Wag the Dog" so SHUT THE FUCK UP.Bush IGNORED the middle east, IGNORED direct warnings about US AIRCRAFT being used in an attack IN THE US. He was to damn busy being on VACATION!
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Woa CJ, You managed to transport me back to that morning. I actually started to cry.
I was preparing for work that morning. Had just turned on the shower when the first plane hit. By the time I got out of the shower the second plane hit. I knew that our world was changed at that moment. At the time I worked for the Mayor who was in DC. I had viewed it as an attack on NY until the Pentagon got hit. Then my concern for the Mayor grew, that suddenly became my personal connection to the attacks.
Shortly after we were told several planes may have been headed for LA. That later ended up being untrue but the feeling of anger and grief is one I still have today.
I think we all do.
I was actually asleep when all of this happened or rather when it began. My neighbor knocked on my door to let me know what was going on.
Being a hotel full of veterans this was a big deal for a lot of us.
I walked over to his room and on his 32 inch tv we saw where the first plane had hit. And then we watched the second plane hit the towers.
The only thing going through my mind was that whomever had done this deed was going to get it and whoever didn't do this deed was also going to get it , there was an attack on american soil and our government was going to unleash it's unrelenting, overhwelming killing ( I had been a part of this killing capacity in 1991 and had witnessed our abilities first hand) capacity to send a message. And sure enough our governemnt went blindly forth in Afghanistan , Iraq , and all over the place. The stoicism hit me first , you are trained that way. And then the next 4 weeks I cried almost everyday , knowing the human toll this one incident brought and would bring.
City of West Hollywood - 9-11 Memorial at the Veterans Memorial Park - Santa Monica Blvd. @ Holloway - 8:30am
This event will include a reading of all the names of fire fighters and police that lost their lives responding to the 9/11 attack on America.
Refreshments will be served
I must be cold. I never cried once. For some reason I just considered it a tragedy and didn't feel worse about it than I did when the Oklahoma building was bombed or when Bush supposedly beat Gore.
I was worried about Hahn. I wanted him to come back home immediately. I'm still proud that the reason he was there was because he had been elected "Mayor" by all the other mayors in the United States. I didn't work for him though. I just remembered when the Pentagon got hit, I got worried.
I literally cried when Bush attacked Iraq though. I knew that was the wrong thing to do.
I guess 9/11 pissed me off for a different reason than the rest of the country. The way the aftermath was handled.
Know what else pisses me off? Being forced to listen to that song when I went to MS today. South Park made fun of it in a big way.
Councilman John, do other tragedies in the country have such an effect on you? Didn't you always know that eventually we would get hit?
I remember working like a dog to get some documentation done for a real estate deal, and the law firm I worked for was the bank's counsel. I remember going to bed early that night because I was so tired.
On Wednesday when I went back to work, the sobering reality was that a member of the bank's in-house legal team that was supposed to come out for the signing of all the documents had been on one of the Boston area planes that went into the World Trade Center.
That evening, I was on the Red Line heading to Union Station to pick up my daughter from daycare. There was a man who was obviously a Sikh (wearing a turban) standing on the platform, waiting for the train. Several men in their early 20's decided to hassle this man. I went and stood next to him thinking that if these guys wanted to hassle a fellow American citizen, then they could take me on too. They declined to do so.
For the next few months, that man would come and stand with me and wait for the subway. Nobody else would stand near him. Except for me. I would stand with him. He thanked me for being what everybody thinks America is all about; standing up and doing the right thing for your fellow man even if it means looking into the face of opposition with a firm and steady resolve.
Have we forgotten how to stand with one another? I hope not. After reading about the antics of our City Council, I would think we would need to stand up and stand together even more.
For me it was very personal. Being from New York, knowing people lost in the towers, and seeing the destruction first hand was frankly more than I ever thought I could take.
The words to that song "did you feel guilty 'cause you're a survivor"... yes. I think that many of us did. Not that we survived the collapse, I wasn't there for that, but that we were helpless to save anyone.
I am still haunted by the smell of burning jet fuel, the pile of rubble that could only be described as the depths of hell itself, Marines on Broadway... it was very surreal. As time goes on it becomes a little easier, but just this last may another family member passed from injuries suffered on that day.
9/11 was the event that got me directly involved in the world of politics. It definitely changed my life forever. In reality it changed all of our lives whether we know it or not.
As for the aftermath, yes. I have nothing but anger for those who used the attacks to justify their political agenda. It was the precise reason I fought the DWP rate hike... they tried to use 9/11 as a justification calling it "security needs."
As was mentioned, after 9/11 their were American Flags everywhere, there was unity... we seem to have lost that. How sad that it takes the deaths of 3,000 people to make us realise what really matters.
Hopefully we will not make the same mistakes again.
Democrats need to take back the flag!
Not that the Dems would be much better, but the fact that GWB still allows porous borders for his crass economic and political interests -- gambling with our safety and security -- five years after 9/11 is unbelievable.
Except that the border would not have stopped 9/11 but your point is well taken.
I was actually in DC when this all went down so my experience was similar to Jim's. Seeing some of the damage first hand. Pure panic mixed with anger. It was like watching a movie. Knowing what happened in NY and then we got hit. Then the towers fell. It was unbelievable. IN DC there were Secret Service and military everywhere, we didn't know exactly what to do.
Then they shut down airspace and we were trapped for a few days. When I finally got to LA I have never held my kids so tight. Ever.
Alger you fought DWP because you wanted to see your name in the paper. How about we keep this post clean in the memory of the first responders and innocent people who died in this attack.
I remember this day very well. I had a hard night sleeping and woke up very and turned on KTLA. I remember the news broke about a fire in one of the towers. I continued to watch the news and a few minutes later saw the second plane crash into the towers. Shaken, I called my mother, waking her up, and told her to turn on the news. I told her what had happened and then asked her who we knew who worked at the World Trade Center. She didn't immediately recall, but in a flash my mind went to my godfather, who worked in Tower 1. After speaking with her a while longer, I hung up and continued to get ready for work. Then the other reports started coming in, other planes, the Pentagon--felt like the world was closing in on itself. I saw the first tower fall on television. I heard about family friends being at the Pentagon when the plane hit. I worried, wondering if my godfather had made it out of Tower 1.Worried what else might happen. I watched televsion all day and well into the night.
My entire family and I are from New York City, and we had many friends and family who lived there during this terrible day. My godfather made it out alive that day, but many others did not.
The true tragedy of that day is that it seems several Americans have again become apathetic and unsensitive since 9/11. They continue their lives thinking it won't happen again and for those of us who do carry this day in our souls they say we need to "get over it". I'll never get over what happened on 9/11.
I hope everyone can put politics aside for one day and remember how you felt on September 11. Remember how we all came together as a nation to stand strong and help one another. Remember that there are those who lost loved ones because of this day's terror and they will never get over that loss. Regardless of party lines, remeber there are men and women out there defending and protecting this country every day, with their very lives.
Remember and never forget.
Hang an American flag up tomorrow. Let's show these terrorist that American still remembers and is united.
Liberals cheered with joy for suppressed nations.
The uncanny feeling that came over me that awful morning was eery. As soon as I knew that it was an airplane that made the first hit, I got squirrels in my stomach and fear coursed through me. Where were the fighter jets? Why weren't they circling the towers?
Then the second plane hit! For an instant, 100% of me knew that at the least, it was being allowed to happen. The Bush Administration had planned it or were allowing it to happen. I decided to call my ex-SAC brother-in-law even though we didn't get on too well. I knew he would confirm that there should have been fighter jets in the air well before the first airliner hit. But before long, my psyche would not allow my rational mind to accept this premise. A battle ensued and disbelief won over rationality about 80% - 20%.
It wasn't until about 18 months ago, that I began to do some reading and research. I think the raw horror of that day had subsided enough that I could finally take a look at what had really happened - at that nagging little 20%.
Today, as a result of that research, I am absolutely sure that those around George W. Bush were involved in bringing this off - including setting demolition charges some time before the attack.
George behaved that day like such a dufus, I am not sure if they kept him out of the action and the details so he'd look like a "deer in the headlights" while he sat comotose in front of those school children and read "My Pet Goat" or if he actually was in on the planning, but I do know that it was done through his people, to us, and it was a long time in the making.
So, I look upon tomorrow as a time to sooth my blood pressure by taking action and speaking up, but not until I do exercises to forgive them - for my sake - not theirs.
We share the same feelings then. I know the administration was involved at some level.
It all sounds good to suggest we forget partisan politics but for logical brains, it's not possible. Maybe those of us who know nobody in NY, nor have ever even been there, it simply doesn't hit us as hard unless we are strong Dems.
I heard it from Howard Stern on 97.1 and for a minute I couldn't believe him. I thought he must be joking although I knew deep down it was true. There was something haunting and sad in his voice that day. I was dropping my son off at the school bus and I bolted home and turned on the news.
7:19 pm Anon Can you fucking idiots NOT attack Jim or anyone else for ONE FUCKING DAY??? Is it even possible?
Is he fucking your wife or what?
Your god damned attacks on every move the guy makes is getting on my last fucking nerve.
I don't even know Jim but I am good friends with his sister. Did you even know that Jim dug at that pile for over two weeks and lost friends and family that day. He doesn't talk about it much at all but he is 10 times the man your attacking anonymously ass will ever be.
This thread was put up to REMEMBER not to attack someone, let alone apply motive to someones actions which you would have no way of knowing. Chickenshit asshole.
I agree Jeff. Some people... anyway
I was one of those who slept through most of it. My fiance had already left for the day and I had gone back to bed. When I woke up at 9am I just stood there and stared at the TV in utter disbelief.
It was only the next afternoon when I found out my sister in-law was on one of the planes. It has been hard on all of us. Each year seems to bring us closer to healing but it is still extremely hard as the anniversary approaches.
We should all remember how we pulled together after that day and also remember that tomorrow will not come for each of us one day. Remember that when you kiss your kids goodbye in the morning that so did 3,000 people on 9/11.
In other words make it count, you may not get the chance to say good bye one day.
I was staffing a Senator that day in Sacramento so I had been up for an hour when the breaking news banner came up on CNN. I think I was one of those paranoid people who immediately knew this wasn't an accident. It was about 10 minutes or so later that my initial fear of an attack bore out.
When the Pentagon was hit my immediate thought was continuity of government. It was evident that their was an attempt to decapitate our government and I had no idea what that meant for us on the state level. Also it seemed like it would never end. There were many false bombing claims, missing aircraft and so forth.
Obviously later it became clear the attack was over in an hour but a few days later the Anthrax attacks started.
Also being a reservist, I knew instantly that we would be called to fight. It sure did seem then that everything would change.
It still does. Truth is that I really don't know how I feel about that.
The Democrats need to stop slamming the President in order to try to regain power; we are at war, and the thing that needs to be done is to back our President, who is President of all of us, and start helping the fight in this war on terrorists and murderers who want to convert us all to Islam, or kill us.
We are all Americans, and it is time for all of us to start acting like it.
I woke up and turned on the television and within seconds watching a plane hit the second building. I stood in a state of shock and anger and saddness. I tuned into stern in the morning like usual. Except he was different this time. No schtick. Just Howard as a New Yorker....Howard who he actually is...very human.
The next few evenings I saw something that I suppose will never get media attention. Something that really, a certain political element in the United States does want people to know about. And that is that Americans are all shapes sizes and colors. That just because someone is brown skinned....that they cannot be American and patriotic as anyone else. Lost in a all the immigration protests is that the majority of Latinos in the United States are America, fight in the military, and are as patriotic as anyone else. What I saw driving down Roscoe Bl to Sepulveda to Sherman Way to Woodman, were Americans of Latino descent standing on corners waving American flags and buring candles to honor the victims and heroes of the 9/11 tragedy.
This isn't made up, it actually occured. But LA times has too many political self interests to report that Americans throughout Los Angeles made public where they stand and whom they support.
Alger have you no shame, of all days to engage in self promotion! Please, let's honor those who truly make a sacrifice everyday, our first responders and the members of our armed services.
How do we locate information city hall approved fee waivers?
To Sept 10, 11:24 p.m.
What the hell?!?! Are you on crack or just plain stupid??!?! How DARE you make such remarks and assumptions especially about this terrible day! Its conspiracy idiots like you who would take such tragedy and turn it into something for your own benefit and political standing. Your absolute disregard, hate and stupidity won't ruin a day of remembrance for those of us who were personally rocked by September 11. Do us all a favor and keep such ridiculous and un-intelligent remarks to yourself. This blog is not the place for them.
This thread is for those who want to tell their story about where they were six years ago. For all of you political grand-standers, take a break for once and be human. Write something important for once and stop politicing. I personally don't want to hear it today, of all days.
A New Yorker living in LA.
We should all be thanking our lucky stars that we have someone like Bratton who knows what the hell he's doing. LAX and other buildings in LA have been on the coward's #1 targets. Thanks to great police work we haven't been hit but we are still on edge knowing these cowards want to hit LA badly. There are many cells of these terrorists in LA don't think we're still safe. The documentary on Channel 2 with the firefighters really was emotional. They lost 300 of their brothers. Keep alert and keep an eye out for suspicious activity.
"Jeff Jacobs" is Jim Alger.
Its sad that even on this day, the CD12 boys have to take time to slam Jim Alger.
Most of us on the fourth floor are finding the song to be rather old.
As we all sat in frozen horror watching the tragedy unfold on our 32" tv screens, I kept waiting and waiting for the President to appear on the screen to reassure us and help us understand what was happening. THIS NEVER HAPPENED!
And then, the clips of Bush reading My Pet Goat to the school children, as the US was under attack, started filtering across the airwaves! He waited a full 7 minutes to walk out of the schoolroom and disappear into the clouds on AirForce 1....not to be seen until that nite!
It was at that exact moment that I knew our country was doomed.
For days, weeks, and months we watched with incredible sadness and grief as the powdery remains of 3000 human beings wafted through the air, and the walking wounded tried to escape the towering infernos.
We lost our innocence that day and the US was laid bare and vulnerable to a future of terrorism.
I still weep for the victims of 9/11. And the knowledge that it could happen again tommorow, has changed our lives forever. We will NEVER again be safe from the external forces who want to destroy us.
To Phil Krakover, 10:05 and 10:11:
Phil, if we don't believe in the war or the president, why on Earth should we be forced to back him? Seriously. Because we're in a war? That's reason? Get real. We are in a needless war that we don't want and you cannot change our minds. I would have really liked to have heard your thoughts when Bill was getting head from Monica. How partisan were they? I am not backing a president who wants oil money and never got caught with the interns he slept with any more than you'll ever admit that the Republicans wasted over 40 million investigating the sex. They were bizarrely obsessed with it.
To the posters telling us to stop posting our true feelings - fuck off.
To those of you who are demanding we "keep on topic" and "share our stories" because you don't want to hear about politics today of all days -fuck off.
If you don't want to read politics, don't come to a political blog. Especially don't come to a political blog and fight with those of you who don't agree with your name calling idiotic self.
Bush SUCKS and more people have died in the Iraqi war than died in the damn attack and we've gotten nowhere.
And to all of the illegal immigration haters:
Go take a look at the paper on the day they publish the names of the people who have died in Iraq.
11:16 am I couldn't agree more. 8:29 and 11:02 Alger WAS one of those responders. He just doesn't toot his own horn about it. Sad that you can't put your hatred for him aside for one day.
Phil, are you serious? Don't question our leaders? Seriously, you're joking right?
As for me, I was driving in Texas when they broke in with the attacks. I ended up driving into LA but besides my inconvenience the attack didn't hit me directly, It wasn't until Friday when everyone had their flags out that I finally cried. Looking back I still feel we lost something that day, something that defined this country.
"September 11, 2006 10:11 AM
Anonymous said...
This thread is for those who want to tell their story about where they were six years ago. For all of you political grand-standers, take a break for once and be human. Write something important for once and stop politicing. I personally don't want to hear it today, of all days.
A New Yorker living in LA. "
Who obviously couldn't care less and doesn't read the paper or you would know it is the FIFTH anniversary and not the "sixth". Given that you wrote it out it obviously wasn't a typo. Moron.
SEPTEMBER 12, 2001
Scribes Rosenberg, Morrison, and Lopez bring shame to our city by their cowardly attacks on President Bush day after when all Americans were targeted with attack. The "AL LA ANTONIA TIMES" has been the fish wrap of record for those who would blame America first in this war against Islamic Fasism.
although i ain't ever sobbed over the 9/11 tragedy, i sure am cryin' over the redneck musak playin' on this here thread. shoot me now. hell it ain't bad enough my computer wit that dial up cain't keep up fast enuf to keep up wit those purty pitchers but listening to that country music is making it a hunert times worser.
boo hoo
12:38 Keep in mind that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 at all and to this day no-one in or outside our government has been held responsible.
Bush has disbanded the CIA group that was charged with capturing Binladen.
Just keep it all in perspective. When you live in a country that doesn't question its government, it is called tyranny.
Councilman John,
This is an amazing post. Kind of puts things in perspective,. I think I am going to go home early today and give my kids a hug.
Thank you.
1:15 PM
Censorship is when Bill clinton threatens ABC over 9-11 movie. Censorship is when Harry Reid makes naked threats against ABC to probe renewal of broadcasting license.
Did anyone else notice how it only took six posts for an idiot to tie 9/11 to LA's current City Council? Samantha Allen-Newman, you're an idiot.
As for Phil Krakover, well, what can I say? I'm gonna start calling him Phil Krak-head.
9/11, may God have mercy on the souls taken that day.
Censorship is when the GOVERNMENT edits or forcefully removes content.
A retired President who complains because ABC completely fictionalizes events (although I didn't think they did THAT bad of a job) is NOT censorship.
Now on the other hand, remember when the Republicans threw a hissy fit over the Reagan movie? Knocked it straight off the air. Or the Dixie Chicks? Knocked them straight off the air... and let's not even discuss Stern so SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU RIGHT WING ASSHOLE!
Oh, shit... almost forgot the Janet Jackson crap, and lets dig way back shall we? Banning NYPD Blue from Bible Belt markets...
You fuckers want to talk censorship?
You know what, its a real shame to see that all this effort is being placed on one tragedy in hour history. What about Katrina and the blatant disregard for people of color, how about the systematic abuse against all minorities in this country and the abuse of using the WTC as a campaign slogan. When was the last time you say Bush help a black man or woman? I pray for those poor people in in the towers but lets get real. MTV had a series of ads placed on their shows and website. it depicts the towers being attacked with the numbers of lives lost, then it depicts a person with the numbers of lives lost to HIV, and finishes with bold letters, IF WE WOULD PUT THIS MUCH EFFORT INTO FIGHTING TERRERISM WHY NOT THE SAME TO FIND A CURE FOR AIDS.
I keep vowing to myself that I will never waste my time again looking at this stupid blog. But I confess I can't resist. It is the funniest thing in LA. Kevin Roderick can put you to sleep in two minutes and he's gotten even more boring by adding a half dozen of his boring self-promoting friends. But here it is -- the Anniversary of 9/11 -- and you're funnier than Bill Maher. One candidate for public office admits that the tragedy didn't prevent her wrapping up a real estate transaction. But you can't beat this guy Alger, whoever the hell he is, from saying that worst tragedy in American history inspired him to fight a crappy little DWP rate increase. I'm waiting for Zuma Dogg to find Osama Bin Laden.
2:51 and 2:53
your multiple personalities suffer from the same afflitions. First, thinking with your bleeding, angry heart. Second, trying to see a world through the bias blinders of leftist dogma. Third, judgment and reason clouded with angry vitriol.
The Reagan, Traitor chicks, were hit with abacklash that had more to do with falsehoods and reckless comments respectivly.
Your right to call me a "whatever" I would protect just as I hope you would protect my right to disagree with you.
3:21 Moron - What Alger said was he was inspired to fight the DWP rate increase BECAUSE THE DWP USED 9/11 TO JUSTIFY IT.
I was at the ERNC meeting when Alger and the DWP clown were their. DWP got up and cited 9/11, we must "protect our reservoir from aircraft" and cover them - even Greg Smith blasted the DWP for their use of 9/11 saying that they have been talking about covering reservoirs for over a decade.
Alger stood up with the 9/12 New York Paper and said that this was the image they were trying to put in our heads. That they were trying to use fear to bypass reason. I will never forget that day because his case was very compelling.
Alger got Angry that they were using an attack he took personally to justify screwing rate payers. I never knew why he took it so personally until I found out last year that he lost many friends and even some family on 9/11 and dug at Ground Zero himself.
That does change a man forever. It certainly would rearrange your priorities. Beat him up all you want but for me, it explains his dedication to a cause.
Every time these assholes attack Alger they step on their dicks. They attacked him for going to the gulf after Katrina, now they attack him over 9/11??? What the FUCK is wrong with you mental cases over there?
You would seriously think Alger was some big important person in City Hall with direct power over them. As one poster put it, this attack Alger song gets old.
After what he did during Hurricane Katrina -- he proved what kind of person he really is no matter what these cd12 assholes say.
As for the DWP, EVERY CM backed Alger's play on that. EVERY last one of them, including the one I work for.
Now, go get the IT department on my post. I don't care. You assholes pissed me off.
Just ONE day can we not attack Jim Alger? Just ONE!
I don't think anybody is attacking Alger for being a wonderful person. It's just that he keeps reminding us -- over and over and over.
12:05, were those people illegal aliens, or did you list them just because they had Hispanic surnames?
4:12 - I read his post... wasn't much different than anyone else. It was a personal experience which is what this thread was for. Where were you? How did it change you? He answered the questions. And not once have I seen him ever ask for credit for what he does or did.
Can we please get back on topic kids? If you want, I'll create a Bash Jim Alger thread for you kids to play in but today is a day to reflect on a day that changed our lives.
In case you forgot the questions:
What did you think?
How did you feel?
How have the events of 9/11 changed your life or those around you?
What have we learned?
You can wait until tomorrow to kick the crap out of each other.
Councilman john,
thank for the slap of reality. back on topic, on this day I want to remember a friend by the name of Dick Stewart. Dick was an RN who also was a Search and Rescue vol. in Big Bear Lake. Dick was with a team from San Bernardino County that left soon after 9-11 and spend days working the rubble. Dick and I had cross paths working camp programs in San Bernarnino Mountains. Dick and I in our short time as friends share our love for the outdoors, native american culture, and stories of rescues that he had work on. Yet his telling of his work at ground zero was an inspiration to hear. Americans when others are in need are the extended family that offer the hand or shoulder in the time of struggle. Dick unfortunately is no longer with us, while playing soccer he was taken from us sufering a massive Heart attack. People like Dick, Jim and all first responders are the everyday heros that we need to appreciate as we remember the victims, and the heros who tried to save them.
Thank you Councilman John
Where was I? I was on the Staten Island Ferry, for those of you who don't know that is a ferry that runs from Staten Island to just East of Battery Park which is located a few blocks from the WTC. We actually saw both planes hit the towers. It was unbelievable.
I saw the people jumping. I remember asking myself how bad is it up there that jumping is the answer for them?
I must admit I never believed that they would fall. We had been pushed out of the area and ended up walking accross the Brooklyn Bridge. I was just getting on the bridge when people started screaming and crying. I turned around and saw that there was only one tower left.
Minutes later the second tower was gone along with my daughter. I wouldn't know for weeks that she was in fact lost. I would look at the people digging and pray that someone, anyone would be found alive. Of course they weren't. I will say this. The people that dug are heroes to me. The first responders are angels. I think about them every day. So many were lost just trying to help other people, like my daughter.
I knew that war was coming but my son is now in Iraq and the conflicting emotions I have.. I don't even know where to begin.
Thank you Councilman John. Talking does help. This will always be a bad time of year for me. I live in LA now, but I never could escape the pain.
I had just come home from Guadalajara on vacation the day before, my friends wanted me to stay longer but i said, no, I want to go home, i have to go home. I just had this feeling I needed to go home. I remember that morning waking up and seeing the tower burning, and then calling my mom & my sister to turn on the tv. I couldnt believe my eyes. Then I didnt know what to do so I drove to work. I worked at Universal Studios and there was supposed to be a big meeting with the biggees from NY, but it was cancelled and I remember the head of IT saying to everyone, go ahead, theres plenty of breakfast food in the conference room, eat up and then go home. After giving rides home to two guys who rode the trains I remember sitting at home all day watching CNN. I still cant believe how could human beings do that to each other, killing like we are in the dark ages. I also remembered having the fear when I drove those next days to work and looking up in the sky and not seeing a plane in sight for days.... that was freaky. Driving past downtown and seeing the helicopters circling. Having to have my car searched every day into work. being scared of car bombs hitting the studios. Meeting the ticket seller at citiwalk whos friend died on the plane, she was crying in the booth. Finding out my friends were stuck in Mexico for 3 more days. Just being scared...watching our president the idiot, just sitting there. But i must say, americans always bounce back and even though we have internal problems in this country we always seem to reign ourselves in for protection. desipite all we do have compassion for ourselves unlike these devils from the middle east. We are human, I dont think they are.---PicoGrl
Yes, thanks you Councilman John for getting us back to the topic. Unfortunately all of us who have asked for these political yo-yos to stay on topic clearly missed the point. Regardless of typos or whatever, the purpose of this thread was to remember 9/11, not grandstand and attack others. There are plenty of other blog threads on Mayor Sam they could have spent their time doing so. Quite honestly it goes to show that folks can't put aside their political beliefs even for one day, hell one hour and write something relevant.
Thank you Councilman John for asking us to get back to the topic. Regardless of typos or whatever, the point of this certain blog was to recall where you were on 9/11. Unfortunately some of these political hacks attack other instead of follow directions.
I remember that day all too well. I feared for all I knew who lived back East. It was an awful day that still haunts me.
I, 9-10-06, 11:24 PM, am now doing forgiveness exercises for those dullards on this Post who haven't the decency to respect those of us who believe 9/11 was to some degree an inside job. The right to dissent has not been taken away yet, has it?
I forgive you for everything you do to me and everything I think you do to me and I send you love and forgiveness. You are healed and forgiven!
Most real people call them immigrants, not aliens 4:13.
I'm not sure there is a way of knowing whether or not the names listed of the dead soldiers in Iraq were illegal or not. I'm sure the Armed Forces takes both.
It says a lot though. It shows you how many people come here from across the border and are willing to die for this country. They must consider it their own to do such a thing.
so you're assuming that those people are not legal residents of the U.S. simply because they have Hispanic last names?
If someone's not being "real," it's you.
5:07 PM 9/11/06
May God watch over you and your son.
9/11 - an inside job? That’s a pretty sick statement man.
It’s not that I don't respect other folk’s opinions, but you’re stretching the truth for your own pleasure in attacking Bush. It would behoove you to look further into history to see if indeed our government should be blamed for allowing 9/11 to happen. As far as being responsible for it or even being the masterminds behind it, that is just poppy-cock.
Clinton had the chance to get Bin Laden and didn't take it. That's the truth, not fiction or conspiracy theory talking. Additionally, plenty of past leaders and administrations all had their hands in creating this guy and the problems in the Middle East. Unless you are able to look at the entire picture, don’t even try to explain or blame others for something you don't understand.
Excuuuuuuuuuuuuse me but when Clinton TRIED to get Bin Laden ALL the Republicans started clamoring "Wag the Dog" so SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Bush IGNORED the middle east, IGNORED direct warnings about US AIRCRAFT being used in an attack IN THE US. He was to damn busy being on VACATION!
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