Alger Won't Be Challenging Smith

He released the following statement:
Over the past several months I have received countless letters and emails attempting to persuade me to run for the 12th District of the Los Angeles City Council. Many of the letters aluded to an "ongoing feud" between Councilman Smith and myself. Such a feud exists only in the minds of those who want there to be one for whatever reason. Even if such a feud existed, it would not be grounds for a City Council run.
I believe deeply in representative government. That means doing what I feel is right and being where I feel I can do the most good. My heart is with the NC system, and the LANCC. These groups are struggling to be part of this thing we call Democracy and I plan on being part of the leadership that guides them through difficult waters. I do not feel that I could accomplish that task while running an intense political campaign.
When I was first approached with the idea of running for City Council, I was and remain honored to have even been considered. However, a City Council run this year was never my intention from the start. Still, the speculation continued and has brought me to be here today.
Out of courtesy, last week I informed Councilman Smith officially that I will not be a candidate for Los Angeles City Council in 2007. In that letter I extended my hand to Councilman Smith to work together on the issues that face our common constituencies. This is the course that I feel best serves the community.
Thank you all for your continued support.
Jim Alger
Wow. I am suprised. Wish he would have run, we need a guy like him here.
Did a tree just fall in the forest?
It's the Zuma Dogg era.
It is a sad day in Los Angeles.
Alger will do great things for the city. We need more people like him around keeping these fools honest.
Jim always said he didn't want to run against Greig, but Mini Mitch kept the rumor going as long as he could.
August 15, 2006 3:02 PM,
A tree just fell in Northridge. That's a joke on both Alger and Northridge, a double-whammy!
YAWN, this is what passes for news in the Zuma-Dogg Days of Slumber.
Someone who never stood a chance, finally seeing the forest for the falling, silent trees.
Listen, can you hear my one hand clapping, too? Trust me, that as much applause as this non-issue, non-announcement deserves.
Bravo, encore, faux auter -- fade to balk.
Slow down Mitch.
"Finally seeing the forest for the falling silent trees?" I don't even know what the hell your trying to say there.
Mitch Englander convinced people Alger was running yet every-time Alger was asked he always said he wasn't so I don't think Jim "finally" saw anything. He just "finally" said NO in a language you morons downtown could actually understand.
He has posted on here at least 10 times over the past year that he wasn't going to run against Smith. As he said in his statement it was NEVER his intention, just people (Mitch) didn't believe him. Oh look, Alger ends up being the honest one... AGAIN.
But hey, now you can sic the CD12 puppies after Zuma Dogg. I'd vote for him...
Alger HONEST! Boy does he have you brainwashed. He is a calculating little worm that wants to be a politician so bad he can taste it.
He would sell out your mother, my mother and his own mother to get elected.
He only cares about one thing, HIMSELF.
Truth is, Alger running would be a tremendous benefit to Smith.
The latter (Smith) could have used a somewhat semi-serious candidate (Alger) as an excuse to raise and spend tons of money -- all coming painlessly from lobbyists, thank you very much.
The lesson today on MayorSam is: Politicians want (token) opposition.
Now all y'all get back to school. You'll learn someday.
Jim Alger only cares about himself:
Which is why he spends his free time donating his piloting skills and aircraft (as well as the cost of fuel etc) to fly sick children for medical care through Angel Flight
Which is why he opens his home to rescue abandoned pets
Which is why he spent HUNDREDS of hours guiding the NC system into the first ever Intra-City MOU between NC's and the DWP
Which is why he spends countless hours working for transparent government through the Neighborhood Council System
Which is why he organized a massive civilian relief operation to the Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina
Which is why he dug through the rubble of Ground Zero.
Or, perhaps your just an ASSHOLE who is jealous that you could never be half the man he is?
Don't forget that Jim Alger was named one of the Outstanding Young Californians by the California Jaycees
Jim loves to blog anonymously about himself. he should learn how to spell "elude" in a press release.
al·lude ( P )Pronunciation Key (-ld)intr.v. al·lud·ed, al·lud·ing, al·ludes
To make an indirect reference: The candidate alluded to the recent war by saying, “We've all made sacrifices.”
Your spelling "elude" is INCORRECT:
e·lude ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-ld) tr.v. e·lud·ed, e·lud·ing, e·ludes
To evade or escape from, as by daring, cleverness, or skill: The suspect continues to elude the police.
To escape the understanding or grasp of: a name that has always eluded me; a metaphor that eluded them. See Synonyms at escape.
Now maybe a "l" was dropped but your "correction" is of course, incorrect.
If your going to be a pompous ass, know what the fuck your talking about.
The correct definition and use of the word elude has eluded 10:59 pm Anon.
The only "little worm" in CD12 is Mitch Englander, chief of staff to Clowncilman Smith.
I agree, Jim is a selfish person who would do anything to be elected. He is a power hungry person, always has been, and will do ANYTHING to get what he wants.
What does he want?
Does Jim Alger still have Down Syndrome?
Does Down Syndrome go away?
Jim Alger is not even his real name, somebody check his background and you'll see an official name change. Running from something Jimmy? Perhaps it's that criminal background in N.Y.
Whoever wrote that last comment obviously just fell off the turnip truck. Alger's "crimminal" background was well discussed during the campaign by every moron who wanted to take a minor offense and turn it into something... and we still didn't care.
Besides, he hasn't lived in NY in 20 years... I couldn't care less what he did, if anything, when he was a kid.
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