Quotation Of The Day

--Armando Navarro, Chairman of UC Riverside's Ethnic Studies Department, as quoted in the very last line of an L.A. Times article about "Aztlan."
This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
See, that's one of the BIG problems with all you fraidy-cat, uptight WASPs. . . you can't understand METAPHOR and expressive language. Damn, how the public schools have destroyed what was a promising beginning to centuries of American Literature.
You got ALL hot and bothered about the "white water fountain" comment, because you REALLY thought it was about LIQUID H20 and NOT about the bigger issues of forced, mind-bending assimilation to the point of loss of cultural identity.
Didn't ANY of you ever get stuck in Sunday School -- ". . .whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. I suppose you also think THAT was about a lifetime supply of Sparkletts.
Now you think because someone talks about supporting a native culture, or homeland in some way that they're REALLY doing what? Recruiting "David Ben-Garcia's" in East L.A.? (And. why the hell was it we entered WWI and WWII, if not to support the "mother continent" like good little Euro-centrics -- even though we were never attacked from there?)
Get a grip, this isn't "next year, in Aztlan" and you have NOTHING TO FEAR but fraidy-catism itself that the Federales will be patrolling the steets of Santa Monica in this century or the next (if you're shaking in your boots about "the invasion" - then you're more deluded than any "reconquista" chapter, which probably has a membership just south of your local B.P.O.E.).
Same speaker you quoted (out of context, not surpisingly), "Wacko" --
"There is no reconquista conspiracy. I have no CIA — no Chicano Intelligence Agency. There is no evidence to suggest there is some secret plan," he said. "We are returning as a people to a place that was once ours. Does that mean I have dual loyalty? I was an officer in the U.S. Army for eight years. This is all a fabrication of fear mongers."
Hell, Wacko, just ship 'em all off the Manzanar... they speak SPANISH for gawdssake; they could be FIFTH COLUMNISTS for the REAL invasion.
OO-GA, BOO-GA (translation: "elect me, I'll protect you from them")!
My, what a reaction, all from a single quotation, unaccompanied by any commentary!
You've made your position known on other posts though Walter.
No shit, Sher-Wack... that was bait, but the fish pulled WAL-TUH in.
Now HE 'da (race)bait!
(like Wacko was posting that because he thought, "how amazingly clear it has all become to me NOW. I will NEVER be xenophobic again. I think I will post this so all the OTHER intolerant white-flighters will stop worrying and learn to LOVE their brown neighbors; as I do now!"
Yeah, right!
Is it true there's a feature film planned for this?
Suppose Paul Newman has one more film in him? Drag out that 40-year-old "bandido" greasepaint, Paul. . . you can play the aging "reconquista" who lays siege to a downtown L.A. hotel (where he's been employed as a dishwasher for 40 years).
I smell another OSCAR (pronouced OH-scar).
Yeah, but the backstory is that Newman's character is mostly pissed because he has a PHD in cultural studies from USC, and dishwashing's the best he can do.
You know what the "wackos" of this world call a Latino with a PHD, don'tcha?
That's DR. Beaner to you. . .
3:20, People aren't worried about actual "reconquista," since that of course would never happen, but ARE worried that the country will be further Mexicanified, as much of LA has. Mexico is nice (for some people) to visit, but we don't want it HERE. We've had enough shittiness already.
Hmm... I don't get it... Please explain.
This blog has reached a new low in stupidity.
Low in stupidity = high in intelligence. That's what you mean, right?
One would think that Mexicans who show such fervent love towards Mexico would be more inclined to try to fix their beleaguered country instead of bolting from it at the first possible chance.
The paranoia of these wacko Chicano activists, make Tom Cruise's rants on Scientology and the need for no meds for psychiatric problems seem rational by comparison.
At last islamo facists have a coherent ideology unlike the weird mythology of the Aztlan movement that believes in the Mexican Ubermensch much like Himmler.
The sad fact is pro-Mexican activists in general have a collective "Rodney Dangerfield" inferiority complex where they want to blame everyone else except themselves for their failures in life.
Mexicans who do not assimilate and become American citzens by a legal immigration are more of threat than Al Queda. They depress wages and put far greater burden on our infrastructure and public hospitals than they will ever contribute.
Why is that all these Chicano intelluctuals such as Navarro live on the public dole as tenured professors teaching courses with dubious value and can not make it in the private sector as successfull businessmen?
This welfare and entitlement mentality of illegal Mexican aliens reflects a failure in Mexican society. In spite of all the natural resources (oil, gas, and minerals), Mexico remains so undeveloped compared to other Latin countries with much less.
If Mexico were a publicly traded corporation instead of a big banana republic, it would be considered an underperforming asset. Perhaps its time for a leveraged rub-out of all the corruption in Mexico and ship all their citzens back home to clean up the mess on their dime and not ours.
Oh year, Islam is a REAL religion (save one of the 77 virgins for me, Abdul).
2:01 check you...
Around the world you should know, it is AMERICANS who are perceived as the ones walking around with the sense of entilement. Outside of your dillusion, in a global perspective, it is you who has the sense of entilement.
Mexicans, like most immigrants do not come to America with a with a hand out ready to recive, they come ready to work. It is well documented that they are also less likely to seek out government assistance, even if they qualify because they feel it is dishonorable to take handouts.
The anicdotal evidence is present on freeway off ramps all over LA, what is the immigrant doing (Asian or brown)? What is the anglo doing?
Illegal Mexicans need only to have children born in the USA to have a guaranteed meal ticket of welfare benefits. Who is overburdening the emergency rooms of our public and private hospitals for any sort of health ailment - illegal immigrants that are largely Mexican.
Show some statistics disprove the assertion that illegals are not taxing the American public health or welfare system directly or indirectly. Why do you think hospital emergency rooms are closing and health insurance premiums are rising?
As far as the poor blokes selling fruit on the street good for them, but many are not Mexican but Central American.
Its the Mexicans selling corn on the cob with mayonaisse on streets and leave the mess there who are a serious nuisance. Have you ever smelled the rotten odor of spoilt mayonaisse.
Maybe that's the norm in Mexico of not cleaning up after oneself but is a regular issue with highway street maintenance along with meth lab waste dumped underneath the underpasses - another byproduct of illegal Mexican activity.
The word entitlement seems to be the central theme of the illegal alien activists in securing carte blanche amnesty for illegals. There are good people in any race, however, Mexico largely sends its human trash to us.
If illegals are making use of government subsidies and medical care then the VILLAIN you need to really look at are the SCAB employers that hire the daylaborers for the express reason that they are CHEAPER than unions, or even non-union citizens who would require that these cut-rate scab-picking employers PAY for the healthcare of their workers, by default.
THESE are the people picking OUR pockets, the EMPLOYERS... saying "HEY PABLO, I won't pay your benefits, I'm too cheap, AND too BAD a businessman to make enough money at what I do to pay decent wages. Go get your injuries treated at our LEGAL NEIGHBORS' expense, subsidized by the taxpayers."
Take the border guards OFF the border and send them to the EMPLOYERS place of business, arrest THEM, and start levying MASSIVE fines, and much of the flow would go away.
NO Demand = LESS supply, and cheaper prices for it. If illegals can't make that much more HERE than in Mexico (from employers that are SCREWING US ALL), then more will stay home.
NAIL the U.S. citizens that create this demand. Seize their assets, shut down their businesses as corrupt and illegal operations (under RICO, if they are large corporations). Print their pictures in local papers, revoke their contracters' licenses of business permits, make THEM do the perp walk, and seize their PERSONALS assets. Sell everything off and repay welfare, medicare, etc. (And, if these enterprises dry up, the street vendors that clutter up the neighborhoods where the illegals now congregate will ALSO have no one to sell to, with less illegals lured here by CRIMINAL EMPLOYERS.
These employers, claiming "I have to, my competitors do" are doing MORE damage to more legal citizens (and illegals, too), than anything Ken Lay ever did, devil keep his soul.
INS tried that ten years ago at the meatpacking plants in Nebraska and Kansas, 2:11, but a few phone calls from Bobs Dole and Kerrey pretty much ended enforcement.
I have to wonder sometimes if industries (like meatpacking) that make extensive use of illegal immigrant labor secret channel funds to wacko racist commentators who spout views like 12:51's, so as to make people who oppose illegal immigration seem disreputable.
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