Latest Zuma Dogg Video
Zuma Dogg is at it again this video, shot during a City Council meeting at Van Nuys City Hall. Tom LaBonge tries to uncover Z Dogg's secret identity, but at least a wise city attorney advised the usually lovable but this time visibly annoyed 4th District Councilman of Mr. Dogg's rights.
One of the funniest parts of this clip is the clownish guy behind Zuma Dogg holding his hands over his ears.
One of the funniest parts of this clip is the clownish guy behind Zuma Dogg holding his hands over his ears.
The "guy" holding his ears is "Melrose" Larry Green.
La-Bong snapping at the city attorney. That's funny.
I'm sure there are people who feel this way about me, but a little Zuma Dogg goes a long way.
I'll say this for him, though: his video showing the vendors encroaching on the public sidewalk in Venice Beach, especially after getting Rosendahl to pledge to "look into" such violations, was terrific. I mean, he's GOT THEM ON VIDEOTAPE!
Plus, he really does have a good speaking voice. I just wish he had something more substantive to say. Then again, he's playing the media perfectly: he's getting lots of attention using nothing more than his wits, his voice and technology. He's a shrewd guy.
OK, I thought "Melrose" Larry was an ass. This guy takes the cake.
I didn't even recognize that as Melrose behind Zuma.
Melrose is putting his hands on his ears I guess because he realizes his days are past, that Z Dogg is the new gadfly in town.
Melrose may have once hooked up with Howard Stern, but Z Dogg is in the house with both Steve Harvey and Doug McIntyre.
Looks like Melrose's days may be past.
Where is the contribution Mayor Sam is making to Walter Moore's campaign being reported?
you guys talk all about ethics, so please tell me what measures you are taking to publicly declare this contribution.
also, if someone clicks the "contribute to Mayor Sam" link, does the money go to Moore's bank account?
The blog is not being reported because it makes no contribution to Walter's campaign, because as Shirley-Sherry Bebitch Jeffe says, we are not "known from Adam." Being insignificant, how can we be helping Walter?
In terms of the donation, the plan is to fund a lighted statue of Tom LaBong at Venice Beach.
Ya know, I am one of the first people to complain about what the City Council is or isn't doing but Zuma Dogg, in my opinion, crosses the line.
This is governance, not a rap concert. Points can be made while still showing respect for, if not the Councilmember, at least the office.
I can empathise with people who feel the desire to scream at the City Council from time to time but Mr Dogg makes a habit out of screaming and ranting like a fool in a manner that causes his argument to get lost in the shouting.
Hold City Council accountable, but do it with dignity.
Jim ppppllllleeeeeaaasssseeeee. If you want respect you have to earn that respect. I saw Zuma Dogg on council today and he wasn't screaming and made a good argument against LAUSD takeover.
The last people who have earned our respect is City Clown'cil members. They have had the worst publicity the last month on their arrogance and lack of respect for the public. You are dead wrong with your assessement. AND at least Zuma Dogg has the guts to go and voice his opinion and do something about the corruption in city hall. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE AND WHERE WERE THE NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCILS ON THE LAUSD TAKEOVER PLAN AND THE TERM LIMIT EXTENDS BALLOT MEASURE????// NO WHERE!!!
It's one thing to point out the rudeness of the council by not listening to public comment by talking to staff or even being late. But I see Zuma Dogg's making the "Clown-cil" looking civil and ZD being the real clown. Those who tune in to the City Channel or see these videos just go away with remembering his "act" and not the substance of his legitimate argument. It would be better to point out those "Clown-cil" member not present or late and direct questions or comment to those who aren't paying attention which will put them on the spot for a brief second on camera. He isn't earning my vote this way.
7:08 pm Anon - Where were the NC's on the ballot or LAUSD issues?
Am I the spokesperson for every NC?
The LANC Congress IS dealing with the issues. I am sorry if all 88 NC's have not responded as rapidly as you have to the issues but many have taken positions. Things will be happening soon but change doesn't come over night.
I agree the Councilmembers need to earn our respect, but at least treat the institution with respect that is all I have said. Otherwise your argument gets lost in the volume.
Screaming and yelling doesn't get you far, building coalitions does but takes longer and doesn't look as good in the papers.
I agree with Jim.
Zuma Dogg has crossed the line. On his blog he calls one City Councilwoman a "c*nt" and rants like a fucking imbicile at City Council meetings.
The guy wasn't raised right. It is time to send that dog to the pound where he belongs.
Zuma Dogg is getting attention. That will make more people pay attention to our city council. This is a good thing.
If I had to bet the farm, I would guess that "Zuma Dogg" comes out of the closet soon wearing a suit and tie and speaking in the radio voice, not the rapper voice with a firm grasp of all of the issues of the city. He will stop rapping and win people over with his charm.
Who cares what he does? Why would you bloggers need to stick up for the "respect of the councilmembers"? Shut up.
I smell jealousy because Zuma Dogg is getting more attention. You newcomers are as paranoid as Larry Green about losing your gadfly status.
oh the whites
Jim Alger is afraid Zuma might actually get elected while he will continue to lose elections.
Zuma Dogg has said more in 4 months than some of the neighborhood council members have in 4 years.
3:58pm Anon - I may be concerned about many things but rest assured ZD being elected is certainly not one of them.
Feeling good about anonymous cheap shots are we?
I hold the elected office of Neighborhood Councilmember, Elected by that body as Council President, Elected Senator to the LANCC and Elected by that body as its Vice Chair.
I ran for State Assembly and lost by 4 percent or 795 votes.
If it makes you feel better about yourself for criticizing that I think it says more about you than it does about me.
My concerns with ZD and company are straight forward. As I said, this is governance not a rap concert. While I strongly disagree with the City Council reducing the public speaker time, they did it as a result of the verbal abuse lashed out by Mr. Dogg. That hurt everyone who would ever want to speak before council.
One minute is not enough time to give any meaningful input. It is an issue that needs to be dealt with, and we will be dealing with it but at the same time noone should have to put up with non-stop verbal abuse and self promotion badly disguised as legitimate public comment.
Unfortunately, the City Council kind of made this bed and Mr. Dog is playing the rules to make a point. I agree with his point but I fear it may be lost in the shouting.
Oh and 5:46 anon, just because an NC member didn't scream it at a City Council meeting doesn't mean it wasn't said. Just keep that in mind. I would be hard pressed ti imagine where the legitimate concerns ZD has raised have not been brought up before.
to everyone who posted on Mayor Sam's Sister City Blog. (Big ups to Mayor Same -- email me please!)
First of all, City Council stole away my income, with what I consider to be an unconstitutional local ordinace over Federally protected land. So, I have spent the last four months trying to "F" em up so much, they lose sleep at night -- which puts the pressure on the other 14 Councilmembers to hammer Bill Rosendahl (nothing personal against Bill, who I cool, this just falls under his district), to take out the unconstitutional part of the ordinance.
Then, we went through the "Code of Conduct" Z.D. had to kinda fight in my own way, to make sure the first amendment line wasn't getting pushed too far back.
BUT NOW: After reading blogs like this (especially this one), and more importantly all the senior citizen ladies, hispanic kids, religous leaders, attorneys with valuable legal info, political activists with years of research on issues like A.B. 1381 -- all approching me with their issues, hoping I will mention it during public comment (AND I DO), I see that I've made some noise, and luckily a lot of the other activists and politicans now trust me with their knowledge and research...spend hours on end "prepping" me for my one minute of public comment "improv".
So now, I am honoring thier trust by not doing the "most disruptive" things that diminished OTHER speakers experience, because now I see how important their stories and information is, and now I would feel bad if they feel too uncomfortable. HOWEVER, THE SAME PHILOSOPHY DOES NOT APPLY TO THE CORRUPT SHADY COUNCILMEMBERS.
But, if you watched last week, and even moreso in weeks to'll see a slightly toned down approach, because I think we (council and ZD Posse) have both made their point, and after talking with Mr. City Attorney and Eric Garcetti, I think we have both put some common sense into the "discretionary" process. (Aka: If council uses common sense in it's descretion, which Perry and Greuel have REFUSED to do, ZD won't have to use his discretion to yell real loud, to prove my point.)
Zuma Dogg has created a following in the masses of the people. He doesn't use big wrods to get his points across and his speaking apppeals to the masses, which makes him very dangerous to the status quo. He is fighting and he is doing those things many would wish they could do but can't because they have too much to lose.
Zuma Dogg has already had his livelyhod taken from him on venice beach. And he will continue to fight and use this as a way to draw attention to himself. Why not? Yes it upsets me because it has limited speaking time for the rest of us.
But the morte the City Council Pushes the more the rebellious by nature American Citizens will buck at every chance they get.
All they are doing is creating heroes and martyrs of people like Zuma Dogg , because he is using the law , and passive resistance , and the media as a wy to draw attention to the problems.
Now ZUma Dogg has become an advocate and with that comes responsibility and he can creates a backlash with the issues in sucha way , Jim ALger , Brady Westwater and Walter Moore can not.
Zuma Dogg has a constituency right now probably bigger than any councilmember on that that city council.
You bet your bottom Zuma that the city council will try to do use mediation to get you to calm down?
They have too many issues up for a vote this november that Zuma Dogg can drum up so much antagonism towards that ZUma could rally the city to defeat anything the City Council and the MAyor want.
Zuma Dogg may not wear a suit , but he is not an empty suit.
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