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Friday, October 07, 2005

Open Thread for Friday

Two years ago today, a certain Governor was removed from office while another's post movie career started.

Happy Friday.


Anonymous Anonymous said:

Excellent job Arnold, good Republican. Next time, do not have any staff force Firefighters to pose for any pic.

October 07, 2005 8:41 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

The mess he's in is his own fault. A little bit of niceness would have made him untouchable. Why has he gone out of his way to feed the fire?

October 07, 2005 9:25 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Of course, we seed our own consequences. I agree, he created his own mess, but we do have to look at all sides. Was this a union ploy to begin with, and how many other politicians view this as a norm, but with Arnold it is exaggerated due to the special election coming up.

Don't just believe everything that is thrown at you by the media, unions, and politicians. Find out if this is the norm, but unions are taking advantage of the situation. Keep in mind, unions hate arnold.

October 07, 2005 9:35 AM  

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