Open Thread for Monday
This old, dead Republican mayor is a bit under weather - and Blogger seems to be as well - so I won't be posting until maybe later. Feel free to blog away about anything you want. But do try to behave. Here are some topics: Martin Ludlow, District 2, Jim Alger & Greig Smith, trash and the latest on the 4th Floor.
I Didn't know the City of LA also gave auto-loans, how else can james acevedo afford a Porsche Cayenne?
Thank god for Cindy's car-buyer bill of rights eh alex? The city didn't pay too much for that ride.
- Car And Driver Mag.
Almost anyone earning a good salary can lease a Porsche Cayenne starting at $499 per month.
The three officials subsequently authorized the issuance of badges, identification cards or other official-looking credentials for many of the donors, designating them members of groups including Baca's "Homeland Security Support Unit," Doyle's "Sheriff's Executive Council" and Ramos' "Bureau of Justice."
No jail time?
Re: "Ludlow to pay city fine of $105,271" (March 8): Union leaders cannot act with impunity when it comes to members' money. The only way to curb these criminal activities is to fine and imprison these offenders. A fine and no jail time for Martin Ludlow sends the message that these union leaders can go ahead and roll the dice hoping no one will notice.
Loran Forbes
Did anyone catch Gil Cedillo on Channel 2 last night talking about -- what else -- the drivers license bill?
Not only did Gil seem tired and unemotional, he had on so much make-up that he looked like he had been embalmed (I guess they were trying to hide his racoon features).
Hey, what about a rant on that NCAA Men's B-Ball Tourney ?? How about them Bruins, a #2 seed in the Western Regional !! One can easily see UCLA beating Gonzaga (similar to Cal ... all one player) and Memphis ( can someone say rematch babbbbby !!!)to play Duke in the Final Four.
And no USC in the tourney ... pobrecitas :( !!! Couldn't even make the NIT I see ... hehehe
Luldow's sentencing date is April 21st. He still may get jail time. He's ratted out Wesson over some petty contracts his son got. The money involved was less than what Martin stole so it is ot what the Feds are looking for. The feds are awaitin gto see if Wesson retaliates. But until then, the Feds are waiting for Ludlow to implicate Tony the Liar. Those two campaigns in 2003 were run the same way. There is proof that the same ghost workers were used for both campaigns. That's who the Feds want, Antonio, and it's just a matter of time until Ludlow, Wesson or some other bozo serves him up on a silver platter. What do you think Martin will do when he finds out that Antonio wanted his squeeze, Maria Elena Durazo, in at the County Fed all along. Long live People's College of Law, class of 79, 80, 82, 83, 84 - Antonio and Maria Elena should have "graduated" from this "law school" during one of these years. Hard to keep track because unaccredited schools don't keep accurate records.
What about that house in Sherman Oaks that Acevedo bought - cash $850,000 - before the real estate boom. He used that 4 million he got from James Hahn (when Hahn was City Attorney) to build low income housing. Has anyone seen it? Grapevine Construction, Norhteast Development - Padilla, Cardenas, Alarcon - there all tied to these deals.
El Malpache strikes again. I thought Gil had retreated from public life after his pathetic support of Hahn.
Note to Gil: you've failed your constituents. It's time to start your lobbyist career.
Antonio promised he would not run for Mayor and complete his City Council job. Gil endorses Hahn...
Antonio runs for Mayor. I admire that Gil is a man of his word.
Cedillo is a really decent man. I think he is right about the Drivers License, and Im not latino.
But...come on now, please do SOMETHING else while youre in office. Enough of this drivers license bill.
As for him sticking by Hahn-unforgiveable. When Antonio got in the race he should have supported him. Period. Hahn was a disaster and if Cedillo thinks sticking by Hahn is a sign of loyalty-I say, to who? He should be loyal to his constituents who needed a Mayor, not a placeholder for lobbyists and patronage. Cedillo should have endorsed AV the day he got in, not stick by some useless hack ( hahn).
James Acevedo...don't you think he received funds other than city "auto" loan?
What about under the table pay to play politics?
No. No ethics! This is the same Baca, Sheriff Baca who wrote a letter for convicted drug dealer Vignali. He is friends with Downtown Real Estate Tycoon Drug Dealer Vignali. Although, Vignali didn't just get a badge, he got a pardon from jail card.
There has to be a smart individual who can start protests:
"Ludlow to Jail"
"Ludlow to Jail"
"Do the time for your crime"
"Do the time for your crime"
What makes him so special over any other citizen in this city?
Special Treatment.
Watch how Ludlow, led by his father in law Bishop Blake, becomes the pathetic fall guy and screams racism. He'll ask the black community to support him and they will because they have short term memory. He'll go to the black political groups and ask for their support.
He'll turn on them black folks as quick as you can say "latino support" when he's eligible to run again in four years. AV will reward him for taking the fall and he'll run for Diane Watson's seat in Congress (although she was supposed to retire after this term).
Ludlow needs to do what the words in bold say at the bottom of this text box "Choose an identity"
Martin turned over the following three guys.
Skelton- Racketering
Garcia- Laundering
Hacopian- Laundering
These guys are going down,
What made many people angry is how damn arrogant Ludlow looked smiling and all at his press conf. after being indicted!!! He's been smiling the whole time and not sounding very remorseful. He's an embarrassement and the blacks are so ignornant just like OJ they will stand behind him just because he's black and make it a race issue not the fact that he committed a felony. You ask tons of blacks and they will tell you they all knew OJ was guilty but it was all about payback.
2:41 I don't think three consultants will be indicted.
It is obvious Martin was coached by individual who coached AV.
So, can someone please explain how you get convicted of a felony and you are still eligible to run for public office? I thought felons weren't even entitled to vote!
I say to the judge throw his sorry ass in jail at least a year and take that damn smirky grin off his face. The Feds need to send a message and not giving Ludlow jail time is sending the WRONG message. Commit a felony and its ok if you're an elected official. I hope the candidates who ran against him sue his butt.
Who were the candidates?
The importance of GOV to show muscle and justice
He committed a crime
He must accept his guilty plea and go to jail
It doesn't matter how much coaching Parke gives Martin. Coaching dumb shits still nets dumb shits. Look at Antonio for proof of this. Martin is singng and he doesn't even know it. Antonio is going down. No "coach" can stop this collapse.
HAHN was a disaster? You have GOT to be kidding me.
I know people who would do anything to get Mr. Steady-As-A-Rock back. Excuse him for being too boring for you.
Think what you will. I'll be anxious to see how you all feel about Villaraigosa in a year.
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