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Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Updates on LMU

With the Partying at LMU post still garnering attention and comments even last evening, I though I would post this update story run by the Daily Breeze and give you guys a fresh thread to continue the debate...

Drunken singing, partying get on neighbors' nerves


Anonymous Anonymous said:

M Frank

This type of partying has occurred for decades, why make it a problem at this point.

Let the kids party, study, and do good for society.

October 05, 2005 9:09 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


you are entertaining, but that pic is awful.

October 05, 2005 9:09 AM  

Blogger Joseph Mailander said:

I worked at LMU for three months in 2003, and it was well known among the students that there was an alcohol poisoning emergency call a day. Three in the afternoon, whenever, there was always one going on.

The school doesn't like to own up to the problem for fear that it may concern prospective tuition-paying parents--and the student body sex ratio is already way disproportionately female as it is; I think it's over 60% female. It needs to keep its rep as a safe suburban good-girl school. But just look at Westchester--if you're stuck there without a car, there's not a lot of other places to get or things to do very easily.

October 05, 2005 1:41 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Mailander - this university is hardly different than most others except for the fact that their neighbors still believe their living in the 1950s and that drinking alcohol is a sin.

No university is eager to address alcohol abuse among its students.

Yet how can the university control its students living "off campus"? Are people seriously suggeting that the university is responsible for the actions of its adult (18+) students when they're off campus? I would say they're no more responsible for their behavior than my employer is responsible for mine when I leave work.

October 05, 2005 2:49 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Wow, and I thought USC was a joke. In all honesty, I've been in LA my whole live and never heard of LMU until recently.

October 05, 2005 3:15 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Ignorance is bliss? Joke's on you, bud.

October 05, 2005 4:04 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

What does LMU stand for?


October 06, 2005 1:19 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

In response to joseph mailander, I worked as an EMT for LMU's campus for three years and contrary to popular opinion, there is not an alcohol abuse call every day. In fact, and I invite anyone to contact their department of public safety to verify my facts, an ambulance transports someone to the ER from campus about 60 times a year. Of those 60 patients, I'd estimate about 85 percent are LMU students (as opposed to guests, faculty and staff) and of that 85 percent, I'd estimate 75 percent of those are alcohol related. Thats about 39 patients a year by my educated guess. Not quite once a day. LMU is proactive and aware of how alcohol can be a problem for some students. The all volunteer staff of student EMTs are highly trained in alcohol-related calls (as well as all aspects of emergency medicine and basic life support) and are responsible for saving countless lives every year.

October 29, 2005 5:32 PM  

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