Engineers Try to Chase Down the Mayor?
We don't have confirmation of this yet, but Engineers and Archtiechts union boss Robert Aquino gives his own personal account of what happened at a Mayor Villaraigosa press conference just a few short moments ago:
RUN, ANTONIO, RUN (3-9-06)
The Mayor attempted to have a news conference this morning to introduce the new General Manager for the City’s Department of Transportation. Unfortunately for the Mayor, as he walked out to meet the news cameras he ran into over 50 of his employees wearing the black EAA t-shirts yelling, “Equal pay for equal work”. At seeing this reception the Mayor did what any brave forthright leader would do in this circumstance - he took off up Main Street trying to get away from the group. Sadly, for the Mayor, he was unsuccessful because the whole group of EAA members chased him yelling, “Equal pay for equal work”. At some point the Mayor radioed in for support from his staff and a black SUV snatched him from the jaws of his employees and whisked him to safety. This whole event was captured by news cameras from KNBC 4 as well as by individual cameras held by EAA members.
You can run Tony, but you can’t hide from us.
From, Bob Aquino
This Mayor and Arnold are cut from the same ilk. How can the mayor present himself as labor friendly and then suggest that their are too many city employees, out of control health care cost and pensions. If you read the Daily Breeze this morning, you would think that it was Riordan or Richman posturing for the upcoming city budget. Don't forget from whence you came Mr. Mayor!!
BTW...this post is has nothing to do with the EAA actions today!!
correction Daily News...
I was there and the Mayor ran as fast as his little feet could carry him. He was yelling into his phone, "Broken arrow, broken arrow". Then a car showed up to save him.
What a worm!!!! Great leadership running away like a wimp instead of being a man and facing the music. Can hardly wait to see him run like a coward. GOOD FOR EAA
I can hear Corrina saying, "Yep, another satisfied customer"
It was not another satisfied customer Corrina, it was another dissatisfied customer!
Mayor R2D2 doesn't need a $5 billion subway to the ocean. If he can maintain the speed he achieved while beating his feet to get away from EAA members he can make Santa Monica in 15 minutes... hell, he can make Vegas in 1 1/2 hours. Antonio has shown us the future of rapid transit in LA.
The only way that Antonio will be able to beat Schwarzenegger for Governor is if they agree to have the results determined by a foot race. Here's the scenario, Tony will enlist the help of EAA members to chase him in the gubernatorial race and will thereby achieve superhuman speed to defeat the Governator!
If Tony is going to run again, may I suggest he run for the border :)
To you Jerks that are disparaging our beloved Mayor with these remarks, for a moment have some empathy...imagine going to a press conference that you secretly arranged and run into a slathering pack of blood thirsty engineers, accountants and assorted beauraucrats howling wolfishly and baying at your heels leaving you only one viable option that might save your life. Fortunately, our cool headed Mayor evacuated his bowels and was able to escape because he was the only one running on dry ground The saints be praised.
How does Antonio intend to run for Governor when he is the laughing stock of LA today?
You idiots don't even realize why he took off running. Hidden in that crowd of EAA members were seven or eight angry husbands and boyfriends. There was even a couple of wives that were pissed at him.
The Mayor claimed yesterday that city unions were behind and he was proven correct today at 11:00 a.m. when EAA members were close behind him while he ran down Main Street shouting equal pay for equal work.
Since when does "labor friendly" mean you have to roll over and do whatever labor wants?
Haven't you labor guys learned anything from Martin Ludlow and the rest of the scandals?
The people of Los Angeles are fed up with you guys thinking you can rape our treasury and bleed us dry by raising taxes.
Keep it up and you will see the end of the labor movement and unions in Los Angeles.
Be happy that you have fat salaries and great retirement and no work to do. Try it out here in the private sector where we really need to hump it to make the extra buck, and no fat retirement, either.
Quit whining.
Stupid, stupid move Mr. Mayor. Why would you want unions against you when you had them all on your side? What did you do to piss them off? Time to pay the piper Mayor Riordan, oops, I mean Villaraigosa.
To 2:08pm - Put down that bottle Dick Riordan. It's time for you to go to Palm Springs to dry out again because you're babbeling.
This must be making the Mayor's staff very proud of their fearsome leader. They're now having to think, if he gets indicted how long will it be before he hands over every person that he directed to do his dirty work? You might have been good at staying ahead of those husbands, but the prosecutors offer better pursuit.
Hell, I saw him knock down some of his staff in the way of the angry crowd so he could get a running head start.
Tony the Barbarian. Que hombre. A true leader of men, as long as they're running away.
The way things are going, WE should all become government employees, because when it comes to salaries, heath benefits and pensions, no one else in LA is going to end up with such sweet deals.
Either that or city and government employees should be taxed at a much higher rate than other working stiffs.
No media coverage?
KNBC's news desk reports as of 2:30 p.m. that the press conference story will run in the five o'clock segment, sometime between five and six.
The fact is our mayor Antonio is now crying that the city is in a $270 million deficit YET he gives DWP 17 1/2% pay hike. He should have expected the other unions to want the same. Remember during the mayoral campaign when Laura Erickson Ch. 4 nailed him on a question during a press conf. and HE RAN INTO THE BATHROOM. This is NOT the way a leader should behave.
The original post is misleading, and out of fairness, Mayor Sam should amend it. He did not arrive at the press conference and then turn tail upon seeing the protesters.
He arrived at the press conference, spoke for at least five minutes, stood by for at least 15 more minutes of speeches by other officials (whom the protesters did not have the courtesy to quite down for), and then, after answering reporters questions for another ten minutes, he went back to his office.
He comported himself well, and anyone who expects an official like him to do anything but go on with the show is crazy.
F*ck would be nice if these and other unions invested as much time improving the city all they care about is their own ass...freaking terrorists!
Their anger and will be their own downfall.
The original post is misleading, and out of fairness, Mayor Sam should amend it. He did not arrive at the press conference and then turn tail upon seeing the protesters.
The post quotes directly from the EAA website. The claims are the EAA's. If the Mayor's office releases a version of events, I'm sure it will also be posted too.
3:43Typical thug talk laborthug. OOOHHH you scare me so much with macho statements. Get a life. We live in America not Cuba. You want to shut a persons right to free speech then go live in Cuba.
From a Jim Alger press release:
"'To be surprised that the EAA, which has been without a contract for years, would demand equal treatment by the city is ridiculous. They deserve the same benefits for the same job. This confrontation was foreseeable.' Alger concluded."
Bunker is right. AV has a history of accepting fat publicly-financed raises for himself and his buddies, doesn't renegotiate the DWP contract, and then tells others to hit the road. No amount of spin can change this hypocrisy.
Chick -n-shit should release the audit on the $117 MIILION IN BONUSES. I hope Daily News who filed public record act prints them. Gee, wonder if Antonio's staff and good friends all over the city got some good xmas bonuses. Antonio hates anything negative or anything that doesn't show him in a good light. He hasn't seen anything yet. Just wait til the unions storm city hall when their contracts are up.
Mayor Sam how could you miss this? This is the most important story in the paper today.
Proposal Would Expand List of People Who Must Register as Lobbyists in L.A.
By Patrick McGreevy, Times Staff...
A Los Angeles ethics commissioner has proposed that leaders of homeowner groups, union activists and some heads of nonprofit organizations who frequently try to influence City Hall be required to register as lobbyists and disclose their activity. If approved, the proposal by Commissioner Sean Treglia could FORCE SEVERAL OF MAYOR VILLARAIGOSA'S APPOINTEEES FROM CITY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS OR STOP ADVOCATING AT CITY HALL, because he has a policy banning lobbyists from city panels.
antonio ran from his union brother what does maria think of litle brother behavior?
The video clip should look good in his opponents' TV ads during the 2009 campaign -- you know, the ones who can afford TV ads.
Channel 4 showed mayoral video at about 6:30, but it wasn't his "Run, Forrest, run!," it was instead a lunch where gave a fireman an award.
If anyone can find the "Run, Forrest, run!" video, please tell the rest of us how to get it.
I want the Run Forest Run Video too!!!!
To any person who has the video upload it on "YOU TUBE" website anonymously...
I just read the Daily News on the bonuses and low and behold the amount from 2004 to 2005 (majority of Antonio in office) went up $30 MILLION. THAT'S RIGHT FOLKS $30 MILLION FOR BONUSES. Yet, we're suppose to have a $270 mil deficit, AV keeps having all these stupid studies that cost over $200,000 at least and he doesn't want to give unions their just raise. DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB I agree Daily News should post their public record. I want to see my tax dollars spent and who got what type of bonuses because of my hard work.
Antonio should quit running and merely hire Dalila "Venus of Willendorf" Sotelo as his bodyguard.
She'll scare off anybody who wants to ask a pesky question!
This whole thing is a no-win for the city I love, and for our Mayor.
To maintain his political power, and the bully pulpit, Villaraigosa will have to play up (in his press appearances) his standing firm against a "bad" union that wants higher pay. This attitude will play well with us common folk. "Good job Antonio, fight to keep taxes low" etc.
However, he will have to show that he is not totally anti-union, otherwise he'll be unable to direct funding to control pols in the region. So he'll have to play up his working together with "good" unions. This will be less overt, but it will be critical.
Unfortunately, one of the "good" unions just got its leadership indicted.
Goodbye progress and hello trials, scandal, and a few more years of nothing special.
Dalila Sotelo is stellar! She is probably one of the most intelligent and classy Latina that I have ever met. She is my role model and we are very proud of her!!! You go girl!!!
I'm sure little tony was running to give the so. central farmers the land they think belongs to them. He's willing to have public money paid to a small group of squatters, but not willing to provide City employees equal pay.
This is by far one of the funniest things I have ever read on here. Every comment has had me rolling.
did he think they were going to hit him? Trample him? Yell at him?
I want to see some coverage of this! What is Broken Arrow, Broken Arrow, besides comic relief?
Yeah, Tony always was the first to throw stones and then the first to run. What a pussy!
The EAA should market a t-shirt with Antonio as a leprechuan and the union members chasing after his lucky charms. I bet that will fund more event disruptions.
LA Times is stating today that Main street was CLOSED at the press conf. so Antonio and other council members could announce his appointment. Now does that make sense, traffic conjestion for this B.S. Then Antonio's people come out with a statement that it was the fault of the EAA that the street had to be closed. If I were Aquino I would really get organized with the teamsters who are behind them and really send the message to our clown of a Mayor.
BTW Dalila Sotelo is another Antonio groupie and operative. Don't say a word around her cause she reports back to AV.
NC Members in CD 14?
Gasca av operative
Just a little tidbit, our fearless leader cancelled his visit to LADOT's ATSAC center, after EAA chased him down again. Who knew anyone would fear an engineer. And what irony, shutting down the street during the lunch hour so he could his face time out to public and talk about reducing traffic congestion.
Never in the history of politics have I ever seen ANYONE behave like this!!!! Villar is the biggest lying coward that ever walked and I can personally attest to that fact.
Two years ago I attended a political campaign luncheon at a restaurant in the Palisades where Tony the Liar was supposed to say a few words.
He was answering questions from this very elite, conservative WHITE group of Pacific Palisades, when the issue of illegal immigration and Mecha came up.
Someone in the audience asked him is he still belonged to Mecha and supported illegal immigration. HE EXCUSED HIMSELF TO GO TO THE MEN'S ROOM, BEAT IT OUT THE BACK DOOR, AND NEVER CAME BACK TO THE LUNCHEON!!!!!!
All of this stuff is going to make great fodder for his next campaign move, if he is stupid enough to run for anything. I can hardly wait for the you know what to hit the fan.
Westside resident
I thought it was against the law to pay one group more for equal work than another group. Guess it's ok to discriminate if it gets you elected governor.
I really believed in the Mayor before he got elected. He is nothing but a DINO (Democrat in Name Only). Even Arnold would have treated groups equally.
Equal treatment for all workers not just the fortunate ones (DWP workers).
Just another broken promise.
You have to understand the Mexican culture...the Mexican 'hat dance', so to speak.
I have never met a Mexican yet who isn't a liar. Their political history is the most corrupt of any country...they don't know what it means to be honest.
Villar has no moral fiber or integrity. He is nothing but a sneaky, slimy coward and he's too stupid to realize that we all know what he is.
BTW,did anyone see him at the Academy Awards???? In the first place, he had no business being there, but secondly, he and his'family' looked SO OUT OF PLACE with the beautiful people of Hollywood. They looked like they just crawled out of the trunk of a coyote's van crossing the border. Sorry to be so direct...but he's asking for it. The cameras don't lie!!!!
Maybe the voters will wake up before the next elections!
Obviously you haven't met me or my family and friends. Granted, Villar is a worthless slime ball but his many faults are not an indictment on a whole culture. What kind of person would I be if I credited your rantings to every white person out there. I'll be someone like you, bitterly confused and full of rage. What happened, that cute Latina at the end of the bar turn you down last night? Or maybe it was that dark, handsome virile Latino man down the street.
Just so you know, your comment:
"Their political history is the most corrupt of any country...they don't know what it means to be honest", is in fact a lie. Next time you accuse a whole nation of political debauchery (quick, get a dictionary!), take a look at what's going in this country. Or are you just a liar like the leader of this, our nation?
coyote? You racist pig.
I have no problem with EAA members asking and getting the same cost of living increase as IBEW Local 18.
However, it is not equal pay for equal work. DWP employees must make enough money to cover their own salaries and COL's PLUS ANOTHER 7% ANNUALLY WHICH GOES TO CITY HALL TO PAY FOR NON-DWP CITY EMPLOYEE SALARIES. The reverse is not true. So go for a fair COL but stop saying equal pay for equal work. It simply isn't true.
Oh do your research - DWP isn't the only proprietary department in the City. And the others have EAA employees.
To: 8:26
You are correct, I do not know you, your family, or your friends, but you appear to have a modicum (get out the dictionary, lol) of decency about you.
However, regarding the corrupt regime in Mexico, let me correct you. Mexico's history includes the PRI Revolutionary regime, the 'dirty war' of the 60's, 70's, and 80's, death squads, corrupt police force, murder, raping women as a 'courting ritual, human rights abuse, animal abuse, drug cartels, smuggling of illegals, graft and corruption by officials, etc. Need I go on?
I am a native Angeleno and have lived here for decades only to see my once beautiful city succumb to the ravages of 25 M illegals, filth, crime, illiteracy, poverty, and bilingualism. It is now third world, thanks to your third world.
Is it any wonder that I, along with every other American, resent Mexicans collectively? Culture follows race and all you have to do is take a day trip over the border to see the filth and poverty and crime. Sorry if you have to be included because of your heritage, but your (collectively) reputation precedes you at all times. If you follow the news at all, you will find that 80% of Americans are fed up with the invasion of illegals and the attendant problems associated with them. We are now a third world country. Damn right we're angry! THIS IS OUR COUNTRY! And all you pathetic invaders can do is cry "RACISM".
We have to put up with your MECHA, LULAC, MALDEF, LA RAZA operatives aiding and abetting ILLEGALS. We are teaming with your MS13 gangs. 95% of every felony homicide warrant is for one of your fellow Mexican countrymen.
Mexico is only exporting it's poverty, illiteracy, disease, and crime. Damn right, we're sick of it.
And the coup d'etat is having the racist, MECHISTA, slimeball pig, Tony Villar, running around like a pig with earrings.
By the way, I am a behavioral science professor at a major University...married with 3 children. And no, I don't go to bars looking for LAtinas (what a horrid thought!!!!!
I don't call it racism, I call it ignorance. I am very proud of my Mexican heritage and I am 7th generation American, count them seven! That means my family was here way before the U.S. was.
There is no way to argue with you, you seem pretty set in your ways. The only reaction to someone like you is pity. Do you actually think you sill stem the flow of immigration? Of somehow turning the tide of over 150 years of American policy - economic and diplomatic - which is the root cause of poverty in Latin America. I left out your additional insults of filth and crime since these two are symptons of poverty.
You need look no further, the driving force is poverty. Which is very different from the migration of the 1830's of white Americans into Texas. You know, that other migration problem between these two countries. Their driving force was slavery. What does that say about the moral compass of a people.
Yet, I do applaud your post, it obviously took you a while to put every syllable in its place. The sheer eloquence reminds me of a scene from the Matrix where a program quips that cursing in French is like wiping your ass with silk. And you deal with kids with behavioral problems, thank god for your patience.
Mr. Behavioral Science Professor, Teaching at a University, that narrows the search.
Does your employer know how you feel about hispanics? Behavioral science, interesting, have you looked in the mirror, that person needs help.
So, according to you Mexican Politicals are corrupt, so what you call the corruption in our country. Mexico may have some problems with drug traffic, but at least they do not invade a country and send troops to fight for Oil, and who will profit from all this?
Mr. Professor, Illegals are not just Mexicans. You may want to re search that.
,March 11, 2006 2:55 PM
Fuck EAA. it's all about IBEW 18. EAA is crap and the rest of the city does not do the same work. Same work my ass.
Local 18 talks the talk and walks the walk. Meaning they really will strike.
Until EAA strikes, it will get no respect and no raises.
Does Aquino really think chasing the Mayor with chants is going to work? It hasn't yet.
Stop wasting everyone's time. Strike!!!
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