This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
This is hilarious to us. Is this a poster of "City of Los Angeles Most Wanted?"
Collection Fee? They need more money for properties in downtown. Not for the city, but to launder for the friends and family of the most wanted.
Damn that lady is ugly, and the other three amigos too.
Mrs Ruiz says we do not pay for trash collection fees? Right now?
Why is it so wrong not to pay those fees if we get taxed on all types of other crap. Let's do this Mrs. Ruiz. I do not want to get taxed for any school services, mental hospitals, health programs. Do you know why? I do not have kids that use those services, no one in my family needs mental care, and I pay for my own health insurance.
We pay for programs that we do not need or use, but we still pay. Why now make people pay for this? Do you need a liposuction soon or what?
Isn't Lisa Sarno the one funnelling money to that bogus Filipino organization SEPA? This organization should make your Latino counterpart poverty pimps proud.
Funneling money to SEPA? What organization is this and how do you know this?
Good for Nick. In today's papers they are saying that DWP want to raise their fee up again. IF Antonio can find money for new positions for his friends, transfer money into other city depts. like Cultural Affairs he can find the money for trash. He's a sleazy, corrup MAYOR
Ms. Ruiz - I would be willing to pay a fee if you were willing to service me!!!!!
She doesn't look even that good in person, previous poster... trust me (save your "fees").
This is a good, head-on, heads-up tactic by Pacheco, who knows the turf in CD14 like no other candidate, and has been targeting very specific issues in each neighborhood, to prove it.
Meanwhile, the other "players" have been playing around with generic "feel good" and "feel bad" -- let me kiss the boo boo, issues that you could dance around with similar platitudes in any district in the city, and sounding more and more like each other every day. I'm expecting to go to one of these forums soon and hear the row of candidates just start repeating "ditto," "I agree," and "like he said," after each other.
(Although one third-tier joker seems to be making the whole race about the fact that he gets too many speeding tickets and they cost too much. For crying out loud, dude, go to TRAFFIC SCHOOL, don't run for City Council and waste our time).
Meanwhile, Huizar acts like "open space" is the ONLY significant issue in CD14 - obviously because he's relying heavily on (and pandering to) AV's neighbor's in the more affluent hillsides of the Northeast to pull him into a runoff position, and fund him again for the next round. That group includes his main advisors, which fortunately for anyone he runs against are out-of-touch with 98 percent of the voting public in the district. Catering to the economic top 5 percent of the district "pays" well in terms of campaign donations, but they still only get one vote each.
Nearly Headless Nick just can't help himself. He has to attack Antonio. The more he makes this race about his hatred for Antonio, the larger will be his margin of defeat.
11.09 anon. Can you give us some examples of Pacheco's hate for Villaraigosa? Not disagreements on issues or governance, but clear examples of hate.....
If ANTONIO and his appointees and cronies are inches away from charging taxpayers more and more for same city services, then I'm starting to HATE him to! THANKS thanks for bringing this latest AV scam to light, Nick.
Let's stop the blathering "lovefest" for the new mayor long enough to show HATE for more taxes and the ineffective and increasingly more expensive government he's (barely) running between photo-ops.
Show a little self-respect, people, and less self-loathing and idol worship - at least long enougn to know when someone (Pacheco) is TRYING to sound the alarm to help us all out.
"PLEASE, Antonio - tax me more. It's the onliest way I can show my undying LOVE for you - at least until your next campaign comes running asking for donations."
How about we NOT increase taxes and city fees and you AV-lovers can just send him tons of greeting cards to show your undying affection, okay?
11:09 AM In the last election, many CD 14's did not bother to vote. Both choices were ridiculous, Hahn or Villaraigosa. What a choice!
Now, we do have a choice. We are voting and in big numbers. This is the difference and prove your little theory wrong.
Don't be completely folled by the terminology here, either. We do PAY for EVERY service in L.A., including trash pickup, already, through property taxes and other means.
What the four politicians here are advocating is another, higher, separate fee.
A new TAX by any other name.
Next, they'll be asking us to pay membership dues for the "trash-depositors" union they've just created and organized us all into - anything to squeeze us dry in new, more creative ways.
Please, please stop attacking Antonio. Would you attack Mother Teresa. Nick is evil, "the power of Tony the Liar compels you, the power of Tony the Liat compels you...."
Is it true that Huizar said he is in favor of taxing renters for trash pick up! What's the tenant rate in Boyle Heights, 80%?
9:06 AM
Just follow the paper trail. It's all public information. Maybe you can even get Laura Chick to help you - oh no, wait, can't do that, it would Antonio look bad.
Laura Chick, would help shred all of the files incriminating him.
Unless AV were to screw around with her and she felt disrespected, then you'll see the vindictive PMSing "bitch mode" come out of Mssss. Chick and then she'll start an audit.
Oh come on 11:19. This is the guy who sent out mail attacking Antonio's children...
(Oh, no! Ricardo Torres did that, Nick knew nothing, nothing, about it.) Sure.
Why does a candidate go negative?
Most candidates who negative first are the ones with the most to gain. Most times they are trailing and need to knock the front runner down a few points or slow his momentum. Seems like the Pacheco crew are slowly grasping for air with this latest attack.
Seems like the Pacheco crew is gasping with their last breaths of air with this lame attack.
The Binder poll is now 2 weeks old and it had it with Huizar up -- the Pacheco campaign sounds eerily similar to the Hahn campaign with their last Hail Mary's.
Where is the binder poll? Oh Yea, Huizar has not released it, right?
3:04 p.m.
Your right, he knew nothing (sarcasm forgiven)...
"Why does a candidate go negative?" asked 3:18 p.m.
I hope you are correct in your reasoning, because Huizar started OUT this campaign, from day 1 with very negative, unfounded, attacks on Pacheco and his time in CD14. Trolling for supporters early on, he consistently referenced in no uncertain terms, every bogus, refuted charge against Pacheco's character that AV did in his attack mailers from 2003.
He's continued that in every public forum since, claiming there were things left undone (that HUIZAR would have finished or fixed if the tables were turned). Huizar started out negative, stayed negative, and is still going negative.
If by "attack" however, you mean Pacheco pointing out, using another candidate's own words, that Huizar favors raising fees and taxes for citizens, then let's have MORE attacks like that -- as opposed to Huizar attacking using old lies about character.
The former serves the taxpayer, the latter only serves the opponent's career plans to jump to a higher paying job.
Well said, DUDE!
I like the "attack a-tax" approach.
In 1999 everybody supported Griego including Hahn and Antonio and Big Labor . All Nick had was the Mothers Of East LA and the grocery workers union and the ordinary people of the district. Don't count him out.
Anon who assumes he knows the secrets of negative campaigning... Parke Skelton is the Professional in this field. He is able to make up stuff that is not even true and spin it like if it was. This is his job and he will attempt to smear. what is happening is that this blog is opening the minds of those that did not have such a blog to look upon to disseminate false accusations.
Hookers are "professionals" too.
TRUE, but you have to pay them extra to pretend they're enjoying getting screwed (at least that's what I hear).
Cynthia Ruiz the smurf can afford to pay for an increase with the salary she makes as commissioner, thanks to her compadre the mayor.
No Collection fee. She is the pits.
WATCH the CD14 discretionary funds $1.6 million or so whorded (sick) since AV took office as CM in '03. Something his people wrongly accused Pacheco of two years ago - that didn't really happen - IS now going to happen if it even begins to look like Nick might go back to City Council. The money will leave the district, somehow.
There's already been some funny business going on, word of transfers, re-assignments to general funds of $$ unused, etc. City council can move it around if "unused" apparently, especially is there's no sitting CM to stop them. But unused isn't the same thing as "unneeded" in the district. It wasn't used because CD14 staffers didn't look for useful ways to distribute it to communities in the district when it was needed. Probably on purpose. Groups certainly asked enough times, and were told there was "no money" - that Pacheco had overspent.
And now THERE it all is, confirmed by Chick's office - some sitting on "hold" for more than 2 years.
The only poll that counts is the one on election day. But, if there are polls taken and campaigns don't release them it shows they are not happy with the poll.
6:04 PM
Why are the LATIMES and DAILY NEWS not fighting over this story. This story if it were given to the public would tear AV to pieces.
Jose Huizar is already sounding like an Antonio puppet " I can bring people together." Hell no you can't. Pacheco is showing his experience and knowledge of the issues. This is not negative by any means. Its smart campaigning. Pacheco has gained strong momentum especially with Antonio calling the Seniors in CD14 that has backfired. People know Pacheco and know he has the experience that is needed. Antonio bailed on CD14 2 years ago and there is no time to wasted toliet training Jose. Listen to the debates. Pacheco has the best vision and ideas of them all.
True, 6:27 p.m., but the polls that are released before election day, depending on what they say, can enourage or discourage turnout -- encourage or discourage people working for the campaign to create turnout -- even encourage or discourage giving and volunteering in the final days.
Trolls, 6:47 p.m.
That's your answer. First time AV's spoken the truth since he started running for council 3 years ago.
I've got that Torres mailer in my hands right now. Probably the only one in existence out there. And reading it, I don't see where Antonio's children were attacked. I do see that it says Antonio was a bad father - something on the lines of "breaking the cycle." This is the catch phrase Antonio used to always use, but he hasn't used it since those Torres mailers. Wonder why? Those mailers put out that Antonio did not break the cycle in his own family - we don't need to get into specifics, like the mailer did. All I see is Torres pointing out Antonio's hypocrisy. The crux of the mailer is who is Antonio to tell us how to live if he can't even manage his own family.
His children were not attacked.
Mayor Frank, you want a copy of this mailer?
"The Villaraigosa campaign was truly a 21st-century campaign, spanning languages, ages, and geographies," says campaign strategist Parke Skelton of SG&A Campaigns, the general consultant for the Villaraigosa campaign. "The Internet played an important part in our efforts to get Antonio's message into the community, and also raised a lot of money. No modern campaign should be without it."
Hey 6:04 -
Prove it. What money is leaving the district? What money is being transferred to GF and not being used? Man, you flap your gums but never say a damn fact. Prove it!
And the way I look at it, that fund that has the 1.6 mil...the candidates shouldn't be talking smack about it. Seems that they have a huge amount of money to play with once that person gets into office. Just think of all the political paybacks the winning candidate can give. Christmas all over again. Anyway, as I've been told, that fund is in perpetuity for CD 14. So its a never ending revenue stream for any councilperson that takes that seat. That's one thing Villaraigosa did while he was in office.
He won't send shit Mayor Frank, cause he don't have shit.
He or she has it. Why do you want it Mayor? To anon, do not send it, wasting time by mentioning it.
I have a copy of the Torres mailer too. I saved it when I first received it.
Actually, it is pretty fair and well-written. It points out the facts which are well-known on the Eastside but never reported in "la timez." Note that Torres never got sued for libel, because facts is a total defense.
Among the things it points out is that Antonio has sired multiple children out of wedlock (true)
that he cheated on his wife when she was battling cancer (true)
How the Westside liberal elite came behind this guy will be studied by psychologists for generations.
The hypocrisy: let's fight for a woman's right to choose, let's call ourselved feminist, let's stand up for women's rights
but let's elect a guy who clearly has a history of mistreating women.
Hey comprehension-challenged one at 8:24 p.m. What part of the 6:04 post OPENING WORD -- "Watch" and other FUTURE phrases like "going to happen" do you fail to understand in basic English?
You asking for PROOF of something that HASN'T HAPPENED yet?
Someone is sounding an alarm and saying be alert, and you want PROOF now that we should keepour eyes peeled.
Well, hell. Let's just DISBAND the ethics commission until someone ACTUALLY cheats on their campaign. When even have watchdogs, until AFTER the store is emptied out.
DAMN the AV-lovers are clogged up little groupies.
Who gives a shit if Villaraigosa and Pacheco hate each other.
They don't have to like each other to work together.
As for those idiots that try to make this tax issue into a personality conflict between them, they just can't deal with the fact that Huizar screwed up on this one.
What kind of idiot campaigns on raising taxes (oh I mean, fees).
Walter Mondale?
If memory serves. . . “Mr. Reagan Will Raise Taxes. And So Will I,” Mondale Said. “He Won't Tell You. I Just Did.” (Associated Press, 7/19/84)
“[Democrats] Are Haunted By The Specter Of Walter Mondale, Who Said In 1984 That He Would Raise Taxes … And Then Lost 49 States To Ronald Reagan.”(“Lieberman Proposes Raising Taxes Only For Wealthy,” Knight-Ridder, 10/14/03)
2:57 Ok Parke Skelton, don't cry so late at night thinking what should I spin next for HUazar...
I live in the sad district 14. The only thing I have seen about Nick Pacheco is how he made that comadre chisme central.. i mean the jogging path.Is that all? I think so. He didn't do anything for this district and neither did Villaraigosa. And who knows if Huizar will do anything either. But I'd rather give him a shot at it instead of Pacheco.
Huizar will not do anything good if that is what you're trying to figure out. Look at the mess LAUSD is in, he left it and he wanted out, big time.
I have a video of huizar saying he would support the trash fee-
You should have seen nicks mouth watering when I told him that- it seems this is the only issue he's diggin his teeth into- sort of weak don't you think?
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