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Monday, May 15, 2006

Villaraigosa Just Made You The Minister Of Education

The year is 2009, courts have resolved the last of the legal challenges to the Mayor's takeover of the LAUSD, and he has just appointed YOU to run the schools. Now, I know from your comments that you're all a bunch of freakin' geniuses, especially those of you still in your 20's, and you, unlike the rest of us, truly understand how government and the world work.

So, in the spirit of "Worst Case Scenario," what do you do? Tell us specifically what you would do differently from the LAUSD today, and why.

As you ponder your assignment, you may benefit from the graduation address that Bill Cosby -- who has a doctorate in education -- gave at Spellman College this weekend. He said the same male students who drop out of high school "have memorized the lyrics of very difficult rap songs." He added: "And they know how to send their sperm cells out and then walk away from the responsibility of something called fatherhood."

And you thought kids weren't learning anything in school!


Anonymous Anonymous said:

No Walter we are not going to post OUR ideas on here. Antonio will have his moron staff writing down all the good points and give them to Antonio to claim. DON'T GIVE ANTONIO IDEAS!!!!! For once let him figure it out.

May 16, 2006 7:22 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I love the previous comment! "Don't Give Antonio Ideas"!

Exactly! It's a case of the blind leading the blind. This cretin can't string two sentences together without looking at his crib notes. But what do you expect from someone with a 1.4 GPA, who was expelled from high school for causing trouble!

I really got a laugh when he gave the Commencement Address at USC. He tried to sound like an actual college graduate when he referred to the fact that the Trojans always beat 'HIS BRUINS'!!!! HIS BRUINS...MY ASS!~ I'm sure that he never attended one football game, much less any classes. He was only there to cause trouble..always wearing his Che tee shirt and yelling obscenities on his bull horn. I know!!!! I was a student at the time. I saw him!!!!! No one paid much attention to him because his following was very small....but he made himself known, and everyone hated him. HE HAD NO FRIENDS!!! And the campus police were always tracking him.

I find it extremely amusing that he is trying to change his spots now. He is a punk thug who strong-armed his way up the ladder, and he will stop at nothing to further his cause. Wake up, people, he needs to be smacked down NOW! You are forewarned! Do your research. Google him. Do your homework!

May 16, 2006 9:42 AM  

Blogger Mitch Glaser said:

"I know from your comments that you're all a bunch of freakin' geniuses, especially those of you still in your 20's, and you, unlike the rest of us, truly understand how government and the world work."

Mr. Moore, I am grateful that you regard me as a freakin' genuis and appreciate my insightful feedback, but my expertise is in land use, not education. Therefore I can't engage you on this topic.

I'm quite sure we'd all like to read your thoughts on improving LAUSD, but I think it's safe to assume you think the answer is to remove all illegal immigrants from the city. Or maybe we should take Mr. Cosby's advice and have our teachers rap all their lessons?

May 16, 2006 4:15 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


Start a thread called

"Villaraigosa stoled my Idea"

He stole my idea back in 2003

May 16, 2006 7:39 PM  

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