Councilmember JACK WEISS Speaks to DOUG MCINTYRE About Crime on 790-KABC Radio
DOUG MCINTYRE: "I was thinking about everybody who is in office at any level including community leaders, or business leaders who don't want to invest in Los Angeles anymore, and it occured to me: Whether you want to beautify the Los Angeles River and plant a million trees, or whatever the vision is for the future of Los Angeles, it's completley subvertted by having 30,000 identified Gang members running loose, and who knows HOW MANY MORE UNIDENTIFIED, shooting people with impunity and it begs the question: 'Why does the City goverment talk about ANYTHING other than this, until we get a grip on this problem'."
COUNCILMEMBER JACK WEISS: "I think you're absolutley right. I agree, crime IS the number one issue for local governement. If you don't get public saftey right, it doesnt matter WHAT ELSE you get right. But there are a lot of other factors that CONTRIBUTE to crime, like EDUCATION: That's why The Mayor has been so passionate about education reform."
ZUMA DOGG: "Excuse me! EDUCATION is a factor that contributes to crime. So you're trying to blame LAUSD for the crime in the City. Well, CM Weiss, thanks for letting the people listening and reading know, that YOU are one of The Mayor's back-pocket puppets. Mayor V. I CANNOT BELIEVE you will not give Chief Bratton the Gang Czar he requested to oversee the $80 Million used for "Crime Reduction Units". Don't make it look like you're standing in the way of public saftey on the streets of the most dangerous areas of your domain. You wanna help LAUSD and the kids' academic standards, let Chief Bratton try what he wants to help fix it, y'all. Don't worry, The Chief doesn't care about who gets credit, Z.D. will give you ALL of the credit, for allowing it to happen via your approval for the money. (Especially since your muppet, Jack Weiss, just said a factor in crime in L.A. is education. He even mentioned and explained it, first, above all other crime factors the city is facing.)"
DOUG MCINTYRE: (Referring to LAPD's inability to crack down on illegal immigrant criminals.)
CM JACK WEISS: "That's not the City of Los Angeles' fault. That is the Federal government..."
DOUG M: "EXCUSE ME, with all due respect, the Chairman of the 9-11 Commission says, it IS the City of Los Angeles' fault, because it creates a sanctuary for illegals, which allows the gangbangers to operate unmollested."
CM JACK WEISS: "I think the United States of America has not done a good job of enforcing laws at the border, or putting proper controls in place at the border. We need to demand more from the government in Washington, because ULTIMATLEY, this is a NATIONAL problem."
PUBLIC ADVOCATE ZUMA DOGG: "You're damn right it's a national problem!' Jack, who should I call to, 'Demand more from the government!', since you and your puppet master Mayor Tony V. are NOT."
Zuma Dogg for L.A. City Council, and Mayor of Los Angeles (For this WHOLE Transcript/Commentary)
DOUG MCINTYRE: "I was thinking about everybody who is in office at any level including community leaders, or business leaders who don't want to invest in Los Angeles anymore, and it occured to me: Whether you want to beautify the Los Angeles River and plant a million trees, or whatever the vision is for the future of Los Angeles, it's completley subvertted by having 30,000 identified Gang members running loose, and who knows HOW MANY MORE UNIDENTIFIED, shooting people with impunity and it begs the question: 'Why does the City goverment talk about ANYTHING other than this, until we get a grip on this problem'."
COUNCILMEMBER JACK WEISS: "I think you're absolutley right. I agree, crime IS the number one issue for local governement. If you don't get public saftey right, it doesnt matter WHAT ELSE you get right. But there are a lot of other factors that CONTRIBUTE to crime, like EDUCATION: That's why The Mayor has been so passionate about education reform."
ZUMA DOGG: "Excuse me! EDUCATION is a factor that contributes to crime. So you're trying to blame LAUSD for the crime in the City. Well, CM Weiss, thanks for letting the people listening and reading know, that YOU are one of The Mayor's back-pocket puppets. Mayor V. I CANNOT BELIEVE you will not give Chief Bratton the Gang Czar he requested to oversee the $80 Million used for "Crime Reduction Units". Don't make it look like you're standing in the way of public saftey on the streets of the most dangerous areas of your domain. You wanna help LAUSD and the kids' academic standards, let Chief Bratton try what he wants to help fix it, y'all. Don't worry, The Chief doesn't care about who gets credit, Z.D. will give you ALL of the credit, for allowing it to happen via your approval for the money. (Especially since your muppet, Jack Weiss, just said a factor in crime in L.A. is education. He even mentioned and explained it, first, above all other crime factors the city is facing.)"
DOUG MCINTYRE: (Referring to LAPD's inability to crack down on illegal immigrant criminals.)
CM JACK WEISS: "That's not the City of Los Angeles' fault. That is the Federal government..."
DOUG M: "EXCUSE ME, with all due respect, the Chairman of the 9-11 Commission says, it IS the City of Los Angeles' fault, because it creates a sanctuary for illegals, which allows the gangbangers to operate unmollested."
CM JACK WEISS: "I think the United States of America has not done a good job of enforcing laws at the border, or putting proper controls in place at the border. We need to demand more from the government in Washington, because ULTIMATLEY, this is a NATIONAL problem."
PUBLIC ADVOCATE ZUMA DOGG: "You're damn right it's a national problem!' Jack, who should I call to, 'Demand more from the government!', since you and your puppet master Mayor Tony V. are NOT."
Zuma Dogg for L.A. City Council, and Mayor of Los Angeles (For this WHOLE Transcript/Commentary)
Define "new people" as in "the new people's voice" of L.A.?
We all know "Borg" McIntyre wants everyone to assimilate and act and think "white" even if they ain't, but are they now into cloning, too. Can't keep up with immigration, so they gotta whip up a new batch of whiteys?
Are those the "new people"??
You go Dogg!!!!! You gotta it right. Weiss Ass sounded like a moron talking about crime. If public safety was a priority why the hell didn't the Clowncil give Bratton the money to hire cops years ago. Doug mentioned that the city had revenue to hire more cops and Antonio didn't need to implement a trash fee hike.
Dogg you're on the money stating that they should Bratton the Gang Czar he wants. Why aren't they? Because our midget mayor doesn't want anyone else to get credit for anything and he's a control freak. I hope you go after this issue Zuma Dogg. Keep it up and tell those idiots to give Bratton the Gang Czar.
DOUG MCINTYRE: Referring to LAPD's inability to crack down on illegal immigrant criminals. [ZD: And did I hear, FBI/INS says 95% of murders in the nation, are at the hands of illegal immigration?]
CM JACK WEISS: "That's not the City of Los Angeles' fault. That is the Federal government..."
DOUG M: "EXCUSE ME, with all due respect, the Chairman of the 9-11 Commission says, it IS the City of Los Angeles' fault, because it creates a sanctuary or illegals, which allows the gangbangers to operate un-mollested."
CM JACK WEISS: "I think the United States of America has not done a good job of enforcing laws at the border, or putting proper controls in place at the border. [ZD: Way to pass the Bill, I mean buck, there is no Bill.] We need to demand more from the government in Washington, because ULTIMATLEY, this is a NATIONAL problem."
PUBLIC ADVOCATE ZUMA DOGG: "You're damn right in Washington?' Because you and your puppet master, Mayor Tony V., are nit's a national problem! Jack, who should I call to, 'Demand more from the government!', since you and your puppet master Mayor Tony V. are NOT."
Zuma Dogg for L.A. City Council, and Mayor of Los Angeles
Put the champagne on ice, ZeeDogg:
Term limits back on November ballot---for now
why is this idiot Zuma Dogg now a blogger? Hey dumbass, education is directly linked with crime, read any fucking policy study and you would know that. Mayor Sam, you have completely lost your touch, the more retarded bloggers you bring to this site the more it turns into utter shit. You can tell yourself whatever you want, no one take this thing even remotely serious now, it used to be a somewhat relevant blog that broke major stories, was on CNN, and LA Times articles, now its a place for idiots like walter moore and zuma dogg to spew their idiocy.
[ZD: And did I hear, FBI/INS says 95% of murders in the nation, are at the hands of illegal immigration?]
Maybe you heard it, but lots of people hear voices in their heads.
It's complete bullshit.
RE: "Hey dumbass, education is directly linked with crime, read any fucking policy study and you would know."
I think you mean, "Becasue LAUSD isn't doing their job, everyone is froppong out of school and becoming criminals." (To paraphrase.)
We know that, already. But what a sad, Mayor V. mandated response to a discussion on Crime, to immediatley respond with, "There are additional factors to crime, like EDUCATION."
MAAAAAAAAN, IF YOU KEEP TRYING TO DEFEND THIS PUPPET, MAYOR V. BITCH COMMENT, YOU ARE GONNA MAKE IT WORSE, AS USUAL, SO SHUT THE F*CK UP BITCH, before your boss gets mad at you for pissing me off, and having your whole world bacfire in your face again. And as you read this, I have have only three more words inferior Mayor V. spin doctor: ONE DOLLAR INCENSE!
Now go "F" yourself.
ya thats right, they're fropping out moron.
so professional and profound zuma dogg, you should totally run for office.
Way to defend a point, by attacking it on a minor typo ("fropping" instead of "dropping").
Pretty strong. I guess everything else sounds good!
3:18 How do you act and think white?
ZD must be a product of LAUSD. Is he really going to be wasting all of our time here?
Mayor Sam:
Ignore the 5:11 disgruntled, anonymous poster who obviously can't stand the fact that his 15 minutes is up.
Thank you for giving Zuma Dogg a forum. There is no way that anyone can pretend that they don't hear him. They don't like the messenger so they want to ignore the message.
City Council hates to be put on the spot, appear to be biased, confronted or anything that puts them in the spotlight. Zuma Dogg is doing that whether the NC, CC or activists like it or not.
He is spotlighting our local politics and taking it nationwide. We should embrace that.
Anybody who took Mayor Sam's blog seriously before will continue to take it seriously. Those who didn't, still won't. Regardless of who the contributors are, this is THE place to relay your news anonymously and to hear the news that is being relayed anonymously.
Thank you for jumping into the electronic future.
And those of us lowly residents who don't go to City Hall or confront City Council members, we thank Mr. Dogg for speaking for us. Even though he isn't wearing the same thing we would wear if we were there to speak at public comment, he is saying what we want to be said.
That validates him.
Sorry 5:11.
Zuma creates his own forums. That is the power of living in the media capital of the world.
City Council and others in this great city who are putting the breaks on places like venice and hollywoood blvd with their noise ordinances , can wathc this city crumple due to their ignorance.
If you want to keep LA Great , then don't stifle the creativity of the artists of Los Angeles. that is how you will kill this city.
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