This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
This is totally an anethma to the Pacheco-istas.
There is no other thread to interrupt with their drivel,thus, they will not post here, or if they do, it wil be short and infrequent.
Better to harrass others.
Reminds me of the desperate folks in the Mideast, a little bit.
Too bad they don't blow up when they go off thread.
Splogs or "spam blogs" have gotten so bad on Blogger that at least one search engine is considering ignoring all Blogger (eg. Blogspot) blogs including Mayor Sam. What's up with that?
Search Engines to Bypass Mayor Sam?
Why is Antonio all of a sudden so afraid to commit?
la tIMES...Mayor Urged to Take a Stand on L.A. Unified Takeover Bill
Hey, I heard there were protesters against Antonio at CD14 debate Tuesday. They said they want Antonio to stay out of election race and let the people decide. Very Good Point
We've been looking at a new host for sometime and will make a move sometime in the near future likely.
The Mayor Sam Studios are going to be moving and upgrading, so once that is done, we'll have time to review our hosting options. We'll only do what makes the blog even greater.
Are "spam blogs" phony blogs, pushing some cheesey products or something? Is the problem with the search engine that they can't tell the spam blogs from the real ones, and can only resort to excluding a whole domain name?
I hope you handle any move really well!
In terms of the Monster of Machado Lake, so far it's:
Godzilla 1
Rec & Parks 0
Where's Quint when you need him??
Is it me or does Councilman Smith NEVER speak for himself??? I don't believe I have seen ANY staffer quoted as much as Englander.
Read these quotes, notice Tony speaks for himself...
Council to Decide on DWP Pact
By Patrick McGreevy
Times Staff Writer
August 17, 2005
...some council members are likely to raise concerns about the size of the raises and the disparity of pay between city agencies.
Councilman Greig Smith is "not on board," and needs to be convinced the contract is justified, said his chief of staff, Mitchell Englander. "There are still some very serious salary disparity issues that have to be addressed," Englander said.
Councilman Tony Cardenas is among those who have questions about the new DWP contract.
"The people have entrusted the City Council to now ask the tough questions in regard to this contract," Cardenas said. "Those questions will be asked, and we will make a determination of whether or not this is a fair contract which also preserves the city's faith that power will continue and water will keep flowing."
You know, I never thought of it before but "Curious" is right. Ussually a staffer is quoted and Smith is a passing refference.
No wonder Smith keeps getting himself in trouble up there in CD 12, his staff is running the assylum!
LA Council Member Herb Wesson,
10th Council District.
Now that Herb got elected, we are going to have two former Speakers on the City Council that make Hahn's pay to play look like child's play.
I wonder what will be the first city asset to be sold.
AV has already sold out tax payers by pushing forward the ridiculous pay increase for the union bosses he is and Wesson are beholden to.
That makes sense.
See, that way Smith can always say "I never said that" and blame his staff, as he always does when he gets in a jam.
6:55 a.m.
Speaking of drivel.
Praising a do-nothing mayor and ignoring his inability to lead, follow, or get out of the way is acceptable.
Trying to correct the lies and character assasination created by AV campaigners 2 years ago without any proofs (but constantly reposted here as "fact"), whenever there's a chance is "drivel" to you.
Man, is your wonkie world upside down.
I am curious what people think of the Westly/Angelides race on the Democrat side for governor. I think Westly will put his own money in and pull the thing out. Phil has the charisma of a slug.
Steve has the charisma of ant.
If that alligator was in Hansen Dam (CD-7), the councilmember there would probably try to shake it down for contributions.
How many blacks and Hispanics were on the City Council in 1970, 1980, and 1990?
Question for anyone who cares to comment. Do you believe colleges are too liberal today?
A student asked this question at a public event, I would like to know what other bloggers have to say on this subject.
do you think it going to rain today?
If colleges are too liberal, then colleges are also too conservative. There's need to more middle ground.
LAPD are in big trouble. The new board of police commissioners being confirmed in council today sound like a bunch of morons negative on the officers. There were questions that they couldn't even answer because they had no clue. You would think they would have done their homework. John Mack is an idiot! They have no idea about policies, crime, work schedules, etc.
no. Next question?
previous blogger:
remember its how well you grease the Mayor's monkey versus qualified
11:15 AM Love your straight forward and short answer...maybe Mayor Sam has some more questions for us bloggers today.
11:14 AM This is extremely disturbing, appointing persons that will hamper any productive process for a safer society. I wonder what will get done with this new board of police commissioners. LAPD has one of the most dangerous jobs and should be helped not scrutinized for their work. Just visualize your neighborhoods with no police, there you have it!
11:06 AM
Funny...Let me go to the rotunda and ask one of the Villaraigosa staffers, they have inside information. Who knows the crystal ball might prove me wrong, but I say, "NO."
the pastures are green, the sky is blue and the water is running through and through, where will the next leak spring?
To last anon
Green pastures & Cyberlady? I don't get it
Cyberlady is in the bi leagues.
Good piece on Education at the L.A. Daily News titled, "Educational Breakdown."
Of course colleges are too liberal, its where the educated people go.
Studies have found significant correlations between higher levels of education and liberalism or liberal tendencies.
As for Westly, he's a former business Professor at Stanford and has a better chance at fixing the California economy than Angelides.
Isn't Westly the guy who kisses the Gov's ass all the time?
sorry meant big
Cyberlady goes both ways? Can we hook her up with CD3 Jen?
But is she also bi?
Is it getting hit by spam like the above what turns you into a "spam blog"?
Did spam turn cyberlady bi?
College makes you liberal, and bi.
no your comments are what turn it to spam
I think Cyberlady is really a dude in drag, right Parke, I mean Cyberlady
College liberally fills your head with spam.
"Spamalot" won a bunch of Tony's on B'way.
Enjoyed reading today's assumptions of who I am and my sexual orientation. I will not bother to say you are wrong or right, but I will say this, "Hasta La Vista Baby!"
On my way to the rotunda, it is about noon, right?
u would like jenni clday, even if you are not that way..she does something to peolple of all types
Could Cyberlady make it on B'way?
Wow, leftie liberal campaign reformers bashing Villaraigosa's hand-picked successor.
Shorthand, that's "pay for play" LAUSD-style!
There goes the thread
Hey, there what a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
I have a medicare diabetic site. It pretty much covers medicare diabetic related stuff.
Come and check it out if you get time :)
What part of open thread didn't you pick up there, little buckaroo??
When the sign says "open house" do you go home and wait for the engraved invitation.
(Damn these LAUSD near-grads).
Thanks, a lot Jose!
Talking about who's "bi" is okay on an open thread, but don't DARE discuss the similarities between the way Huizar ran LAUSD and Hahn ran City Hall.
That's verboten!?
padilla nickname said...
How about La Llorona? It's well known, and doesn't need an accent. Or Big Weepy? Cry Baby?
The choices so far:
El Llorón
La Llorona
Big Weepy
Cry Baby
August 16, 2005 4:35 PM
And the James Hahn "Pay to Play Award" goes to............. you fill in the blank.
I heard AV got the gator out with his own little hands.
Who is the best screenwriter in Los Angeles-where do they teach?
We need a celebrity thread. Te quiero Kevin Smith.
Speaking of Kevin. Does anyone know if KEvin De Leon, the anointed one to be Assemblyman for the 45th Assembly District, knows his zipcode yet.
Hey does everyone know that Chief Parker also doubles up as Cyberlady.
1:16 PM
I know who Chief Parker is, but I am not Chief Parker. Sorry to disappoint you.
Now, I'm off to work again.
u should know youeself
Has the Mayor been crowned King yet?
So how bad was Pachueco spanked yesterday at the LACDP meeting by Huizar? What was the final vote?
"Has the Mayor been crowned King yet?"
Nope, not yet. AV will need a circumcision first. That way he'll have a crown on both heads.
2:02 p.m. Please explain, with facts and proven charges, why Councilman Pacheco deserves to be called "Pachueco?"
Please don't copy the 3-year-old LA Times editorial based on Parke SKeltons repeated lies (all of which have been debunked many times), it gets so tiresome.
Nick is Pachueco for the same reason that people use Huizy - because it sounds funny.
Sometimes you just need to take a break and laugh.
Any comment on the LACDP vote? I heard that he didn't even contest the nomination! Even Yahn contested that one.
I want to know who that hotty was that was passing out Nick's stuff. She was petite, wearing black heels and had it going on.
She almost made me want to go volunteer -- almost.
"We have proof there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq."
-- G. W. Bush
"I have proof that Villaraigosa's preposterous claim of organizing 80 neighborhood watches in CD14 is not just a weapon of mass distraction."
-- B. S. Parker
2:19 p.m.
Does "Huizy" imply "crooked" as in an unproven claim that someone is a criminal and on the take, i.e. not deserving of public office?
Ha, ha, ha!
I'm laughing at your dodge funny girl!
The Times editorial's facts have never been debunked.
You must mean regarding Pachueco.
Correcto. Tricky Nick 'El Chueco' Pachueco.
Joe Ramallo, Antonio's spokesperson better put him in check. The funniest quote in today's papers on the DWP pay hike is....I want to wait first for city council to vote on the issue then I will decide what to do." (AV) Doesn't Antonio know how weak that makes him look? It sounds like he's trying to pass the buck.
Interesting none of the papers included in the DWP story that DWP union gave Antonio $301,000 for his campaign. Very important piece of info.
So who was the hottie?
what's up with Felipe Fuentes, Padilla's Chief of Staff, staffing Huizar at the LACDP?
I have never seen anyone get the needed signatures to pull someone off and then not follow through with it.
Do I smell an Ira Reiner about to occur?
Is Nick reading the writing on the walls and deciding to end all further embarrassment? Will the towel be thrown in before Labor Day?
Anon 3:23
What were you smoking? Felipe was no where in sight. In fact - no Cardenas clan members were around.
For those of you tired of LAUSD schools in CD 14, Academia Avance in Highland Park has 30 open slots for 6 and 7 grade.
Avance is offering a small class size, extended school hours taught by credential teachers.
By the time a student graduates, they will have exceeded all of the University of California class requirements, with emphasis on the development of successful life-long learning habits. This is combined with the application of learned concepts via projects, internships, and multi-cultural experiences.
As a small public charter school, Academia Avance offers an excellent tuition-free education in a safe nurturing environment, and is operated and governed with community input.
For more information on Avance, please call 213-447-4561 or send an e-mail to
He's on the right track. There was AP/TC staff there staffing Huizar--Frank Martinez. Cardenas' brother does sit on one of those ADs.
man i need a jenni fix
I thought Frank was still at SOMS.
In any case, Felipe was not working the room with Jose - although Alex should start sending troops over if he expects a reciprocal exchange.
I need a Nick staffer fix!
So no comment from the Pachueco peanut gallery regarding his ass whooping by Jose at the LACDP?!?!
UNANIMOUS consent- is how I heard the vote came down.
WOW, and this is from a group that can't agree on anything!
Oh yeah- and Wesson went unopposed too.
Thank You! To the individual who posted all of the information on Academia Avance in Highland Park. We need more options like yours to be available for our neighborhood students.
With hopes that more educational organizations do as you did and post open opportunities. Parents will read this blog or have been given this information by word of mouth.
Yeap, Robert and his band of loud mouths were begging people to sign the petition and they were getting laughed at.
Hacopian Vs. Skelton
Who's your daddy?
2:34 p.m. (again, STAY anonymous!)
I gotta go now, but tomorow, we debunk, point by point by point, the L.A. Times 2003 editorial (i.e., Parke Skelton's planted lies).
On every thread, every day if necessary until the special election, until you a-holes get the point. You can't keep regurgitating 3 year old fantasies from Parke's wet dreams as if they're true. That got Pacheco slimed out of office, and got AV a position he never deserved and did even less to earn two years ago.
That's What's SLEAZY gonna run on... ANOTHER 80 new neighborhood watches, for CD14
jenni r u out there? we all love jenni!
Cd 14 councilman debate, Thursday, 5:30pm Roosevelt High School. This should be good. Let's see who has the experience, knowledge and vision to run CD14. I'm sure Little Jose has been studying since he got blown away on Monday.
Jose won the debate not the other way around.
It will definitely be interesting to have this debate at RHS, since all Pachueco can do is talk about Boyle Heights.
I expect to see all the constituents who got shafted by Nick to show up and give it to him!
No matter how ugly or loud Monica Harmon is - Nick you just can't hide.
Which Jennie? JEnnie CD 3,4,5...14...which one is it? Jennie of CD 14 was seen driving a Mercedez Benz (black) is this her new ride?
This is Monica:
4:44pm Anon you just showed this entire blog your immaturity, your lack of intelligence and the juvenile mentality you have. You resort to grade school bully tactics by name calling. How adult of you! I don't live in CD14 therefore cannot vote. Secondly, I know Jose Huizar well and I'm sure he would be embarrassed to know these are the type of supporters he has.
Debate the issues, state your position and people can have an intelligent dialogue.
there is only one
CD3 Jenny is da bomb
State the issues???? Hello, have you read the crap posted by the Pacheco supporters? Geez, they're trying to re-elect Nick to CD 14 by bringing up Antonio's claim of 80 neighborhood watch programs. I've seen some weird political platforms, but these CD 14 bandits are crazy!
Ugly is a state of mind. And you are right - you don't live in CD 14 but you still insist on parading around and yelling out to anyone that will listen that you are a much invested stakeholder in CD 14.
You are loud and you are crass and you add nothing to the debate but further make my point of Nick using the politics of division that helped him out of office last time.
Take a step back and let Nick's campaign do their thing. He's running not you. You can help him out more by not being the lighting rod people can target.
I know, Monica acts rude with us at meetings. I didn't know she didn't live in the area, she thinks she's all bad, she sucks.
Monica you suck
Is that a Huizar staffer or what?
Is the Ruby DeVera who qualified to run a Reyes staffer?
Monica is another one of those carpetbaggers who make it their life obsession to be stakeholders in an area they don't live in. Go home bitch. Take puto Nick with you bruja.
Go Jose!
she's more of a triple bagger
Hey 5:41 PM
You should tone down your rhetoric. I would hate for you to be a reflection of Huizar's staff. I beleive he is the best candidate, but does not have the best staff. Monica (nice but no skills), David (scumbag), Alvin (he just won't go away) and Laura (no class lady) are not anything ro write home about. None of them have really worked a campaign.
I hope AV's people step and help with the race, cuz if it was up to those there nick wins
she thinks she's all bad, she sucks....
Unbelievable these are grown adults behaving in this manner on an open blog. They hide behind anon postings. At least the Nick supporters post his accomplishments and his record. Jose supporters act like little babies trashing whoever is not on their side. They allow their hate of a candidate cloud their brains. They can't think intelligently so like school children they throw stones.
Educational breakdown
LAUSD exit exam scores and dropout rates show major reforms are needed
The latest standardized test results show that nearly one-third of Los Angeles Unified students don't have the skills to pass the high school exit exam.
That's roughly triple the state failure rate, which is bad enough. But it gets worse, much worse, when those numbers are considered with the district's dropout rate of about 50 percent.
Taken together, it begins to be clear that students entering their senior year September at Los Angeles Unified School District high schools have catastrophically bad chances of getting the skills they need to graduate in June and go on to further education or training so they can lead productive lives. This is a serious breakdown in our educational system. While some improvement is being made among younger students, the fixes that have been undertaken aren't going to come in time to help the 31 percent of those entering their senior year who still need to pass the English and math portions of the exit exam. And the evidence still is spotty whether improvements among younger students are carrying over to high school.
The test results prompted the usual soul-searching comments from education officials who vow that things will change. But it's tough to buy yet another commitment after years of similar promises and only tepid reforms.
The fundamental problems with the district - lack of accountability, a bloated management and a disconnect from communities and families - haven't diminished. And even the billions of dollars worth of investment in new schools doesn't mean a thing unless the culture of the district changes so that teachers are empowered
and held accountable and parents feel an ownership of their children's schools.
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa bit into the apple of education even before he took office in July by declaring: "I do believe that the mayor of the city of Los Angeles should have ultimate responsibility for the school system."
Considering the dismal performance of students, he may already be wishing to take back the words. But for the sake of the city, we hope he doesn't because this may be the last best chance to reform the culture at the LAUSD.
Villaraigosa has an opportunity to lead an innovation in the school district through using his immense popularity to get the schools working for the students and communities.
The election showed that a good number of people see the breakup of the district into more manageable-size school districts as the only viable way to achieve meaningful reform.
Meanwhile, the LAUSD has a Class of 2006 to graduate. State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O'Connell said he has budgeted $20 million to help students in California pass the exams. Here's hoping that the LAUSD uses its portion wisely, and does not allow it to get absorbed into the monolithic bureaucracy.
5:48 PM
You said David, Monica, and Alvin are part of Huizar's staff, so is this the infamous Alvin Parra we are talking about?
Isn't he LA32 president & Chamber of Commerce Prez? How can he work the campaign, conflict of interest, ethics?
he is but there is no conflict.
Poll: 40% of Mexicans want to move to U.S.
USA TODAY....More than 40 percent of Mexican adults say they would move to the U.S. if they could, and 1 in 5 say they would do so illegally if necessary, according to surveys released yesterday by the Pew Hispanic Center.
Surveys of 1,200 Mexican adults in February and 1,200 in May, conducted in their homes, show that Mexicans' rising education levels have not weakened the desire to live and work in this country.
and ur point is?
My relative has a a degree equivalent to a bachelors in Chemistry from Mexico. She works in Mexico providing services as a customs agent. What is wrong with this picture? Nothing, just that she earns so little from her pay, she makes more money from the drug cartel. No future.
Isn't that cute. Dan Rosales, Padilla staffer, chatting it up with the right wing nuts of the SFV Valley-Dave Hernandez and his cronies.
right in front of me, too bad they don't know who me.
Is padilla thinking of making an issue of the cross on the county seal?
-low key
My my Dan. Chatting up Hernandez, eh? I know it's not your fault. David is so chatty.
But I bet your really mad because you could have been out bonking that married NC board member you bonk. Don't pout.
Rumor has it he's shaggin somebody from Sylmar NC right?
Oh my, I think I remember seing the sleezeball he's chatting with at the Anti-AV counter rally @ Valley College (kerry appearance).
Ah, gotta love those camera phones.
Isn't the cross seal issue a done deal cause the Board of Supervisors voted to have it removed? Did the ACLU move forward on this? Is David Hernandez still trying to get it back?
uh huh. including unseating howard berman, LOL
So Padilla has brought on Rick Taylor, according to the conversation.
weak ass consultant with dirty mail.
Wasn't Rick Taylor the one who messed up Flora's campaign by having her mailers reach the voters a day late?
LA Weekly
The attempt to dismiss the board members who oversee the DWP as “volunteers” underscores one of the central problems with Los Angeles’ 40 or so commissions, including the three “proprietaries” that set policy for the DWP, the airport and the harbor. Members all are appointed by the mayor, may be removed at his sole discretion and are responsible only to him. Yet they often are labeled “independent” and as such shield the mayor and the City Council from responsibility for tough decisions. At other times they are instructed that they are essentially powerless — especially when they try to take actions that could put the mayor or the council on the spot.
And one more turn of the screw — which lawyer’s advice applies? Saenz advises Villaraigosa, but City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo’s decision is the one that would be binding on the City Council — and he has not yet issued an opinion.
Felipe Fuentes from Padilla office is nothing more than acock sucking punk.
But he's fine. Too bad he's married. But then, so am I. Oops!
don't let that stop you
8:32 p.m. "Yet they often are labeled “independent” and as such shield the mayor and the City Council from responsibility for tough decisions."
They shield only for show. They are told what to do, how to do it and rarely demonstrate independent justment. Especially those that earn the $108K salary. Do you really think the Mayor wants someone who thinks independently?
Keep it real!
Monicia Garcia is the campaign manager for Jose Huizar, a decent,nice women,well intended.
She lives in Montebello.
Monica Harmon lives in Culver City. She is obsessed with trying to make decisions for the residents of Boyle Heights ANY WAY she can. She is divessive, mean spirited, rude and confrontational. She is a suporter of Nick Pacheco.
Is she the one with the unibrow?
8:32 p.m. "Yet they often are labeled “independent” and as such shield the mayor and the City Council from responsibility for tough decisions."
They shield only for show. They are told what to do, how to do it and rarely demonstrate independent judgement. Especially those that earn the $108K salary. Do you really think the Mayor wants someone who thinks independently?
Keep it real!
Wheres MEAT? we want MEAT!
August 17, 2005 8:22 PM:
Yeah thats the same consultant. Hilarious. Padilla put weight into that race, as well, and lost. Everybody he throws serious weight behind--they lose.
Why u cryin? Why u cryin?
5:16 p.m.
wrong, wrong, and double WRONG.
The attempt to show that Villaraigosa (and Chief Parker) lied repeatedly about the 80 neighborhood watches has NOTHING to do with Pacheco or his current campaign in CD14. When this first came up, all the AV-groupies SWORE it was Hahn staffers trying to make hay with it (also WRONG!). Plus you need to get your stories in sync.
Just call it a REALITY Check. You elect a habitual liar to office, you get nothing you bargained for... WHY is everyone surprised that AV is ALREADY backing down from his promises, left and right. The only thinghe HAS done so far is copy Hertzberg proposals that he initiated scoffed at (and be SURE, he will implement them VERY badly).
AND, if you visit a blog where a habitual liar and AV-is-my-idol worshipper like Parker is a moderator, and anything he posts can also be assumed to be a worthless lie. Impotent idol; impotent idol-worshipper.
YAY, he "caught" a Janice Hahn staffer parked illegally. THE CITY IS SAVED FROM CORRUPTION. (Meanwhile we "applaud" while AV fills the city commissions with his inept, underqualified major campaign contributors in a more corrupt manner than EVEN Janice's brother was ever accused of?)
There isn't enough Viagra in the city to make AV a non-impotent leader.
(Just ssk the people trying to save the Southwest Museum, privately, how much his support is worth!) The "for sale" sign is being inked for the existing buildings, as we speak!
Yes 11:02pm Because the homicide rate was so high in Boyle Heights Monica H. brought the police commissioners to the community. Over 500 people showed up. She was also one of the organizers of the walk for peace from Hollenbeck to Parker Center to ask for more police officers. Oh yeah, and she organized the LAPD Police Chief candidate forum for a new chief bringing the top candidates to Boyle Heights to answer questions from the community. Oh yeah and she campaigned hard getting signatures for Measure A to get more officers when 70% of CD14 voted yes. Oh yeah, she was a LAPD domestic violence volunteer at Hollenbeck responding to calls with police officers helping victims and their kids. Enough said. stop with the trash talking.
THE MAYOR WILL NOT when he may. By refusing to support a bill that would effectively give him control of the schools, Antonio Villaraigosa has lost his best chance to have a major influence on the education of three-quarters of a million Los Angeles schoolchildren — and abdicated his promise to their parents.
Pushed by state Sen. Gloria Romero (D-Los Angeles) to take a position on her bill to give the L.A. mayor control of the school district, Villaraigosa's office said the legislation was premature. Despite his earlier statements calling for control of the schools, Villaraigosa has soft-pedaled the subject since taking office. His spokesman said Tuesday that "consensus needs to be developed at the local level" before moving forward.
That desire is understandable, even admirable. And the Romero bill is hasty and imperfect. But this isn't the time for timidity. Waiting even one legislative session effectively means that Villaraigosa would not be able to appoint a majority of school board members — and thus exercise much control over the district — until the final years of his second term (assuming he wins a second term).
Yes, the mayor should take time to examine how he could best improve the schools. But he would have had that time even if he had supported the bill; under the measure's provisions, it would still take a couple of years for him to gain meaningful influence. The bill even includes an escape clause, leaving it up to the mayor to launch the takeover.
But none of this can happen if the legislation dies in the Senate. And Villaraigosa's lack of support just about kills its already slim chances.
To be sure, it would not have been easy for Villaraigosa to support this bill, given his relationship with the teachers union. But his strategy is hardly trouble-free: He may never achieve the broad-based consensus he seeks. The board won't voluntarily loosen its grip on the schools. The leadership of the teachers union has openly said it will never support mayoral control, which would dilute its influence. It's clear that Villaraigosa is going to have to break some eggs if he wants to cook up real school reform.
It's also true that mayoral control of schools hasn't worked in every city that's tried it. It has worked best in such cities as New York and Chicago, where decisive mayors committed to education actively sought out leadership of the schools.
The new mayor of Los Angeles isn't joining that club. Antonio Villaraigosa might want power over the schools, but he is apparently unwilling to take the political risks of fighting for it.
His reticence may please the school board and the unions, but it's a disappointment to the parents and voters who were captivated by his strong campaign stance on education.
Not always Hahn
Re "Pay parity" (Editorial, Aug. 11): Your "love fest" that began before the municipal elections continues with Antonio Villaraigosa. You try to make former Mayor James Hahn the bad guy in the Department of Water and Power pay increase dispute. The DWP union supported Villaraigosa, not Hahn. Hahn was supported by Service Employees International Union. Please get your facts straight before you attempt to put your guy on a pedestal at the expense of someone else.
Michael Rives
Eagle Rock
Does anyone know when the DWP pay rate increase will go before city council for a VOTE??
LA Daily News
DWP contract evokes concern
It may set a precedent for other unions...Divided City Council members faced with voting on a lucrative contract for 8,000 DWP workers expressed serious concerns Wednesday with the five-year deal, saying approval might prompt other unions to make similar high-cost demands...they are awaiting an opinion from City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo on what latitude they might have in renegotiating the pact, which would offer a minimum 16.25 percent pay hike that could surge to 30 percent if inflation climbs.
The Monica who suchs when I posted yesterday is the Monica Garcia not Monica Harmon.
Monica Garcia=NICE
Monica Harmon=RUDE
Pico Girl MEAT is busy. He is J. RAmllo.
The Janice Hahn story was a distraction ploy by Villaraigosa Staff.
For all the good you say you do with the PD, your attitude and actions in political circles only serve to discredit your acts.
Case in point, and I know I'm going to get beat up on this but, take a play from the MELASI playbook. They were able to get more accomplished when they played behind the scenes and worked with everyone. They got in trouble, deserved or otherwise, when they let politics dictate who they were willing to work with.
Nick is the candidate - not you. Your actions and mouth should not be louder than his.
Does anyone know when the next financial reporting period ends?
AS far as I know Monica H has not attended any CD14 election events, or done anything with the CD 14 election this year. Its easy to try to discredit anyone who supports different candidates.
Parks and Smith are the only ones it looks like against the DWP pay hike. Does anyone know of other council members stance?
City Council is transferring $30,000 from CD 1,6,7,9,13,14 for El Grito Celebration. What is El Grito?
Parke and Smith attend CD14 events? I'll attend the next one, it would be a pleasure to meet them in person and debate face to face. Where are they today? Does any blog person know?
CD14 resident
Who approved the funds from CD14 to go towards El Grito CRAP. Is it the shitty Mexican Holiday?
Today there is a CD14 debate with 7 candidates.
Roosevelt High School
456 Matthews Street
What does Parke look like? I know Smith is the one who wears glasses and his bald.
I'm going to the debate and can I take a video camera. I want to videotape it and record responses after the debate from Parker and Smith. I want to show my district 14 who is responsible for their demise and money laundering.
It is Parke previous anonymous blogger not Parker, do not confuse them.
Parke Skelton
Ace Smith
Lisa Sarno
Paul Hernandez
Ulyssis Sanchez
Jennie Carreon (Mercedez Benz driver) Lacey
Did she get that car from Villaraigosa?
El Grito is Mexico's independence day celebration, also known as the 16th of Sept., which is actually celebrated on the night of the 15th on the steps of city hall (as well as all over Mexico).
We should be trying to move away from celebrating Mexican nationalism here and transition to more home-grown Latino cultural symbols for our diverse community.
Tens of thousands of Salvadoran immigrants and their children, friends and neighbors joined in the seventh annual “Salvadoran Day in Los Angeles” celebration Aug. 6-7 at Exposition Park here.
Alongside traditional folk attire were many T-shirts of Latino and North American music groups, as well as of Che Guevara and the left-progressive FMLN movement, which led the revolutionary struggle in El Salvador in the 1980s and ’90s. The FMLN remains the main opposition party in El Salvador today.
Newly inaugurated Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa was warmly greeted by the crowd. His election as the city’s first Latino mayor in over a century provided added cause for celebration.
Supporters of the People’s Weekly World/Nuestro Mundo handed out copies of the paper, and while they were doing so this reporter interviewed a few participants about the situations facing Salvadorans today.
L.A. transportation head is 1st executive to resign under new mayor
In the first departure of a major City Hall executive since Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa took office, Department of Transportation General Manager Wayne Tanda announced Wednesday he will resign his post.
This article is found at:
anons 9:32, 9:52, 10:30 --- For some reason, Pachueco as CD14 CM pushed Olvera Street (the city dept. & the merchants) to de-emphasize their traditional celebration of Cinco de Mayo in favor of the 16th of September, to be more in line with what they do in Mexico and what the Mex gov. wants.
Cinco de Mayo, whatever its commercialism and other faults, has become much more the home-grown Latino holiday. El Grito on the other hand is full of official Mexican nationalism and is co-sponsored with the Mex. gov. You can just ask the Mexican Consulate which one THEY prefer to celebrate.
Cowboys and Indians
Gene Autry vs. Southwest Museum: Piracy or preservation?
Mexico's Punta Colonet project also would create a new city in Baja California
This will help the cartel smuggle more illegals and the drugs across the borders using "lanchas" small water vessels from this port to a U.S. port undetected. The fishermen in Baja California do this, do you think they really sell fish/langosta/lobster from their ice coolers, then you don't really know anything. The drug is placed inside the fish or lobster, sold in the area. Or transported through this fisherman by boats with illegals across the sea to other ports, camouflaging into the Southern California beaches as residents...why is our government keeping this hush, hush. Report any suspicions or names of cartel people to Homeland Security.
It is sad that American citizens who have latino ancestry cover up or are involved in this mess, they will not tell on their relatives who live in Baja California and are involved in this criminal activity. How many of you paisanos know or have relatives that smuggle drugs/illegals? Many.
If you know something, we have a right to report it.
Mailing Address:
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, D.C. 20528
Citizen Line:
Operator Number: 202-282-8000
Comment Line: 202-282-8495
commonground posted on 08/04/05 at 02:41 PM
From: "armonguerra"
Subject: Re: LA City Mayor Running for (or running) CD14?
I think you are right on most of your points. Our Mayor announced that Mr. Huizar would be part of his team (read: co-opted). I want Mr. Huizar to be on his own team and not carry the Mayor's water.
In my humble opinion, Mr. Huizar has not distinguished himself as President of the LAUSD Board. I hope that a candidate that cares about the community will step up and revive this community/district. I want a maverick, not the status quo.
Amado Guerra
commonground posted on 08/04/05 at 02:42 PM
From: "Robert Urteaga"
The man (Jose Huizar) your organization endorsed (Northeast Progressive Alliance) was the first to spread falsehood in this campaign.
You are right, he was born in Zacatecas, Mexico. But on his "Official" Campaign Flyers they say he was born and raised in the 14th Council District. Which on is it? Was he born in Mexico or 14th Council District? To my knowledge, they still have not been corrected.
I can name many falsehoods people have put up here about Councilman Nick Pacheco but you sure let those go by without a comment. Some of which include his stance on the ICO, if he created the CLARTS amenities fund, that he re-districted Antonio Villaraigosa out of CD14, etc., etc.
Huizar is misleading constituents. We should work to correct this issue first before moving on.
- Robert
commonground posted on 08/04/05 at 02:44 PM
From: Eliot Sekuler
The Jose Huizar for City Council campaign flyer I'm reading at this moment says quite clearly, "born in Zacatecas, Mexico and raised in Boyle Heights." What could be more clear? And more to the point, what possible motive would a candidate have to obscure
those facts?
I believe Jose is rightfully proud of his immigrant background, a background that is shared by many CD 14 constituents.
--Eliot Sekuler
commonground posted on 08/04/05 at 02:46 PM
From: "Robert Urteaga"
You make a great point! Why would someone want to distort the facts?
The flyer I have says he was born and raised in CD14. It was being passed out around four weeks ago in Eagle Rock.
I can fax it to you or give you the original so you can take a look at it.
You should check with the Huizar camp to see if this is correct or not. If they corrected it already then they should say so and let people know what happened.
- Robert
commonground posted on 08/05/05 at 01:24 PM
From: Eliot Sekuler
Again, I'm looking at flyers that say "born in Zacatecas, Mexico and raised in Boyle Heights." Why wouldn't someone be proud of coming to the U.S. as a poor immigrant kid and earning a scholarship to Princeton? Jose's accomplishments are all the more
impressive in the light of his immigrant background, and the campaign isn't shy about pointing that out.
--Eliot Sekuler
commonground posted on 08/05/05 at 01:27 PM
Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2005 09:47:44 -0700
From: "Robert Urteaga"
Glad to see we are on the same page. I couldn't agree with you more.
Why would the Huizar Campaign send out mixed messages?
Looks like you have one version and I have another.
I will carry the original so when I see you in person I can show you my version.
Maybe they cleaned up the earlier version to the one you have.
You should ask them if they did so or not.
Lake Monster 8
Rec & Parks 0
Regarding Eliot Sekuler, Robert Urteaga, and Jose Huizar's birthplace, now I know how the Pacheco campaign spends its time!
Spreading the truth and stopping the lies.
wHy jeulos about the MERCEDEZ
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