School Reform: More Escutia, Less Villaraigosa, Please

Specifically, Escutia is trying to get funding for special textbooks to help children learn the English language. The books would help English learners master the language by using more pictures and simpler words than the standard textbooks for children whose primary language is English. That is EXACTLY the kind of thing that is proven to help children -- or adults, for that matter -- learn a second language. And, so you know, we've got 1.6 million English learners in California schools.
Thank you, Senator Escutia.
Nor would this constitute "bilingual" education, or instruction in Spanish. Rather, to use some educational blather on you, incorporating pictures and simpler words is merely "scaffolding" -- a way to make it easier to learn another language. If you've ever studied a second language, you know how much it helps to have illustrations accompanying the text. We need these children to learn English, the sooner, the better.
Now, if only Senator Escutia's colleagues in Sacramento and here in L.A. would follow her example, and focus on specific proposals to improve education, rather than fighting over who gets the $7-billion-per-year LAUSD checkbook.
You can read about it in the L.A. Times:,1,1839644.story .
P.S. Yours truly at least theoretically knows something about this subject, having passed the "California Teachers of English Learners" (CTEL) exam.
This is off topic Walter, but I wanted to post it:
Daily News
After polling suggested that voters already will be overwhelmed by bonds on the November ballot, two Los Angeles city councilmen have decided not to push a $1.5 billion street paving bond for the upcoming election...
There are 10 bond and tax measures already on the Nov. 7 ballot, including a $1 billion Los Angeles bond measure to develop affordable housing.
Measures on the ballot also include the governor's $37 billion infrastructure funding plan with four separate propositions to finance transportation, housing, schools and flood protection.
Zuma Dogg web site. He has a great argument why we should all oppose Antonio's takeover of LAUSD plan.
To 9:19 --
Hey, post away!
The career politicians are indeed trying to subject us to -- dare I say it? -- bondage!
I suspect they believe -- and probably rightly so -- that a substantial portion of the voters don't realize that every "bond" is essentially the same as any tax. We need to boost voters' vocabulary, so they will realize that a bond is simply a loan, taken out by the government but repaid with interest by taxpayers.
And, Archie, amen re fat in the budget. I hope all readers of this blog know by now that the City is taking in $717 million more this year than last. In other words, you could leave all spending exactly the same as last year, and you would have an extra $717 million lying around.
With cash flow like that, the City does NOT need to go out an borrow billions more -- billions that will be paid by taxpayers.
P.S. Archie, sorry to repeat your "dare I say it." Unconscious plagiarism, I guess.
Antonio already stole the healthy family legislation that Escutia first sponsored. So he'll steal this one too. In fact, Antonio has stolen every good idea he has had. He's just a better hustler.
AV is a joke!!!!! It's the blind leading the blind! Shouldn't everyone expect the head of the School system to have an IQ over 50????
To teach a US National language (English) to the international individuals, its advisable to involve the international educational & civil development organizations to assist in creating the course material with dual language support so as to facilitate faster learning and utilization of US National Language (English).
I have a question. Why is there such an effort to have AV get this power over the LAUSD? What is really behind it? This guy has been mayor for, what, 1 year? Does he have any background at all in school administration or in education period? What the hell is behind this? Is there some large political benefit that someone will be getting if this happens? And why is the Speaker of the State Assembly so involved?
Wow Walter I'm stunned you posted on this issue and in agreement with Ms. Escutia. I agree with both of you by the way.
4:39 Good uestion. Clearly you see that this is not about meaningful reform, but just pure politics. AV even has a campaing committee with endorsements.
Plus the rhetoric gets good press.
Villaraigosa has two objectives:
1. Generate something that looks like a big deal, especially "for the children;"
2. Get control of the $7 billion annual LAUSD budget so he can leverage it into more campaign contributions for his gubenartorial and vice-presidential bids.
why can anyone besides the regulars of this web site, understand that the only one to benefit from this socall reform of LAUSD will be Mayor Polloraigosa ?
i find it sad that one power hungry politition would use children to line his pocket with SPECIAL INTEREST MONEY to further his pursuit of higher office. Just as he did in CD 14, Mayor Polloraigosa will leave behind a trail of broken promises. Yet, this time, the protential of our youth will be the one to suffer.
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